Global Warming Pie Chart

The only people that push it are those with a political agenda and those who's studies are funded by Gov dollars.....sorry its a fact.

Why push the so-called "theory of AGW" unless there is a goal.

Because it is science.

Science does not have "goals", it has facts, data and evidence.

The only people who deny this - as we know on this board for an absolute fact - are those with extreme political views and a tendency to deny facts, data and evidence in all areas of debate.
Since there is no profit in Climate Models who do you think is supposed to pay for it? Govt shouldnt...ok so who should and why would they if theres no money to be made?
Since there is no profit in Climate Models who do you think is supposed to pay for it? Govt shouldnt...ok so who should and why would they if theres no money to be made?

You should be the first one to volunteer, since you seem to be a champion at spending other people's money.
Todd -

You are the one that asked why the term was used.

We both know you have absolutely 0 interest in this topic beyond politics, which is why you won't spend 5 minutes on google to answer your own question.
Todd -

You are the one that asked why the term was used.

We both know you have absolutely 0 interest in this topic beyond politics, which is why you won't spend 5 minutes on google to answer your own question.




Most conducive to a favorable outcome; best.


The most favorable conditions or level for growth, reproduction, or success.


optimal - best

I wonder why they would use that word to describe a warm period?
Maybe you have an idea, Saigon?
Todd -

I'm glad you've figured out what the word meant.

However, we both know that if you were genuinely interested, you'd already have found out the answer to to your own question.

I can never figure out why you guys think your own ignorance is some kind of interesting position we should all wish to discuss.
Todd -

I'm glad you've figured out what the word meant.

However, we both know that if you were genuinely interested, you'd already have found out the answer to to your own question.

I can never figure out why you guys think your own ignorance is some kind of interesting position we should all wish to discuss.

Saigon, I admire your patience. In case you were unaware, ignorance is some kind of conervative badge of honor. It appears to allow their 'common sense' to shine through.
Todd -

I'm glad you've figured out what the word meant.

However, we both know that if you were genuinely interested, you'd already have found out the answer to to your own question.

I can never figure out why you guys think your own ignorance is some kind of interesting position we should all wish to discuss.

I always knew what the word meant, I was curious to see how you'd try to explain it away.

I'm interested in the ignorance of the warmists.
The ones who think we should spend trillions, because the climate isn't static.
Todd -

I'm glad you've figured out what the word meant.

However, we both know that if you were genuinely interested, you'd already have found out the answer to to your own question.

I can never figure out why you guys think your own ignorance is some kind of interesting position we should all wish to discuss.

Saigon, I admire your patience. In case you were unaware, ignorance is some kind of conervative badge of honor. It appears to allow their 'common sense' to shine through.

You poor girl.

How many trillions should we spend to reduce warming by 0.2 degrees in 2080?
Todd -

I'm glad you've figured out what the word meant.

However, we both know that if you were genuinely interested, you'd already have found out the answer to to your own question.

I can never figure out why you guys think your own ignorance is some kind of interesting position we should all wish to discuss.

Saigon, I admire your patience. In case you were unaware, ignorance is some kind of conervative badge of honor. It appears to allow their 'common sense' to shine through.

You poor girl.

How many trillions should we spend to reduce warming by 0.2 degrees in 2080?

0.2 degrees? Where did you get that? Now that the permafrost is melting and releasing methane (100 times more potent greenhouse gas than CO2), positive feedback is accelerating the process. The latest models predict a rise of 4 degrees C by mid century. This is an extinction level temperature rise because it leads to the death of the plants and plankton that supply the oxygen for the planet. The most dire predictions (from the computer models that have predicted the monster weather than we've seen) put that point around 20 years from now. If it's not already too late to do anything about this, it will be by the time that all the skeptics pull their heads out.
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Theres Todd with that .02 degrees again.

What he'll tell you is that is based on a theory. Then he'll tell you how theories cant be proven therefore its not true....Then he'll bring up the .02 theory as proof
Consensus is not always right. I just plowed 4 inches of global warming from my drive way.

Top 10 Science Mistakes : Science Channel

Warming isnt weather...

