Global Warming Pie Chart

You don't change the entire World Economy because somebody "might" be right.

Good lord...and yesthere are more than "24" that disagree....geeeeeezus.

I thought someone would've debunked this by now. Only thing that's been said is "it snowed today" + "how do we know they're right? Maybe they aren't" and in some circles observing today's weather plus questions rising from ignorance equals debunking.

It's like a child saying "oh yeah, well if Elephants are so fast then why are they fat?"

"how do we know they're right?

More like, how do we know they're right and why should we spend trillions and give the government more power, to reduce warming by 0.2 degrees in 2080?

Well, considering that thousand of scientist agree while that doesnt prove they are's a lot more convincing than the 24 that disagree. If you are looking to cause reasonable doubt thats fine. But 24 vs thousands isnt a good start.

To answer your question is to err on the bad side of the what if?
What if humans can have an impact on the earth?
Your answer would be: Do nothing
My answer would be: Do something

You might ask why? Well, if we do nothing the planet that we live on could be adversly affected. what happens to the water also happens to the ppl. That is bad. What if we did something! Well, if we do something the planet that we live on could be affected less by our actions.

Seems like a good bet to take, wouldnt you agree?
No, you don't. You wait until the situation is totally out of hand. Then you state that the scientists never warned you it would be this bad.
AGW Theory is a far more robust theory than that of gravity. We can observe and measure the effects of gravity, we still do not understand the underlaying principles.

The absorption spectra of the GHGs were measured in 1858 by Tyndall. The first quantifictation of the effects of doubling the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere were done by Arrhenius in 1896.

If one is interested in the history of the scientific investigation of AGW, one can find it here, the web site of the American Institute of Physics, the single largest scientific society in the world, a scientific society of scientific socities.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Present a experiment that is MEASURABLE. Go ahead...I DARE you!

The absorption of longwave infrared has been measured many times since Tyndall in 1858.
No, you don't. You wait until the situation is totally out of hand. Then you state that the scientists never warned you it would be this bad.

What's a climatic optimum?

For whom and where?

Instead of posting your ignorance with really stupid questions like that, why don't you investigate what a rapid warming will mean to the agriculture that 7 billion people depend on. You might start by looking at the droughts and floods that have affected agriculture worldwide for the last 3 years.
U.S. Drought Monitor | U.S. Drought Portal

Why Are Food Prices Rising? Check the Weather - Businessweek

Droughts, floods, typhoons, hurricanes, and other forms of extreme weather have devastated crops since the beginning of time. But, as the effects of climate change on our weather become more frequent—and intense—the world’s food supply is subject to more calamity and volatility. Erratic weather can be a significant factor in food shortages and higher prices for everything from wheat and rice to fruits and vegetables to meat and poultry. Here’s a look over the last few years at the local, regional, and global effects of extreme weather on agriculture around the world.
No, you don't. You wait until the situation is totally out of hand. Then you state that the scientists never warned you it would be this bad.

What's a climatic optimum?

For whom and where?

Instead of posting your ignorance with really stupid questions like that, why don't you investigate what a rapid warming will mean to the agriculture that 7 billion people depend on. You might start by looking at the droughts and floods that have affected agriculture worldwide for the last 3 years.

What's a climatic optimum?
Why is it called that?

why don't you investigate what a rapid warming will mean

Rapid? Like 1 degree over the next 80 years?
What's a climatic optimum?

For whom and where?

Instead of posting your ignorance with really stupid questions like that, why don't you investigate what a rapid warming will mean to the agriculture that 7 billion people depend on. You might start by looking at the droughts and floods that have affected agriculture worldwide for the last 3 years.

What's a climatic optimum?
Why is it called that?

why don't you investigate what a rapid warming will mean

Rapid? Like 1 degree over the next 80 years?

And your source for that number?

For more than 30 years, ECS in the leading models has averaged around 5 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Celsius). This provides the best estimate of global temperature increase expected by the late 21st century compared to late 19th century values, assuming that society continues to emit significant amounts of carbon dioxide. However, the ECS within individual models is as low as 3 degrees F and as high as 8 degrees F (, leaving a wide range of uncertainty that has proven difficult to narrow over the past three decades.
For whom and where?

Instead of posting your ignorance with really stupid questions like that, why don't you investigate what a rapid warming will mean to the agriculture that 7 billion people depend on. You might start by looking at the droughts and floods that have affected agriculture worldwide for the last 3 years.

What's a climatic optimum?
Why is it called that?

why don't you investigate what a rapid warming will mean

Rapid? Like 1 degree over the next 80 years?

And your source for that number?

For more than 30 years, ECS in the leading models has averaged around 5 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Celsius). This provides the best estimate of global temperature increase expected by the late 21st century compared to late 19th century values, assuming that society continues to emit significant amounts of carbon dioxide. However, the ECS within individual models is as low as 3 degrees F and as high as 8 degrees F (, leaving a wide range of uncertainty that has proven difficult to narrow over the past three decades.

