Global Warming is Really “Global Weirding”

Yes, global warming could very well be described as global weirding, for the disruption of accepted weather patterns does strike a lot of people as weird.
disruption of weather patterns? What the hell does that mean? Can you articulate what you mean by disruptive weather?

Or do you mean tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and stuff? natural weather? I see no disruption, they still occur.
Perhaps you think that fires so intense that they do not fight them as forest fires, they just try to save towns, small cities, and the farms and ranches. Perhaps you think that three major flooding events in one year over most of Texas is the norm. Perhaps you think that a major drought over Oregon and Washington is the norm. People like you are political fools. You value your idiotic ideology so much that you completely ignore reality.
dude, that has been explained to you in multiple threads. If you choose to ignore them, it makes little sense to post a response to you since you ignore the information within the post. Just know, climate change/ global warming does not start a fire. And, until you produce evidence that it can, your posts on the subject matter is useless to this thread and crowd. FYI, you're nuts.

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Yes, global warming could very well be described as global weirding, for the disruption of accepted weather patterns does strike a lot of people as weird.
disruption of weather patterns? What the hell does that mean? Can you articulate what you mean by disruptive weather?

Or do you mean tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and stuff? natural weather? I see no disruption, they still occur.
Perhaps you think that fires so intense that they do not fight them as forest fires, they just try to save towns, small cities, and the farms and ranches. Perhaps you think that three major flooding events in one year over most of Texas is the norm. Perhaps you think that a major drought over Oregon and Washington is the norm. People like you are political fools. You value your idiotic ideology so much that you completely ignore reality.
dude, that has been explained to you in multiple threads. If you choose to ignore them, it makes little sense to post a response to you since you ignore the information within the post. Just know, climate change/ global warming does not start a fire. And, until you produce evidence that it can, your posts on the subject matter is useless to this thread and crowd. FYI, you're nuts.
Know from what? An ignorant ass that has demonstrated his ignorance with every post? If an area that has had, for centuries, enough precipitation to sustain dense forest is in drought condition for a few years, that area is ripe for fires. Add a summer with dry lightning and high winds, and you have catastrophic conditions. And that is what we had in Oregon, Washington, and Alaska this summer. And the fires were truly catastrophic.
Scotty’s Castle, one of the most popular landmarks in Death Valley National Park, will be closed for at least a year because of an Oct. 18 flash flood that sent a raging river of water and mud through the park.

Hardest hit was Grapevine Canyon, the home of Scotty’s Castle at the northern end of the 5,270-square-mile park, which is only slightly smaller than the state of Connecticut.

The Oct. 18 storm dumped 2.7 inches of rain, more than the region typically gets in a year.

1,000-Year Storm, Flash Flooding in Death Valley Prompt Closure of Scotty's Castle

How many more 1000 year storms in how many more places do we have to see before the yahoos admit that things have changed a bit?
Scotty’s Castle, one of the most popular landmarks in Death Valley National Park, will be closed for at least a year because of an Oct. 18 flash flood that sent a raging river of water and mud through the park.

Hardest hit was Grapevine Canyon, the home of Scotty’s Castle at the northern end of the 5,270-square-mile park, which is only slightly smaller than the state of Connecticut.

The Oct. 18 storm dumped 2.7 inches of rain, more than the region typically gets in a year.

1,000-Year Storm, Flash Flooding in Death Valley Prompt Closure of Scotty's Castle

How many more 1000 year storms in how many more places do we have to see before the yahoos admit that things have changed a bit?

How many times we got to tell you ignorant ass holes that man doesn't cause these events and the earths climate has chagned cyclically since the earths atmosphere stabilized over 450 billion years ago?

Come on old fraud... tell us some more hyped up lies about how man has caused this.... then show me your proof liar!
Oh silly Billy, why don't you tell your idiocy to the people in Texas that just got hit again with major flooding? How many times does that make this year? Or the people in South Carolina that have over 50 bridges to replace, and nearly 200 roads severely damaged or closed because of flooding? No, man does not cause El Nino's. They are a natural event. However, the increased intensity of the present El Nino and those to come can be attributed to the warming of the ocean, which is an affect of the increased amount of GHGs we have put into the atmosphere.
Oh silly Billy, why don't you tell your idiocy to the people in Texas that just got hit again with major flooding? How many times does that make this year? Or the people in South Carolina that have over 50 bridges to replace, and nearly 200 roads severely damaged or closed because of flooding? No, man does not cause El Nino's. They are a natural event. However, the increased intensity of the present El Nino and those to come can be attributed to the warming of the ocean, which is an affect of the increased amount of GHGs we have put into the atmosphere.

In other words you got nothin... No empirical evidence of anything..

Thanks for playing..

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