Questions Arise Over Trump’s Michigan Crowd After Sign Holder Admissions

More of the same from the Trump Campaign? What is it with these fake people, there -- starting with the Escalator at Trump Tower in 2015

Questions Arise Over Trump’s Michigan Crowd After Sign Holder Admissions

So far, the number of jobs in vehicle and parts manufacturing in Michigan has held essentially steady during Biden's term in the White House, increasing by 2% to about 169,000 jobs in August, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

During Trump's four-year term, the number of jobs in vehicle and parts manufacturing in Michigan fell by 5% to about 166,000, according to the bureau's tracking.

One of the attendees for Trump's speech, Doug King, a 55-year-old auto worker from Clawson, said ultimately, consumers, not the government, should decide which vehicles to purchase.

King said he supported Trump's efforts to pressure auto manufacturers to keep jobs in the United States during his term in the White House.

“The four years under Trump were the best years that we had in the auto industry," contended King, who works for Stellantis ( strike by the United Auto Workers against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis).

Amid a historic strike by the United Auto Workers against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, Trump said: "Your current negotiations don’t mean as much as you think."

Trump argued that regardless of the outcome of the strike, the bigger threat to employees was the shift to electric cars and trucks, which he described as a "hit job" on Michigan and Detroit.

"You can be loyal to American labor or you can be loyal to the environmental lunatics," Trump said at one point. "But you can’t really be loyal to both. It’s one or the other."
The fake people are on the voter rolls in the swing states.
Oh my GOD! She attended a Trump rally AND ISN'T EVEN IN A UNION!

Oh the shame! That's even worse than murdering 200,000 Americans with fentanyl poisoning! It's even worse than selling out the American people to china! It's even worse than doubling food, gas, and electric prices!
"The composition of the audience at Donald Trump’s speech at a non-unionized automotive parts supplier in Michigan on Wednesday is under scrutiny. According to The Detroit News, which sent at least one reporter to cover the event at Drake Enterprises, one attendee holding a “union members for Trump” sign admitted that she isn’t even in a union, and another holding an “auto workers for Trump” sign said he wasn’t an auto worker."
More of the same from the Trump Campaign? What is it with these fake people, there -- starting with the Escalator at Trump Tower in 2015

Questions Arise Over Trump’s Michigan Crowd After Sign Holder Admissions

So far, the number of jobs in vehicle and parts manufacturing in Michigan has held essentially steady during Biden's term in the White House, increasing by 2% to about 169,000 jobs in August, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

During Trump's four-year term, the number of jobs in vehicle and parts manufacturing in Michigan fell by 5% to about 166,000, according to the bureau's tracking.

One of the attendees for Trump's speech, Doug King, a 55-year-old auto worker from Clawson, said ultimately, consumers, not the government, should decide which vehicles to purchase.

King said he supported Trump's efforts to pressure auto manufacturers to keep jobs in the United States during his term in the White House.

“The four years under Trump were the best years that we had in the auto industry," contended King, who works for Stellantis ( strike by the United Auto Workers against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis).

Amid a historic strike by the United Auto Workers against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis, Trump said: "Your current negotiations don’t mean as much as you think."

Trump argued that regardless of the outcome of the strike, the bigger threat to employees was the shift to electric cars and trucks, which he described as a "hit job" on Michigan and Detroit.

"You can be loyal to American labor or you can be loyal to the environmental lunatics," Trump said at one point. "But you can’t really be loyal to both. It’s one or the other."
^ Desperately ridiculous Nothing Burger.
Seems mighty conspicuous considering that unions are in bed with democrats as much as neo-segregationist black racism groups like the NAACP, etc. are.
  • Corey Lewandowski previously denied Trump paid actors to appear at his 2015 campaign announcement.
  • Yet the first Trump 2016 campaign manager recently told Insider the opposite.

Your star witness! A liar! Here to tell us Trump might have done the same thing democrats have done for decades!
More of the same from the Trump Campaign? What is it with these fake people, there -- starting with the Escalator at Trump Tower in 2015
Way back in the mists of time, I was a Republican political operative. I attended a class for campaigners. What you see here with the Trump thing is SOP by both sides.

We were taught all kinds of tactics to make a candidate look more popular. For instance, never allow any empty chairs at an event, because the liberal media will always take a photo with the empty chairs in the foreground.

I still enjoy studying campaign events to see if what I was taught is still in play. Quite a lot still is.

Like pre-printed professional signs with various slogans which are handed out to attendees. The thought does not generally cross the public's mind that the people holding signs didn't make them themselves. It's a subliminal thing.

"There's a black guy! Give him the 'Blacks For Trump' sign."

Donald Trump did not speak to a roomful of striking Detroit autoworkers Wednesday night. He didn’t speak in Detroit, even. And he definitely didn’t speak at a unionized automaker.

The former president did speak at Drake Enterprises, a small non-union company outside Detroit, where he repeatedly bashed union leadership and argued United Auto Workers members had their priorities backward.
"The composition of the audience at Donald Trump’s speech at a non-unionized automotive parts supplier in Michigan on Wednesday is under scrutiny. According to The Detroit News, which sent at least one reporter to cover the event at Drake Enterprises, one attendee holding a “union members for Trump” sign admitted that she isn’t even in a union, and another holding an “auto workers for Trump” sign said he wasn’t an auto worker."


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