Gloria Alred & Black Woman Sues Walmart Because Black Products Are Behind Glass

I guess it's too late for Melania to hope hookers are locked up behind glass so Trump can't get to them. There may be a legitimate reason stores keep items behind glass, and there may not be. Courts decide for sure.
Yep.....typical lib attack.
Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty of.

  • Bill Clinton and his bimbo eruptions. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing.
  • Democrats colluding with the Russians to sell our Uranium. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing

Might be because the products get stolen too much but let's not let a fact get in the way of some emotive, racial pot stirring
Not sure who I'm pulling for, I've always felt awkward going through Checkpoint Charlie when exiting Costco. In 10 years of membership I can only think of once when I went there without my wife, who signed me up in the first place. I definitely think lady in article (and my wife) should shop elsewhere.
On arriving in a new town some time ago, I worked for a year at a hardware store. They used to lock all kinds of items in cabinets. Loads of small expensive tools, etc. Who can blame them. The clientele was almost all white. No one whined.

Walmart and other retailers should be able to run their own businesses the way they choose to.

Blacks will find a reason to cry racism for almost anything. If they don't like the way Walmart runs their store, they can go shop somewhere else. But quit whining already, dammit.
I guess it's too late for Melania to hope hookers are locked up behind glass so Trump can't get to them. There may be a legitimate reason stores keep items behind glass, and there may not be. Courts decide for sure.
Yep.....typical lib attack.
Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty of.

  • Bill Clinton and his bimbo eruptions. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing.
  • Democrats colluding with the Russians to sell our Uranium. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing

If you can't see it you're the one who's crazy.
Democrats are using the same tactics that Nazi propagandists used leading up to WWII.

Here's Nancy Pelosi accusing Trump of doing exactly what the Democrats have been doing to this country since the 70s.
Trying to change the demographics of the country.
Only they claim that returning the country back to White America is the same time they're flooding the country with Blacks and Hispanics who hate everything this country stands for.

On arriving in a new town some time ago, I worked for a year at a hardware store. They used to lock all kinds of items in cabinets. Loads of small expensive tools, etc. Who can blame them. The clientele was almost all white. No one whined.

Walmart and other retailers should be able to run their own businesses the way they choose to.

Blacks will find a reason to cry racism for almost anything. If they don't like the way Walmart runs their store, they can go shop somewhere else. But quit whining already, dammit.

Why can't you be this reasonable and normal when you talk about President Trump?
I guess it's too late for Melania to hope hookers are locked up behind glass so Trump can't get to them. There may be a legitimate reason stores keep items behind glass, and there may not be. Courts decide for sure.
Yep.....typical lib attack.
Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty of.

  • Bill Clinton and his bimbo eruptions. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing.
  • Democrats colluding with the Russians to sell our Uranium. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing

If you can't see it you're the one who's crazy.
Democrats are using the same tactics that Nazi propagandists used leading up to WWII.

That's plain silly.

Everything in your posts would apply far more accurately to the Orange Doosh. You know, the Hitler Wannabe...
On arriving in a new town some time ago, I worked for a year at a hardware store. They used to lock all kinds of items in cabinets. Loads of small expensive tools, etc. Who can blame them. The clientele was almost all white. No one whined.

Walmart and other retailers should be able to run their own businesses the way they choose to.

Blacks will find a reason to cry racism for almost anything. If they don't like the way Walmart runs their store, they can go shop somewhere else. But quit whining already, dammit.

Why can't you be this reasonable and normal when you talk about President Trump?
What I say about trump is entirely "reasonable and normal". Hell, the whole world is laughing at the orange lunatic. His favorables are always in the toilet. And I'd bet the vast majority of Americans detest trump at least as much as I do.

That said, I do support his tough stance on immigration, legal and illegal. In fact, I hope he moves to drastically cut legal immigration, gets rid of "chain" immigration and the "visa lottery" and, finally I hope he finds a way to get people to consider removing the "Anchor Baby" bullshit.

I also am happy to see illegals shipped back to their homeland. Criminal illegals should be shot out of here on a fucking rocket, imo.

So there are some areas in which I agree with trump. But on the whole, I think The Donald is a World Class Nutcase.
I guess it's too late for Melania to hope hookers are locked up behind glass so Trump can't get to them. There may be a legitimate reason stores keep items behind glass, and there may not be. Courts decide for sure.
Yep.....typical lib attack.
Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty of.

  • Bill Clinton and his bimbo eruptions. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing.
  • Democrats colluding with the Russians to sell our Uranium. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing

If you can't see it you're the one who's crazy.
Democrats are using the same tactics that Nazi propagandists used leading up to WWII.

That's plain silly.

Everything in your posts would apply far more accurately to the Orange Doosh. You know, the Hitler Wannabe...
Ask yourself who controls the media, nit-wit, it's obvious that Trump controls none of it.
I guess it's too late for Melania to hope hookers are locked up behind glass so Trump can't get to them. There may be a legitimate reason stores keep items behind glass, and there may not be. Courts decide for sure.
Yep.....typical lib attack.
Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty of.

  • Bill Clinton and his bimbo eruptions. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing.
  • Democrats colluding with the Russians to sell our Uranium. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing

If you can't see it you're the one who's crazy.
Democrats are using the same tactics that Nazi propagandists used leading up to WWII.