My source?
I pulled it out of the air, just like any other guess made by a warmist.

You never answered.....
What's a climatic optimum?
Why is it called that?
AGW Theory is a far more robust theory than that of gravity. We can observe and measure the effects of gravity, we still do not understand the underlaying principles.

The absorption spectra of the GHGs were measured in 1858 by Tyndall. The first quantifictation of the effects of doubling the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere were done by Arrhenius in 1896.

If one is interested in the history of the scientific investigation of AGW, one can find it here, the web site of the American Institute of Physics, the single largest scientific society in the world, a scientific society of scientific socities.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Present a experiment that is MEASURABLE. Go ahead...I DARE you!

The absorption of longwave infrared has been measured many times since Tyndall in 1858.

How about a measurable experiment that supports your theory? Nice deflection attempt but that's not what I asked you for.
No, you don't. You wait until the situation is totally out of hand. Then you state that the scientists never warned you it would be this bad.

What's a climatic optimum?

For whom and where?

Instead of posting your ignorance with really stupid questions like that, why don't you investigate what a rapid warming will mean to the agriculture that 7 billion people depend on. You might start by looking at the droughts and floods that have affected agriculture worldwide for the last 3 years.

What "rapid warming"? All the major warmists all admit no warming for at least 10 years and a maximum of 17 according to the head of the IPCC.

You've got some 'splainin to doooooo!
That just means that 24 scientists didn't take the bribes... I mean Taxpayer funded Grant money.
What all posters on these threads need to keep in mind is this:

Posters who deny climate change:


Posters who deny that Hitler was right wing:


The same posters who deny modern science also deny modern history. Hence, it is not about facts - it is about a desire to deny facts.

At least on this board, Climate scepticism is basically a funding principle of extreme right wing political views.
What all posters on these threads need to keep in mind is this:

Posters who deny climate change:


Posters who deny that Hitler was right wing:


The same posters who deny modern science also deny modern history. Hence, it is not about facts - it is about a desire to deny facts.

At least on this board, Climate scepticism is basically a funding principle of extreme right wing political views.

Ahhh yes, there it is. Now we're all NAZI's too right? What an ass you are ...a true ass.
Westwall -

No, I don't think any of you are Nazis at all, and I apologise if that was how you interpreted my post.

All four of you seem to hold political views closer to a kind of militant Randism than towards Fascism.

I do think all of you hold such very extreme right wing views that dealing with any kind of facts is simply impossible, because facts contradict your extreme world view. The desire to deny what is in dictionaries and what is seen out the window is essential to anyone holding very extreme views - be they Islamic fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Fascists, Communists or any other kind of fundamentalist.
Westwall -

No, I don't think any of you are Nazis at all, and I apologise if that was how you interpreted my post.

All four of you seem to hold political views closer to a kind of militant Randism than towards Fascism.

I do think all of you hold such very extreme right wing views that dealing with any kind of facts is simply impossible, because facts contradict your extreme world view. The desire to deny what is in dictionaries and what is seen out the window is essential to anyone holding very extreme views - be they Islamic fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Fascists, Communists or any other kind of fundamentalist.

Militant Randism? :lol::lol::lol: No, I just understand that ultra right wing is anarchy and that ultra left wing is totalitarianism. Fascism, communism, theism are all variations on that theme, thus they are all basically the same.

But you have to be a thinking person to understand that. I find it amusing you think I have an "extreme world view" when it is you and your who wish for global government to control the lives of all people on this planet whereas we just wish to be left alone and we will leave everyone else alone.

So who has the "extreme world view"???? Look in the mirror junior.
you and your who wish for global government

...and there you go again.

Your views on everything are just so poisoned by political hate, paranoia and fear that it is impossible for you to post honestly or coherently on any topic.

You just descend immediately into lies and infantile accusations.
you and your who wish for global government

...and there you go again.

Your views on everything are just so poisoned by political hate, paranoia and fear that it is impossible for you to post honestly or coherently on any topic.

You just descend immediately into lies and infantile accusations.

Really? What is the goal of the various governments to "control" the CO2 content of the atmosphere? Be VERY specific.
Westwall -

Really? What is the goal of the various governments to "control" the CO2 content of the atmosphere? Be VERY specific.

There is no Marxist global conspiracy, obviously. Hence is there is no "goal".

You are just posting paranoid gibberish. Why not ask you local Church of Scientology or Illuminatti what their view is?! They're very good with conspiracies!
Westwall -

Really? What is the goal of the various governments to "control" the CO2 content of the atmosphere? Be VERY specific.

There is no Marxist global conspiracy, obviously. Hence is there is no "goal".

You are just posting paranoid gibberish. Why not ask you local Church of Scientology or Illuminatti what their view is?! They're very good with conspiracies!

Answer the question chicken. Why push the so-called "theory of AGW" unless there is a goal. What's the goal junior? And once again, what do the various governments around the world wish to do to control CO2?

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