Global Warming Pie Chart

I thought someone would've debunked this by now. Only thing that's been said is "it snowed today" + "how do we know they're right? Maybe they aren't" and in some circles observing today's weather plus questions rising from ignorance equals debunking.

It's like a child saying "oh yeah, well if Elephants are so fast then why are they fat?"

Wow, you've gotten your ass handed to you in this discussion and that's your best retort?

Why are you so focused on temperature instead of the things I keep mentioned like water, earth, land and quality of life?
Yet another desperate leftist trying to pretend the subject is Global Warming, and ignore the actual controversy, which is whether man had anything to do with it or can change it now?

You people really need some new material. These old, tired dodges aren't fooling anybody any more.
Yet another desperate leftist trying to pretend the subject is Global Warming, and ignore the actual controversy, which is whether man had anything to do with it or can change it now?

You people really need some new material. These old, tired dodges aren't fooling anybody any more.

some on the left used to say

that bush had an evil weather machine

which he would deploy at certain times

but that would have been pretty much a localized event

I have the solution to Global Warming, and how we can drastically reduce human production of CO2.

It will have to be a well coordinated effort undertaken by everyone who believes human beings are causing the earth to heat up and are dedicated to CO2 reduction. It will require a minimal initial expense, but some significant labor costs in the end.

If you truly believe in changing the earth for the better, this April 20th 2013 at 12 noon eastern standard time (you folks on the west coast might have to set an alarm clock and wake up early) place a plastic bag over your heads and tape it around your neck. Trap all that exhaled CO2 in the bag, relax and take short shallow breaths. You may become tired, but don't give up. Remain that way for at least 12 hours. It is not recommended you perform this procedure on children younger than 16 or on young adults that express skeptisizm.

I can absolutely guarantee complete success on April 21st. Not only will the world be a cooler place, the collective intelligence of mankind will increase at least %25.
I have the solution to Global Warming, and how we can drastically reduce human production of CO2.

It will have to be a well coordinated effort undertaken by everyone who believes human beings are causing the earth to heat up and are dedicated to CO2 reduction. It will require a minimal initial expense, but some significant labor costs in the end.

If you truly believe in changing the earth for the better, this April 20th 2013 at 12 noon eastern standard time (you folks on the west coast might have to set an alarm clock and wake up early) place a plastic bag over your heads and tape it around your neck. Trap all that exhaled CO2 in the bag, relax and take short shallow breaths. You may become tired, but don't give up. Remain that way for at least 12 hours. It is not recommended you perform this procedure on children younger than 16 or on young adults that express skeptisizm.

I can absolutely guarantee complete success on April 21st. Not only will the world be a cooler place, the collective intelligence of mankind will increase at least %25.

hand out some flyers at a ows gathering

I have the solution to Global Warming, and how we can drastically reduce human production of CO2.

It will have to be a well coordinated effort undertaken by everyone who believes human beings are causing the earth to heat up and are dedicated to CO2 reduction. It will require a minimal initial expense, but some significant labor costs in the end.

If you truly believe in changing the earth for the better, this April 20th 2013 at 12 noon eastern standard time (you folks on the west coast might have to set an alarm clock and wake up early) place a plastic bag over your heads and tape it around your neck. Trap all that exhaled CO2 in the bag, relax and take short shallow breaths. You may become tired, but don't give up. Remain that way for at least 12 hours. It is not recommended you perform this procedure on children younger than 16 or on young adults that express skeptisizm.

I can absolutely guarantee complete success on April 21st. Not only will the world be a cooler place, the collective intelligence of mankind will increase at least %25.

hand out some flyers at a ows gathering


We'd have to provide the bags and tape too, but it would be worth it.
I have the solution to Global Warming, and how we can drastically reduce human production of CO2.

It will have to be a well coordinated effort undertaken by everyone who believes human beings are causing the earth to heat up and are dedicated to CO2 reduction. It will require a minimal initial expense, but some significant labor costs in the end.

If you truly believe in changing the earth for the better, this April 20th 2013 at 12 noon eastern standard time (you folks on the west coast might have to set an alarm clock and wake up early) place a plastic bag over your heads and tape it around your neck. Trap all that exhaled CO2 in the bag, relax and take short shallow breaths. You may become tired, but don't give up. Remain that way for at least 12 hours. It is not recommended you perform this procedure on children younger than 16 or on young adults that express skeptisizm.

I can absolutely guarantee complete success on April 21st. Not only will the world be a cooler place, the collective intelligence of mankind will increase at least %25.

hand out some flyers at a ows gathering


We'd have to provide the bags and tape too, but it would be worth it.

yes of course

would you expect any less from the entitlement crowd


Why Climate Deniers Have No Scientific Credibility - In One Pie Chart | DeSmogBlog


There was a consensus that house prices never go down. It is not always best to follow the herd.

Yeah, because thats science

:lol::lol::lol:What science? No lab experiment has ever been presented that can replicate the theory. That is a failure of the first order. No computer model (upon which the "science" of climatology is 90% based) can replicate the weather that occured yesterday with perfect knowledge of all the variables involved. That too is an epic fail.

Then we get to the recent admissions by the UK's Met Office, the IPCC, and finally Hansen himself that there has been no warming for at least ten years, all in the face of ever rising CO2 levels, and you have epic fail number three.

