Global Warming is political "science" and politicians need a question put to them

Well, in that case we need $76 trillion worth of windmills.
Wind is a bust. Go solar, geothermal, fusion and biofuels.
Natural climate change could make it very difficult to support eight billion humans.

Natural climate change has caused extinctions of many species.

However, as you said, humans as a species can survive climate change because we are able to adapt and we can use technology to provide for our needs. Maybe not in the same numbers as we have now but we will survive.

This AGW is a bunch of horseshit. No science to it.
We can't change the natural global climate and we couldn't if we tried...I dare anyone here to find me the evidence that we can....just one belch from a volcano makes the carbon sky is falling crowd look ridiculous....
Biofuels? Tell me more!
Not for electricity, but for transportation and to eventually replace some petroleum-based products.

Biofuels are not yet ready to support a viable economic system, but the the research aims to increase qualities, yields, processes, in the sense of economic viability. Given the environmental cost of fossil fuels, biofuels are not an option, but a necessity, for which the best solutions and trade-offs will have to be found. In this regard, the development of algae-based biofuels is one aspect of the implementation of algae-based solutions for agri-food, animal nutrition, cosmetics, biomedicine and green chemistry .
Not for electricity, but for transportation and to eventually replace some petroleum-based products.

Biofuels are not yet ready to support a viable economic system, but the the research aims to increase qualities, yields, processes, in the sense of economic viability. Given the environmental cost of fossil fuels, biofuels are not an option, but a necessity, for which the best solutions and trade-offs will have to be found. In this regard, the development of algae-based biofuels is one aspect of the implementation of algae-based solutions for agri-food, animal nutrition, cosmetics, biomedicine and green chemistry .

So what are we talking, $20....$30 a gallon? More?
For ref. ...

Earth Holds Some Strange Secrets, and We’re Reminding You About 20 of Them​

Fuel is so scarce people lost their lives trying to get a gallon of it.

The end of oil is here, now, noy sometime down the road.

An oil tanker explodes in Sierra Leone, killing at least 92 and injuring dozens

November 6, 20217:36 AM ET

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone — An oil tanker exploded near Sierra Leone's capital, killing at least 92 people and severely injuring dozens of others after large crowds gathered to collect leaking fuel, officials and witnesses said Saturday.

The explosion took place late Friday after a bus struck the tanker in Wellington, a suburb just to the east of Freetown.

The mortuary at Connaught Hospital reported 92 bodies had been brought in by Saturday morning. About 30 severely burned victims were not expected to survive, according to staff member Foday Musa.

Injured people whose clothes had burned off in the fire that followed the explosion lay naked on stretchers as nurses attended to them Saturday.


But CO2? Having said that....

The US has decreased carbon emissions significantly over the last 30-40 years, and yet.......?

Russia, China, India, what have they done? Laughed at us.
That's when you know it's all BS, and it's a redistribution of wealth gimmick.
But CO2? Having said that....

The US has decreased carbon emissions significantly over the last 30-40 years, and yet.......?

Russia, China, India, what have they done? Laughed at us.
That's when you know it's all BS, and it's a redistribution of wealth gimmick.
OK, we have decreased emissions. But we are still #2 after China. Hardly anything to brag about.
OK, we have decreased emissions. But we are still #2 after China. Hardly anything to brag about.
I guess we could just stop the economy, right, commie?
Hey, if China, India, and Russia aren't going to step up, why should we sacrifice
our economy? We could shut down and it wouldn't make a rats ass difference, let that sink
in before you say something more that is stupid.
This is just pathetic.

Science went out with journalism here in America, it was "canceled." Global Warming is 100% politics and 0% science. That is why this topic is here.

There is a question the warmers cannot answer, the media will not ask, and the politicians pushing algore's fraud want censored. Fox will not ask it. Ted Cruz will not ask it. Why, because it flat out destroys the argument that Co2 causes climate change... and hence the credibility of the entire "news" media and the liars behind the fraud.

The warmers want you to believe Co2 is the driving variable behind Earth climate change. IT is not. The data never supported that conclusion. What causes Earth climate change is precisely what the past million years of Northern Hemisphere history tells us....

What did North America (NA) look like 1 million years ago?

See the source image

See the source image

All of Canada down through Indiana was covered in mile plus think ice 1 million years ago, the "North American Ice Age" (notice it is continent specific).

Now, in the first image, Greenland is frozen a million years ago ..... but was it?????????

"Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

The oldest ever recovered DNA samples have been collected from under more than a mile of Greenland ice, and their analysis suggests the island was much warmer during the last Ice Age than previously thought.

The DNA is proof that sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forest that was home to alder, spruce and pine trees, as well as insects such as butterflies and beetles.


During the Past 1 million years, Greenland FROZE while North America thawed, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of Co2 in the atmosphere



Not one of the people here or in DC pushing algore's fraud can answer that. Clearly, the atmosphere did not cause it. Hence, Co2 had nothing to do with it....

So I ask, everyone here, before we bilk the taxpayer out of trillions more for algore's fraud, why do not we insist these thieving fudge baking liars answer that question before one more dime is spent on their phony theory and their anti-american fascist agenda....
Correct. The public are lead to believe that 440ppm co2 is too great and if the planet heats up by 3c, it's the end of civilization.

