Global warming is speeding up.


The thing is, it may not have been so if the U.S. hadn't sent so many of our manufacturing jobs to the wage slave country. With lax or nonexistent environmental standards.

No need to look this up. I will show it to you. There are many like it. From various places. Such as Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, NOAA, etc.

CO2  graph revisited.gif

I don't think the Permian extinction was caused by methane. If I recall right, it was caused mostly by a vast volcanic eruption called the Siberian Traps. And according to one program I was watching, that was caused by a recently discovered huge asteroid impact directly on the opposite side of the earth from the area. Possibly the largest asteroid impact known. And the converging shock waves in Siberia set off the Siberian Traps eruptions.

I don't think the Permian extinction was caused by methane.

Every time methane rises and ice melts, everything goes extinct, right?
Where I live it's 100's summer and it has been 100 every summer I can remember. The only thing that has changed is the addition of the 'global warming' narrative to what is a normal, cyclical climate change.

No need to look this up. I will show it to you. There are many like it. From various places. Such as Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, NOAA, etc.

View attachment 526786
.016 degress F per year (since 1940) ain't that much. That is, if the data that produced this graph is even accurate which, we have seen may not be because of various factors. Also, please note that your graph leaves out historical data from 1880 back. BTW, when was it ever -1.0 degrees F? Maybe you could 'splain that graph a bit better?

The thing is, it may not have been so if the U.S. hadn't sent so many of our manufacturing jobs to the wage slave country. With lax or nonexistent environmental standards.
You can partially thank the global warming environmentalist wank jobs for declaring manufacturing plants polluters and assigning draconian restrictions and fines on them.

From everything I have seen, it has. And here is one of many graphs for you.

CO2  graph revisited.gif

That makes sense. CO2 goes up, temperatures rise. At least that's the way things usually work.
You are confused.

There is no proof that CO2 levels at the levels we see now are causing a rise in the temperature.

There have been times when the CO2 was lower than it is now and the the earth was warmer. There have been times with the CO2 levels were higher (much higher) and the temperature was lower (much lower).

The other thing is that we have data to prove that CO2 levels usually lags temperature changes. If CO2 levels caused the temperature changes then it would be the other way around, wouldn't it?

These Environmental Wackos always forget to mention science like this.
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No. It all comes down to slavery. Which has never really went away. The average American makes around $19.00 dollars an hour. The average Chinese makes around $3.00 an hour. Obviously there is more money to be made by having the Chinese make it. All the while, the U.S. goes down the toilet. To the point that now Biden says that the most lethal threat to the U.S. are the very same kinds of people who created it.
And since the beginning of the industrial revolution, it has been rising.

You are confused.

The earth has been getting warmer since the end of the last ice age. It is a natural occurrence.

This silly ass correlation about the Industrial Revolution that is quoted all the time has no scientific validity.

First of all prior to about the mid of the last century we really had no idea what the temperature of the earth was. We had very little data from the Southern Hemisphere and a large part of Asia. Most temperature data was from big cities in Europe and the US. Hardly representative.

Second of all the clowns that quote that data have been caught red handed many times are lying about the data. They even admit it. That is why they make up and cherry pick data and their predictions never come true.

Climate change is a reality. Man made climate change is a scam.

If you fall for the scam then you are a fool.

No. It all comes down to slavery. Which has never really went away. The average American makes around $19.00 dollars an hour. The average Chinese makes around $3.00 an hour. Obviously there is more money to be made by having the Chinese make it. All the while, the U.S. goes down the toilet. To the point that now Biden says that the most lethal threat to the U.S. are the very same kinds of people who created it.
Working at a job in the U.S. is not slavery. Lots of folks in the U.S. started making meager wages but were free to enhance their wages by moving to better paying jobs and a lot of them started their own companies and flourished. That is still the case here in America.

In China, real slave labor keeps the prices of their products low and, they do not labor under the same environmental restrictions. That, combined with environmentalists and especially leftist-Democrat policies which COST companies more and more, is the reason manufacturing has moved to China.

Biden is a fool, at least Trump was making China pay.

It is a known FACT that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. But it isn't the only factor in global temperatures. What you say is true. And for most of earth's history, things have been much warmer. And who knows the various reasons why precisely. Though there is one thing that isn't in doubt. Which is the rate at which CO2 and global temperatures have been rising in the past 100 years or so. I will show you a graph of how hot things were in the past. To me, things are hot enough right now. I wasn't evolved to and I don't think I would like to live on a earth where the temperatures were as hot as they were in the past.

Historical CO2-Global Temperatures.gif

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