Gloria Alred & Black Woman Sues Walmart Because Black Products Are Behind Glass

There's not a store in the country where poor people shop, where black products aren't hidden behind locks and glass cases. The only stores that don't do this shit, is book stores.
On arriving in a new town some time ago, I worked for a year at a hardware store. They used to lock all kinds of items in cabinets. Loads of small expensive tools, etc. Who can blame them. The clientele was almost all white. No one whined.

Walmart and other retailers should be able to run their own businesses the way they choose to.

Blacks will find a reason to cry racism for almost anything. If they don't like the way Walmart runs their store, they can go shop somewhere else. But quit whining already, dammit.

Why can't you be this reasonable and normal when you talk about President Trump?
What I say about trump is entirely "reasonable and normal". Hell, the whole world is laughing at the orange lunatic. His favorables are always in the toilet. And I'd bet the vast majority of Americans detest trump at least as much as I do.

That said, I do support his tough stance on immigration, legal and illegal. In fact, I hope he moves to drastically cut legal immigration, gets rid of "chain" immigration and the "visa lottery" and, finally I hope he finds a way to get people to consider removing the "Anchor Baby" bullshit.

I also am happy to see illegals shipped back to their homeland. Criminal illegals should be shot out of here on a fucking rocket, imo.

So there are some areas in which I agree with trump. But on the whole, I think The Donald is a World Class Nutcase.
Trump's favorables are 97% among the people who voted for him. That doesn't bode well for your side in 2020 elections.
Unless Putin puts his hands on the scales and the supreme court doesn't step in, there is no way in hell Donald Trump will get a second chance to be president, no way. I personally will resurrect the dead to vote along with illegals.....hell, you blame em anyway, this time it will be fact.
Just for the record, while Wally world is watching black folk, white folk are having a field day stealing....I work for Walmart part time...I see it all the time and I don't say shit. More power!!
Yesterday I heard someone on the radio who spoke in a very civil and rational manner about this general topic.

According to her, here in Los Angeles, many drugstores in downtown Los Angeles put more things behind locked displays than do drugstores in West Los Angeles.

She attributes this difference to the demographic differences between those two sections of the city.
Liberals demand you believe and embrace that blacks don't commit a disproportionate percentage of crimes when compared to total population and even if they did it would be the fault if white people
Yesterday I heard someone on the radio who spoke in a very civil and rational manner about this general topic.

According to her, here in Los Angeles, many drugstores in downtown Los Angeles put more things behind locked displays than do drugstores in West Los Angeles.

She attributes this difference to the demographic differences between those two sections of the city.
The Untamed and Unevolved African Race Has Never Been Treated Worse Than It Deserved

There is nothing wrong with being racist, any more than there is with believing a chronically losing team is inferior, rather than being picked on and forced into its place all the time. By not confronting the feralphile spoiled degenerate snobs with "What's wrong with racism?", they win.
When you see list of 'most wanted criminals' any police department you face 70% blacks and 25% latinos.Understandable Walmart wants to protect its property from black shoplifters. No, No said 'mom' and probably demand $10m as compensation

OS ANGELES (CBSLA) — A Perris mother is taking legal action over what she claims is discrimination against African-Americans by Walmart over their policy of locking up certain products.

Essie Grundy told reporters at a news conference Friday she has filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against the retail giant after asking for assistance to buy a 49-cent comb, which was among several products secured in a glass casing at the Perris store.

