Global Warming Update


You must mean the scientific geniuses that claim that there is no genetic differences in IQ between races and gender ?

That AIDS was a heterosexual disease ?

That banning DDT saved lives ?

That breast implants caused auto-immune diseases ?

That embrionic stem cells had cured one thing ?

That cerebral palsey was caused by noncesarian deliveries ?

That global cooling was an imminent threat ?

That the population explosion was an imminent threat ?

That climate change is the newest imminent threat ?

Margaret Sangers Eugenics ?

You mean all that SCIENCE ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

And the, Throw the baby out with the bathwater contingent has spoken.
Since when has the American Taliban ever believed science? These are the same people who want Bible studies in public school to give "fair and balanced" education to kids as they simultaneously learn about evolution in science class. This planet is our only home and it is being poisoned on a global scale. The greed of the international super-rich and their desire for "greater net worth" and productivity has led to a rapid degradation of the environment since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

You can't convince the American Taliban that they are wrong. These people hide behind human shields and threaten violence against America to get what they want, and what they want is always based on wrong information because they shun science and learning.

Right-wing Tea party traitors need to stop arguing against science. FOX says that science is okay. Learn science.
COSMOS: A Spacetime Odyssey

Let's drop the Taliban crap and TALK ABOUT the "science".. CO2 has an effect on the surface warning. Basic Atmospheric Physics calculates this to be about 1.2degC per DOUBLING of CO2. So the the pre-indust. levels of 280ppm have YET to doubled. We are currently flirting with just 400ppm. Which means it will be 2040 or later before we even come near this doubling.

And current ACTUAL DATA confirms this level of heating or something slightly less. To be a believer in Global Warming and the weak science associated with all the doom and gloom, you've got to believe that the Earth's climate is so fragile that this 1.2degC will MAGICALLY MULTIPLY into 4 or even 8 degC for each doubling of CO2. Essentially saying that the Earth will commit planetcide if ANY radiative forcing causes the temperature to rise just a couple degrees. This is bunk and hokum.. Because the Earth's climate has seen MUCH MORE instances of temp change and never turned into a dead planet like Venus.

Take it from a Taliban member.. The science is getting slightly better since the accuracy of the IPCC models has been smashed by this 15 year PAUSE in warming. The admissions that the climate is MORE COMPLEX than the models is all for the good of the science. NOT SO GOOD for the GW faithful.. In fact, MANY prestigious institutes are now modifying their terrifying predictions and ADMITTING that there is MASSIVE heat storage and LONG delays that were not accounted for in the models. See Max Planck Inst. for example of late.

Take your Taliban crap and shove it where the sun don't warm the planet... :badgrin:
I take it you still believe the earth is flat and everything revolves around us huh?

Science says no, Science also says the earth is rotating on an axis and Science says that Global Warming is happening.

You believe 2 of those 3 and cant explain why

I believe what is PROVEN. If and when global warming BECAUSE OF MAN is proven I will change my mind. Until then I will remain skeptical as any rational person would.

A few years ago they said we were depleating our ozone and causing holes in it. Now those same holes are disappearing and we as humans have made no changes to cause that repair. It's all speculation at this point. Were it not for the stupid political agenda that has attached itself to this issue we wouldn't even be discussing it.

That's not exactly correct. We humans, at the urging of the hated EPA, changed the type of coolants and refrigerants from FREON to HCFC's. It was felt that the FREON, when released into the atmosphere contributed greatly to the hole that was forming.
I take it you still believe the earth is flat and everything revolves around us huh?

Science says no, Science also says the earth is rotating on an axis and Science says that Global Warming is happening.

You believe 2 of those 3 and cant explain why

I believe what is PROVEN. If and when global warming BECAUSE OF MAN is proven I will change my mind. Until then I will remain skeptical as any rational person would.

A few years ago they said we were depleating our ozone and causing holes in it. Now those same holes are disappearing and we as humans have made no changes to cause that repair. It's all speculation at this point. Were it not for the stupid political agenda that has attached itself to this issue we wouldn't even be discussing it.

You havent seen earths axis or its tilting every 10,000 years so...

Wait, so you believe that there are holes in the ozone or that they have been repaired too. Amazing how much you base your arguement on science while trying to convince everyone to ignore it.

Did you see the holes in the Ozone yourself or believe scientists again?
Science says no, Science also says the earth is rotating on an axis and Science says that Global Warming is happening.

You believe 2 of those 3 and cant explain why

I believe what is PROVEN. If and when global warming BECAUSE OF MAN is proven I will change my mind. Until then I will remain skeptical as any rational person would.

A few years ago they said we were depleating our ozone and causing holes in it. Now those same holes are disappearing and we as humans have made no changes to cause that repair. It's all speculation at this point. Were it not for the stupid political agenda that has attached itself to this issue we wouldn't even be discussing it.

