Global Warming is such Wooly Mammoth Crap.

Where is the bitter cold(18 deg) coming from if the Arctic Polar Regions are melting(above 32 deg)

  • I am a liberal, and it is Global Warming, err i mean Global Climate Change, you racist...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a Conservative who understands the global warming scam and it is to take away our money..

    Votes: 7 100.0%

  • Total voters
SSDD would have us believe that a box of air would stay at the same temperature, with or without a 15 micron energy source being added. Sounds dubious to me but I have never seen the experiment performed. Where does the energy go, if not to warm the air?
Bitter cold windchills and snow stick around… « FOX News Weather Blog
December 13, 2017 | 7:02 AM ET
Bitter cold windchills and snow stick around...
Good morning everyone. Happy Wednesday!

It’s a bitter cold midweek with windchills in the single digits and teens for millions this morning across the Great Lakes, Northeast, and Mid-Atlantic over the next few days.
So lets try this again.

Back in 2000 Al Gore said that the Earth was going to burn up in 10 years if the United States didn't do something about it. The Earth is still here.
Back in 2006 Al Gore produced an Inconvenient Truth predicting increased in Cat 5 hurricanes each year, massive tornado's, very little snow events, and warming to the point the Earth would burn up in 10 years. Guess what, less hurricanes each year, little tornado activities, lots of snow through polar vortexes, and the Earth is still here.
So with Global Warming year after year, because of the increase of CO2 each year, (liberal's words not mine) if last 2 years the temperature around Manassas has been in the high 30s and low 40s, WITH THE INCREASE OF TEMPERATURE YEAR AFTER YEAR....Where did the 20 degree temperature come from. What you morons don't understand is that your science says "each year with CO2 on the increase, the temperature will increase", yet is is 15 degrees lower...And don't give me shit that it is only weather... Yeah and when the summer is HOT , it is only weather.


You didn't put anything as a choice I would want to vote for. Just like standing in front of a redneck bar asking about gay rights, you rigged the outcome of your opinion pole. You didn't want a real result.

Start with a cold room. Enter room. Burn oil. Cook food, Have friends over. Breathe. Exhale. Move about. Is the room still cold? No. It has warmed up. The room is a closed system illustration. Earth is a closed system. Produce mass quantities of heat and the planet heats up. Fairly simple stuff. Yes global warming is real. The weather is decidedly different than when I was a child. I am 65 now. Al Gore's timetable may be off but his message is true.

Unfortunately conservatives tend to be somewhat narrow minded in perspective. The toe the line and their philosophical leanings tend toward subjective views. Too bad.

Yes global warming is real. The weather is decidedly different than when I was a child. I am 65 now.

How many trillions should we spend on windmills to make it like it was when you were a kid?
How will we know when we can stop?
Now really dumb fuck, no one is forcing all those windmills being built in Texas. They are built because they provide cheaper electricity than does coal burning plants. Even dirty coal burning plants. We are going to spend trillions worldwide for energy, so we should buy the most economical energy available, and that is now renewables.

Lmfao what a propaganda tool
Bitter cold windchills and snow stick around… « FOX News Weather Blog
December 13, 2017 | 7:02 AM ET
Bitter cold windchills and snow stick around...
Good morning everyone. Happy Wednesday!

It’s a bitter cold midweek with windchills in the single digits and teens for millions this morning across the Great Lakes, Northeast, and Mid-Atlantic over the next few days.
So lets try this again.

Back in 2000 Al Gore said that the Earth was going to burn up in 10 years if the United States didn't do something about it. The Earth is still here.
Back in 2006 Al Gore produced an Inconvenient Truth predicting increased in Cat 5 hurricanes each year, massive tornado's, very little snow events, and warming to the point the Earth would burn up in 10 years. Guess what, less hurricanes each year, little tornado activities, lots of snow through polar vortexes, and the Earth is still here.
So with Global Warming year after year, because of the increase of CO2 each year, (liberal's words not mine) if last 2 years the temperature around Manassas has been in the high 30s and low 40s, WITH THE INCREASE OF TEMPERATURE YEAR AFTER YEAR....Where did the 20 degree temperature come from. What you morons don't understand is that your science says "each year with CO2 on the increase, the temperature will increase", yet is is 15 degrees lower...And don't give me shit that it is only weather... Yeah and when the summer is HOT , it is only weather.