That's plain silly.

Everything in your posts would apply far more accurately to the Orange Doosh. You know, the Hitler Wannabe...
Ask yourself who controls the media, nit-wit, it's obvious that Trump controls none of it.
Look in the mirror when you want to see a nit-wit, asshole.

trump does control the gullible inbred wienies who support him. They rally around him like drooling fools every time he whacks off in public. They fill his rallies and just lap it up... Sluuurp....!

That's how much they love their Depends wearing Hitler wannabe.
Yep.....typical lib attack.
Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty of.

  • Bill Clinton and his bimbo eruptions. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing.
  • Democrats colluding with the Russians to sell our Uranium. Let's accuse Trump of the same thing

If you can't see it you're the one who's crazy.
Democrats are using the same tactics that Nazi propagandists used leading up to WWII.

That's plain silly.

Everything in your posts would apply far more accurately to the Orange Doosh. You know, the Hitler Wannabe...
Ask yourself who controls the media, nit-wit, it's obvious that Trump controls none of it.
Look in the mirror when you want to see a nit-wit, asshole.

trump does control the gullible inbred wienies who support him. They rally around him like drooling fools every time he whacks off in public. They fill his rallies and just lap it up... Sluuurp....!

That's how much they love their Depends wearing Hitler wannabe.
Yet the left controls the media.
The only reason there are still people who support Trump is because Hillary didn't win, and the left hasn't been able to take full control.......yet
If you can't see it you're the one who's crazy.
Democrats are using the same tactics that Nazi propagandists used leading up to WWII.

That's plain silly.

Everything in your posts would apply far more accurately to the Orange Doosh. You know, the Hitler Wannabe...
Ask yourself who controls the media, nit-wit, it's obvious that Trump controls none of it.
Look in the mirror when you want to see a nit-wit, asshole.

trump does control the gullible inbred wienies who support him. They rally around him like drooling fools every time he whacks off in public. They fill his rallies and just lap it up... Sluuurp....!

That's how much they love their Depends wearing Hitler wannabe.
Yet the left controls the media.
The only reason there are still people who support Trump is because Hillary didn't win, and the left hasn't been able to take full control.......yet
Listen up asshole. You trumpanzees will believe anything the Orange Fuckface tells you.

Can you really not see how much trump wants to grow his position as a authoritarian master? He would love to be like that other worthless slimeball Duterte in the Philippines. We'll have to wait and see how it all works out, but I don't trust trump as far as I can throw his fat ass.
Racism bullshit! Look at the elephant in the room. Let's be honest here. A goodly percentage of Black people are known to shoplift. This is a perception that the black community needs to deal with. Instead a applauding opportune looters in urban areas, the black community should report these people and condemn it as a race.

That's the perception and it isn't our imagination.
If you can't see it you're the one who's crazy.
Democrats are using the same tactics that Nazi propagandists used leading up to WWII.

That's plain silly.

Everything in your posts would apply far more accurately to the Orange Doosh. You know, the Hitler Wannabe...
Ask yourself who controls the media, nit-wit, it's obvious that Trump controls none of it.
Look in the mirror when you want to see a nit-wit, asshole.

trump does control the gullible inbred wienies who support him. They rally around him like drooling fools every time he whacks off in public. They fill his rallies and just lap it up... Sluuurp....!

That's how much they love their Depends wearing Hitler wannabe.
Yet the left controls the media.
The only reason there are still people who support Trump is because Hillary didn't win, and the left hasn't been able to take full control.......yet
Listen up asshole. You trumpanzees will believe anything the Orange Fuckface tells you.

Can you really not see how much trump wants to grow his position as a authoritarian master? He would love to be like that other worthless slimeball Duterte in the Philippines. We'll have to wait and see how it all works out, but I don't trust trump as far as I can throw his fat ass.
It's clear reality isn't a place you live in.
Why you aren't on ignore yet I can't figure out.
Well.....I can fix that.
On arriving in a new town some time ago, I worked for a year at a hardware store. They used to lock all kinds of items in cabinets. Loads of small expensive tools, etc. Who can blame them. The clientele was almost all white. No one whined.

Walmart and other retailers should be able to run their own businesses the way they choose to.

Blacks will find a reason to cry racism for almost anything. If they don't like the way Walmart runs their store, they can go shop somewhere else. But quit whining already, dammit.

Why can't you be this reasonable and normal when you talk about President Trump?
What I say about trump is entirely "reasonable and normal". Hell, the whole world is laughing at the orange lunatic. His favorables are always in the toilet. And I'd bet the vast majority of Americans detest trump at least as much as I do.

That said, I do support his tough stance on immigration, legal and illegal. In fact, I hope he moves to drastically cut legal immigration, gets rid of "chain" immigration and the "visa lottery" and, finally I hope he finds a way to get people to consider removing the "Anchor Baby" bullshit.

I also am happy to see illegals shipped back to their homeland. Criminal illegals should be shot out of here on a fucking rocket, imo.

So there are some areas in which I agree with trump. But on the whole, I think The Donald is a World Class Nutcase.
Trump's favorables are 97% among the people who voted for him. That doesn't bode well for your side in 2020 elections.

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