Globalists are now trying to hurt Trump using Ukraine

I agree, I wonder why she speaks for the Trump administration if those aren't his beliefs. :eusa_think:
You know, I thought the same first, thinking she went rogue....

But you know what? President Trump is a control freak, he's used to having it and used to being King Pen, so my only conclusion is that Trump knew every word in that speech at the UN of hers, upside down and inside out.... so what that means in the end, I don't know.....? Maybe he wants the world to be baffled on him and the Admin's stance? This could give President Trump, the upper hand somehow....? Either he's trying to fool our allies at the UN or he's fooling Putin in some way?
He's fooling the lemmings that voted him into office. He is not going to undo the neo-liberal order that opposes Russia.

How can you possibly comment this?

The Trump Administration is opposed to the whole Neo-Liberal philosophy, which is why the International Globalists are so freaked about The Trump Administration.
Because he HIRED THEM for all of the key Administration spots.

What a silly comment, President Trump hasn't hired those who share the Neo-Liberal Philosophy for key Administration positions, are you suggesting that Rex Tillerson for example is a Neo-Liberal or General Michael Flynn is a Neo-Liberal?

Why are the Neo-Liberal's so fanatically anti-President Trump, if he was hiring them, which he isn't, then the Neo-Liberal's wouldn't be against him would they?

That's why all the liberals, inspirited by their Sponsor-in-Chief Soros, are so wildly protesting against every step Trump makes. Otherwise libs would be quiet and happy.


Steve Bannon does not answer to we the people, so he can get a lot done behind the scenes without any checks and balances, but the REAL Administration positions do answer to we the people, and do have the checks, watchdogs like congressional or Senatorial Hearings, and Judicial decisions that may have to be taken against their actions...the Press...
When the previous Administration armed ISIS, did they ask your opinion? Of course not. Was the act transparent? Of course not.
No, but on things like Benghazi, they had 9 Separate Commissions investigating it for 4 straight years....Are Republicans just going to be lock step with Trump, and not do their jobs?

Never mind....sigh, you are right... Trump has their permission to do what ever he pleases, legal or NOT....cuz he's an R.... :rolleyes:

He hired GLOBALISTS for the Admin key positions involved with the 'world', either these Admins decided to change their minds after 30 to 40 years of being Globalists, or Trump thinks he can control them, or who knows when Trump is involved???

AND YES, OF COURSE I am just speculating, and of course I am not privileged to what is really going on behind the scenes.... just like everyone else around here spouting their opinions! :D
You see, in the early stages of planning the NWO, the nobility stood in the way so it was destroyed. The nobility, although in many instances plundered the populace, also protected them from invaders (Tatars, Ottomans...etc.) They supposed to be patriots preserving their nation. They were rich in a sense that they had more than others. Now, isn't it possible that some rich people are patriots and want to protect the people from invaders, from Globalist and they want to preserve national identity?
I agree, I wonder why she speaks for the Trump administration if those aren't his beliefs. :eusa_think:
You know, I thought the same first, thinking she went rogue....

But you know what? President Trump is a control freak, he's used to having it and used to being King Pen, so my only conclusion is that Trump knew every word in that speech at the UN of hers, upside down and inside out.... so what that means in the end, I don't know.....? Maybe he wants the world to be baffled on him and the Admin's stance? This could give President Trump, the upper hand somehow....? Either he's trying to fool our allies at the UN or he's fooling Putin in some way?
He's fooling the lemmings that voted him into office. He is not going to undo the neo-liberal order that opposes Russia.

How can you possibly comment this?

The Trump Administration is opposed to the whole Neo-Liberal philosophy, which is why the International Globalists are so freaked about The Trump Administration.
Because he HIRED THEM for all of the key Administration spots.

What a silly comment, President Trump hasn't hired those who share the Neo-Liberal Philosophy for key Administration positions, are you suggesting that Rex Tillerson for example is a Neo-Liberal or General Michael Flynn is a Neo-Liberal?

Why are the Neo-Liberal's so fanatically anti-President Trump, if he was hiring them, which he isn't, then the Neo-Liberal's wouldn't be against him would they?
Rex Tillerson is very much a neo liberal. As is Trump, Steve Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross.
Steve Bannon does not answer to we the people, so he can get a lot done behind the scenes without any checks and balances, but the REAL Administration positions do answer to we the people, and do have the checks, watchdogs like congressional or Senatorial Hearings, and Judicial decisions that may have to be taken against their actions...the Press...
When the previous Administration armed ISIS, did they ask your opinion? Of course not. Was the act transparent? Of course not.
No, but on things like Benghazi, they had 9 Separate Commissions investigating it for 4 straight years....Are Republicans just going to be lock step with Trump, and not do their jobs?

