Globetrotter-in-Chief: Obama Outpaces Previous Presidents in World Travel

There is official travel and personal travel

Presidents are entitled to both

Now, until you guys can post some real numbers that Obama is grossly exceeding the personal and official travel of his predecessors you are just engaging in petty political whining

Go at it

Lets see some numbers

W was way more effective. He built coalitions and kept them together. Obama hasn't had a single diplomatic success. He's changed no minds. He's gotten no one who doesn't normally support us to support us. Even if he does spend the same, we get so much less for it. The world in fact likes him BECAUSE he's weak and ineffective and wants to weaken America. He could accomplish the same thing, nothing, a lot cheaper by staying home.

Coalition of the Willing?


Thanks....made my morning
There is official travel and personal travel

Presidents are entitled to both

Now, until you guys can post some real numbers that Obama is grossly exceeding the personal and official travel of his predecessors you are just engaging in petty political whining

Go at it

Lets see some numbers

W was way more effective. He built coalitions and kept them together. Obama hasn't had a single diplomatic success. He's changed no minds. He's gotten no one who doesn't normally support us to support us. Even if he does spend the same, we get so much less for it. The world in fact likes him BECAUSE he's weak and ineffective and wants to weaken America. He could accomplish the same thing, nothing, a lot cheaper by staying home.

Coalition of the Willing?


Thanks....made my morning

obama couldnt get one nation to do anything bout syria's use of chemical weapons in it's own people. bush's coalition of the willing looks pretty stellar compared to the world; including the UN, laughing in obama's face
Does a CEO take an entourage of three planes, 45 vehicles and 900 people for a 24 hour trip?

Does a host country be forced to spend 10 million dollars so that CEO can take that 24 hour trip?

Barack Obama's first visit to Brussels to cost Belgium more than ?10m | World news |

Has this been done by any other president?

Most CEOs do not travel under constant threat of assasination

If he needs 900 people to protect him from assassination, he should stay home, in a cage where he'll be safe.
There is official travel and personal travel

Presidents are entitled to both

Now, until you guys can post some real numbers that Obama is grossly exceeding the personal and official travel of his predecessors you are just engaging in petty political whining

Go at it

Lets see some numbers

W was way more effective. He built coalitions and kept them together. Obama hasn't had a single diplomatic success. He's changed no minds. He's gotten no one who doesn't normally support us to support us. Even if he does spend the same, we get so much less for it. The world in fact likes him BECAUSE he's weak and ineffective and wants to weaken America. He could accomplish the same thing, nothing, a lot cheaper by staying home.

Coalition of the Willing?


Thanks....made my morning

What does that mean other than that you're an idiot? Aaahhhh, never mind....
W was way more effective. He built coalitions and kept them together. Obama hasn't had a single diplomatic success. He's changed no minds. He's gotten no one who doesn't normally support us to support us. Even if he does spend the same, we get so much less for it. The world in fact likes him BECAUSE he's weak and ineffective and wants to weaken America. He could accomplish the same thing, nothing, a lot cheaper by staying home.

Coalition of the Willing?


Thanks....made my morning

What does that mean other than that you're an idiot? Aaahhhh, never mind....

It means that the Bush invasion of Iraq was a disaster because he could not build an effective coalition (one that was not bought off)

Obamas coalitions in Egypt, Libya and Syria kept the US from having to put boots on the ground (eg....getting Americans killed)
There weren't any coalitions in Egypt, Libya or Syria! Egypt threw our ambassador out and indicted Hillary Clinton's aides on criminal charges.
Coalition of the Willing?


Thanks....made my morning

What does that mean other than that you're an idiot? Aaahhhh, never mind....

It means that the Bush invasion of Iraq was a disaster because he could not build an effective coalition (one that was not bought off)

Obamas coalitions in Egypt, Libya and Syria kept the US from having to put boots on the ground (eg....getting Americans killed)

Obama did nothing in Egypt, the US needed no help to bomb the crap out of Libya and Obama got his ass kicked by Putin in Syria.

Look man, I'm going to just assume you're as stupid as you tell me are, so you can stop reading now. But anyone who has a critical mind, my point was the ability to change minds diplomatically. W did. You supported Iraq before you were against it. But I always opposed it. That isn't the point. The topic is diplomatic effectiveness. W got a coalition and held them together in Iraq. Then he did it in Afghanistan. It was very unclear he could do that and he did it including countries not necessarily expected to support us.

Obama has at best gotten the support of countries who always support us, and he has not turned anyone against us for us or even gotten the support of the fence sitters. He's accomplished zero diplomatically ever.

You may now resume your pointless posts that don't address the point.
What does that mean other than that you're an idiot? Aaahhhh, never mind....

