Global warming

Bottom line, the scientific community in the 70's was predicting a massive global cooling in the decades to follow, and they had all the calculations and measurements to prove it.


Not really.
LOL. So you would be called the same name "Global Warming Denier" that Leftists call those who question the veracity of today's claims regarding "Climate Change". Do you not see how totally ironic that is?

Maybe. I donno, back in 70's it was fucking cold. Also climatology was a new field and many of those saying a new Ice age might be coming all stressed the need for further research.
Okay so the scientists that made those Global Cooling predictions in the 70's were dumb and ignorant and had faulty numbers.

In reality there was no consensus on the cooling and most of the scientist were already on board with the CO2 increase from fossil fuel use was causing the opposite. Just because someone is wrong doesn't mean they were dumb and ignorant either.
Actually you need to stop being a Global Cooling denier, there was consensus among the scientists, and the media kept reminding us of it. :dig:
LOL. So you would be called the same name "Global Warming Denier" that Leftists call those who question the veracity of today's claims regarding "Climate Change". Do you not see how totally ironic that is?

Maybe. I donno, back in 70's it was fucking cold. Also climatology was a new field and many of those saying a new Ice age might be coming all stressed the need for further research.
Okay so the scientists that made those Global Cooling predictions in the 70's were dumb and ignorant and had faulty numbers.

In reality there was no consensus on the cooling and most of the scientist were already on board with the CO2 increase from fossil fuel use was causing the opposite. Just because someone is wrong doesn't mean they were dumb and ignorant either.
Actually you need to stop being a Global Cooling denier, there was consensus among the scientists, and the media kept reminding us of it. :dig:

The Media? You mean those scholarly publications called Time and Newsweek? All that shit took a back seat to Nixon and Vietnam. Maybe they reported on it once or twice on the nightly news when they published their article, but that too was overshadowed by Nixon and Vietnam.
LOL. So you would be called the same name "Global Warming Denier" that Leftists call those who question the veracity of today's claims regarding "Climate Change". Do you not see how totally ironic that is?

Maybe. I donno, back in 70's it was fucking cold. Also climatology was a new field and many of those saying a new Ice age might be coming all stressed the need for further research.
Okay so the scientists that made those Global Cooling predictions in the 70's were dumb and ignorant and had faulty numbers.

In reality there was no consensus on the cooling and most of the scientist were already on board with the CO2 increase from fossil fuel use was causing the opposite. Just because someone is wrong doesn't mean they were dumb and ignorant either.
Actually you need to stop being a Global Cooling denier, there was consensus among the scientists, and the media kept reminding us of it. :dig:

The Media? You mean those scholarly publications called Time and Newsweek? All that shit took a back seat to Nixon and Vietnam. Maybe they reported on it once or twice on the nightly news when they published their article, but that too was overshadowed by Nixon and Vietnam.
Stop dancing around the truth, there were articles and publications citing scientific research and a general consensus that we are heading towards a global cooling, and the media including Time and Newsweek kept repeating it. I posted just a few of them. By the mid seventies Carter was in office and the nobody was talking about it.

Another "anything goes" Leftist that lacks intellectual honesty.
Maybe. I donno, back in 70's it was fucking cold. Also climatology was a new field and many of those saying a new Ice age might be coming all stressed the need for further research.
Okay so the scientists that made those Global Cooling predictions in the 70's were dumb and ignorant and had faulty numbers.

In reality there was no consensus on the cooling and most of the scientist were already on board with the CO2 increase from fossil fuel use was causing the opposite. Just because someone is wrong doesn't mean they were dumb and ignorant either.
Actually you need to stop being a Global Cooling denier, there was consensus among the scientists, and the media kept reminding us of it. :dig:

The Media? You mean those scholarly publications called Time and Newsweek? All that shit took a back seat to Nixon and Vietnam. Maybe they reported on it once or twice on the nightly news when they published their article, but that too was overshadowed by Nixon and Vietnam.
Stop dancing around the truth, there were articles and publications citing scientific research and a general consensus that we are heading towards a global cooling, and the media including Time and Newsweek kept repeating it. I posted just a few of them. By the mid seventies Carter was in office and the nobody was talking about it.

