Gloria Alred & Black Woman Sues Walmart Because Black Products Are Behind Glass

Philly thinks bulletproof glass should be outlawed.

I do not know the facts.

If Walmart puts only so-called black cosmetics behind glass but does not put other cosmetics behind glass, then a fair-minded person, I feel, would agree that such a policy is insulting. (Let's not use that now meaningless word "racist.")

Walmart is in a no-win situation.

Suppose Walmart -- because of too many thefts -- decides not to stock those so-called black cosmetics. Then some people would sue Walmart for discrimination.


I have read that Walmart is sued daily by many people in nuisance suits. Walmart, I hear, gives them some money just to get rid of them.

Being a businessperson is not an easy job.

Many customers (of ALL ethnicities) are not very nice people.

Of course, MOST human beings are not very nice --- in my opinion and experience.
I do not know the facts.

If Walmart puts only so-called black cosmetics behind glass but does not put other cosmetics behind glass, then a fair-minded person, I feel, would agree that such a policy is insulting. (Let's not use that now meaningless word "racist.")

Walmart is in a no-win situation.

Suppose Walmart -- because of too many thefts -- decides not to stock those so-called black cosmetics. Then some people would sue Walmart for discrimination.


I have read that Walmart is sued daily by many people in nuisance suits. Walmart, I hear, gives them some money just to get rid of them.

Being a businessperson is not an easy job.

Many customers (of ALL ethnicities) are not very nice people.

Of course, MOST human beings are not very nice --- in my opinion and experience.
. In response to your take on this, I would say that if the products that black people use, are being stolen at a high rate then the response (no matter how sad the situation is), most certainly was appropriate in which the Walmart took. Walmart would only be in a no win situation if they can't somehow prove to the court that a high rate of products were stolen by black people as opposed to the rate of theft being found on other products being stolen by other races. Camera footage will probably be key in the case.

Lost prevention goes on in every retail analysis and big chain stores.
No business is required to provide any product to any particular group or area. Nor required to operate in an area deemed unprofitable.
That's in a true free market.
Anyone offended by a business to decide to prevent theft and still provide those products or services should be more offended by those within their area or cultural group that steal what is not theirs and giving the area a bad reputation.
The perceived offense is misplaced.
Walmart has every right to pull the products or even close the store entirely.
Walmart would only be in a no win situation if they can't somehow prove to the court that a high rate of products were stolen by black people as opposed to the rate of theft being found on other products being stolen by other races.

Thank you for your interesting comments.

In 2018, NO judge , however, would dare side with Walmart -- no matter what Walmart "proves."

And if there were a jury trial, you KNOW that the jury would not support Walmart.

Have a nice day!
Walmart has every right to ... close the store entirely.


That is why some communities do not have any big stores. The owners have left because of all kinds of problems.

I feel so sorry for the good people of those communities.

I feel, however, that the situation is hopeless.

When the good people get enough money, they just leave and move to a better community.

Their former community never changes.
This is mistakenly deemed white flight, when the reality is it is success.
The suburbs in my area contain middle class people of all races and groups who wish to live in a peaceful area with low crime.
Who of any race being of sound mind would even open a business in a delapitated area with a chance of armed robbery or looting?
When the good people of these communities finally figure out that the policies of urban areas only deepens the problems, maybe they could change the tide. They however still support large government policies that for decades have left urban areas blighted.
I guess it's too late for Melania to hope hookers are locked up behind glass so Trump can't get to them. There may be a legitimate reason stores keep items behind glass, and there may not be. Courts decide for sure.
Yep.....typical lib attack.
Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty of.

  • Bill Clinton and his bimbo eruptions. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing.
  • Democrats colluding with the Russians to sell our Uranium. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing
Faced with a theft problem of a certain product, I guess my solution would be to stop carrying the product.
Walmart has every right to ... close the store entirely.


That is why some communities do not have any big stores. The owners have left because of all kinds of problems.

I feel so sorry for the good people of those communities.

I feel, however, that the situation is hopeless.

When the good people get enough money, they just leave and move to a better community.

Their former community never changes.
. Above, someone has added words to make it appear that I had said something I didn't say. The words were "Walmart has every right to ... close the store entirely".

This is a violation of the rules I think.
These people are suing walmart at the state level, to wit;
The famed attorney held a news conference with Essie Grundy, who said she was discriminated against based on her race at a Perris, Calif., Walmart on Jan. 12. Allred alleges Walmart is in violation of California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, prohibiting businesses from discriminating against customers based on race.

So, whatever the outcome of this lawsuit, it will only affect California.
As someone who has worked in retail, I don't find this racist. And not because all black people steal.

Generally the items that get stolen the most get locked up.

My Walmart in Philly doesn't have black hair care products locked up. But if a Walmart locks something up, it must have been a significant number of products stolen.

I've lived in white areas and razors and deodorant were locked up. Does it mean all white people steal personal hygiene items? No.

I personally don't feel Walmart decision racist. But unfortunately black people will take it the wrong way and white supremacist will use this to fuel their racist agenda.
Due to rampant theft by black people, Walmart stores nationwide are forced to lock up or use security products on black-oriented products. And Gloria Alred takes up the cause and sues Walmart.

I'm a Second Amendment supporter and they keep all the ammo locked up in glass cases. Can I sue them too?

Walmart to Face Discrimination Suit Over Hair Products: Atty


Well, clearly, the jigaboo is up on Walmart. Blacks are liberals and the one thing liberals don't want to face is their own hypocrisy, that blacks really do commit far more crime than whites. Blacks are needy people who are lucky they can even make it to the voting polls much less produce a photo ID saying who they are. To me, the remedy is simple: if I were Walmart, I would simply end the matter by no longer carrying any of the products Gloria is suing over, then the nigaboos can go down the street (on foot, as the bus doesn't take you there) to the local Walgreen or Target that carry the products---- ----at a 30% higher cost and steal them there, and they can thank Gloria for it.
I do not know the facts.

If Walmart puts only so-called black cosmetics behind glass but does not put other cosmetics behind glass, then a fair-minded person, I feel, would agree that such a policy is insulting. (Let's not use that now meaningless word "racist.")

The policy is revealing, not "insulting."
At the nearest Big Oil Company gas station, if I want to pay cash I press a button at the pump and the cashier's voice says something like, " OK pump # 6, see you inside." I pump and go inside to pay.

About a half-mile or so down the road at another of the same Co's stations, if I want to pay cash I must go inside first, tell the cashier the pump #, pay, go back out and pump.

Why the Big Oil Company's two different procedures for the same exact sales transactions with their valued customers?

Think: D-word...(that doesn't end in -tion)
It has been many years since I stopped at a gas station that let me pump first then pay.
As someone who has worked in retail, I don't find this racist. And not because all black people steal.

Generally the items that get stolen the most get locked up.

My Walmart in Philly doesn't have black hair care products locked up. But if a Walmart locks something up, it must have been a significant number of products stolen.

I've lived in white areas and razors and deodorant were locked up. Does it mean all white people steal personal hygiene items? No.

I personally don't feel Walmart decision racist. But unfortunately black people will take it the wrong way and white supremacist will use this to fuel their racist agenda
A voice of reason. Thank you.

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