That's not exactly correct. We humans, at the urging of the hated EPA, changed the type of coolants and refrigerants from FREON to HCFC's. It was felt that the FREON, when released into the atmosphere contributed greatly to the hole that was forming.

I guess he means by doing nothing he really meant did something
Bill Nye The Science guy (the guy from the kiddie tv show) said it's real so you know, who can argue with such brilliance?

Not you obviously.

Once upon a time nearly every scientist believed the earth to be flat and the other celestial objects revolved around it. The dicenters? Executed for blasphemy.

Oh dear!

Times don't change much do they? Substitute public humiliation for executions and NOTHING has changed.

No times dont change and you are communicating to everyone from beyond the grave or acting like a drama queen.
Science says no, Science also says the earth is rotating on an axis and Science says that Global Warming is happening.

You believe 2 of those 3 and cant explain why

I believe what is PROVEN. If and when global warming BECAUSE OF MAN is proven I will change my mind. Until then I will remain skeptical as any rational person would.

A few years ago they said we were depleating our ozone and causing holes in it. Now those same holes are disappearing and we as humans have made no changes to cause that repair. It's all speculation at this point. Were it not for the stupid political agenda that has attached itself to this issue we wouldn't even be discussing it.

That's not exactly correct. We humans, at the urging of the hated EPA, changed the type of coolants and refrigerants from FREON to HCFC's. It was felt that the FREON, when released into the atmosphere contributed greatly to the hole that was forming.

It was one of many hypothesis but to believe that the holes closed up because AMERICA dropped ONE chemical while the rest of the industrialized world chuggs along is kinda farfetched don't ya think?
Science says no, Science also says the earth is rotating on an axis and Science says that Global Warming is happening.

You believe 2 of those 3 and cant explain why

I believe what is PROVEN. If and when global warming BECAUSE OF MAN is proven I will change my mind. Until then I will remain skeptical as any rational person would.

A few years ago they said we were depleating our ozone and causing holes in it. Now those same holes are disappearing and we as humans have made no changes to cause that repair. It's all speculation at this point. Were it not for the stupid political agenda that has attached itself to this issue we wouldn't even be discussing it.

That's not exactly correct. We humans, at the urging of the hated EPA, changed the type of coolants and refrigerants from FREON to HCFC's. It was felt that the FREON, when released into the atmosphere contributed greatly to the hole that was forming.

and you can PROVE that those changes closed the ozone holes? Can't wait to see it.
I believe what is PROVEN. If and when global warming BECAUSE OF MAN is proven I will change my mind. Until then I will remain skeptical as any rational person would.

A few years ago they said we were depleating our ozone and causing holes in it. Now those same holes are disappearing and we as humans have made no changes to cause that repair. It's all speculation at this point. Were it not for the stupid political agenda that has attached itself to this issue we wouldn't even be discussing it.

That's not exactly correct. We humans, at the urging of the hated EPA, changed the type of coolants and refrigerants from FREON to HCFC's. It was felt that the FREON, when released into the atmosphere contributed greatly to the hole that was forming.

It was one of many hypothesis but to believe that the holes closed up because AMERICA dropped ONE chemical while the rest of the industrialized world chuggs along is kinda farfetched don't ya think?

but but but chemicals are evil and we hate them, an stuff :eek:
I believe what is PROVEN. If and when global warming BECAUSE OF MAN is proven I will change my mind. Until then I will remain skeptical as any rational person would.

A few years ago they said we were depleating our ozone and causing holes in it. Now those same holes are disappearing and we as humans have made no changes to cause that repair. It's all speculation at this point. Were it not for the stupid political agenda that has attached itself to this issue we wouldn't even be discussing it.

That's not exactly correct. We humans, at the urging of the hated EPA, changed the type of coolants and refrigerants from FREON to HCFC's. It was felt that the FREON, when released into the atmosphere contributed greatly to the hole that was forming.

It was one of many hypothesis but to believe that the holes closed up because AMERICA dropped ONE chemical while the rest of the industrialized world chuggs along is kinda farfetched don't ya think? just said we did nothing and now you know all about it?
Simple explanation into the "man has no effect on the earth" argument.

Man drops every nuke that exists at the same time. Massive explosions and destruction. Earth will be fine.

Everyone knows thats stupid to believe that....So man has to have some effect on the earth. Period

What do you mean "Earth will be fine"? Sure, the Earth would recover. But human life on Earth would be gone.

So, do you want to die?
Simple explanation into the "man has no effect on the earth" argument.

Man drops every nuke that exists at the same time. Massive explosions and destruction. Earth will be fine.

Everyone knows thats stupid to believe that....So man has to have some effect on the earth. Period

What do you mean "Earth will be fine"? Sure, the Earth would recover. But human life on Earth would be gone.

So, do you want to die?

No, I agree with you. I'm just pointing out how stupid it is to say man has no effect on the earth or its climate.

