Globalists Attempt To Strip Decision From People - Call For 2nd Brexit Vote


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The people have spoken, and the decision was to leave the EU.

So what happens / happened?

Delay, f*-up, delay, f*-up, and now a call for a SECOND vote...because the EU-loving globalists don't want to obey the will of the people and seek to overturn the decision to leave the EU.

"...former Labour leader (Tony Blair) warned that with the scheduled date for Brexit approaching in March next year, it is time for her to admit "there's no way out" and call another referendum -- with the option of staying in the EU."

Despite what the people decided....

"I'm passionately opposed to Brexit and I still believe it can be changed," the 65-year-old told AFP in the offices of his non-profit organization, the Institute for Global Change."

A$$hole politicians like Blair always seem to think they know what is best for a free-people and what people like Blair think is best needs to be forced upon that 'free-people'.

"With parliament "paralysed" on the way forward, "the only way in the end this is going to be resolved is putting it back to the people", he said."

The people have already spoken - make it happen. Stop the foot-dragging and attempts to reverse the people's decision. A new VOTE isn't what is needed. NEW, COMPEENT POLITICIANS willing to carry out the will of the people is what is needed.

Tony Blair calls for second vote to fix Brexit 'mess'
Of course the NWO Global Elites are gonna try to circumvent Democracy. That's what their 'Order' is all about. The EU is not a Democratic entity. These folks are incredibly powerful. They aren't gonna go down without a vicious fight.

Geroge Soros has an endless cash flow. But hopefully the Anti-Globalist movement will continue to grow stronger. Hopefully we're seeing the beginning of the end for the NWO Globalists.
I saw him speaking on CNN with this very perspective. It's the same reason Canada delays and delays on NAFTA, no interest in accepting anything, they want the Status Quo as it's great for Canada, as for the U.S Middle Class, mmmm not so much.

This is why it takes leadership to play hardball and keep calling it out. No more abuses of American citizens, the Brits have spoken, if they back away from this, it will forever taint their democracy and sympathy for their plight will be difficult to find anywhere in the world.

I thought it was a mistake economically to leave Brexit, but Germany wasn't willing to give any sovereignty, they wanted a centralized socialist system. ironic, considering she lived under East German rule. Maybe she learned too well...
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Globalism is a dangerous "ism." Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! Man (yes ... I used the term man in referring mankind -- get over it feminists) is a flawed and self-centered creature. When men gain power they only end up craving more. It's why our Founders developed a system of checks and balances and put the nation's power on paper in the form of the Constitution. Without a system of checks and balances, the EU and the Globalists (in general) will look like "the Borg" of Star Trek infamy or "the Blob" (a popular movie of the late 50s). They'll swallow up anything and everything in their path and they won't give two hoots what the will of the "little guy" is. They seek total power and control over the masses.
The people have spoken, and the decision was to leave the EU.

So what happens / happened?

Delay, f*-up, delay, f*-up, and now a call for a SECOND vote...because the EU-loving globalists don't want to obey the will of the people and seek to overturn the decision to leave the EU.

"...former Labour leader (Tony Blair) warned that with the scheduled date for Brexit approaching in March next year, it is time for her to admit "there's no way out" and call another referendum -- with the option of staying in the EU."

Despite what the people decided....

"I'm passionately opposed to Brexit and I still believe it can be changed," the 65-year-old told AFP in the offices of his non-profit organization, the Institute for Global Change."

A$$hole politicians like Blair always seem to think they know what is best for a free-people and what people like Blair think is best needs to be forced upon that 'free-people'.

"With parliament "paralysed" on the way forward, "the only way in the end this is going to be resolved is putting it back to the people", he said."

The people have already spoken - make it happen. Stop the foot-dragging and attempts to reverse the people's decision. A new VOTE isn't what is needed. NEW, COMPEENT POLITICIANS willing to carry out the will of the people is what is needed.

Tony Blair calls for second vote to fix Brexit 'mess'
Can I ask how the people voting strips away the decision of the people? Somehow that seems contradictory doesn't it?
Can I ask how the people voting strips away the decision of the people? Somehow that seems contradictory doesn't it?
Insisting the people must vote AGAIN when they already made their decision through the 1st vote is just an attempt to reverse the decision.