You plowed snow from your driveway? This late in March? Sounds normal..

Are you shitting me? As evidence of why you distrust science you post a link that starts with this
You don't have to be a doctor to know how important the heart is…but back in ancient Greece, you could be a doctor and STILL have no idea how important the heart is.

Srsly? Ancient Greece?

Were you around in the 70's?

Yes it snowed in March during that decade.

Fact#1: The Earth has been cold before and, just like history, the climate of the earth does repeat itself. Here is one period that sticks out very well, the 1970’s; the earth was in a cool phase and it was even labeled the “Mini Ice Age”. Oh, and don’t forget the CO2 Emissions were on the rise during that time period, which has been labeled as the problem for Global Warming.

Fact#2: The Earth has been warmer in the past than it is now. There have been multiple periods in the earth’s climate cycle where temps have been warmer than they are now. So even without human made CO2, the earth still gets hot.

Fact#3: The third interesting thing is that in the 1970’s we hit a solar max, just like we are going to be doing in 2013. The solar max in the 1970’s had only sun activity of around 100 sunspots during that max. The reason this is important is because the max of 2013 is following right along the same path, which is setting the stage for a repeat in our climate cycle.

Fact#4: The sun controls more of the climate’s impact. Here is an interesting fact that I found during the research and building of my climate model; the United Nations Climate Freaks have also documented that the sun may be more important than originally planned in all of their climate models for 2013. So, why they are not accurately predicting the future?

Fact#5: The 1970’s were referred to as the Mini Ice Age. We were going through the cycle of heading to a solar min; during a solar min the Earth becomes cooler. If anyone remembers, during the winter of 2009 it was recorded that all “50 states of the US” had snow cover for the first time. This should have been one indicator that we were starting the cooling process. Oh yeah, and that was around one of those solar min’s as well.

read the rest here or stay ignorant.
Saigon, I admire your patience. In case you were unaware, ignorance is some kind of conervative badge of honor. It appears to allow their 'common sense' to shine through.

You poor girl.

How many trillions should we spend to reduce warming by 0.2 degrees in 2080?

0.2 degrees? Where did you get that? Now that the permafrost is melting and releasing methane (100 times more potent greenhouse gas than CO2), positive feedback is accelerating the process. The latest models predict a rise of 4 degrees C by mid century. This is an extinction level temperature rise because it leads to the death of the plants and plankton that supply the oxygen for the planet. The most dire predictions (from the computer models that have predicted the monster weather than we've seen) put that point around 20 years from now. If it's not already too late to do anything about this, it will be by the time that all the skeptics pull their heads out.

Give me your number then.
If we follow all your recommendations, how much will it cost?
How much will that reduce CO2 emissions?
How much will the reduced CO2 reduce global temps in 2080?

The most dire predictions (from the computer models that have predicted the monster weather than we've seen)

Which computer models? Link?
Theres Todd with that .02 degrees again.

What he'll tell you is that is based on a theory. Then he'll tell you how theories cant be proven therefore its not true....Then he'll bring up the .02 theory as proof

How much should we spend?
How much will it reduce temps?
Lay out your plan.
There is no plan beyond fleecing the public for trillions of dollars and further regulating the proles. Global Warming is a bullshit scam, all the scammers know it but their bed wetting zealots obviously don't.

The funny part is that anyone can see these so called "experts" invented the "crisis", drew conclusions on the cause of it and demanded congress pony up the dough for more "research". Not being satisfied with what's amounted to billions of dollars of waste, they're now pushing for direct taxes on everyone.

The "Profits of Doom" will continue to buy "carbon credits" from themselves, thus exempting each other from the taxes the rest of us enrich them with.

I'm not sure who disgusts me more, the mindless bed wetters who refuse to allow their programming to be challenged by all the facts skeptics have laid before them and continue to advance this fraud, or the sociopathic pigs who came up with the idea and are getting filthy rich from it.

Of particular disgust is these pigs side side with the democrook scumbags who insist the "rich" (who they are) don't pay their fair share in taxes, as if they're admitting it and the moonbats are too stupid to see the pigs are rubbing it in their faces.

It's Animal Farm come to life.

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