Global Warming Update

The data that has been presented, some of it by you, proves what I have said.

But even if man is causing climate change (which he isn't) there is nothing we can do about it short of executing about 3 billion people.

But you were asked earlier how putting a carbon tax on individuals and industries will stop man made climate change. It won't. What it will do is cause an inflationary rise in prices, recessions and depressions, poorer quality of life, death to a lot of poor people, and possibly a world war.

in short, you whole rhetoric on this topic is based on ignorance.

I'm going to focus on certain parts.

But even if man is causing climate change (which he isn't)

What do you mean by this? Do you mean man has no impact on the climate whatsoever? Do you mean that man has less than 50% impact on climate change?

Climate change happens naturally. Also climate change can happen by other factors, like pollution. I believe that what is happening now is not natural. We should be seeing colder temperatures and we're not. Why?

there is nothing we can do about it short of executing about 3 billion people.

Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be executing people. It has to be the realisation that populations need to be cut back, people need to have less kids. Also, there are plenty of other things that can happen. We can live more in tune with the world around us.

But you were asked earlier how putting a carbon tax on individuals and industries will stop man made climate change. It won't. What it will do is cause an inflationary rise in prices, recessions and depressions, poorer quality of life, death to a lot of poor people, and possibly a world war.

Hmm. Not sure if carbon tax will cause all of these things. However all of these things are a major possibility.
Price rises can lead to people using less. Big cars in the US, small cars in Europe, why? Tax on oil is much higher, people can't afford to use so much. However a lot of pollution is caused by business, who might also need to make a profit.
Recessions and depressions happen anyway, they're natural.
World War, which is looking more likely every year, is going to happen if there aren't enough resources. There won't be enough because we'll have used them all up by some time in the future.

This is good reason for using renewable energy, so that we're prepared for the inevitable.

As for based on ignorance. Come off it. You're claiming stuff. That's all you're doing. You've not backed much up. The only thing you've sourced is a wiki page with the list of a FEW scientists who deny completely or partially that man made global warming exists. Some are based on facts and figures, others seem to be scientists who have nothing to do with climate change who get given a check from some right wing foundation and then spout off that climate change isn't happening because "temperatures haven't risen in 10 years", as if pointing out one fact is suddenly science.
Simple explanation into the "man has no effect on the earth" argument.

Man drops every nuke that exists at the same time. Massive explosions and destruction. Earth will be fine.

Everyone knows thats stupid to believe that....So man has to have some effect on the earth. Period
The Earth shifts on its axis approximately every 10,000 years. As a result of this gradual shift climate changes.

Or maybe I'm just farting too much....?

According to science right? Isnt that ironic.

Wow! You mean like winter and summer, ice ages alternate between the Southern Hemisphere and the Northern Hemisphere? I think you need a real science book.
Simple explanation into the "man has no effect on the earth" argument.

Man drops every nuke that exists at the same time. Massive explosions and destruction. Earth will be fine.

Everyone knows thats stupid to believe that....So man has to have some effect on the earth. Period
You can't hurt the planet, it's a rock that's been through literal Hell, but you can make it so nothing can live on it. Been there, going back now.
The Earth shifts on its axis approximately every 10,000 years. As a result of this gradual shift climate changes.

Or maybe I'm just farting too much....?

According to science right? Isnt that ironic.

According to reality. Science is an EVOLVING and ever CHANGING creation of man.

You've seen the earth shift? You're over 10,000 years old?

Or did you get that from scientists who do science while trying to convince everyone else that science is bullshit and using it to strengthen your argument.
According to science right? Isnt that ironic.

According to reality. Science is an EVOLVING and ever CHANGING creation of man.

You've seen the earth shift? You're over 10,000 years old?

Or did you get that from scientists who do science while trying to convince everyone else that science is bullshit and using it to strengthen your argument.

I take it you still believe the earth is flat and everything revolves around us huh?
According to reality. Science is an EVOLVING and ever CHANGING creation of man.

You've seen the earth shift? You're over 10,000 years old?

Or did you get that from scientists who do science while trying to convince everyone else that science is bullshit and using it to strengthen your argument.

I take it you still believe the earth is flat and everything revolves around us huh?

Science says no, Science also says the earth is rotating on an axis and Science says that Global Warming is happening.

You believe 2 of those 3 and cant explain why
You've seen the earth shift? You're over 10,000 years old?

Or did you get that from scientists who do science while trying to convince everyone else that science is bullshit and using it to strengthen your argument.

I take it you still believe the earth is flat and everything revolves around us huh?

Science says no, Science also says the earth is rotating on an axis and Science says that Global Warming is happening.

You believe 2 of those 3 and cant explain why

Which is it? Global warming or climate change. Make up your mind.
Ame®icano;9007648 said:
I take it you still believe the earth is flat and everything revolves around us huh?

Science says no, Science also says the earth is rotating on an axis and Science says that Global Warming is happening.

You believe 2 of those 3 and cant explain why

Which is it? Global warming or climate change. Make up your mind.

Both terms have been around since the beginning so you choose. Its only been around 40 years and I know time flies but...
Since when has the American Taliban ever believed science? These are the same people who want Bible studies in public school to give "fair and balanced" education to kids as they simultaneously learn about evolution in science class. This planet is our only home and it is being poisoned on a global scale. The greed of the international super-rich and their desire for "greater net worth" and productivity has led to a rapid degradation of the environment since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

You can't convince the American Taliban that they are wrong. These people hide behind human shields and threaten violence against America to get what they want, and what they want is always based on wrong information because they shun science and learning.

