GM's 2012 Sales Growth Only 2.5%


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
President Barack Obama was on the campaign trail, at least as late as this July, claiming that $50-billion-bailed-out General Motors (GM) was back - as the globe’s top car seller.

The President was saying this long after it stopped being true. In July, GM spokesman Jim Cain admitted the following:

“We were the largest automaker in 2011. This year, Toyota has sold more vehicles CYTD (calendar year-to-date) as they continue to recover from [the] earthquake and tsunami.”

Ah yes, the earthquake and tsunami - the real reason GM claimed the top spot in the first place. Because Toyota (and to a lesser extent Honda) were eviscerated by this double-devastation. Yet another fact omitted from the President’s fact-free auto bailout rhetoric.

And as western Japan continues its recovery, Toyota has begun to widen its lead on GM.

The company said Friday it sold 7.4 million vehicles globally in the first nine months of this year - 450,000 more than General Motors. While Toyota's sales rose 28 percent in that period, GM's rose 2.5 percent, to 6.95 million cars and light-duty trucks.

Government Motors’ pathetic growth rate mirrors President Obama’s pathetic US economic growth rate - 2012 GDP growth thus far: 1.77%.

Which makes sense:

Government Motors is What Obama Wants to Do to 'Every Industry'

Mission accomplished.

Obama admin bought up many of gms product to cook the numbers, Obama is all smoke and mirrors...

The military sales are particularly galling. If they want a small car that doesn’t use much gas, they could buy two Cheverolet Cruzes (same frame as the Volt, seats one more) per Volt. In a remarkable slap at fiscal conservatives, Andrews Air Force Base just purchased 18, probably to be parked somewhere near Air Force-1.

The good news is that there is no chance that the military can ever claim that there’s no fat in their budget when they are about to plunk down—estimate—about six million dollars for cars that no one else really wants.

Don’t forget that the Department of Defense has committed to buying 1,500 of these wallet-hogs. These aren’t combat vehicles and will no doubt largely wind up in some Colonel’s driveway.

You just got screw over America...

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