Gnostic Christianity’s hidden in plain sight secret. We must do evil.

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Sounds suspiciously like communism in sheep's clothing.
Since I haven't seen any proof of a God of any kind, I really don't care to get into a deep discussion about what flavor God you think is best. I just said your OP sounded nuts, but it's no more nuts than is said by other religious nuts, so believe what you want, as long as you don't expect our laws to be adjusted to match your fantasy.

This is more about life than religious opinion.

What may be nuts is people not seeing the reality of them doing evil to those you compete against.

Competition cause all people to people evil and harm, yet that fact is mostly ignored.

You call this theory nuts while it is sound and true.


Yes, there is a certain amount of competition in life, but nothing says the competition has to become unethical.

I did not indicate that it was unethical.

In fact, I said that without it we would go extinct if we stopped doing that.

Like that Christian hymn says of Adams sin, it is necessary and a happy fault.

One of the few times Christianity said the right and truthful thing.


So are you portraying competition as good, or evil, or perhaps a little of both? Clarify your meaning.

Evolution has both cooperation and competition and we must do some of both.

Competition hold an evil component bur since we must do it, the good is greater than the evil. That evil is then a necessary evil and nature has not given us a way to rid ourselves of it.

Nature, through man, may have helped us reduce the harm with various safety nets and social programs but I cannot see how we can eliminate that evil altogether.

If you have a suggestion I am open to listening.


Competition is evil because we must do it? That's nuts. We must feed new born babies or they will die, so is feeding them evil?

You show your level of intelligence and reasoning power. Non-existent I guess.


Dude you start thread after thread of anti Christian nonsense and it's just that, nonsense

And you are a large mouth bass that bites the same lure hour after hour, day after day, and then blames the lure for being so tasty looking. You aren't required to respond, there has to be a Flat Earth or anti Global Warming thread out there somewhere. Go be happy.
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You show your level of intelligence and reasoning power. Non-existent I guess.


Dude you start thread after thread of anti Christian nonsense and it's just that, nonsense

And you are a large mouth bass that bites the same lure hour after hour, day after day, and then blame the lure for being so tasty looking. You aren't required to respond, there has to be a Flat Earth or anti Global Warming thread out there somewhere. Go be happy.

I don't take direction from you Newt and you're not required to read or respond to me either

Understand? Now scram.

You show your level of intelligence and reasoning power. Non-existent I guess.


Dude you start thread after thread of anti Christian nonsense and it's just that, nonsense

And you are a large mouth bass that bites the same lure hour after hour, day after day, and then blame the lure for being so tasty looking. You aren't required to respond, there has to be a Flat Earth or anti Global Warming thread out there somewhere. Go be happy.

I don't take direction from you Newt and you're not required to read or respond to me either

Understand? Now scram.

Ah, so you are one that likes self-flagellation. Be sure to sharpen the spits for the deepest cuts.

You show your level of intelligence and reasoning power. Non-existent I guess.


Dude you start thread after thread of anti Christian nonsense and it's just that, nonsense

And you are a large mouth bass that bites the same lure hour after hour, day after day, and then blame the lure for being so tasty looking. You aren't required to respond, there has to be a Flat Earth or anti Global Warming thread out there somewhere. Go be happy.

I don't take direction from you Newt and you're not required to read or respond to me either

Understand? Now scram.

Ah, so you are one that likes self-flagellation. Be sure to sharpen the spits for the deepest cuts.

You show your level of intelligence and reasoning power. Non-existent I guess.


Dude you start thread after thread of anti Christian nonsense and it's just that, nonsense

And you are a large mouth bass that bites the same lure hour after hour, day after day, and then blame the lure for being so tasty looking. You aren't required to respond, there has to be a Flat Earth or anti Global Warming thread out there somewhere. Go be happy.

I don't take direction from you Newt and you're not required to read or respond to me either

Understand? Now scram.

Ah, so you are one that likes self-flagellation. Be sure to sharpen the spits for the deepest cuts.


Your hand talks to you? Do you understand what it says? Maybe ask it for a five finger discount next time. :booze:
Dude you start thread after thread of anti Christian nonsense and it's just that, nonsense

And you are a large mouth bass that bites the same lure hour after hour, day after day, and then blame the lure for being so tasty looking. You aren't required to respond, there has to be a Flat Earth or anti Global Warming thread out there somewhere. Go be happy.

I don't take direction from you Newt and you're not required to read or respond to me either

Understand? Now scram.

Ah, so you are one that likes self-flagellation. Be sure to sharpen the spits for the deepest cuts.


Your hand talks to you? Do you understand what it says? Maybe ask it for a five finger discount next time. :booze:

Gnostic Christianity’s hidden in plain sight secret. We must do evil.

Given evolution and evil, is the Gnostic Christian myth more intelligent than the Christian myth?

The Gnostic Christian myth explains evil quite nicely as compared to what Christianity has produced.

Doing evil must have conscious volition. In law, they call that idea, mens rea. It is the cornerstone of secular and religious law and shows guilt and the knowledge that one is doing evil to another. When present, that is the only time sin can be applied to mankind.

Gnostic Christians posit an evil God, Yahweh, because of his creation of the evolutionary system in place. This system forces us to do evil to others when we win competitions. We must compete to survive and thrive. We must do evil and that is why we see Yahweh as evil. In a more modern sense, not so much evil as a necessary evil. In the Gnostic Christian view, this allows hope that there is another God above Yahweh that might have a better system that excludes that evil. Yahweh then is just our idea of a system we do not like for it’s evils, and we actually hope to be wrong in our evaluation of reality.

