Global warming is speeding up.

Calling all uneducated slobs who have outsmarted the scientists:

Here is an article about a recent study:

The study: Fasting season length sets temporal limits for global polar bear persistence - Nature Climate Change

The lead author of the study: Peter K. Molnar

His contact info:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 416-208-2247
Website: Molnár Lab

One of you cackling geniuses should email him. Hell, all 3 of you should, Toddsterpatriot , Sunsettommy , HereWeGoAgain

Present to him your amazing arguments and snarky message board wisdom. Post the replies here.
Calling all uneducated slobs who have outsmarted the scientists:

Here is an article about a recent study:

The study: Fasting season length sets temporal limits for global polar bear persistence - Nature Climate Change

The lead author of the study: Peter K. Molnar

His contact info:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 416-208-2247
Website: Molnár Lab

One of you cackling geniuses should email him. Hell, all 3 of you should, Toddsterpatriot , Sunsettommy , HereWeGoAgain

Present to him your amazing arguments and snarky message board wisdom. Post the replies here.

Present to him your amazing arguments and snarky message board wisdom.

I was wrong? Polar bears didn't go extinct the last time the sea ice melted?
Present to him your amazing arguments and snarky message board wisdom.

I was wrong? Polar bears didn't go extinct the last time the sea ice melted?
No idea why you posted those two unrelated sentences to me, other than to beg for attention. . Keep me updated on your progress with the lead scientist. See you soon.
No idea why you posted those two unrelated sentences to me, other than to beg for attention. . Keep me updated on your progress with the lead scientist. See you soon.


You weren't responding to my post?

Keep me updated on your progress with the lead scientist.

Yeah, I'll get right on that.
I saw some climate scientist saying this on the news last night. That the earth is not just getting warmer, but the rate at which it is getting warmer is accelerating. Though this isn't news to me. The only question is how bad will things get before people start doing something about it. I am reminded of a lyric by Janis Joplin. "Freedom's (survival) just another word for nothing left to lose." I wouldn't expect our corporate government to do much. I also saw on the news last night that Biden signed some mandate or something saying that by the year 2050, all cars are going to have to be electric. But the way things are looking, it is doubtful there will be any people around to drive them. And they're supposed to have all electric cars in the U.S. But what about the rest of the increasingly overpopulating and "migrating" world.

Actually, they have just stated their
Crap computer models are wrong.
Have you told the climate scientists and geologists this?!?! Wont they be surprised!!!!!

Yeah they just admitted this….

However, now scientists deeply embedded in the IPCC have admitted that the models exaggerate warming. They raise concerns about the implausibility of the exaggerated warming levels
Yeah they just admitted this….
What is your point? Big boy words. Are you saying that humans are not warming the globe?
Thats not what the article said at all. And it appears you are ass backwards wrong.

that is exactly what it says…


Science noted, “But as climate scientists face this alarming reality, the climate models that help them project the future have grown a little too alarmist. Many of the world’s leading models are now projecting warming rates that most scientists, including the modelmakers themselves, believe are implausibly fast.”
that is exactly what it says…


Science noted, “But as climate scientists face this alarming reality, the climate models that help them project the future have grown a little too alarmist. Many of the world’s leading models are now projecting warming rates that most scientists, including the modelmakers themselves, believe are implausibly fast.”
Uh, genius, that does not say man is not warming the earth. What a waste of time you are. Sharp as a marble.
Irrelevant whining from an uneducated slob who thinks he has outsmarted the scientists that taught us everything we know. . Try to keep in mind that the very smart people who discovered and taught your dumb ass all of that are the people who are worried about them going extinct. Thanks
Not a shred of a counterpoint come from you, you have NOTHING and you know it.


1 to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Calling all uneducated slobs who have outsmarted the scientists:

Here is an article about a recent study:

The study: Fasting season length sets temporal limits for global polar bear persistence - Nature Climate Change

The lead author of the study: Peter K. Molnar

His contact info:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 416-208-2247
Website: Molnár Lab

One of you cackling geniuses should email him. Hell, all 3 of you should, Toddsterpatriot , Sunsettommy , HereWeGoAgain

Present to him your amazing arguments and snarky message board wisdom. Post the replies here.

You are truly a clueless man because you fail to realize that while Polar summer sea ice went way down for 25 years before it stabilized at a lower level in recent years, the Polar Bear Population went way up during those same 25 years time.


It hasn't gone down at all since 2015, might be even higher. It is OBVIOUS that Summer sea ice cover isn't important since the seals move by July anyway.

Your Nature paper is fully depended on a model that isn't testable and already out of date anyway since the scenario he worried about already happened for periods of time in the early interglacial period.

There were hundreds of years of little to zero summer ice at a time, yet Polar Bears are still with us today.




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