Mom Sues Walmart To End Policy Of Locking Up, 'Segregating' Beauty Products
Would that woman rather the products not be available at all period? All that she had to do is ask for whatever it is that she wanted and nothing more. It would've been taken from its spot by an employee to be given to her for her to buy.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I've seen it where certain things were kept behind lock and key and their being like that didn't bother me any when I came to buy one. I actually understood why the stuff had to be like that.
I see items that are not considered for blacks behind lock and key. Doesn’t bother me.
Would that woman rather the products not be available at all period? All that she had to do is ask for whatever it is that she wanted and nothing more. It would've been taken from its spot by an employee to be given to her for her to buy.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I've seen it where certain things were kept behind lock and key and their being like that didn't bother me any when I came to buy one. I actually understood why the stuff had to be like that.
Would that woman rather the products not be available at all period? All that she had to do is ask for whatever it is that she wanted and nothing more. It would've been taken from its spot by an employee to be given to her for her to buy.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I've seen it where certain things were kept behind lock and key and their being like that didn't bother me any when I came to buy one. I actually understood why the stuff had to be like that.
. Yes, things like electronics, and guns, and drugs, and etc are all locked up either for safety reasons or for high probability of theft reasons based on past problems. Like you I have never had a problem asking for something locked up behind glass. Now a days people are thinking up a million ways as to how to get rich the easy way, and sadly are finding lawyers who deal in these shady ways to help them possibly achieve their goals.
Would that woman rather the products not be available at all period? All that she had to do is ask for whatever it is that she wanted and nothing more. It would've been taken from its spot by an employee to be given to her for her to buy.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I've seen it where certain things were kept behind lock and key and their being like that didn't bother me any when I came to buy one. I actually understood why the stuff had to be like that.
. Yes, things like electronics, and guns, and drugs, and etc are all locked up either for safety reasons or for high probability of theft reasons based on past problems. Like you I have never had a problem asking for something locked up behind glass. Now a days people are thinking up a million ways as to how to get rich the easy way, and sadly are finding lawyers who deal in these shady ways to help them possibly achieve their goals.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Walmart settles and gives Alfred and her Black friend a nice payday.
Would that woman rather the products not be available at all period? All that she had to do is ask for whatever it is that she wanted and nothing more. It would've been taken from its spot by an employee to be given to her for her to buy.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I've seen it where certain things were kept behind lock and key and their being like that didn't bother me any when I came to buy one. I actually understood why the stuff had to be like that.
. Yes, things like electronics, and guns, and drugs, and etc are all locked up either for safety reasons or for high probability of theft reasons based on past problems. Like you I have never had a problem asking for something locked up behind glass. Now a days people are thinking up a million ways as to how to get rich the easy way, and sadly are finding lawyers who deal in these shady ways to help them possibly achieve their goals.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Walmart settles and gives Alfred and her Black friend a nice payday.
. Just more breaking down the system and the freedom of enterprise trying to protect it's interest against theft in this form.
A Retail establishment tracks items that have a high rate of theft and chooses to put the items in protected case. If the data adds up to items most frequently stolen and there is a correlation to an ethnic or racial group that purchases those items, what should a store do?
A Retail establishment tracks items that have a high rate of theft and chooses to put the items in protected case. If the data adds up to items most frequently stolen and there is a correlation to an ethnic or racial group that purchases those items, what should a store do?
Maybe they could make them available for online ordering, with free pickup at the store. Walmart does this with a ton of items. It's actually a good thing. It makes available items that are often not stocked in stores at all.

But blacks will always look for reasons to whine and, if possible to look for a free payday.
A Retail establishment tracks items that have a high rate of theft and chooses to put the items in protected case. If the data adds up to items most frequently stolen and there is a correlation to an ethnic or racial group that purchases those items, what should a store do?
. Do what the Demon-crats would suggest in order to keep from hurting anyone's feelings, and just let the thieving take place. Then let the government take care of the corporate losses through subsidizing these losses by taxpayers money. See how that works ? :abgg2q.jpg:
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A Retail establishment tracks items that have a high rate of theft and chooses to put the items in protected case. If the data adds up to items most frequently stolen and there is a correlation to an ethnic or racial group that purchases those items, what should a store do?
Maybe they could make them available for online ordering, with free pickup at the store. Walmart does this with a ton of items. It's actually a good thing. It makes available items that are often not stocked in stores at all.

But blacks will always look for reasons to whine and, if possible to look for a free payday.
There has always been a segment of the American black population that knows how to use the "system" for their benefit. They profit off of white guilt, those that are deathly afraid of being labeled "racist". Corporations would rather pay hush money.

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