Glory of Islam

You have to wonder about a religion who's members do the nasty with goats. Sick, just sick
hey Hollie , don't get the impression that I'm muslim . I am a rather loose mind my own business traditional American Christian , a conservative with libertarian leanings and an enemy of anyone trying to change the USA from what I grew up in . I am very happy that muslims are sparse in the USA and even sparser in my part of the USA . Course I also see that islam would be better than Christianity in reining in the 320 million diverse people in the USA !! I'm an older guy , not too worried about too much change in my lifetime but I think that younger Americans should be concerned .
After Hitler was in power, it took the Jews a few years to realize what was in store for them. Americans and other Westerners are in the same situation and don't realize what is planned for them and are skeptical if they're warned. The only thing they are concerned about is their "lifestyle."
pretty insightful Hossfly , that's kinda how I think but you said it very well . Think that your mention of the Jews under 'hitler' makes a lot of sense !!
Islam is the representant of God Almighty (who is above any form of humanness) on earth. . .
This is the victory and the glory of Islam, over Christianity, Judaism and all other religions. .

The allusion here to the "victory...of Islam OVER Christianity, Judaism and ALL OTHER RELIGIONS, holds the key to the problem with Islam. Of all the world's great religions, Islam is the LEAST true, because it is the only major religion founded, spread, and sustained through violence.
just different values Sassy , once Christians and other targeted groups are beheaded they stop worrying about the rules and turning the other cheek !! As they are being beheaded their last thought is that they probably should have fought like their lives depended on fighting . Course , the enemy is thousands of miles away , over the oceans and mrobama Is fighting the enemy !! [as I roll my eyes and chuckle]
Islam has no glory nor any other good epithets. Only murders, cruelty and fanatism for ages.
The destiny of Islam is for it to rule the world. ...... :cool:
And you wonder why there is so much resistance to Islam here.
not really that much resistance to 'islam' is there . Some pinprick bombing in oversea areas and battle grounds but no real fighting . He11 , everyone says that Americans don't want to fight wars as they see no danger and so no wars are being fought FA Q2 !!
The destiny of Islam is for it to rule the world. ...... :cool:
And you wonder why there is so much resistance to Islam here.
Christians will tell you it's their duty to spread the Gospel and save the world for Christ.

Same thing........ :cool:

Do you honestly not see the difference in preaching/spreading the word to ‘save’ people and claiming that you are going to RULE it?
That takes a special kind of dense.
Muslims nations form a variety. There are Muslims in different parts of the world, from Africa to the former Soviet Union including many different parts of the world.

Muslims who kill people of other faiths are a minority: Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al Qaeda by the Arabs, Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are a minority.
There is no such things as "Prophets" and "Messengers".

There are Prophets and Messengers, both being titles of dignity before God. It has nothing to do with mankind. Prophets and Messengers give glad tidings and warn. When they warn, expect the Punishment.
Muslims who kill people of other faiths are a minority: Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al Qaeda by the Arabs, Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are a minority.

That's quite a long list of minorities, and you left off the Islamic state in Syria and Iraq.
Muslims who kill people of other faiths are a minority: Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al Qaeda by the Arabs, Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are a minority.

That's quite a long list of minorities, and you left off the Islamic state in Syria and Iraq.
And dozens of others. This was just a few major players.
Of course there are plenty of Christian terrorist groups around as well - they do not have the modern body count and effect that the Muslim one currently have though.

The point is still standing though – they ARE a ‘minority’ of the religious adherents. I think that is an overplayed point though – currently Islam is a major player in terrorist groups and that speaks to a problem the faith as a whole is experiencing.

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