Another "anything goes" Leftist that lacks intellectual honesty.

Nope again. The amount of research at that time was negligible and the authors of the scientific studies urged more research.
IF you cant handle climate change just do a little research on Pollution and its effects. humans are messing up the place, we need to be open to learning for our self's what's going on & why. quit using as a political football.
Coulda shoulda woulda. Nobody knows for sure what is happening, including the scientists and the hacks in the media. The climate is changing, like it has for millions of years. There are fossils in dry areas that used to have oceans and forests and icebergs. Man did not cause it.

That is true, they are like odds makers.

Likelihood Statements
The terminology here for likelihood statements generally follows the conventions used in the IPCC assessments, i.e., for the assessed likelihood of an outcome or result:

  • Very Likely: > 90%,
  • Likely: > 66%
  • More Likely Than Not (or Better Than Even Odds) > 50%
Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
The predictions by the Global Warming crowd were so wrong that they sneakily changed it to Climate Change. This new name now covers all changes and inexplicable phenomenon, and it can all be blamed on man (the evil white man, to be specific). The only "change" I see is that the media has become much more biased and effective in spreading fear and propaganda.

The only question is, is today's media actually in control our country and the politicians? From the looks of it, it appears so.

Global Warming is a form of climate chnge.
The Eath's climate has been changing since its creation. Nobody is denying the obvious. Thirty years ago "scientists" claimed that the Earth is cooling, now they making claims for the opposite, that it is warming, and all their predications have not panned out, i.e. that ten years ago most of the world's coastal cities would be under water. So excuse me for being skeptical, especially during a time when we are experiencing RECORD LOW TEMPS in the USA.

You are not skeptickl, you are stupid. You misstate studies & predictions.

Who said in ten years our cities would be underwater?

We are experiencing the effects of global warming now & they will b]get worse. A lot worse if we do not curb greenhouse gas emissions.

You people really need to get better informed because your political party is doing nothing because you assfucks keep saying it is fake news.
I trust you have no children because if you did, you are doing them a great disservice.
How did Trump & the Republicans get so anti-science?

They did not used to be this way.

It probably started with dick Cheney realized it was easier to dupe their base than act against Big Oil & Coal.

Trump denies AGW. Stupid, uninformed, dumbass Trump & his base STILL believes it.
Actually it's the Dems that are anti science that think a man can be a woman or vice versa just because they think so. To hell with genes, and human physiology! Ha ha ha! But hey, anything to get more voters!

Sexuality in in the mind. As scientfic studies have shown.
Silly me, I thought your sexuality was science based, and is determined by your chromosomes, hormones, and your sexual organs. Can you point us to the specific area "in the mind" that determines sexuality? Ha ha ha. Such a scientific person you are.
No, Stupid you, refuses to grasp that some people's mentality does not coincide with their sexual organs.
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
We are in an interglacial cycle. The planet has been warming for over 20,000 years. Our present temperature is still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles so we are still in the normal range.
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
I love what bill bye said on hbo to global warming deniers. It was fun teaching photosynthesis when you were 12 but you’re an adult now. Grow the fuck up.
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
We are in an interglacial cycle. The planet has been warming for over 20,000 years. Our present temperature is still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles so we are still in the normal range.
Actually we should be in a cooling phase but we’re still heating up and that’s all man made. 100%
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
We are in an interglacial cycle. The planet has been warming for over 20,000 years. Our present temperature is still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles so we are still in the normal range.
Actually we should be in a cooling phase but we’re still heating up and that’s all man made. 100%
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
We are in an interglacial cycle. The planet has been warming for over 20,000 years. Our present temperature is still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles so we are still in the normal range.
Actually we should be in a cooling phase but we’re still heating up and that’s all man made. 100%
We are. Even trump the king denier can’t deny it. Now you shift the argument. It’s no longer a hoax. Didn’t you get the memo? What’s your new argument? Now you’re not sure how much man is responsible? Well then listen to the scientists like you should have 3 decades ago
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
We are in an interglacial cycle. The planet has been warming for over 20,000 years. Our present temperature is still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles so we are still in the normal range.
Actually we should be in a cooling phase but we’re still heating up and that’s all man made. 100%
We are. Even trump the king denier can’t deny it. Now you shift the argument. It’s no longer a hoax. Didn’t you get the memo? What’s your new argument? Now you’re not sure how much man is responsible? Well then listen to the scientists like you should have 3 decades ago

You dolt......where is there any shred of evidence that the public cares what the scientists are saying?

