Global Warming Update

Sure, 1000 nukes going off at the same time would eliminate human life on earth, and all of the fallout would ------------------- yee haa, change the climate for a few thousand years-----------so yes, man could change the climate of our planet-----------you win.

BUT, burning oil, coal, and natural gas to improve the lives of humans is not, could not, will not, change the climate enough for anyone to notice, 2/10 of a degree every 200 years----------its nothing, its within the measurement error of the measurement instruments----------its theory.

But, if you want to live under a rock and eat leaves--------go right ahead---save the world.

You say it won't change the climate enough for anyone to notice. I disagree.

CO2 and temperature rise go hand in hand.


Here's a limited record of CO2 and temperatures, CO2 and temperatures are pretty similar, except in the last hundred years or less.
Which comes first, CO2 rising or temperatures rising? Is it the CO2 that causes the rise, or is it the temperature rise that causes more CO2?
Why do they go hand in hand?

What happens when they don't?

The answer is we don't know. What we do know is that when humans ever mess with nature in a big way, it goes wrong.

You're talking 2/10th a degree every 200 years. I'm talking more than that.

Like I've said, and like some scientists who deny man made global warming and others have said, we should be getting colder. All predictions based on the 100,000 year cycle suggest that at some point from the 1990s to the 2000s we should have been getting colder, and quite a bit colder.
We're not, so the temperature rises you're talking about should also take into account the supposed drop we should be experiencing. It's not about about slowly we're getting warmer, it should be how far away we are from the natural temperature.

And whether it's theory or not, it doesn't matter. It's actually gambling.
You're betting that nothing will happen. You're betting that CO2 emissions, a known greenhouse gas, plus other gases like methane which are even stronger, will go into the atmosphere, as as a greenhouse gas, increase temperatures slightly and woohoo, suddenly Canada becomes the sunshine state.

What you have to remember is this. CO2 and methane and other greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere a long time.

Greenhouse gas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

according to wikipedia we've seen an increase of 40% of CO2 in the atmosphere since 1750. In theory we should be seeing a reduction in the last few years. We're not.

Methane has seen a 167% increase.

The more we pump out, and the reality that they spend a long time in the atmosphere and contribute to the greenhouse effect means we could be a majorly warm greenhouse. Before these gases had time to escape and weren't always replaced, hence we went up and down. Now we're just going up. DO you think anything can cope with just going up?

A funny thing is, the Ozone layer. It was discovered in 1913, by 1978 people realised we were doing harm to it. Yet the EU didn't bother. The US, Canada and Norway put things in place. A few years later and the finding of the ozone layer being depleted caused more people to take notice.
Since then the depletion of the ozone layer has lowered. Why? We did something about it.

Now, scientists who claimed there was a problem with the ozone, are probably very similar to those saying that man is having an adverse effect on the climate.

But you seem to be a gambling man. I'm not.

Sorry you brought up the Ice Core records. Close inspection will show that OFTEN the Temperature LED the changes in CO2 concentrations. Could be real -- could be an artifact of the lousy time resolution inherent in the Ice Core records. But it's generally acknowledged that when you MELT A LOT OF GLACIER COVERED ground -- the CO2 level will follow the temperature rise.

That --- and the BEST explanation for what really DROVE AND INITIATED this series of Ice Ages is Milankovitch Cycles. Natural variations in the dynamics of Earth's orbit..

NEXT !!!!!!

NOTE: COLORS are reversed in this version of the plot..

Sorry you brought up the Ice Core records. Close inspection will show that OFTEN the Temperature LED the changes in CO2 concentrations. Could be real -- could be an artifact of the lousy time resolution inherent in the Ice Core records. But it's generally acknowledged that when you MELT A LOT OF GLACIER COVERED ground -- the CO2 level will follow the temperature rise.

That --- and the BEST explanation for what really DROVE AND INITIATED this series of Ice Ages is Milankovitch Cycles. Natural variations in the dynamics of Earth's orbit..

NEXT !!!!!!