Yes, it is "only weather". You seem to have less understanding of this topic than a 5th grader. No really, i mean that .... my 5th grade daughter learned, in class, that you can still have some very cold weather (even local record low temps) on a globe that is warming overall. You would literally fail a 5th grade science test. Damn man, get some self-respect!

She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with ..

So it appears your 5th grader is smarter then you .
I got one of those too but it's a little more fancy. It actually makes predictions based upon the existing trend. Does yours do that too?

View attachment 166974

View attachment 166976

My chart is just historic data. No predictions. Only thing to say is CO2 is increasing at historically high rates and is well above any level measured (ice cores, etc) over the past 400,000 years or so. I will leave discussions of the import of all of this to the atmospheric scientists. It is basically a response to your comment about the impact of humankind. Lots more CO2 in the atmosphere.

And I need to depart for now.

Study this and then let's talk.

I think you got that backwards, my little trolling friend :smile:

The sky isn't falling. Relax.
Coastal and low-lying areas are already in trouble. You need to get a fucking clue. Quickly.
You better tell them to move, Taz.

Relax. It's going to be ok, bro.
It's already not ok.
No different than it's ever been.

Why would you care any way? You won't live forever.
I have children and care about leaving them a shithole, unlike you.
They aren't going to live forever either.

Just how bad do you think this is going to get?

I need to assess your level of emotionalism.
Because , dumb ass, neither Fort Fun nor anyone else has to prove to some uneducated fraud the truth of any scientifoc theory on an internet message board. The forums where these things are argued exist, and you are neither qualified nor invited to emgage in any of them. I am simply making fun of you , because you are a charlatan.

Completely calling, logical fallacy, and outright lies. What else could you do? Since no such data exist, it was either that, or acknowledge that your positon is an act of faith without the first piece of actual data in support. And alas, since your positon is one of faith, not science, I am afraid that it is you who is unqualified to discuss the topic....and the question was asked to make fun of you...since we all knew that no such data would be forthcoming from you. And since you clearly believe such data exists but can't seem to come up with even the first shred, it is clearly you who is the charlatan. But feel free to step on up to the plate Susie and slap me down with the very sort of data I am asking for...or don't and just prove that I am right about you.
Yes, that's right, "name calling". You sit there and call the people who have dedicated their lives to this science "incompetent liars", and then you have the nerve to whine like a little bitch that someone called you a name when standing up for them? You are an uneducated slob who knows jack shit about any of this. Nor do you have any wish to know anything about it. That is why your worthless ass is here squawking into an echo chamber, and not learning about the topic from the scientists who taught us everything we know about it.

I'm not here to litigate the truth of accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs who have less knowledge about any of this in their entire family than the scientists who study this have in a pimple on their ass. No, you are not presenting any actual challenge to any accepted science. You are merely masturbating in public
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

That post says what to me?

What accepted theory's ?

We had 5 ice ages..
How many of those ice ages was caused by man


You tell many
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

That post says what to me?

What accepted theory's ?

We had 5 ice ages..
How many of those ice ages was caused by man


You tell many
Have you forwarded your brilliant question on to the scientists who not only taught us all of that, but also are sounding the alarms about AGW? Imagine their embarrassment when they find they were outsmarted by a GED-waving goober with no education or experience in this field! You must be very proud of yourself!
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

Wait a second let's back up here if I am uneducated monkey:

how would I ever know a about the ice ages ?

How would I know about C02 being five times higher in the Jurassic period?

How would I ever know about the great Sahara desert turning tropical to dry in a blink of a cosmic eye?

If I am uneducated how do I know that that Micheal Mann used just a a few tree rings in Siberia for his hockey stick graph

If I am so uneducated how do I know Naomi Klein says she wants social climate change justice

If I am so uneducated how do I know the temperature records are so unreliable in the early 1900s from land and oceans

If I am so uneducated how do I know about the climate gate emails

If I am so uneducated how do I know about cap and trade?

Fuck you you little prick I know more about the man made climate scam more then you ever will.
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

That post says what to me?

What accepted theory's ?

We had 5 ice ages..
How many of those ice ages was caused by man


You tell many
Have you forwarded your brilliant question on to the scientists who not only taught us all of that, but also are sounding the alarms about AGW? Imagine their embarrassment when they find they were outsmarted by a GED-waving goober with no education or experience in this field! You must be very proud of yourself!