The decision was made - implement it. If you can't, gtfo and bring in someone who can / will.
Can I ask how the people voting strips away the decision of the people? Somehow that seems contradictory doesn't it?
Insisting the people must vote AGAIN when they already made their decision through the 1st vote is just an attempt to reverse the decision.

The decision was made - implement it. If you can't, gtfo and bring in someone who can / will.
Or vote again, either way it in no way undermines the will of the people. By the way Brexit was voted for 2 years ago and it obviously has serious negative ramifications in Britain, hence the problem with finding a good deal. Making sure the people are willing to deal with those ramifications now they are more clear seems not just smart but the only responsible thing to do. it seems to me that your hate for Globalism is prompting you to want to push a decision regardless of the real pain it causes.
Can I ask how the people voting strips away the decision of the people? Somehow that seems contradictory doesn't it?
Insisting the people must vote AGAIN when they already made their decision through the 1st vote is just an attempt to reverse the decision.

The decision was made - implement it. If you can't, gtfo and bring in someone who can / will.
Or vote again, either way it in no way undermines the will of the people. By the way Brexit was voted for 2 years ago and it obviously has serious negative ramifications in Britain, hence the problem with finding a good deal. Making sure the people are willing to deal with those ramifications now they are more clear seems not just smart but the only responsible thing to do. it seems to me that your hate for Globalism is prompting you to want to push a decision regardless of the real pain it causes.

The vote was cast.
The Decision was made.
It's not that voters need to re-vote.
They need competent 'servants of the people' who will not drag their feet and refuse to do what the people want, which is something they do not like.

Hire a guy to do a job for you. Tell him what you want him to do. He does not do it. He delays. He delays. He tells you he doesn't agree with the decision you have made. He then tells you he thinks you should go back to your wife and talk to her again about what to do.

YOU tell the guy 'Ok' and go running off to talk to your wife.

I fire the SOB, tell him to get out of my yard, and I find someone who will do what I have decided.

To each his own....
Vote and vote again. Best two out of three, three out of five, five out of nine. However many votes it takes for the left to get what they want.
America has an election cycle every 2 years, is that unfair? Changing your mind is part of the Democratic process. The Brexit referendum is a MAJOR decision one that is already doing economic damage in Britain. Nobody is suggesting unending votes on it but even Windows gives you a chance to reverse your decision when doing something critical and that's my laptop. There's nothing wrong with asking "are you sure" when committing economical suicide.
The people have spoken, and the decision was to leave the EU.

So what happens / happened?

Delay, f*-up, delay, f*-up, and now a call for a SECOND vote...because the EU-loving globalists don't want to obey the will of the people and seek to overturn the decision to leave the EU.

"...former Labour leader (Tony Blair) warned that with the scheduled date for Brexit approaching in March next year, it is time for her to admit "there's no way out" and call another referendum -- with the option of staying in the EU."

Despite what the people decided....

"I'm passionately opposed to Brexit and I still believe it can be changed," the 65-year-old told AFP in the offices of his non-profit organization, the Institute for Global Change."

A$$hole politicians like Blair always seem to think they know what is best for a free-people and what people like Blair think is best needs to be forced upon that 'free-people'.

"With parliament "paralysed" on the way forward, "the only way in the end this is going to be resolved is putting it back to the people", he said."

The people have already spoken - make it happen. Stop the foot-dragging and attempts to reverse the people's decision. A new VOTE isn't what is needed. NEW, COMPEENT POLITICIANS willing to carry out the will of the people is what is needed.

Tony Blair calls for second vote to fix Brexit 'mess'

Why do you fear a second vote. There is evidence that Russia interfered in the first vote. There is nothing wrong with having a confirming vote.
Can I ask how the people voting strips away the decision of the people? Somehow that seems contradictory doesn't it?
Insisting the people must vote AGAIN when they already made their decision through the 1st vote is just an attempt to reverse the decision.

The decision was made - implement it. If you can't, gtfo and bring in someone who can / will.
Or vote again, either way it in no way undermines the will of the people. By the way Brexit was voted for 2 years ago and it obviously has serious negative ramifications in Britain, hence the problem with finding a good deal. Making sure the people are willing to deal with those ramifications now they are more clear seems not just smart but the only responsible thing to do. it seems to me that your hate for Globalism is prompting you to want to push a decision regardless of the real pain it causes.

