Global warming is speeding up.

Michael Mann did ok.

He even won the Nobel Prize...........right?

I don't know who that is. And if he won a Noble Prize over something to do with HCGW, it must because the really smart people thought he was right.
I don't know who that is. And if he won a Noble Prize over something to do with HCGW, it must because the really smart people thought he was right.

I don't know who that is.

He's one of the guys who made money claiming AGW is a thing.

And if he won a Noble Prize over something to do with HCGW, it must because the really smart people thought he was right.

More likely, he's a liar.
It does no good pointing at extremes. And retreating glaciers aren't good either. There are a lot of people who depend on them for water.

It does no good pointing at extremes.

You didn't want warming to be reversed, rapidly?

And retreating glaciers aren't good either.

So the only thing that works is an unchanging climate?
I don't know who that is.

He's one of the guys who made money claiming AGW is a thing.

And if he won a Noble Prize over something to do with HCGW, it must because the really smart people thought he was right.

More likely, he's a liar.

Made money how. In doing his job? And other scientists would be the best judges as to whether or not he was telling lies.
It does no good pointing at extremes.

You didn't want warming to be reversed, rapidly?

And retreating glaciers aren't good either.

So the only thing that works is an unchanging climate?

Yes. Reversed rapidly to what it was 100 years ago. Not to what it was 30,000 years ago.
Yes. Reversed rapidly to what it was 100 years ago. Not to what it was 30,000 years ago.
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs was a film with a fictional storyline. If you think you're going to play God and have everyday sunshine and rainbows by trying to control the weather, you better go and seek psychiatric help.
That isn't the point. The point is that human caused global warming is accelerating. As for 6000 years ago, I don't know. Maybe something bad did happen. Maybe there were more deserts. Or maybe there were more clouds in the atmosphere to block the sunlight. The thing is that right now things are rapidly changing. Especially human population levels. That's not good.

Wrong. The point is there is ZERO evidence that man is doing anything. ZERO. But even if he were, there is no cause for panic as the global warming cult members are wont to do. We have plenty of paleontological evidence that shows nothing bad happened back then. We have historical data that when it is warmer it is better. Every time the climate has been warm over the last three thousand years, there has been civilization advancements. Every. Single. Time. Roman warming period, Medieval warming period, etc. When it has been cold, it is the opposite, the 6th century climate catastrophe brought us the Dark Ages, as an example. This is all verifiable fact.

You trot out computer model derived fiction and somehow think it is meaningful.

It isn't. Computer models do NOT give us facts. They give us fiction.

Learn the difference.
If CO2 wasn't making temperatures rise, what was. For the most part, the sun's output has been the same. From time to time there has been a slight deviation in the earth's orbit. As well as the tilt in its axis. But non of that is going on with what is causing CO2 and temperatures to rise today.

Ummmm, this thing...

No, that was fascism. Dumbass. That was corporations, buying politicians to steal from the taxpayers.
That has NOTHING to do with capitalism you moron.
if the gentlemen who dream of the return of "good old capitalism with" free and fair " competition really wanted to fight climate change, they would first of all abolish capitalism, in which a wild amount of resources is diverted to parasitic consumption and the whims of the bourgeois, and the distribution of resources in material production is idiotic
A similar product is "conceived" and produced by hundreds of enterprises, of which 90% are unprofitable in the process and burn up, heating the atmosphere. Remember at least that waste paper, in the form of junk mail ads, which you rake out of your mailboxes every day, do you feel sorry for the trees that were killed for this?
if the gentlemen who dream of the return of "good old capitalism with" free and fair " competition really wanted to fight climate change, they would first of all abolish capitalism, in which a wild amount of resources is diverted to parasitic consumption and the whims of the bourgeois, and the distribution of resources in material production is idiotic
A similar product is "conceived" and produced by hundreds of enterprises, of which 90% are unprofitable in the process and burn up, heating the atmosphere. Remember at least that waste paper, in the form of junk mail ads, which you rake out of your mailboxes every day, do you feel sorry for the trees that were killed for this?

You idiots truly are worthless. Mankind was able to claw itself out of a two tier class system thanks to capitalism.

For thousands of years you have had the ruling class, and the serfs.

You fucking idiots want to return mankind to bondage.

No matter how hard a death you suffer, it won't be enough.
Mankind was able to claw itself out of a two tier class system thanks to capitalism.
If you think that there are no classes under capitalism, you are either a fool or a scoundrel, who is personally interested in the continuation of the existence of usurious capitalism. Maybe you are both cases.
Julian Assange speaking in 2011: "The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war".
This is the essence of your modern capitalism.

I think many fans of capitalism think: That's good! The more the capitalists steal, the more likely it is that they will share a little with me (trickle down). Moreover, they rob mainly some natives in Africa and Asia. After all, we have democracy and prosperity. That's all that matters.
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