Goober that would be you now tell us fruit loops who caused the 5 ice ages fuck head?

Tell us
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

That post says what to me?

What accepted theory's ?

We had 5 ice ages..
How many of those ice ages was caused by man


You tell many
Have you forwarded your brilliant question on to the scientists who not only taught us all of that, but also are sounding the alarms about AGW? Imagine their embarrassment when they find they were outsmarted by a GED-waving goober with no education or experience in this field! You must be very proud of yourself!

You do know this is my original meme right?

A picture says a thousand words

ZomboMeme 31122017074303.jpg
Because , dumb ass, neither Fort Fun nor anyone else has to prove to some uneducated fraud the truth of any scientifoc theory on an internet message board. The forums where these things are argued exist, and you are neither qualified nor invited to emgage in any of them. I am simply making fun of you , because you are a charlatan.

Completely calling, logical fallacy, and outright lies. What else could you do? Since no such data exist, it was either that, or acknowledge that your positon is an act of faith without the first piece of actual data in support. And alas, since your positon is one of faith, not science, I am afraid that it is you who is unqualified to discuss the topic....and the question was asked to make fun of you...since we all knew that no such data would be forthcoming from you. And since you clearly believe such data exists but can't seem to come up with even the first shred, it is clearly you who is the charlatan. But feel free to step on up to the plate Susie and slap me down with the very sort of data I am asking for...or don't and just prove that I am right about you.
Yes, that's right, "name calling". You sit there and call the people who have dedicated their lives to this science "incompetent liars", and then you have the nerve to whine like a little bitch that someone called you a name when standing up for them? You are an uneducated slob who knows jack shit about any of this. Nor do you have any wish to know anything about it. That is why your worthless ass is here squawking into an echo chamber, and not learning about the topic from the scientists who taught us everything we know about it.

I'm not here to litigate the truth of accepted scientific theories with uneducated slobs who have less knowledge about any of this in their entire family than the scientists who study this have in a pimple on their ass. No, you are not presenting any actual challenge to any accepted science. You are merely masturbating in public

You do know who Naomi klein is right and you calling me uneducated?

Another one of my original memes

You think you have something on me prick? Try again

ZomboMeme 31122017070634.jpg
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

That post says what to me?

What accepted theory's ?

We had 5 ice ages..
How many of those ice ages was caused by man


You tell many
What an uneducated ass. You constantly post tripe that has nothing to do with the subject. The ice ages and interglacials are the result of natural cycles, the Milankovic Cycles. Now if you were not such a lazy bitch, you would have already read how those cycles work, and the role of GHGs in those cycles. But you are too happy to wallow in your ignorance to take a chance on a little enlightenment.
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

Wait a second let's back up here if I am uneducated monkey:

how would I ever know a about the ice ages ?

How would I know about C02 being five times higher in the Jurassic period?

How would I ever know about the great Sahara desert turning tropical to dry in a blink of a cosmic eye?

If I am uneducated how do I know that that Micheal Mann used just a a few tree rings in Siberia for his hockey stick graph

If I am so uneducated how do I know Naomi Klein says she wants social climate change justice

If I am so uneducated how do I know the temperature records are so unreliable in the early 1900s from land and oceans

If I am so uneducated how do I know about the climate gate emails

If I am so uneducated how do I know about cap and trade?

Fuck you you little prick I know more about the man made climate scam more then you ever will.
Yes, silly little bitch, you read all the shit thrown out by the denialists, and never open a science book. Your ignorance and stupidity shine clearly through your posts. You know virtually nothing concerning climate, how GHGs work, or anything else that has to do with science.
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

That post says what to me?

What accepted theory's ?

We had 5 ice ages..
How many of those ice ages was caused by man


You tell many
Have you forwarded your brilliant question on to the scientists who not only taught us all of that, but also are sounding the alarms about AGW? Imagine their embarrassment when they find they were outsmarted by a GED-waving goober with no education or experience in this field! You must be very proud of yourself!

You do know this is my original meme right?

