Global warming is speeding up.


like it has been for billions of years

Every year, all the volcanoes on earth release around 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere. Each year, the activities of humans are responsible for the release of around 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2. Only an idiot could think that isn't going to make a difference. Then there is the release of methane to take into consideration. It is around 85 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. I have a graph for that too. Amazingly, despite all the methane release from thawing tundra or melting methane hydrate ice in the sea, humans are responsible for the release of around 60% of it.

"You don't get ahead without screwing other people over" is a fake meme. NOBODY, not even your friends really want you to excel because, it hurts their egos. You will be told 'you can't make any money doing that' or something similar to make sure you stay at the same level. Wages are higher in CA and lots of people live there.

Oh, you didn't like the Andrew Carnegie example? How about the coal miners in Appalachia who as Tennessee Ernie Ford put it in one of his songs, "I owe my soul to the company store." And as to what the average worker makes in California makes, I doubt if it is anything near even $20.00 an hour. Not too long ago they tried to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. It didn't go very far.
I agreed that there is plenty of data...It's just a lot of it is bad, and then a lot thrown out before calculating the stats. Also, there is virtually no data for 1880 back. Do you even read posts?

Yes. I read your crap. Don't always expect me to reply to crap. There are many scientists that make measurements of what the atmosphere was. Ice cores aren't the only way. There are also geological and biological proxies that scientists in those areas of science use.
Oh, you didn't like the Andrew Carnegie example? How about the coal miners in Appalachia who as Tennessee Ernie Ford put it in one of his songs, "I owe my soul to the company store." And as to what the average worker makes in California makes, I doubt if it is anything near even $20.00 an hour. Not too long ago they tried to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. It didn't go very far.
Oh stuff it. I started out making $7.50 an hour years ago. I worked at several factory jobs over the years, Now I own my own business and make anywhere from $150 to $200 or more an hour. I live in CA too. So.....Stop generalizing, get off your ass, get to work and stop whining. You are not entitled to anything in America but the opportunity that exists. But, I bet you'd rather get a government handout...right?
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Oh stuff it. I started out making $7.50 an hour years ago. I worked at several factory jobs over the years, Now I own my own business and make anywhere from $150 to $200 and hour. I live in CA too. So.....Stop generalizing, get off your ass, get to work and stop whining. You are not entitled to anything in America but the opportunity that exists. But, I bet you'd rather get a government handout...right?

Yeah. And when I was a kid I used to have to walk 3 miles through 3 feet of snow every day to school. And it was uphill both ways!
Yeah. And when I was a kid I used to have to walk 3 miles through 3 feet of snow every day to school. And it was uphill both ways!
I walked, rode my bike to school in the rain and wind. No snow where I lived. My High School was on a hill as well and I walked up and down that hill every day AFTER track practice. However, that was not my point and you know it. You just had no retort to what I posted so you decided to 'go low' deflect and try to obfuscate. Typical of a loser.
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Every year, all the volcanoes on earth release around 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere. Each year, the activities of humans are responsible for the release of around 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2. Only an idiot could think that isn't going to make a difference. Then there is the release of methane to take into consideration. It is around 85 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. I have a graph for that too. Amazingly, despite all the methane release from thawing tundra or melting methane hydrate ice in the sea, humans are responsible for the release of around 60% of it.

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Of course. We're polluting.

The biggest problem is we don't know the impact of what we're doing. Temperatures and CO2 rose in the past without human intervention. Why? The planet didn't die then, the planet reached a peak and then dropped dramatically. Why?

The biggest issue here is that this is the only planet we've got. We know the planet has a balance, and more importantly we know that humans need to live within certain conditions to be comfortable.

We are balance based humans. Too much sun, we die of cancer. Too little sun, we die of cancer. Too much water, we drown, too little water and we die of thirst.

So, we SHOULD BE taking care of our planet because it's our home.

This is the problem I have with the man made climate change arguments. They're not based on reality. So they're easy for people to dismiss.

It didn't take what the scientist said for me to know that human global warming was accelerating. First of all, given methane release, it is obvious that the warmer it gets, the more of it will be released. Making things get hotter faster. According to one website I was looking at, they said that methane was about 85 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Also, where there is less ice, the earth will absorb more solar radiation. You don't need a computer to figure that out. Another thing is that a few years back I remember seeing something where scientists said that the oceans were 60% warmer than they predicted they would be. And for one particular glacier, it was melting 10 times faster than what scientists predicted it would. What caused these things? A speeding up of human caused global warming.

It didn't take what the scientist said for me to know that human global warming was accelerating. First of all, given methane release, it is obvious that the warmer it gets, the more of it will be released. Making things get hotter faster. According to one website I was looking at, they said that methane was about 85 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Also, where there is less ice, the earth will absorb more solar radiation. You don't need a computer to figure that out. Another thing is that a few years back I remember seeing something where scientists said that the oceans were 60% warmer than they predicted they would be. And for one particular glacier, it was melting 10 times faster than what scientists predicted it would. What caused these things? A speeding up of human caused global warming.

Why did nothing bad happen 6000 years ago when the temps were much higher than now?

What is so magical about today?

The only thing I can absolutely prove, is these people pushing this narrative stand to make a lot of money off of it.

It's difficult to say what brought about the end of the last ice age. It may have been due to continental drift and the formation of central America. Causing a shift in ocean currents. But scientists know without a doubt that the more CO2 there is, the more heat the earth traps. And since the beginning of the industrial revolution, it has been rising. And the closer to our time it gets, the more rapid that increase has been.

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It didn't take what the scientist said for me to know that human global warming was accelerating. First of all, given methane release, it is obvious that the warmer it gets, the more of it will be released. Making things get hotter faster. According to one website I was looking at, they said that methane was about 85 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Also, where there is less ice, the earth will absorb more solar radiation. You don't need a computer to figure that out. Another thing is that a few years back I remember seeing something where scientists said that the oceans were 60% warmer than they predicted they would be. And for one particular glacier, it was melting 10 times faster than what scientists predicted it would. What caused these things? A speeding up of human caused global warming.

I'm certain that your opinion is valuable but...

Every year, all the volcanoes on earth release around 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere. Each year, the activities of humans are responsible for the release of around 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2. Only an idiot could think that isn't going to make a difference. Then there is the release of methane to take into consideration. It is around 85 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. I have a graph for that too. Amazingly, despite all the methane release from thawing tundra or melting methane hydrate ice in the sea, humans are responsible for the release of around 60% of it.

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What is the source of that stupid chart? Was the data made up like most of the Environmental Wacko data that we see all the time?

The thing about confused shitheads like you (besides having the science wrong) is that you have no clue what the real problem is.

This AGW has always been bullshit. However, if it is true then it is because there are eight billion people on earth all trying to have a good quality of life. That quality of life is dependent up tremendous energy requirements.

Increased taxes, solar panels, windmills and EV will not stop soon to be ten billion people from using tremendous resources that create all kinds of emissions.

The only real solution that amounts to more than a hill of beans is to greatly reduce the human population.

Are you willing to be one of the humans that are willing to take one for the team and volunteer to be reduced?

Hell, I bet you are not even willing to turn off all your electricity and stop using using transportation.

Forests are being cut down, rivers and seas are being poisoned, the soil is being depleted, animals are being killed... At the same time, the profit goes into the pockets of capitalists, and for some reason humanity is to blame for global climate change!
Global warming is not speeding up. The AGW scam is speeding up now that we have an Environmental Wacko President and there are big bucks to be made with the scam.

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