Right-wing Tea party traitors need to stop arguing against science. FOX says that science is okay. Learn science.
COSMOS: A Spacetime Odyssey
You've seen the earth shift? You're over 10,000 years old?

Or did you get that from scientists who do science while trying to convince everyone else that science is bullshit and using it to strengthen your argument.

I take it you still believe the earth is flat and everything revolves around us huh?

Science says no, Science also says the earth is rotating on an axis and Science says that Global Warming is happening.

You believe 2 of those 3 and cant explain why

I believe what is PROVEN. If and when global warming BECAUSE OF MAN is proven I will change my mind. Until then I will remain skeptical as any rational person would.

A few years ago they said we were depleating our ozone and causing holes in it. Now those same holes are disappearing and we as humans have made no changes to cause that repair. It's all speculation at this point. Were it not for the stupid political agenda that has attached itself to this issue we wouldn't even be discussing it.
Since when has the American Taliban ever believed science? These are the same people who want Bible studies in public school to give "fair and balanced" education to kids as they simultaneously learn about evolution in science class. This planet is our only home and it is being poisoned on a global scale. The greed of the international super-rich and their desire for "greater net worth" and productivity has led to a rapid degradation of the environment since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

You can't convince the American Taliban that they are wrong. These people hide behind human shields and threaten violence against America to get what they want, and what they want is always based on wrong information because they shun science and learning.

Right-wing Tea party traitors need to stop arguing against science. FOX says that science is okay. Learn science.
COSMOS: A Spacetime Odyssey

You could paint an entire barn in one stroke with that brush.......dick
Since when has the American Taliban ever believed science? These are the same people who want Bible studies in public school to give "fair and balanced" education to kids as they simultaneously learn about evolution in science class. This planet is our only home and it is being poisoned on a global scale. The greed of the international super-rich and their desire for "greater net worth" and productivity has led to a rapid degradation of the environment since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

You can't convince the American Taliban that they are wrong. These people hide behind human shields and threaten violence against America to get what they want, and what they want is always based on wrong information because they shun science and learning.

Right-wing Tea party traitors need to stop arguing against science. FOX says that science is okay. Learn science.
COSMOS: A Spacetime Odyssey

You could paint an entire barn in one stroke with that brush.......dick
Stop arguing against science, stop pushing for religion in schools, stop hiding behind human shields to protect criminals and threatening America with violence, and then maybe the rest of America won't think that you're the American equivalent of the Taliban.
Since when has the American Taliban ever believed science? These are the same people who want Bible studies in public school to give "fair and balanced" education to kids as they simultaneously learn about evolution in science class. This planet is our only home and it is being poisoned on a global scale. The greed of the international super-rich and their desire for "greater net worth" and productivity has led to a rapid degradation of the environment since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

You can't convince the American Taliban that they are wrong. These people hide behind human shields and threaten violence against America to get what they want, and what they want is always based on wrong information because they shun science and learning.

Right-wing Tea party traitors need to stop arguing against science. FOX says that science is okay. Learn science.
COSMOS: A Spacetime Odyssey

You could paint an entire barn in one stroke with that brush.......dick
Stop arguing against science, stop pushing for religion in schools, stop hiding behind human shields to protect criminals and threatening America with violence, and then maybe the rest of America won't think that you're the American equivalent of the Taliban.

Since when has the American Taliban ever believed science? These are the same people who want Bible studies in public school to give "fair and balanced" education to kids as they simultaneously learn about evolution in science class. This planet is our only home and it is being poisoned on a global scale. The greed of the international super-rich and their desire for "greater net worth" and productivity has led to a rapid degradation of the environment since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

You can't convince the American Taliban that they are wrong. These people hide behind human shields and threaten violence against America to get what they want, and what they want is always based on wrong information because they shun science and learning.

Right-wing Tea party traitors need to stop arguing against science. FOX says that science is okay. Learn science.
COSMOS: A Spacetime Odyssey

You loves you some science, don't you, KNB? And, you just hate those sons-of-bitches who don't buy into your science, don't you, KNB? How dare they disagree with scientists? Who the hell do they think they are? Scientists are smart. Those bastards aren't smart.

Science is a discipline, KNB. It is not a religion. It is not a sin to think for yourself, or disagree with scientists. In addition, science is the establishment of fact and solid theory. It is not determined by majority vote, or even a super majority vote. Neither fact, nor solid theory contains qualifiers like "may" or "very likely". That is opinion, not science.

Are you aware that it is impossible to know exactly where you are, and how fast you are moving, at the same time? Science is strange, isn't it?
Bill Nye The Science guy (the guy from the kiddie tv show) said it's real so you know, who can argue with such brilliance?

Once upon a time nearly every scientist believed the earth to be flat and the other celestial objects revolved around it. The dicenters? Executed for blasphemy.

Times don't change much do they? Substitute public humiliation for executions and NOTHING has changed.

You must mean the scientific geniuses that claim that there is no genetic differences in IQ between races and gender ?

That AIDS was a heterosexual disease ?

That banning DDT saved lives ?

That breast implants caused auto-immune diseases ?

That embrionic stem cells had cured one thing ?

That cerebral palsey was caused by noncesarian deliveries ?

That global cooling was an imminent threat ?

That the population explosion was an imminent threat ?

That climate change is the newest imminent threat ?

Margaret Sangers Eugenics ?

You mean all that SCIENCE ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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