It means that the Bush invasion of Iraq was a disaster because he could not build an effective coalition (one that was not bought off)

Obamas coalitions in Egypt, Libya and Syria kept the US from having to put boots on the ground (eg....getting Americans killed)

Obama did nothing in Egypt, the US needed no help to bomb the crap out of Libya and Obama got his ass kicked by Putin in Syria.

Look man, I'm going to just assume you're as stupid as you tell me are, so you can stop reading now. But anyone who has a critical mind, my point was the ability to change minds diplomatically. W did. You supported Iraq before you were against it. But I always opposed it. That isn't the point. The topic is diplomatic effectiveness. W got a coalition and held them together in Iraq. Then he did it in Afghanistan. It was very unclear he could do that and he did it including countries not necessarily expected to support us.

Obama has at best gotten the support of countries who always support us, and he has not turned anyone against us for us or even gotten the support of the fence sitters. He's accomplished zero diplomatically ever.

You may now resume your pointless posts that don't address the point.

Invasion is not diplomacy
It means that the Bush invasion of Iraq was a disaster because he could not build an effective coalition (one that was not bought off)

Obamas coalitions in Egypt, Libya and Syria kept the US from having to put boots on the ground (eg....getting Americans killed)

Obama did nothing in Egypt, the US needed no help to bomb the crap out of Libya and Obama got his ass kicked by Putin in Syria.

Look man, I'm going to just assume you're as stupid as you tell me are, so you can stop reading now. But anyone who has a critical mind, my point was the ability to change minds diplomatically. W did. You supported Iraq before you were against it. But I always opposed it. That isn't the point. The topic is diplomatic effectiveness. W got a coalition and held them together in Iraq. Then he did it in Afghanistan. It was very unclear he could do that and he did it including countries not necessarily expected to support us.

Obama has at best gotten the support of countries who always support us, and he has not turned anyone against us for us or even gotten the support of the fence sitters. He's accomplished zero diplomatically ever.

You may now resume your pointless posts that don't address the point.

Invasion is not diplomacy

No, but building a coalition is. Thanks for doing as you were told in red, you are my puppet! Now, show again you don't get it!
Obama did nothing in Egypt, the US needed no help to bomb the crap out of Libya and Obama got his ass kicked by Putin in Syria.

Look man, I'm going to just assume you're as stupid as you tell me are, so you can stop reading now. But anyone who has a critical mind, my point was the ability to change minds diplomatically. W did. You supported Iraq before you were against it. But I always opposed it. That isn't the point. The topic is diplomatic effectiveness. W got a coalition and held them together in Iraq. Then he did it in Afghanistan. It was very unclear he could do that and he did it including countries not necessarily expected to support us.

Obama has at best gotten the support of countries who always support us, and he has not turned anyone against us for us or even gotten the support of the fence sitters. He's accomplished zero diplomatically ever.

You may now resume your pointless posts that don't address the point.

Invasion is not diplomacy

No, but building a coalition is. Thanks for doing as you were told in red, you are my puppet! Now, show again you don't get it!

Yes and that is why Bushs "Coalition of the Willing" was such a joke. It was the US and UK with everyone else sending Company sized forces or less in non-combat roles. Daddy Bush knew how to form a legitimate coalition and how to realize what the political limitations of an invasion are

Now, show again that you don't get it
Bush sure didn't
Invasion is not diplomacy

No, but building a coalition is. Thanks for doing as you were told in red, you are my puppet! Now, show again you don't get it!

Yes and that is why Bushs "Coalition of the Willing" was such a joke. It was the US and UK with everyone else sending Company sized forces or less in non-combat roles. Daddy Bush knew how to form a legitimate coalition and how to realize what the political limitations of an invasion are

Now, show again that you don't get it
Bush sure didn't
Bull, there were more than token forces beyond the US and the UK. Australia and Poland were in the invasion and there were 37 more that sent troops afterwards. And as I pointed out, that is way, way ahead of Obama, you can't point to anything he actually accomplished diplomatically.

Now, show again that you don't get it
Bush sure didn't
Bam! Repeating my own line back to me. There can be no greater admission that you've got nothing... LOL. What a tool.
Exactly you imbecile

And he is doing the business of our country

Really? Constantly flying to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard is "doing the business of our country"? Uh.... I didn't realize swimming in the ocean and consuming alcohol is considered by Dumbocrats to be "doing the business of our country". I guess that's why you guys fail at everything you do.

I asked you about that comment about the Hawaii and Martha's Vinyard trips. You said you were not telling a lie. You said you were exaggerating. You continue to "exaggerate". Clearly you are now just being a liar. "Every other week" exaggeration has is now changed by you to be "constantly". Clear cut lie. Told by you. That makes you a clear cut liar. Means you can not make your dubious allegation stick, so you have to lie. Means your whole concept in based on a purposeful lie. You are a fake.

Watching you throw yourself on the floor in a tantrum is comical. Obama constantly goes to Hawaii, Martha's Vineyard, and other vacation spots - and that is not an exaggeration nor is it a lie.