Never mind....sigh, you are right... Trump has their permission to do what ever he pleases, legal or NOT....cuz he's an R.... :rolleyes:

He hired GLOBALISTS for the Admin key positions involved with the 'world', either these Admins decided to change their minds after 30 to 40 years of being Globalists, or Trump thinks he can control them, or who knows when Trump is involved???

AND YES, OF COURSE I am just speculating, and of course I am not privileged to what is really going on behind the scenes.... just like everyone else around here spouting their opinions! :D
You see, in the early stages of planning the NWO, the nobility stood in the way so it was destroyed. The nobility, although in many instances plundered the populace, also protected them from invaders (Tatars, Ottomans...etc.) They supposed to be patriots preserving their nation. They were rich in a sense that they had more than others. Now, isn't it possible that some rich people are patriots and want to protect the people from invaders, from Globalist and they want to preserve national identity?
My gut says no, probably can't change a Leopard"s spots......kind of thing....
I look forward for Trump’s new fresh wind in the USA foreign policy, but it looks like Globalists are trying to put him into the corner without too many options and to make him do what he doesn't want to do (and Trumps doesn’t even have his administration due to liberals who are delaying it).

Looks like Ukraine has been used as a pawn in this desperate and dirty game. Biden came to Kiev a few days before Obama left WH, probably brought the instructions. And now it seems like NATO wants to hang a new war on Trump using Kiev Junta.

Globalists have spent so much money and efforts to build the world order which suits themselves, they just hate to see Trump and Putin to ruin it in no time, because if they do, all the sane people in the world will like it and never be back to Globalism again. Looks like pushing Russia and NATO into the war with the help of Kiev Junta is the last Globalists’ chance to survive.

“The city’s residential areas were shelled dozens of times with heavy guns, including ‘Uragan’ and ‘Grad’ multiple rocket launchers. As a result, several civilians were killed and many – children among them – suffered wounds,” the Russian diplomat stated .

“This barbaric attack cannot be justified. By its actions, Kiev has violated not only the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, dated August 12, 1949, but has also broken all moral norms,” the Russian diplomat said.

“Only barbarians can bombard a sleeping city and kill innocent people. We have no other name for those who carried out this attack,” she added.
Kiev’s ‘barbaric’ attack on Donetsk in E. Ukraine violates Geneva convention – Russia

Civilian resident of Donetsk in her home destroyed by shelling.
View attachment 110542

OSCE reports about shelling, but doesn’t mention who’s shelling whom and prefers to cover Ukrainians’ crimes. All Western Media blames Russia as usual.

BBC today : Ukrainian tanks are in residential areas where they are not supposed to be according Minsk Agreements

P.S. Since 2014 Hunter Biden has been appointed to the board of directors of Ukraine's largest private-gas producer.

Joe Biden's Son Is Now On The Board Of One Of Ukraine's Biggest Gas Conglomerates

Trump has a UN Ambassador!
UN Ambassador Haley hits Russia hard on Ukraine -

If Russia wanted Ukraine they would have taken Ukraine by now, this situation has been ongoing for two years, this suggests that Russia has no interest in taking Ukraine and why would they? The Ukraine is a bankrupt nation now financially in debt to the IMF who had to give them a massive loan due to them having no money anymore.

The people of Crimea had a referendum which was monitored by the EU, the choice they had was if they wanted to remain with the Ukraine post-Victoria Nudelman wife of Neo-Conservative and fat fuck Robert Kagan organised Coup or return to where the Crimea has always belonged with Russia, most of the Crimea is Russian.

In Crimea, 65% are Russian, so it was natural that they'd vote in their Referendum to rejoin Russia post-Maidan. Crimea wasn't annexed by Russia, annex means you take some patch of land against the peoples' wishes, the Crimeans had a Referendum.

There are 1,492,000 Russians and 344,500 Ukranians (15%) and 246,073 Crimean Tatars (12%).

One of the first things that happened in post-Maidan Ukraine, was that they outlawed anything Russian, is it any wonder that the majority of Crimea voted to rejoin Russia?

In the Ukraine Parliamentary election of 2014, essentially something straight from a Banana Republic, a huge portion of Eastern Ukraine wasn't allowed to even vote, this disenfranchised more than 3 MILLION people from the voting process, this not allowing them to vote was blamed on the War in Donbass.

