Glory of Islam


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
Islam is the representant of God Almighty (who is above any form of humanness) on earth.

It is a global religion, with followers from all around the world. Arabs, Asians and Africans are followers of Islam, Muslims. Islam is also very present in Europe and in America. Islam is the only global religion that features a strong notable discipline. It is not the case with Christianity or Judaism. There is Buddhism, but Buddhism is a minor religion in terms of dedicated followers, and not a global religion. Islam has commands and prohibitions which are the basis of a strong presence of God Almighty in the lives of the Muslims. Muslims are ordered to pray to God five times a day, to give from their money to the poor or to fast with due piety during the month of Ramadan. Muslims are forbidden to lie and to talk bad of people. This is between one and God Almighty and has nothing to do with Islamic government.

Islam is the representant of God Almighty on earth. Were it not a true religion from God Almighty, God Almighty would have ended this religion long ago. This is the victory and the glory of Islam, over Christianity, Judaism and all other religions. This is a victory from God Almighty Himself, and glory from Him, Most High.
It's a tragedy for the world that 1.6 billion people believe in the evil lies of the false prophet Muhammad.
The destiny of Islam is for it to rule the world. ...... :cool:

You utterly underestimate the strength of will of western society. Please study history and remember what happened to the Nazis and the Japanese in world war two.
Islam is the representant of God Almighty (who is above any form of humanness) on earth.

It is a global religion, with followers from all around the world. Arabs, Asians and Africans are followers of Islam, Muslims. Islam is also very present in Europe and in America. Islam is the only global religion that features a strong notable discipline. It is not the case with Christianity or Judaism. There is Buddhism, but Buddhism is a minor religion in terms of dedicated followers, and not a global religion. Islam has commands and prohibitions which are the basis of a strong presence of God Almighty in the lives of the Muslims. Muslims are ordered to pray to God five times a day, to give from their money to the poor or to fast with due piety during the month of Ramadan. Muslims are forbidden to lie and to talk bad of people. This is between one and God Almighty and has nothing to do with Islamic government.

Islam is the representant of God Almighty on earth. Were it not a true religion from God Almighty, God Almighty would have ended this religion long ago. This is the victory and the glory of Islam, over Christianity, Judaism and all other religions. This is a victory from God Almighty Himself, and glory from Him, Most High.

Islam represents a moon god named Baal Allah - they continue the same pre-Islamic rituals to this day - it is paganism and the worship of demons. You need to leave it and be born again and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Allah is not God Almighty. Jesus Christ is God Almighty and there is no other God but Him. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Mohammad is suffering terrible torments in hell right now - he would not want you to join him there. Hell is one place where misery does not seek company. Come to Jesus Christ and be saved, Muslim75. That is what Mohammad would want for those he deceived while he was upon the earth. If he were able to tell you himself - he would.
I am soo happy that
You utterly underestimate the strength of will of western society. Please study history and remember what happened to the Nazis and the Japanese in world war two.
The western world is in both spiritual and moral decay and decline.

Islam is poised to fill the gap and rescue all of mankind from evil and perversion. ...... :cool:
The destiny of Islam is for it to rule the world. ...... :cool:
Gee whiz. The world under the rule of Dark Ages knuckle draggers who are adherents to an ideology that has never been able to drag itself out of the Stone Age.

You goofy converts, safely ensconced in the Great Satan, want no part of actually living in the Islamist cesspools you create.
think this may be OFF TOPIC , but I've said previously that 'islam' is the perfect religion for government no matter what nations government is being talked about . All Government is only concerned with obedience and being able to rule the masses . Baltimores don't happen under 'islam' and if they do then you just call in the 'basiji' same as when there were some riots in , think it was 'tehran' . Abortion , homosexuality , drunkenness , drug use , prostitution is nothing to talk about under islam . There is no freedom under 'islam' at least from my western point of view . Follow the Koran and you'll be alright , deviate and get caught and you will be punished !!
I am soo happy that
You utterly underestimate the strength of will of western society. Please study history and remember what happened to the Nazis and the Japanese in world war two.
The western world is in both spiritual and moral decay and decline.

Islam is poised to fill the gap and rescue all of mankind from evil and perversion. ...... :cool:
Yeah. We can see that across Islamist backwaters where Moslems are the greatest killers of other Moslems....:cool:
Abortion , just want to mention that I think it is legal in most muslim lands so that's why it is nothing to talk about . If I am correct !!
Islam represents a moon god named Baal Allah - they continue the same pre-Islamic rituals to this day - it is paganism and the worship of demons. You need to leave it and be born again and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Allah is not God Almighty. Jesus Christ is God Almighty and there is no other God but Him. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Mohammad is suffering terrible torments in hell right now - he would not want you to join him there. Hell is one place where misery does not seek company. Come to Jesus Christ and be saved, Muslim75. That is what Mohammad would want for those he deceived while he was upon the earth. If he were able to tell you himself - he would.
Jesus was both a prophet and a messenger to mankind.

But he isn't God or divine; and he cannot save anyone.

He was just a mortal man who obeyed God in all things. ... :cool:
I am soo happy that
You utterly underestimate the strength of will of western society. Please study history and remember what happened to the Nazis and the Japanese in world war two.
The western world is in both spiritual and moral decay and decline.

Islam is poised to fill the gap and rescue all of mankind from evil and perversion. ...... :cool:

Yea ! I saw your thread joking about Islamic state throwing homosexuals off a roof.
Abortion , just want to mention that I think it is legal in most muslim lands so that's why it is nothing to talk about . If I am correct !!
Abortion is illegal in muslim countries. ...... :cool:
Many things goofy converts take for granted in the Great Satan are illegal in moslem controlled backwaters.

That's why you goofy converts safely ensconce yourself where you're protected from Islamism.....:cool:
looks like 'isis' want to make the claim that there are NO homosexuals in 'isis' controlled lands . Ahmadinejad made the same claim about 'iran' if I recall correct !!
hey Hollie , don't get the impression that I'm muslim . I am a rather loose mind my own business traditional American Christian , a conservative with libertarian leanings and an enemy of anyone trying to change the USA from what I grew up in . I am very happy that muslims are sparse in the USA and even sparser in my part of the USA . Course I also see that islam would be better than Christianity in reining in the 320 million diverse people in the USA !! I'm an older guy , not too worried about too much change in my lifetime but I think that younger Americans should be concerned .

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