Before the political science, science concluded that in the Cretaceous period, it was 2,400pm co2 and so 4c warmer than today, on average. But why didn't life evaporate? In fact, it flourished, so much so, this was the period in the earth's history the dinosaurs apparently flourished. It took a meteorite to wipe them out.

So where does manmade climate change come into this? Did science for donkey years get it wrong, or is the science of today motivated by something else!! 💰
I'm not talking predictions of warming temps...that's a 50/50 bet that anyone can make...I'm talking about predictions of doom...end of the world stuff we keep hearing...none of them have materialized....we can handle this without ruining our lives...and giving up our freedom...don't let the governments of the world and the UN use this as a tool against you....even the massive storm season this year wasn't anything we haven't seen before....
Oh it's starting to materialize in coastal cities, some island locals, in unprecedented extreme drought and/or flooding in parts of the world that obviously does not directly affect you and me.

Mind you, just because we don't have some movie sci-fi action going on doesn't meat dire circumstances are manifesting themselves.
Oh it's starting to materialize in coastal cities, some island locals, in unprecedented extreme drought and/or flooding in parts of the world that obviously does not directly affect you and me.

Mind you, just because we don't have some movie sci-fi action going on doesn't meat dire circumstances are manifesting themselves.
Links please....
TheDefiantOne said:
Oh it's starting to materialize in coastal cities, some island locals, in unprecedented extreme drought and/or flooding in parts of the world that obviously does not directly affect you and me.

Mind you, just because we don't have some movie sci-fi action going on doesn't mean dire circumstances are not manifesting themselves.

Links please....

The Health Effects Of Global Warming: Developing Countries Are The Most Vulnerable​

Which countries are most threatened by and vulnerable to climate change?​

Study: Climate change main cause of extreme wildfire conditions in U.S. West​


The Health Effects Of Global Warming: Developing Countries Are The Most Vulnerable​

Which countries are most threatened by and vulnerable to climate change?​

Study: Climate change main cause of extreme wildfire conditions in U.S. West​

Infectious diseases....Heatwaves....Loss of agricultural productivity....Asthma and other respiratory diseases....
Are you kidding??? we have always had these things...find me an island that's underwater or an extinct polar bear population or any other Al Gore type of doomsday prediction...none of them have materialized...not one....we have always had heatwaves fires cold snaps tornados hurricanes snow storms lighting thunder and flooding...
In 1821 a hurricane destroyed NY...wildfires in the early 1900's almost took out Oregon's some of your own research and stop letting people with an agenda do it for you...especially when that agenda harms your way of only have one....
Infectious diseases....Heatwaves....Loss of agricultural productivity....Asthma and other respiratory diseases....
Are you kidding??? we have always had these things...find me an island that's underwater or an extinct polar bear population or any other Al Gore type of doomsday prediction...none of them have materialized...not one....we have always had heatwaves fires cold snaps tornados hurricanes snow storms lighting thunder and flooding...
In 1821 a hurricane destroyed NY...wildfires in the early 1900's almost took out Oregon's some of your own research and stop letting people with an agenda do it for you...especially when that agenda harms your way of only have one....
Pay attention: the articles are pointing to an unnatural INCREASE in such things due to increase in severe/extreme weather due to over 2 centuries of increased industrialization/deforestation/urbanization and the waste they produce. Obviously, you didn't read carefully and just parrot talking points of limited scope.
Pay attention: the articles are pointing to an unnatural INCREASE in such things due to increase in severe/extreme weather due to over 2 centuries of increased industrialization/deforestation/urbanization and the waste they produce. Obviously, you didn't read carefully and just parrot talking points of limited scope.
Nothing we can't deal with...instead of ruining the American economy with radical fixes to something we don't even fully understand maybe we should place our priorities into adjusting and improvising with the conditions we face....both of which takes monetary investments...and we need a growing economy to do that...
Besides until you get China and India and other developing nations to go along the whole thing its a joke anyway...and ultimately just a burden on usual.....when dems run things...

The Health Effects Of Global Warming: Developing Countries Are The Most Vulnerable​

Which countries are most threatened by and vulnerable to climate change?​

Study: Climate change main cause of extreme wildfire conditions in U.S. West​


1,246 deaths? That's awful!!!

How many would have happened without the extra CO2?
We can't change the natural global climate and we couldn't if we tried...I dare anyone here to find me the evidence that we can....just one belch from a volcano makes the carbon sky is falling crowd look ridiculous....
Really trying to prove you are one fucked up ignoramus, eh? Here is what the USGS says about that;

Do the Earth's volcanoes emit more CO2 than human activities? No.​

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas and is the primary gas blamed for climate change. While sulfur dioxide released in contemporary volcanic eruptions has occasionally caused detectable global cooling of the lower atmosphere, the carbon dioxide released in contemporary volcanic eruptions has never caused detectable global warming of the atmosphere. In 2010, human activities were responsible for a projected 35 billion metric tons (gigatons) of CO2 emissions. All studies to date of global volcanic carbon dioxide emissions indicate that present-day subaerial and submarine volcanoes release less than a percent of the carbon dioxide released currently by human activities. While it has been proposed that intense volcanic release of carbon dioxide in the deep geologic past did cause global warming, and possibly some mass extinctions, this is a topic of scientific debate at present.


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