Science? Shit, Sylvia Brown the well known charlatan, has a better prediction rate than your "scientists".
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Yet another desperate leftist trying to pretend the subject is Global Warming, and ignore the actual controversy, which is whether man had anything to do with it or can change it now?

You people really need some new material. These old, tired dodges aren't fooling anybody any more.

There's the rub. Since there is no accurate model of the dynamic atmoshere or climate, absolute proof one way or the other is impossible.
Theres no absolute proof to another theory too...Gravity.

I dont see you bitches jumping off of any bridges tho. So can that "absolute proof" bullshit or jump off a bridge
Theres no absolute proof to another theory too...Gravity.

I dont see you bitches jumping off of any bridges tho. So can that "absolute proof" bullshit or jump off a bridge

If only the climate was as predictable as gravity. Without proof all the sceptics money can buy will deny it and the so called liberal media will give them equal if not more time than the scientist.
No one I know doubts that climate cycles exist.

The evidence is in the ice core data:


Note that CO2 increases lag behind temp increases, by about 800 years. This is because when the oceans warm dissolved gases are released from them, including CO2. Also note the spike in CO2 at the far right due to the industrial age, yet temps do not follow that spike up.

The attempt to make CO2 into a commodity to be taxed and traded is simply an attempt to redistribute wealth. Has nothing to due with altering natural climate cycles.

Sunspot cycles, variation in Earth's orbit, wobbles in Earth's rotation, and ocean current cycles cause the large climate cycles -- not CO2, or Man.

We do need to address REAL surface air pollution, which CO2 is not, and have done a pretty good job in America!

But nations like China and India are a mess.

This phenomenon is an effect of positive feedback.


The initial changes in temperature during this period are explained by changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun, which affects the amount of seasonal sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface. In the case of warming, the lag between temperature and CO2 is explained as follows: as ocean temperatures rise, oceans release CO2 into the atmosphere. In turn, this release amplifies the warming trend, leading to yet more CO2 being released. In other words, increasing CO2 levels become both the cause and effect of further warming. This positive feedback is necessary to trigger the shifts between glacials and interglacials as the effect of orbital changes is too weak to cause such variation. Additional positive feedbacks which play an important role in this process include other greenhouse gases, and changes in ice sheet cover and vegetation patterns.

CO2 lags temperature - what does it mean?
Theres no absolute proof to another theory too...Gravity.

I dont see you bitches jumping off of any bridges tho. So can that "absolute proof" bullshit or jump off a bridge

Yes, but there's a HUGE difference between AGW "theory" and the theory of gravitation. We can MEASURE and PREDICT, with extreme accuracy, what will occur when a object interacts with a gravitational field. We can calculate the effect so well that we use it is a gravitational slingshot to propel our spacecraft into the deepest corners of our solar system and beyond.

AGW "theory" hasn't predicted ANYTHING with any sort of accuracy in 30 years of trying. Well known charlatan Sylvia Brown has a better track record.

the chart looks strikingly similar

to the consensus that the world was flat

and that the sun circled the earth

and the hell to pay if you disagreed with the consensus


Yes. The scientists, or natural philosphers as they were called then, disagreed, and the church burned some, and tortured others, such as Galileo.

You are just about as stupid as they come, posting nonsense like that. The circumferance of the Earth was measued by Eratothenes in 280 BC. Only the ignorant church believed the Earth to be flat. That you know none of this, yet post with the device in front of you indicates willful ignorance on your part, since the whole of the history of science is avaible for a small amount of effort.
AGW Theory is a far more robust theory than that of gravity. We can observe and measure the effects of gravity, we still do not understand the underlaying principles.

The absorption spectra of the GHGs were measured in 1858 by Tyndall. The first quantifictation of the effects of doubling the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere were done by Arrhenius in 1896.

If one is interested in the history of the scientific investigation of AGW, one can find it here, the web site of the American Institute of Physics, the single largest scientific society in the world, a scientific society of scientific socities.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

It stands to reason that as the atmosphere warms from the buildup of greenhouse gases, so does the ocean. Scientists have long suspected this was true, but they did not have enough solid evidence. Now they do. Data compiled by Marinexplore in Sunnyvale, Calif., not only confirm previous studies that the world's oceans are simmering, but they also bring surprising news: the heating extends beyond the first few meters of surface waters, down to 700 meters. Because most organisms live in the top 400 meters, the data suggest that warming could affect most marine life, altering food chains and migrations. It could change the distribution of life—from tiny phytoplankton to big whales—across the seven seas. “The more the atmosphere warms up, the more heat it transfers to the ocean,” says Roberto De Almeida, an ocean data engineer at Marinexplore. “That heat propagates downward.” Indeed, the extra energy could affect massive ocean currents and the weather patterns they influence.
AGW Theory is a far more robust theory than that of gravity. We can observe and measure the effects of gravity, we still do not understand the underlaying principles.

The absorption spectra of the GHGs were measured in 1858 by Tyndall. The first quantifictation of the effects of doubling the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere were done by Arrhenius in 1896.

If one is interested in the history of the scientific investigation of AGW, one can find it here, the web site of the American Institute of Physics, the single largest scientific society in the world, a scientific society of scientific socities.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Present a experiment that is MEASURABLE. Go ahead...I DARE you!

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