Global warming is speeding up.

The proportionality between CO2 concentration and temperature is indeed logarithmic. Unfortunately, the growth of CO2 in the atmosphere has been taking place at a logarithmic pace of a sufficient power to more than overcome the restraints of that relationship. CO2 is increasing quickly enough that temperature increases will ALSO be logarithmic.

That's an interesting claim.

Did you come up with it on your own?
I saw some climate scientist saying this on the news last night. That the earth is not just getting warmer, but the rate at which it is getting warmer is accelerating. Though this isn't news to me. The only question is how bad will things get before people start doing something about it. I am reminded of a lyric by Janis Joplin. "Freedom's (survival) just another word for nothing left to lose." I wouldn't expect our corporate government to do much. I also saw on the news last night that Biden signed some mandate or something saying that by the year 2050, all cars are going to have to be electric. But the way things are looking, it is doubtful there will be any people around to drive them. And they're supposed to have all electric cars in the U.S. But what about the rest of the increasingly overpopulating and "migrating" world.
Well since we ARENT warming up-----zero is still zero. We remain in the normal range for climate...only local weather is rising which is do to things like asphalt and concert being put up-------cut population cut the expansion of these true warmers.
You mean models. I know that, 30 years ago when you were allegedly in the field of geology, computing was not so good. But the science has long since passed you by. Thats why the USGS endorses the consensus, while old washed up geologists sit at home on the outside looking in.

But you make sure to sit there on your ass when a computer model tells us a hurricane is going to hit you. Stand by your horseshit. Crack a beer and sit on your porch like the fool you are.

Show the class a single computer model that can recreate, accurately, the weather from one day ago.

Once again, MODELS ARE NOT DATA. It doesn't matter how advanced they are, and climate models are primitive compared to the CFD models I used,
Show the class a single computer model that can recreate, accurately, the weather from one day ago.

Once again, MODELS ARE NOT DATA. It doesn't matter how advanced they are, and climate models are primitive compared to the CFD models I used,
I am quite certain that you do not know enough about current climate models to make any informed comment about their characteristics. And the output of models is most certainly data. I think you meant to say they aren't EMPIRICAL data, but you left out that critical adjective.

As to your CFD models, what systems were you modeling and what was the finest granularity you ever achieved?
I am quite certain that you do not know enough about current climate models to make any informed comment about their characteristics. And the output of models is most certainly data. I think you meant to say they aren't EMPIRICAL data, but you left out that critical adjective.

As to your CFD models, what systems were you modeling and what was the finest granularity you ever achieved?

Oh, you would be wrong. It was for aviation purposes and is covered by non disclosure so you will just have to stew on it.

But let's compare to modern Formula 1 racing models. They are the most complex, expensive, and accurate modeling systems in the world. They regularly partner with aviation companies to help design aircraft upgrades.

In other words, these models HAVE to be good, because lives, and company fortunes depend on them.

In the F1 world though, they are used to redesign aerodynamic parts of the race car. They are searching for hundredths of a second speed increases.

They run the models 24/7 and will run the designs thousands of times before they come up with one that shows an improvement.

They will then actually build that part, and put it on the car and test it in a wind tunnel.

990 times out of a 1000, the model was wrong, and the part is no better than what they already have.

The climate models that your heroes use are not just primitive compared to the F1 models, they are pre historic.

In other words. They are less then useless.
Oh, you would be wrong. It was for aviation purposes and is covered by non disclosure so you will just have to stew on it.

But let's compare to modern Formula 1 racing models. They are the most complex, expensive, and accurate modeling systems in the world. They regularly partner with aviation companies to help design aircraft upgrades.

In other words, these models HAVE to be good, because lives, and company fortunes depend on them.

In the F1 world though, they are used to redesign aerodynamic parts of the race car. They are searching for hundredths of a second speed increases.

They run the models 24/7 and will run the designs thousands of times before they come up with one that shows an improvement.

They will then actually build that part, and put it on the car and test it in a wind tunnel.

990 times out of a 1000, the model was wrong, and the part is no better than what they already have.

The climate models that your heroes use are not just primitive compared to the F1 models, they are pre historic.