NOTE: COLORS are reversed in this version of the plot..

The point I'm making isn't one of CO2 levels rising therefore temperatures rise anyway. So....

The point I'm making is that they often go hand in hand. Also, that there is an unknown out there, with the rising CO2 levels going to directions not seen before, what is the impact going to be?
We know they're a greenhouse gas and we know what greenhouse gases do.
So, we know the greenhouse effect is going to get worse.

Now, the point here is, rising temperatures and rising CO2 go hand in hand. At some point things stop, and turn around. CO2 levels drop and temperature levels drop. But we're not going to see a drop in CO2 levels now that we're pumping CO2 into the air on a massive scale.

So what will happen?

The answer is we don't know. There are educated guessed, there are just pure denials that anything is going to happen, and there is make belief.

However, you put things together, and what do you think is actually going to happen? Nothing? Destruction of humanity? You decide.
The Earths climate shifts were far more dramatic than anything man has ever seen and most of it was before we even existed.

Climate change IS REAL. It is also a NATURALLY occuring phenomenon.
Democrats can't even fix the fucking welfare problem and they "think" they're on some kind of save the world crusade with this bullshit.

It's hysterical
The Earths climate shifts were far more dramatic than anything man has ever seen and most of it was before we even existed.

Climate change IS REAL. It is also a NATURALLY occuring phenomenon.

Is it a natural phenomenon to dig carbon out of the ground where it's been for millions of years away from the natural carbon cycle and then reintroduce it to the atmosphere after burning it?
The Earths climate shifts were far more dramatic than anything man has ever seen and most of it was before we even existed.

Climate change IS REAL. It is also a NATURALLY occuring phenomenon.

Is it a natural phenomenon to dig carbon out of the ground where it's been for millions of years away from the natural carbon cycle and then reintroduce it to the atmosphere after burning it?

Is it a natural cycle to fill landfills with your household garbage?

Do you drive a horse & buggy?

Flintstone mobile?


Just stuff it
Check it out. Some of the crazies are actually denying ozone depletion too. Why? Because TheParty ordered them to, and few of the cultists have the brains or courage to contradict TheParty.

As another example, I also know, without asking, that the same cultists will also swear DDT was nearly harmless, and that restricting it killed millions. It's laughably stupid junk science and historical revisionism on their part, but TheParty has spoken, hence they'll obey. There's a whole long list of superstitious nonsense that the faithful here must chant as mantras, else they get kicked out of the cult.
The Earths climate shifts were far more dramatic than anything man has ever seen and most of it was before we even existed.

Climate change IS REAL. It is also a NATURALLY occuring phenomenon.

Is it a natural phenomenon to dig carbon out of the ground where it's been for millions of years away from the natural carbon cycle and then reintroduce it to the atmosphere after burning it?

Is it a natural cycle to fill landfills with your household garbage?

Do you drive a horse & buggy?

Flintstone mobile?


Just stuff it

Is that a no?
Is it a natural phenomenon to dig carbon out of the ground where it's been for millions of years away from the natural carbon cycle and then reintroduce it to the atmosphere after burning it?

Is it a natural cycle to fill landfills with your household garbage?

Do you drive a horse & buggy?

Flintstone mobile?


Just stuff it

Is that a no?

NOTHING humans do is natural to the earth you moron. So what's your point?
Check it out. Some of the crazies are actually denying ozone depletion too. Why? Because TheParty ordered them to, and few of the cultists have the brains or courage to contradict TheParty.

As another example, I also know, without asking, that the same cultists will also swear DDT was nearly harmless, and that restricting it killed millions. It's laughably stupid junk science and historical revisionism on their part, but TheParty has spoken, hence they'll obey. There's a whole long list of superstitious nonsense that the faithful here must chant as mantras, else they get kicked out of the cult.

The ozone has been rebuilding itself. Has nothing to do with politics.
That just proves the stars move not the existence of an axis.

Its funny watching you explain and believe some science...even wall scribble and can't explain why other science should be dismissed. Its almost as if you are going on. ..nothing other than wanting to believe wall drawings and not wanting to believe science but only sometimes...can't explain that either

Stars don't move across the sky idiot.