I'm with you. My beef is with Trump and the way Stratford portrayed him in the OP.

Well I agree that the constantly menacing International Globalists seem to be attempting to pull something to corner President Trump and also from the CNN article you linked WTF is Nikki Haley babbling about, the same crap about the Crimea belonging to Ukraine.

Nikita Khruschev GAVE the Crimea to Ukraine in 1953, Khruschev was Ukranian, he'd been the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR from 1938-1949.

Crimea historically has ALWAYS been Russian, it never was Ukranian.

Just remember, Donald Trump picked Nikki Haley to represent him in front of the UN. She is babbling the official US line as a representative of the Trump administration. With that in mind, tell me again how Trump is being cornered by "globalists"?

Looks like you tend to ascribe to Trump the sins of which he is not guilty. Remember, before the elections you have been posting that Trump's only goal is to make (or to help) Clinton win?

If Russia wanted Ukraine they would have taken Ukraine by now, this situation has been ongoing for two years, this suggests that Russia has no interest in taking Ukraine and why would they? The Ukraine is a bankrupt nation now financially in debt to the IMF who had to give them a massive loan due to them having no money anymore.

The people of Crimea had a referendum which was monitored by the EU, the choice they had was if they wanted to remain with the Ukraine post-Victoria Nudelman wife of Neo-Conservative and fat fuck Robert Kagan organised Coup or return to where the Crimea has always belonged with Russia, most of the Crimea is Russian.

In Crimea, 65% are Russian, so it was natural that they'd vote in their Referendum to rejoin Russia post-Maidan. Crimea wasn't annexed by Russia, annex means you take some patch of land against the peoples' wishes, the Crimeans had a Referendum.

There are 1,492,000 Russians and 344,500 Ukranians (15%) and 246,073 Crimean Tatars (12%).

One of the first things that happened in post-Maidan Ukraine, was that they outlawed anything Russian, is it any wonder that the majority of Crimea voted to rejoin Russia?

In the Ukraine Parliamentary election of 2014, essentially something straight from a Banana Republic, a huge portion of Eastern Ukraine wasn't allowed to even vote, this disenfranchised more than 3 MILLION people from the voting process, this not allowing them to vote was blamed on the War in Donbass.
I'm with you. My beef is with Trump and the way Stratford portrayed him in the OP.

Well I agree that the constantly menacing International Globalists seem to be attempting to pull something to corner President Trump and also from the CNN article you linked WTF is Nikki Haley babbling about, the same crap about the Crimea belonging to Ukraine.

Nikita Khruschev GAVE the Crimea to Ukraine in 1953, Khruschev was Ukranian, he'd been the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR from 1938-1949.

Crimea historically has ALWAYS been Russian, it never was Ukranian.
Just remember, Donald Trump picked Nikki Haley to represent him in front of the UN. She is babbling the official US line as a representative of the Trump administration. With that in mind, tell me again how Trump is being cornered by "globalists"?

Looks like you tend to ascribe to Trump the sins of which he is not guilty. Remember, before the elections you have been posting that Trump's only goal is to make (or to help) Clinton win?
I remember saying Trump wouldn't win. I also remember saying that if by some chance he was able to win that he would fall in line with US policies.
The Trump Administration is opposed to the whole Neo-Liberal philosophy
Really? Then why is he deregulating wall street? And this is in addition to his earlier executive action calling for deregulations on business. Do you understand what neo liberalism means?
Trump signs order to begin rolling back Wall Street regulations

I thought this was strictly about the foreign policy?
You think economics doesn't dictate foreign policy?
Why is the anger?
Frustration, not anger. It doesn't seem as though my point is understood. I thought it was simple and clear.

I think your point was understood, it's your right to think that way, I respect your point of view. Some of us have different point of view though. I hope, it doesn't insult you.
This forum is for expressing ideas, certainly there will be disagreements. That being said, Nikki Haley represents Trump, that can't be disputed.
They are lying to the American people then...........that's much better. Obama 2.0

If Trump were Obama 2.0, then all the liberals and their Sponsor-in-Chief Soros would love him. So far we can see Soros spending his money on numerous anti-Trump protests and even idiotic vagina costumes, which liberals obviously don't mind embarrassing themselves with. BTW, libs don't even show much respect for the Constitution of their own country any more.

So, I'm afraid your logic is liming a little bit.



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