A picture says a thousand words

View attachment 169463
Yes, it does. It says that you are one stupid ass. Mann's graph has been verified by more than a dozen independent studies. Even the National Academies of Sciences of the United States did a study and verified his graph. They did not like the way he did his statistics, but using their preferred methods, they got exactly the same results. That you have to repeat this old refrain simply demonstrates the fact that you have read no science.
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

Wait a second let's back up here if I am uneducated monkey:

how would I ever know a about the ice ages ?

How would I know about C02 being five times higher in the Jurassic period?

How would I ever know about the great Sahara desert turning tropical to dry in a blink of a cosmic eye?

If I am uneducated how do I know that that Micheal Mann used just a a few tree rings in Siberia for his hockey stick graph

If I am so uneducated how do I know Naomi Klein says she wants social climate change justice

If I am so uneducated how do I know the temperature records are so unreliable in the early 1900s from land and oceans

If I am so uneducated how do I know about the climate gate emails

If I am so uneducated how do I know about cap and trade?

Fuck you you little prick I know more about the man made climate scam more then you ever will.
Yes, silly little bitch, you read all the shit thrown out by the denialists, and never open a science book. Your ignorance and stupidity shine clearly through your posts. You know virtually nothing concerning climate, how GHGs work, or anything else that has to do with science.

I know everything I need to know about it to make you cry...i could care less about the details like i said a million times before the only thing I am interested in is

The politics


Data aka how they got the fucking data..

With those two it's easy to make fun of you..

Because you don't have a thousand years worth of data ..

She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

That post says what to me?

What accepted theory's ?

We had 5 ice ages..
How many of those ice ages was caused by man


You tell many
Have you forwarded your brilliant question on to the scientists who not only taught us all of that, but also are sounding the alarms about AGW? Imagine their embarrassment when they find they were outsmarted by a GED-waving goober with no education or experience in this field! You must be very proud of yourself!

Goober that would be you now tell us fruit loops who caused the 5 ice ages fuck head?

Tell us
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

That post says what to me?

What accepted theory's ?

We had 5 ice ages..
How many of those ice ages was caused by man


You tell many
Have you forwarded your brilliant question on to the scientists who not only taught us all of that, but also are sounding the alarms about AGW? Imagine their embarrassment when they find they were outsmarted by a GED-waving goober with no education or experience in this field! You must be very proud of yourself!

Goober that would be you now tell us fruit loops who caused the 5 ice ages fuck head?

Tell us
Past and future Milankovitch cycles. VSOP allows prediction of past and future orbital parameters with great accuracy.

Figure shows variations in orbital elements:

Obliquity (axial tilt) (ε).

Eccentricity (e).

Longitude of perihelion (sin(ϖ) ).

Precession index (e sin(ϖ) ), which together with obliquity, controls the seasonal cycle of insolation.[1]

Calculated daily-averaged insolation at the top of the atmosphere ({\displaystyle {\overline {Q}}^{\mathrm {day} }}

on the day of the summer solstice at 65° N latitude.

Two distinct proxies for past global sea level and temperature, from ocean sediment and Antarctic ice respectively are:

Benthic forams

Vostok ice core

The vertical gray line shows current conditions, at 2 ky A.D.

Milankovitch cycles - Wikipedia

And you thought that you knew something? LOL
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

Wait a second let's back up here if I am uneducated monkey:

how would I ever know a about the ice ages ?

How would I know about C02 being five times higher in the Jurassic period?

How would I ever know about the great Sahara desert turning tropical to dry in a blink of a cosmic eye?

If I am uneducated how do I know that that Micheal Mann used just a a few tree rings in Siberia for his hockey stick graph

If I am so uneducated how do I know Naomi Klein says she wants social climate change justice

If I am so uneducated how do I know the temperature records are so unreliable in the early 1900s from land and oceans

If I am so uneducated how do I know about the climate gate emails

If I am so uneducated how do I know about cap and trade?

Fuck you you little prick I know more about the man made climate scam more then you ever will.
Yes, silly little bitch, you read all the shit thrown out by the denialists, and never open a science book. Your ignorance and stupidity shine clearly through your posts. You know virtually nothing concerning climate, how GHGs work, or anything else that has to do with science.

I know everything I need to know about it to make you cry...i could care less about the details like i said a million times before the only thing I am interested in is

The politics


Data aka how they got the fucking data..

With those two it's easy to make fun of you..

Because you don't have a thousand years worth of data ..