Dropping every nuke in the world would have an "impact". Kinda blows apart that whole argument
Simple explanation into the "man has no effect on the earth" argument.

Man drops every nuke that exists at the same time. Massive explosions and destruction. Earth will be fine.

Everyone knows thats stupid to believe that....So man has to have some effect on the earth. Period

What do you mean "Earth will be fine"? Sure, the Earth would recover. But human life on Earth would be gone.

So, do you want to die?

Sure, 1000 nukes going off at the same time would eliminate human life on earth, and all of the fallout would ------------------- yee haa, change the climate for a few thousand years-----------so yes, man could change the climate of our planet-----------you win.

BUT, burning oil, coal, and natural gas to improve the lives of humans is not, could not, will not, change the climate enough for anyone to notice, 2/10 of a degree every 200 years----------its nothing, its within the measurement error of the measurement instruments----------its theory.

But, if you want to live under a rock and eat leaves--------go right ahead---save the world.
Simple explanation into the "man has no effect on the earth" argument.

Man drops every nuke that exists at the same time. Massive explosions and destruction. Earth will be fine.

Everyone knows thats stupid to believe that....So man has to have some effect on the earth. Period

What do you mean "Earth will be fine"? Sure, the Earth would recover. But human life on Earth would be gone.

So, do you want to die?

Sure, 1000 nukes going off at the same time would eliminate human life on earth, and all of the fallout would ------------------- yee haa, change the climate for a few thousand years-----------so yes, man could change the climate of our planet-----------you win.

BUT, burning oil, coal, and natural gas to improve the lives of humans is not, could not, will not, change the climate enough for anyone to notice, 2/10 of a degree every 200 years----------its nothing, its within the measurement error of the measurement instruments----------its theory.

But, if you want to live under a rock and eat leaves--------go right ahead---save the world.

Admitting you're wrong is the first step
Global warming/climate change isn't science, it's a political agenda. The purpose is to control business, people, money, and property. It's just another tactic globalist/Marxists are using to rob you of everything you have. We are not fooled..............
What do you mean "Earth will be fine"? Sure, the Earth would recover. But human life on Earth would be gone.

So, do you want to die?

Sure, 1000 nukes going off at the same time would eliminate human life on earth, and all of the fallout would ------------------- yee haa, change the climate for a few thousand years-----------so yes, man could change the climate of our planet-----------you win.

BUT, burning oil, coal, and natural gas to improve the lives of humans is not, could not, will not, change the climate enough for anyone to notice, 2/10 of a degree every 200 years----------its nothing, its within the measurement error of the measurement instruments----------its theory.

But, if you want to live under a rock and eat leaves--------go right ahead---save the world.

Admitting you're wrong is the first step

are you ready to take that step? come on, you can do it :eusa_clap:
That's not exactly correct. We humans, at the urging of the hated EPA, changed the type of coolants and refrigerants from FREON to HCFC's. It was felt that the FREON, when released into the atmosphere contributed greatly to the hole that was forming.

It was one of many hypothesis but to believe that the holes closed up because AMERICA dropped ONE chemical while the rest of the industrialized world chuggs along is kinda farfetched don't ya think? just said we did nothing and now you know all about it?

There is no link between the banning of freon and the holes closing beyond timeline. Please give me the cause & effect if you propose otherwise.

Also, dinosaurs died off and mammals rose up. Did the mammals kill off the dinosaurs?
Global warming/climate change isn't science, it's a political agenda. The purpose is to control business, people, money, and property. It's just another tactic globalist/Marxists are using to rob you of everything you have. We are not fooled..............

what's sad is that so many are fooled, the libs on this message board verify that.
It was one of many hypothesis but to believe that the holes closed up because AMERICA dropped ONE chemical while the rest of the industrialized world chuggs along is kinda farfetched don't ya think? just said we did nothing and now you know all about it?

There is no link between the banning of freon and the holes closing beyond timeline. Please give me the cause & effect if you propose otherwise.

Also, dinosaurs died off and mammals rose up. Did the mammals kill off the dinosaurs?

Don't you klnow anything? dinosaur farts caused the seas to boil and kill off the dinosaurs, then mammals appeared and began nursing their babies and thats why all men like boobs.

sorry, but I had to beat the libs to it :D
It was one of many hypothesis but to believe that the holes closed up because AMERICA dropped ONE chemical while the rest of the industrialized world chuggs along is kinda farfetched don't ya think? just said we did nothing and now you know all about it?

There is no link between the banning of freon and the holes closing beyond timeline. Please give me the cause & effect if you propose otherwise.

Also, dinosaurs died off and mammals rose up. Did the mammals kill off the dinosaurs?

How do you know there is no link? 2 posts ago you said we didnt do anything to address the holes in the Ozone :lol: You got some catching up to do.

C'mon bro...Plus how do you know there were holes in the Ozone? Are you relying on science again? How? You keep saying science is wrong?

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