Global warming is speeding up.

Exactly! Without scientists, we'd never know that there are polar bears.
What was the last science course you passed? Which grade?

Science can tell us even to which other species the polar bear is related (Ursus arctos), which explains why polar bears losing their habitat are breeding with grizzlies (brown bears).
These fuktards that think "climate change" is anything other than nature taking its usual progressive course in the ongoing changes of this earth, all need to be dumped into a wood chipper, turned into Soylent Green and fed to the illegals.
You know nothing of science. Human agency is the primary factor in the current global warming. It will before long be catastrophic for humanity, but don't let that stop you from being an utterly irresponsible sociopath. After all, you're "free", right, Qtip-head?
How fast did the warming occur 2000 years ago? 4000? 6000?

Or did he pull that claim out of his ass?
If you knew anything about climate, you'd know that the current warming is more rapid than prior events. The end-Permian warming, for example, was something like 1000 times slower. It was driven by volanism in the center of Pangaea. Do you know what Pangaea was? I doubt it.
I saw some climate scientist saying this on the news last night. That the earth is not just getting warmer, but the rate at which it is getting warmer is accelerating. Though this isn't news to me. The only question is how bad will things get before people start doing something about it. I am reminded of a lyric by Janis Joplin. "Freedom's (survival) just another word for nothing left to lose." I wouldn't expect our corporate government to do much. I also saw on the news last night that Biden signed some mandate or something saying that by the year 2050, all cars are going to have to be electric. But the way things are looking, it is doubtful there will be any people around to drive them. And they're supposed to have all electric cars in the U.S. But what about the rest of the increasingly overpopulating and "migrating" world.
The lyric was written by Kris Kristopherson.

Yes, people live in a world of unreality. They watch things on TV. They think global warming is a TV show. When the food runs out and the weather is haywire, then they'll wonder why.
If you knew anything about climate, you'd know that the current warming is more rapid than prior events. The end-Permian warming, for example, was something like 1000 times slower. It was driven by volanism in the center of Pangaea. Do you know what Pangaea was? I doubt it.

It is? How can you prove that.
You know nothing of science. Human agency is the primary factor in the current global warming. It will before long be catastrophic for humanity, but don't let that stop you from being an utterly irresponsible sociopath. After all, you're "free", right, Qtip-head?

If what you claimed were true, you would be able to provide this little thing called evidence. You can't. There is NO empirical data to support the claim that mankind has anything to do with the climate. Not one iota.
Sinajuavi THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!!!!!!
......the Aztecs and Khmer Empires built sophisticated irrigation systems, without the wheel/cranes/earth mover equipment /etc!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH !!!!

It didn't take what the scientist said for me to know that human global warming was accelerating. First of all, given methane release, it is obvious that the warmer it gets, the more of it will be released. Making things get hotter faster. According to one website I was looking at, they said that methane was about 85 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Also, where there is less ice, the earth will absorb more solar radiation. You don't need a computer to figure that out. Another thing is that a few years back I remember seeing something where scientists said that the oceans were 60% warmer than they predicted they would be. And for one particular glacier, it was melting 10 times faster than what scientists predicted it would. What caused these things? A speeding up of human caused global warming.

It didn't take what the scientist said for me to know that human global warming was accelerating. First of all, given methane release, it is obvious that the warmer it gets, the more of it will be released. Making things get hotter faster. According to one website I was looking at, they said that methane was about 85 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Also, where there is less ice, the earth will absorb more solar radiation. You don't need a computer to figure that out. Another thing is that a few years back I remember seeing something where scientists said that the oceans were 60% warmer than they predicted they would be. And for one particular glacier, it was melting 10 times faster than what scientists predicted it would. What caused these things? A speeding up of human caused global warming.

First of all, given methane release, it is obvious that the warmer it gets, the more of it will be released. Making things get hotter faster. According to one website I was looking at, they said that methane was about 85 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2.

The last time that happened, everything died.

Another thing is that a few years back I remember seeing something where scientists said that the oceans were 60% warmer than they predicted they would be.

60% warmer? What does that even mean?
Sounds like something you made up.

And for one particular glacier, it was melting 10 times faster than what scientists predicted it would.

I heard it might be 100 times faster!

It's difficult to say what brought about the end of the last ice age. It may have been due to continental drift and the formation of central America. Causing a shift in ocean currents. But scientists know without a doubt that the more CO2 there is, the more heat the earth traps. And since the beginning of the industrial revolution, it has been rising. And the closer to our time it gets, the more rapid that increase has been.

CO2  graph revisited.gif

I don't think the Permian extinction was caused by methane. If I recall right, it was caused mostly by a vast volcanic eruption called the Siberian Traps. And according to one program I was watching, that was caused by a recently discovered huge asteroid impact directly on the opposite side of the earth from the area. Possibly the largest asteroid impact known. And the converging shock waves in Siberia set off the Siberian Traps eruptions.

That makes sense. CO2 goes up, temperatures rise. At least that's the way things usually work.

Try pointing out a specific point. Just being willing to try and talk me to death isn't going to make you right.

Don't believe it. Scientists from all over the world make measurements. Some through geological proxies, some through ice core samples, and some made through direct measurements made over decades at various places around the globe.

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