Global warming is speeding up.

Exactly. Who gives a shit what you have to say? I will answer! No intelligent person.

But that's too bad that you wont email the research scientist. So we can laugh at you.

Sure thing, sport. Leave it to an anti science loon, such as yourself, to ignore 200,000 years of real data.

Only a complete fool, like you, can look at real facts and then say to themselves, "nah...I am going to go with the computer derived fiction"!
Leave it to an anti science loon, such as yourself, to ignore 200,000 years of real data.
Uh...hey dumbass....i did not do the study. I have not spent my life gathering that data and spoonfeeding it to you uneducated slobs. The scientists did.

So you can sit there on your fat ass and talk about me all day. Which you will do, because we both know what will happen to you, if you crawl out from under your rock and try to peddle your crazy old man horseshit to actual scientists.

But if you ever want to put something behind the words puring out of your silly little mouth, i will give you their email contacts again. See you in never, ya whiny fraud.
Uh...hey dumbass....i did not do the study. I have not spent my life gathering that data and spoonfeeding it to you uneducated slobs. The scientists did.

So you can sit there on your fat ass and talk about me all day. Which you will do, because we both know what will happen to you, if you crawl out from under your rock and try to peddle your crazy old man horseshit to actual scientists.

But if you ever want to put something behind the words puring out of your silly little mouth, i will give you their email contacts again. See you in never, ya whiny fraud.

Yeah, we know you do nothing but spew talking points. You have no brain of your own.

And still no response from you that addresses the 200,000 years of data that proves this idiots claims are stupid.
Yeah, we know you do nothing but spew talking points. You have no brain of your own.
Riiight...because i did not spend my life studying polar bears or the climate and instead relate what the scientists say, i have no brain of my own.

But an angry old dumbfuck like you who knows nothing about any of this is a real independent thinker.

Okay loser.
Riiight...because i did not spend my life studying polar bears or the climate and instead relate what the scientists say, i have no brain of my own.

But an angry old dumbfuck like you who knows nothing about any of this is a real independent thinker.

Okay loser.

You don't have to spend your life studying Polar bears to know bullshit when you read it. The bears have survived when the Arctic was ice free for decades at a time.

So, little loser, I suggest you develop a brain of your own.
Actually that is an Environmental Wacko lie.

The earth is just about where it historically has been.

You don't have to spend your life studying Polar bears to know bullshit when you read it.
About esoteric knowledge of polar bears and their environment? Yes you do you insufferable dumbfuck. How fucking stupid. Now you are arguing that an uneducated slob like you can outsmart research scientists in a field you know fuck all about. I am embarrassed for your dumb ass just reading this hot garbage.
About esoteric knowledge of polar bears and their environment? Yes you do you insufferable dumbfuck. How fucking stupid. Now you are arguing that an uneducated slob like you can outsmart research scientists in a field you know fuck all about. I am embarrassed for your dumb ass just reading this hot garbage.

Unlike you I have a brain. I also have a PhD in geology so actually AM a scientist.

The paper is full of "coulds", "suggests", and "mights".

All the language of the charlatan.

You know what's truly funny? Sylvia Brown, a very well known charlatan, has a prediction rate of about 75%. Far better than the ZERO percent your heroes are batting.

You idiot.
I also have a PhD in geology so actually AM a scientist
No, you actually arent. You are an ignorant old man who does no research and has no education or experience in anything relevant to this. That's why your dumb ass is shouting into the void on a message board and shaking your cane at nonscientists.

Put something behind your public masturbation and email the lead scientist your hot garbage. Post the responses, so we can all have a good laugh at your expense.
No, you actually arent. You are an ignorant old man who does no research and has no education or experience in anything relevant to this. That's why your dumb ass is shouting into the void on a message board and shaking your cane at nonscientists.

Put something behind your public masturbation and email the lead scientist your hot garbage. Post the responses, so we can all have a good laugh at your expense.

You are sounding more and more like fake Starkey. Regardless, I am in constant contact with legit scientists all over the world, why else do you think your climatology fools have been thwarted in their attempts to enslave the world again with their idiotic laws and controls over people's lives.

Keep wailing silly boi.

Let's me know I am doing good work.
I'm proud to admit that polar bears did not go extinct the last time the planet was warmer.
Good for you. And I am proud to remind tyou that the scientists are the ones who discovered and taught you that. No, you did no research. No, you did not examine the body of science with a skeptiucal eye, and carefully reach your conclusions. yes, you are just putting on a dog and pony show.
Regardless, I am in constant contact with legit scientists all over the world,
So what, dummy? The USGS endorses the consensus on climate change. Maybe try contacting them, instead of your imaginary friends. So they can decide to pull your card and kick you out of the scientific society.
So what, dummy? The USGS endorses the consensus on climate change. Maybe try contacting them, instead of your imaginary friends. So they can decide to pull your card and kick you out of the scientific society.

So what. Science doesn't give a shit about consensus. That's a political term. Not a scientific one.
Science doesn't give a shit about consensus.
Right, it cares about science. When lots of better science comes to light, consensus changes. I present the consensus as the current state of affairs. I remind you that you fake stories about knowing scientists and your silly, ignorant claims have no bearing on either the science or the consensus. Tell your imaginary friends to publish their research or go sit in the corner.
Right, it cares about science. When lots of better science comes to light, consensus changes. I present the consensus as the current state of affairs. I remind you that you fake stories about knowing scientists and your silly, ignorant claims have no bearing on either the science or the consensus. Tell your imaginary friends to publish their research or go sit in the corner.

Wow, you really are dumb. Science is about SCIENCE. It is about facts, and empirical data, things that can be measured.

Computer derived fiction is FICTION. It isn't fact.

Dumbshits like you can't seem to figure it out.

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