In other words. They are less then useless.
A few things. You're looking at air passing over a body. I would be exceedingly surprised if you were looking at parameters such as condensation, evaporation, precipitation, freezing, thawing, air-liquid and air-solid interfaces, cloud cover and other parameters completely irrelevant to the examination of a few inches of air passing over a fuselage looking for drag and pressure drops. You do not have an ocean nor lakes nor the north and south poles ice to concern yourself with. I also have a rather obvious doubt that modeling a car or an airplane would necessitate using as many cells as a modern global climate model would employ. So, based on all that, I find your claim that the CFD models you used to work on were more complex than modern global climate models a rather pathetic lie.
A few things. You're looking at air passing over a body. I would be exceedingly surprised if you were looking at parameters such as condensation, evaporation, precipitation, freezing, thawing, air-liquid and air-solid interfaces, cloud cover and other parameters completely irrelevant to the examination of a few inches of air passing over a fuselage looking for drag and pressure drops. You do not have an ocean nor lakes nor the north and south poles ice to concern yourself with. I also have a rather obvious doubt that modeling a car or an airplane would necessitate using as many cells as a modern global climate model would employ. So, based on all that, I find your claim that the CFD models you used to work on were more complex than modern global climate models a rather pathetic lie.

Yes, the most complex models in the world look at 7 to 10 variables, and are wrong 99.9% of the time.

Your claim that the beyond primitive models that climatologists use are somehow more accurate, is LAUGHABLE.
So what parameters were your CFD models looking at and how many cells did they use? You're the one who just claimed that modern climate models were primitive compared to the CFDs you used to run. Let's hear your proof.

Or your retraction.
So what parameters were your CFD models looking at and how many cells did they use? You're the one who just claimed that modern climate models were primitive compared to the CFDs you used to run. Let's hear your proof.

Or your retraction.

No, I was comparing them to modern F1 CFD models. Far more complex than what I was using, and orders of magnitude better than any of the crap the climatologists use.
No, I was comparing them to modern F1 CFD models. Far more complex than what I was using, and orders of magnitude better than any of the crap the climatologists use.
You said (emphases mine) "It doesn't matter how advanced they are, and climate models are primitive compared to the CFD models I used,"

So there seems to be a conflict between these two statements as to your own involvement. And, again, I have to ask on what do you base this comment that climate models are primitive?
You said (emphases mine) "It doesn't matter how advanced they are, and climate models are primitive compared to the CFD models I used,"

So there seems to be a conflict between these two statements as to your own involvement. And, again, I have to ask on what do you base this comment that climate models are primitive?

Probably because compared to any CFD model the climate models are crap. I am showing how low a success rate THE BEST IN THE WORLD have, and you keep ignoring that.


Because if you acknowledge the low success rate that the best have, you have NO defense for the shit models the climatologists use.

Thus you desperately deflect.
Because humans only live 75 years. Its about the well being of the human race. And when you say dumb things like in your post, keep in mind that the scientists who discovered and taught you all of that are the ones sounding the alarm on climate change. So surely you can realize how stupid you sound to imply that they are laboring under the ignorance of their own life's work.
If you don't mind me saying, I bet you use items that produced co2 and fossil fuels. I'm sure you walk everywhere as even EV's just reduce your co2 footprint slightly. I'm sure you avoid anything plastic, tarmac, concrete and lime. I'm sure you avoid such products that are welded since argon/co2 mix is often used.

I'm definitely sure you're one of these self righteous alarmists that's an utter dateless fuckwit oblivious to their surroundings but feel qualified about co2.
If you don't mind me saying, I bet you use items that produced co2 and fossil fuels. I'm sure you walk everywhere as even EV's just reduce your co2 footprint slightly. I'm sure you avoid anything plastic, tarmac, concrete and lime. I'm sure you avoid such products that are welded since argon/co2 mix is often used.

I'm definitely sure you're one of these self righteous alarmists that's an utter dateless fuckwit oblivious to their surroundings but feel qualified about co2.

Fort fun is so stupid he doesn't even know HE expels over 1000 pounds of CO2 every year.

If he wants to stop CO2 he should stop breathing.

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