The fact that you have to lie and claim it is says it all. I'm sorry that you find the facts so frustrating - I am. But be a big girl and deal with it.
Exactly you imbecile

And he is doing the business of our country

Really? Constantly flying to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard is "doing the business of our country"? Uh.... I didn't realize swimming in the ocean and consuming alcohol is considered by Dumbocrats to be "doing the business of our country". I guess that's why you guys fail at everything you do.

There is official travel and personal travel

Presidents are entitled to both

Now, until you guys can post some real numbers that Obama is grossly exceeding the personal and official travel of his predecessors you are just engaging in petty political whining

Go at it

Lets see some numbers

I already provided them. In black & white and indisputable. You refuse to accept reality because it conflicts with your worship of the man who throws you pitiful government table scraps while living a lavish com-artist lifestyle and laughing at fools like you.
Obama has at best gotten the support of countries who always support us, and he has not turned anyone against us for us or even gotten the support of the fence sitters. He's accomplished zero diplomatically ever.

You forgot to mention that he has pissed off our two closest allies - England & Israel. He has insulted both nations and their leaders.

At the same time, he has bent over backwards to bow to our enemies (Fidel Castro, Hugo Chaves, and Vladimir Putin). What do those three all have in common? Die-hard communists. Just like Obama. That's why he has made so much effort with them while telling England and Israel to go fuck themselves.
Really? Constantly flying to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard is "doing the business of our country"? Uh.... I didn't realize swimming in the ocean and consuming alcohol is considered by Dumbocrats to be "doing the business of our country". I guess that's why you guys fail at everything you do.

There is official travel and personal travel

Presidents are entitled to both

Now, until you guys can post some real numbers that Obama is grossly exceeding the personal and official travel of his predecessors you are just engaging in petty political whining

Go at it

Lets see some numbers

I already provided them. In black & white and indisputable. You refuse to accept reality because it conflicts with your worship of the man who throws you pitiful government table scraps while living a lavish com-artist lifestyle and laughing at fools like you.

Actually, you haven't

try again
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... Rev. Pat Robertson onna PTL club news...

... said Obsama spent a hunerd million dollars...

... on dat trip to Brussels.

She says dat's some mighty expensive sprouts.
Really? Constantly flying to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard is "doing the business of our country"? Uh.... I didn't realize swimming in the ocean and consuming alcohol is considered by Dumbocrats to be "doing the business of our country". I guess that's why you guys fail at everything you do.

I asked you about that comment about the Hawaii and Martha's Vinyard trips. You said you were not telling a lie. You said you were exaggerating. You continue to "exaggerate". Clearly you are now just being a liar. "Every other week" exaggeration has is now changed by you to be "constantly". Clear cut lie. Told by you. That makes you a clear cut liar. Means you can not make your dubious allegation stick, so you have to lie. Means your whole concept in based on a purposeful lie. You are a fake.

Watching you throw yourself on the floor in a tantrum is comical. Obama constantly goes to Hawaii, Martha's Vineyard, and other vacation spots - and that is not an exaggeration nor is it a lie.

The fact that you have to lie and claim it is says it all. I'm sorry that you find the facts so frustrating - I am. But be a big girl and deal with it.

You have not shown evidence or provided links to indicate more than a yearly vacation to Hawaii and another yearly summer trip to Martha's Vineyard. The whole point of this thread has become how much of a liar you are. You simply refuse to be honorable or admit a mistake. So you continue to lie. If you provide links to backup your claim about multiple constant trips to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard other than the normal yearly vacation trips I will gladly apoligize.
Granny says Obama actin' like he just won Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes...
Obama Family Flights to/in Africa, Hawaii Cost Taxpayers $15.8M
March 26, 2014 – For President Barack Obama and his family to visit Africa in June 2013 and then Honolulu in December 2013, the cost to taxpayers for flight costs alone were $15,885,585, according to Air Force records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by the government watchdog Judicial Watch.
The flights to, from, and around Africa in June-July 2013 totaled 35.5 hours at a cost of $228,288 an hour, which totals $8,104,224, reported Judicial Watch in a press release. The flights for the 17-day Christmas vacation in Honolulu in December 2013-January 2014 totaled 36.9 hours at a cost of $210,877 per hour, which totals $7,781,361.

Combined, flight costs for those two trips were $15.8 million. In addition, Judicial Watch reported back in February that the flight costs for the August 2013 Obama family vacation in Martha’s Vineyard were $1,164,268.

“The costs to taxpayers of President Obama’s travel, especially his luxury vacation travel, are beyond the pale,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And the secrecy surrounding these costs shows that Obama’s vows of transparency are rubbish.”

Obama Family Flights to/in Africa, Hawaii Cost Taxpayers $15.8M | CNS News

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