The vote was cast.
The Decision was made.
It's not that voters need to re-vote.
They need competent 'servants of the people' who will not drag their feet and refuse to do what the people want, which is something they do not like.

Hire a guy to do a job for you. Tell him what you want him to do. He does not do it. He delays. He delays. He tells you he doesn't agree with the decision you have made. He then tells you he thinks you should go back to your wife and talk to her again about what to do.

YOU tell the guy 'Ok' and go running off to talk to your wife.

I fire the SOB, tell him to get out of my yard, and I find someone who will do what I have decided.

To each his own....
Lol drag their feet? Do you even know how Brexit works? The moment they invoked article 50 they had 2 years to reach a deal. The problem is that Britain has little to no leverage and Europe has ample incentive to make Brexit painful. If for no other reason as deterring other countries from leaving. it has nothing to do with being unwilling to leave, it's the fact that leaving will tank the economy. Put the legal status of Britons working abroad in limbo. Not to mention massive unemployment, and even possibly having to deal with both Scotland and Northern Ireland wanting to leave the UK. None of these things are trivial to say the least. And reaching a deal is hard as shit.
Why do you fear a second vote.
I do not 'fear' a 2nd vote. I distrust career politicians like globalist Tony Blair who openly proclaim their opposition to Brexit, openly declares he thinks it (the people's will) can be reversed, and attempts to manipulate a 2nd vote.

It's like the Democrats not liking Trump being elected in 2016, delaying his going into office, and then demanding another election before allowing him to become President. The decision, again, was made. You may not like it, but the decision was made.

If they decide to do it, good luck with that. I personally don't like it.

As far as the 'Russian Manipulation'....


Evidence has shown half the BS liberals have claimed about the Russians here and our election have been exposed as just that - BS.
Lol drag their feet? Do you even know how Brexit works? The moment they invoked article 50 they had 2 years to reach a deal.
And that 2 years is coming up quickly. It is hard to make this happen. It is harder when you have people in charge of making it happen sharing Blair's complete opposition to it.
The people have spoken, and the decision was to leave the EU.

So what happens / happened?

Delay, f*-up, delay, f*-up, and now a call for a SECOND vote...because the EU-loving globalists don't want to obey the will of the people and seek to overturn the decision to leave the EU.

"...former Labour leader (Tony Blair) warned that with the scheduled date for Brexit approaching in March next year, it is time for her to admit "there's no way out" and call another referendum -- with the option of staying in the EU."

Despite what the people decided....

"I'm passionately opposed to Brexit and I still believe it can be changed," the 65-year-old told AFP in the offices of his non-profit organization, the Institute for Global Change."

A$$hole politicians like Blair always seem to think they know what is best for a free-people and what people like Blair think is best needs to be forced upon that 'free-people'.

"With parliament "paralysed" on the way forward, "the only way in the end this is going to be resolved is putting it back to the people", he said."

The people have already spoken - make it happen. Stop the foot-dragging and attempts to reverse the people's decision. A new VOTE isn't what is needed. NEW, COMPEENT POLITICIANS willing to carry out the will of the people is what is needed.

Tony Blair calls for second vote to fix Brexit 'mess'

Good thing they have imported all those Muslim voters in the meanwhile.
Lol drag their feet? Do you even know how Brexit works? The moment they invoked article 50 they had 2 years to reach a deal.
And that 2 years is coming up quickly. It is hard to make this happen. It is harder when you have people in charge of making it happen sharing Blair's complete opposition to it.
Johnson who was for it resigned. He resigned because his solution is simply fuck it, meaning a hard Brexit. Not to put to fine a point on it, this will be close to catastrophic for the UK. A new vote hurts nobody nor is it in any way undemocratic.
Lol drag their feet? Do you even know how Brexit works? The moment they invoked article 50 they had 2 years to reach a deal.
And that 2 years is coming up quickly. It is hard to make this happen. It is harder when you have people in charge of making it happen sharing Blair's complete opposition to it.
Johnson who was for it resigned. He resigned because his solution is simply fuck it, meaning a hard Brexit. Not to put to fine a point on it, this will be close to catastrophic for the UK. A new vote hurts nobody nor is it in any way undemocratic.
Sure it does.....a vote is a vote......there are no do-overs. I couldn't bitch and want a do-over on the 2012 election.......Romney lost, you lefties need to accept it and move on.

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