Global warming is speeding up.

We just don't need nuclear power plants.

We don't need reliable, baseload power?

Solar panels could produce far more energy than humans would ever need.

I'm reluctant to depend on solar to heat and power my home during the Chicago winter.

The problem is that there isn't much money to be made from free.

Free? That's funny. What's the breakeven point for a home solar installation?

Also, those with most of the money are energy companies.

Most? How much is most?

Toxic waste can be contained. Next, 15 or 20% efficiency doesn't matter. The point is that you are getting something for nothing. I have some more plausible complaints about solar panels. One is that the sun doesn't always shine. But these days they are making solar panels that can operate with infrared light. Another is that they don't produce enough output. But whatever amount of solar energy you need, double the number of panels. Also, storing excess energy for nighttime hours is easy enough. Also, we would probably still need a power grid. Solar panels may still work on cloudy days. But more energy may need to be brought in from areas where it is sunny.

I looked at what you posted. From my observations over the year, to call the increase in human caused global warming "implausibly fast" is sheer stupidity. It is accelerating. I would say mostly due to methane release. Because methane is around 85% more of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Surprisingly, despite the methane released from thawing tundra and melting methane hydrate ice in the oceans, around 60% of the methane release is caused by human activity. I have a graph you might find interesting.

View attachment 524890
What is it a graph of? The axis have no labels or units.

Solar panels are reliable. Next, part of our problem is lack of efficiency. If your house was insulated well enough, it wouldn't take much to heat it. Or cool it in the summer. Also, only around 12 to 30% of the energy in gasoline that your car uses is turned into usable energy. For an electric motor, 70 to 96% of the energy put into it is turned into useful energy. As for the costs of solar panels, what you speak of is a drawback of capitalism. If the government wanted to, they could put solar panels on every rooftop in the U.S. And we have far more than enough desert areas in the U.S. where solar panels could be put that would supply far more energy than the U.S. could ever need. The only problem would be with power transmission lines. Some power is lost through them. But not enough to make it a big concern. And how much money do energy companies have? Enough to basically be free from the consequences of their actions. Such as with the Exxon Valdes. Enough to plow the tops of mountains off to get at coal instead of hiring miners. Enough to go to war for oil.

Weather still happens. One of the bad things about human caused global warming is that it has its greatest impact on polar regions. Maybe it was cooler in Florida. I don't know. But it would be a safe bet to guess that it was warmer in Alaska.
Solar panels are reliable.

Sure. Even in a cloudy, snowy Chicago winter.

If your house was insulated well enough, it wouldn't take much to heat it.

I know, nat gas works great!!

Also, only around 12 to 30% of the energy in gasoline that your car uses is turned into usable energy. For an electric motor, 70 to 96% of the energy put into it is turned into useful energy.

I agree, new nuke plants would be a big help for charging lots of EVs.

As for the costs of solar panels, what you speak of is a drawback of capitalism.

Breakeven points are only a capitalism thing?

If the government wanted to, they could put solar panels on every rooftop in the U.S.

That would be awesome!

And we have far more than enough desert areas in the U.S. where solar panels could be put that would supply far more energy than the U.S. could ever need. The only problem would be with power transmission lines.

The only problem? Are you sure?

Some power is lost through them. But not enough to make it a big concern.

How much is lost?

And how much money do energy companies have? Enough to basically be free from the consequences of their actions.

But how much? Can you back up "most of the money"?

Such as with the Exxon Valdes.

They spent something like $7 billion on the cleanup. doesn't sound like "free from the consequences of their actions".

Under what rocks did you find those graphs. Scientists aren't making crap up about human caused global warming just because of some nutjob conspiracy theory. They are following the science and measurements.

global warming graph.gif
Which would not negate the idea that near total loss of sea ice would likely cause them to face extinction. You guys are really struggling with this basic concept.
SUMMER ICE is the what I talked about and their population went UP while Summer ice cover greatly declines for around 20 years time, that is the basic concept YOU are struggling with.

From Early July onward the Seals have started moving on and the Bears eat little after that which is normal.

3 to go!!!!!!!!!!

Under what rocks did you find those graphs. Scientists aren't making crap up about human caused global warming just because of some nutjob conspiracy theory. They are following the science and measurements.

View attachment 524917

You didn't address anything I posted and they are from UAH, NOAA, Berkeley Earth and CERES.

When you do that it is clear you are going make shit up and you did since I never said there is no warming and that was made OBVIOUS in my post.

Try again.

2 to go!!!!!!!!!!!

We just don't need nuclear power plants. Solar panels could produce far more energy than humans would ever need. Ever. The problem is that there isn't much money to be made from free. Also, those with most of the money are energy companies. That in turn own the automobile industry. And you know what those with money do. Pay to have the politicians they want put into place.
Yeah, i spent a month in middle California, where at least an inch thick of dust was on a Solar Panel farm. There was no output of energy because of the dust. I asked a local when the panels would be cleaned, and he said was when it rained. I asked when it rained, for it was in October. He said in February is when it rained. So 11 months out of the year, no output. Also how much output from Solar is on the shortest day in December? Do Solar Panels work up in Alaska which gets 6 months of total darkness?

I tell you, progressive slaves are the stupidest people in the Universe...
SUMMER ICE is the what I talked about and their population went UP while Summer ice cover greatly declines for around 20 years time, that is the basic concept YOU are struggling with.

From Early July onward the Seals have started moving on and the Bears eat little after that which is normal.

3 to go!!!!!!!!!!
Irrelevant whining from an uneducated slob who thinks he has outsmarted the scientists that taught us everything we know. . Try to keep in mind that the very smart people who discovered and taught your dumb ass all of that are the people who are worried about them going extinct. Thanks
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