Global warming is speeding up.

Uh, genius, that does not say man is not warming the earth. What a waste of time you are. Sharp as a marble.

Didn't say that article idiot..

The article states the computer models are wrong and are showing a rate of warming that isn't idiot....and if they can't get that right, they can't get climate change in the future right......

Researchers have plugged in known data.......and they haven't been able to show temperature trends of our current, can believe the man made global warming religion...but sell that snake oil to biden voters...they are stupid enough to believe it.
You are truly a clueless man because you fail to realize that while Polar summer sea ice went way down for 25 years before it stabilized at a lower level in recent years, the Polar Bear Population went way up during those same 25 years time.

View attachment 524978

It hasn't gone down at all since 2015, might be even higher. It is OBVIOUS that Summer sea ice cover isn't important since the seals move by July anyway.

Your Nature paper is fully depended on a model that isn't testable and already out of date anyway since the scenario he worried about already happened for periods of time in the early interglacial period.

There were hundreds of years of little to zero summer ice at a time, yet Polar Bears are still with us today.




If they couldn't lie, what would the left wing fascists do?
Not a shred of a counterpoint come from you, you have NOTHING and you know it.


1 to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get all your whining and dancing and prancing out of your system. Then email the lead scientist. Post the responses here, so we can all have a good laugh at your expense.
How fast did the warming occur 2000 years ago? 4000? 6000?

Or did he pull that claim out of his ass?
For each period you mentioned, the trend cooling. Our warmest period until present was 8000 years ago, which was the peak of the present inter-glacial.


The actual scientists stated the models are wrong.....but thanks for ignoring that...
The professor for my statistics class stated "All models are wrong, but most are useful". Yes, the models are wrong, and have consistently underestimated the effects and speed of the warming. But they are useful in that they warned us, unlike you denialists have been wrong on every level.
The professor for my statistics class stated "All models are wrong, but most are useful". Yes, the models are wrong, and have consistently underestimated the effects and speed of the warming. But they are useful in that they warned us, unlike you denialists have been wrong on every level.

Now that is funny...........Mile high glaciers used to be right where I sit.......they melted long before the car was invented.
Rainbow coming out of the unicorn's ass. Wind and solar are working well right now, and are getting less costly every year, already far less costly than fossil fuels, and an order of magnitude less costly than nuclear.


Please...stop...that Wind and Solar joke you just told is way too funny...
Didn't say that article idiot..

The article states the computer models are wrong and are showing a rate of warming that isn't idiot....and if they can't get that right, they can't get climate change in the future right......

Researchers have plugged in known data.......and they haven't been able to show temperature trends of our current, can believe the man made global warming religion...but sell that snake oil to biden voters...they are stupid enough to believe it.

Now that is funny...........Mile high glaciers used to be right where I sit.......they melted long before the car was invented.
It is really hard to answer such stupid fellows as you. So, simply, they melted because of the Milankovitch Cycles, the same reason that until the industrial revolution, we were slowly cooling for the last 6000 years.

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