According to what? Science? But you already said you dont believe it.

The earth does and that is represented in what we see and how it's position changes over time. Galaxys are drifting away from us but from our vantage point the only thing that gives it away is the color they produce. The stars remain fixed in their positions and our wobble makes them appear to be moving.

Again, you are space

Wow that sounds like science! So again, why do you believe some science (for no reason) and dont believe other science (for no reason)?
That just proves the stars move not the existence of an axis.

Its funny watching you explain and believe some science...even wall scribble and can't explain why other science should be dismissed. Its almost as if you are going on. ..nothing other than wanting to believe wall drawings and not wanting to believe science but only sometimes...can't explain that either

Stars don't move across the sky idiot.

According to what? Science? But you already said you dont believe it.

The earth does and that is represented in what we see and how it's position changes over time. Galaxys are drifting away from us but from our vantage point the only thing that gives it away is the color they produce. The stars remain fixed in their positions and our wobble makes them appear to be moving.

Again, you are space

Wow that sounds like science! So again, why do you believe some science (for no reason) and dont believe other science (for no reason)?
Because your "science" has a political agenda.

This science does not:Milankovitch cycles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Check it out. Some of the crazies are actually denying ozone depletion too. Why? Because TheParty ordered them to, and few of the cultists have the brains or courage to contradict TheParty.

As another example, I also know, without asking, that the same cultists will also swear DDT was nearly harmless, and that restricting it killed millions. It's laughably stupid junk science and historical revisionism on their part, but TheParty has spoken, hence they'll obey. There's a whole long list of superstitious nonsense that the faithful here must chant as mantras, else they get kicked out of the cult.

The ozone has been rebuilding itself. Has nothing to do with politics.

According to science :lol: Ironic aint it :D
The ozone has been rebuilding itself. Has nothing to do with politics.

It does, however, have to do with banning most CFCs and other ozone-munchers.

For god's sake, learn a little science. The smoking gun there was found decades ago. That is, CFC breakdown products -- of which there are no natural sources -- found in precisely the same areas as the new ozone depletion.

And the ozone isn't rebuilding itself. Yet. It's basically just started turning around from the minimum now, because we haven't completely stopped emitting ozone destroyers, and because the stuff already in the atmosphere takes decades to be removed.
Stars don't move across the sky idiot.

According to what? Science? But you already said you dont believe it.

The earth does and that is represented in what we see and how it's position changes over time. Galaxys are drifting away from us but from our vantage point the only thing that gives it away is the color they produce. The stars remain fixed in their positions and our wobble makes them appear to be moving.

Again, you are space

Wow that sounds like science! So again, why do you believe some science (for no reason) and dont believe other science (for no reason)?
Because your "science" has a political agenda.

This science does not:Milankovitch cycles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wait but the first line says "Milankovitch theory"? You told me that theories dont count because they are unprovable yet here you are saying this theory is real?

Its a shame when the only reason you believe something is because you want to and cant explain it. Its even worse when its on display for the last 3 pages of you going between quoting science, saying science is bias, opting for cave drawings as proof, then quoting science again.

Truely awesome :badgrin:
According to what? Science? But you already said you dont believe it.

Wow that sounds like science! So again, why do you believe some science (for no reason) and dont believe other science (for no reason)?
Because your "science" has a political agenda.

This science does not:Milankovitch cycles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wait but the first line says "Milankovitch theory"? You told me that theories dont count because they are unprovable yet here you are saying this theory is real?

Its a shame when the only reason you believe something is because you want to and cant explain it. Its even worse when its on display for the last 3 pages of you going between quoting science, saying science is bias, opting for cave drawings as proof, then quoting science again.

Truely awesome :badgrin:

I never said science was biased idiot. I said YOUR science has a motive, a political one at that. I also said if proof was provided I would go from a skeptic to a believer. But all you've offered are semantics and childish nonsense over the fucking word science.

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