Scientists smashed the previous record for the oldest ice core in the world, collecting an ice core that dates back 2.7 million years ago. This is compared to one of the oldest ice cores which extends back 800,000 years, the Antarctic Dome C ice core. Scientists were able to recover a significantly older ice core through several novel methods, which will help to advance sample collection for glacier climatology.

Scientists use ice cores in the Arctic and Antarctica to reveal clues about past climates, specifically the concentration of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and proxies for temperature. Analysis of the new ice core reveals that CO2 did not exceed 300 ppm in the past 2.7 million years, well below the current CO2 level of 407.25 ppm. However, the new Allan Hills ice core provides one of the most comprehensive views of Earth's past climate.

This allows scientists to compare past climates with the modern climate for analogies of what the future holds. Unfortunately, the ice core did not go back far enough to capture Earth's atmosphere when it was well above 400ppm. This will likely be the goal of future ice core attempts using the new techniques.


Record Shattering 2.7-Million-Year-Old Ice Core Reveals The Genesis Of Ice Ages

Why don't you just continue to prove how fucking stupid you are? We have ice cores from glaciers and ice caps. We have sediment cores from many places in oceans and lakes. We have varved lake deposits that give us detailed information as to the local climate. Just keep posting your stupidity for all to see.
She also knows about dinosaurs and ice ages that man had nothing to do with
Yes idiot, the same scientists who taught us everything and anything we know about any of that have formulated the current, accepted theories and have supported them with mountains of science. Did that even cross your mind befire you vomited that post? Think of the stupidity of what you are trying (not very well) to say....that these scientists need to be reminded of their own discoveries by some uneducated idiot who looks at all of this through a lens of superstition amd politics. I'm not sure which is more outrageously idiotic: the idea itself, or the fact that you can't see how idiotic it is for yourself.

Wait a second let's back up here if I am uneducated monkey:

how would I ever know a about the ice ages ?

How would I know about C02 being five times higher in the Jurassic period?

How would I ever know about the great Sahara desert turning tropical to dry in a blink of a cosmic eye?

If I am uneducated how do I know that that Micheal Mann used just a a few tree rings in Siberia for his hockey stick graph

If I am so uneducated how do I know Naomi Klein says she wants social climate change justice

If I am so uneducated how do I know the temperature records are so unreliable in the early 1900s from land and oceans

If I am so uneducated how do I know about the climate gate emails

If I am so uneducated how do I know about cap and trade?

Fuck you you little prick I know more about the man made climate scam more then you ever will.
Yes, silly little bitch, you read all the shit thrown out by the denialists, and never open a science book. Your ignorance and stupidity shine clearly through your posts. You know virtually nothing concerning climate, how GHGs work, or anything else that has to do with science.

I know everything I need to know about it to make you cry...i could care less about the details like i said a million times before the only thing I am interested in is

The politics


Data aka how they got the fucking data..

With those two it's easy to make fun of you..

Because you don't have a thousand years worth of data ..

Scientists smashed the previous record for the oldest ice core in the world, collecting an ice core that dates back 2.7 million years ago. This is compared to one of the oldest ice cores which extends back 800,000 years, the Antarctic Dome C ice core. Scientists were able to recover a significantly older ice core through several novel methods, which will help to advance sample collection for glacier climatology.

Scientists use ice cores in the Arctic and Antarctica to reveal clues about past climates, specifically the concentration of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and proxies for temperature. Analysis of the new ice core reveals that CO2 did not exceed 300 ppm in the past 2.7 million years, well below the current CO2 level of 407.25 ppm. However, the new Allan Hills ice core provides one of the most comprehensive views of Earth's past climate.

This allows scientists to compare past climates with the modern climate for analogies of what the future holds. Unfortunately, the ice core did not go back far enough to capture Earth's atmosphere when it was well above 400ppm. This will likely be the goal of future ice core attempts using the new techniques.


Record Shattering 2.7-Million-Year-Old Ice Core Reveals The Genesis Of Ice Ages

Why don't you just continue to prove how fucking stupid you are? We have ice cores from glaciers and ice caps. We have sediment cores from many places in oceans and lakes. We have varved lake deposits that give us detailed information as to the local climate. Just keep posting your stupidity for all to see.

So what does it tell us old rocks?

That for one man was not there

Two man was not burning fossil fuels..

And the climate changed anyways..

God you are stupid in your own proof

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