Links please......:spinner::spinner::spinner:

Measurable snow in New York this am.....lmao.....and we wonder why in the past 13 years, the population of climate skeptics has EXPLODED!!:coffee::cul2::cul2:
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
We are in an interglacial cycle. The planet has been warming for over 20,000 years. Our present temperature is still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles so we are still in the normal range.
Actually we should be in a cooling phase but we’re still heating up and that’s all man made. 100%
We are. Even trump the king denier can’t deny it. Now you shift the argument. It’s no longer a hoax. Didn’t you get the memo? What’s your new argument? Now you’re not sure how much man is responsible? Well then listen to the scientists like you should have 3 decades ago
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
We are in an interglacial cycle. The planet has been warming for over 20,000 years. Our present temperature is still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles so we are still in the normal range.
Actually we should be in a cooling phase but we’re still heating up and that’s all man made. 100%
We are. Even trump the king denier can’t deny it. Now you shift the argument. It’s no longer a hoax. Didn’t you get the memo? What’s your new argument? Now you’re not sure how much man is responsible? Well then listen to the scientists like you should have 3 decades ago

You dolt......where is there any shred of evidence that the public cares what the scientists are saying?

Links please......:spinner::spinner::spinner:

Measurable snow in New York this am.....lmao.....and we wonder why in the past 13 years, the population of climate skeptics has EXPLODED!!:coffee::cul2::cul2:
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
We are in an interglacial cycle. The planet has been warming for over 20,000 years. Our present temperature is still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles so we are still in the normal range.
Actually we should be in a cooling phase but we’re still heating up and that’s all man made. 100%
We are. Even trump the king denier can’t deny it. Now you shift the argument. It’s no longer a hoax. Didn’t you get the memo? What’s your new argument? Now you’re not sure how much man is responsible? Well then listen to the scientists like you should have 3 decades ago

You dolt......where is there any shred of evidence that the public cares what the scientists are saying?

Links please......:spinner::spinner::spinner:

Measurable snow in New York this am.....lmao.....and we wonder why in the past 13 years, the population of climate skeptics has EXPLODED!!:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You’re all so stupid. You remind me of the people jorel was preaching to on krypton
We are in an interglacial cycle. The planet has been warming for over 20,000 years. Our present temperature is still well below the peak temperatures of previous interglacial cycles so we are still in the normal range.
Actually we should be in a cooling phase but we’re still heating up and that’s all man made. 100%
We are. Even trump the king denier can’t deny it. Now you shift the argument. It’s no longer a hoax. Didn’t you get the memo? What’s your new argument? Now you’re not sure how much man is responsible? Well then listen to the scientists like you should have 3 decades ago

You dolt......where is there any shred of evidence that the public cares what the scientists are saying?

Links please......:spinner::spinner::spinner:

Measurable snow in New York this am.....lmao.....and we wonder why in the past 13 years, the population of climate skeptics has EXPLODED!!:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You’re all so stupid. You remind me of the people jorel was preaching to on krypton
So, with the cold setting in today and tomorrow, Trump tweets "What the hell is going on with Global Warming?" Well, Trump, it's beyond your intelligence level to understand. It's the long term trend, as in the last four years were the warmest recorded on the planet.

Remember when Repub Senator Inhofe brought a snowball into Congress, as a prop to debunk global warming theories? Well, now Trump has placed himself in the same stupid, uneducated, lack of scientific knowledge ballpark. Just more evidence for his lack of qualification to hold the office he holds. Bigly!
Trump is an idiot.

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