Do you recognize that you must do evil to survive and that the Gnostic Christian myth is a better way to explain evil than the Christian myth does?


Kinda depends on your definition of evil. Do the gnostic Christians believe that competition is inherently evil?

I wrote " We must compete to survive and thrive."

When we do the losers to those competitions will feel that evil has befallen them. Since we must compete, it is more good than evil.

The situation becomes a bit like the Christian Exsultet hymn that calls Adams sin a happy fault and necessary.


So, that's the dividing line for good and evil? If someone feels as though evil has befallen them when they lose a competition, then the winner must have perpetrated an act of evil upon them?

In evolution, yes.

If the feeling is universal, which I think it is, then yes again.

Let's keep it simple.

I win, I feel happy and that is good.
I lose, I feel sad and that is evil.


Unfortunately for your original statement, that criteria for good and for evil isn't likely what gnostic Christians believe. I'm not familiar with the gnostic sect in particular, but if they're anything like any other sect of Christianity to which I've been exposed, evil has nothing to do with the opinions of the "victim". The fact that you're of the mind that feeling sad is evil doesn't mean that the gnostic Christians have posited an evil God, but simply a God that is evil according to your personal standards. That doesn't support your conclusions.

Also, according to all those sects of Christianity with which I do have some experience, humans are in a different category from other animals. Considering that the competition of evolution is species vs species, those other potential offshoots of the ancestors of humanity being eliminated to make way for what is essentially the divine species isn't necessarily an act of evil. If this isn't accurate to the gnostic sect in question, fair enough, but according to every brand of Christianity I know of, the death of any animal to perpetuate the survival of any human is neither sinful nor evil, as the idea is that God has given man dominion over all of the creatures of the Earth.

Lastly, just because feeling sad is evil, according to your explanation, doesn't seem to mean that anyone else has acted in an evil manner. If there was nothing edible in the known area save for one unclaimed potato growing in unclaimed soil on unclaimed land, and a hungry mother found it before you did and split it between herself and her child, giving them the bare minimum of nourishment but leaving nothing remaining for you, has she perpetrated an act of evil against you?
Gnostic Christianity’s hidden in plain sight secret. We must do evil.

Given evolution and evil, is the Gnostic Christian myth more intelligent than the Christian myth?

The Gnostic Christian myth explains evil quite nicely as compared to what Christianity has produced.

Doing evil must have conscious volition. In law, they call that idea, mens rea. It is the cornerstone of secular and religious law and shows guilt and the knowledge that one is doing evil to another. When present, that is the only time sin can be applied to mankind.

Gnostic Christians posit an evil God, Yahweh, because of his creation of the evolutionary system in place. This system forces us to do evil to others when we win competitions. We must compete to survive and thrive. We must do evil and that is why we see Yahweh as evil. In a more modern sense, not so much evil as a necessary evil. In the Gnostic Christian view, this allows hope that there is another God above Yahweh that might have a better system that excludes that evil. Yahweh then is just our idea of a system we do not like for it’s evils, and we actually hope to be wrong in our evaluation of reality.

Do you recognize that you must do evil to survive and that the Gnostic Christian myth is a better way to explain evil than the Christian myth does?

Dear GreatestIam By this very selfish nature / ego of human beings: the people who favor the "Christian way" or mythical allegories will defend their ways, while those who favor "Gnostic ways" will defend those.

If you are saying we will naturally do evil by imposing our own biases, then it isn't really about which system we use. The "evil" is in imposing the system that "makes us more comfortable" at the sacrifice of our neighbors' preferences.

If we are all to respect the Golden Rule, shouldn't we give each person equal opportunity to express themselves using the system that makes most sense to them?

In general, I find each system offers advantages in some areas, while being weaker in others. For example, Buddhism is superior for explaining some things especially to atheists who can't relate to Christianity or theistic religions, while Christianity is the only practice I have found that can help people overcome abc heal from deep rooted spiritual afflictions and addictions carried down from past generations. The Catholic church has the most established system of schools, hospitals and charity programs, while the Lutherans have established a system of reform and rebuke I recommend to other institutions to teach conflict resolution, mediation and empowerment by restoring good faith relations.

All denominations and institutions I have studied have equal strengths as weaknesses. Why not share the best of each while correcting the shortcomings?
All denominations and institutions I have studied have equal strengths as weaknesses. Why not share the best of each while correcting the shortcomings?
That is exactly what Gnostic Christians do.

We have been trying to correct Christian immoral thinking forever.

They are too lost in the supernatural to stop being homophobic and misogynous.
That is exactly what Gnostic Christians do.

We have been trying to correct Christian immoral thinking forever.

They are too lost in the supernatural to stop being homophobic and misogynous.
Are you assuming "all Christians" are "homophobic and misogynous"?

It's seems obvious from reading your statement, but perhaps oblivious to you, that you on one hand criticize "Christians for generalizing all homosexuals the same way" while on the other hand just generalized "all Christians as guilty."

What about the Christians who do NOT fear or judge homosexual people but understand and work with them so that the ones who DO seek to heal from abuse and change are able to do so voluntarily and naturally with loving support?

What do you call Judith MacNutt?
She is Christian and heads the Christian Healing Ministries. Are you accusing her of being "homophobic and misogynist" just because she identifies as Christian?

If you cannot see your own false generalization, you just made here, then why would you expect other "Christians" to respond when you point out a blanket generalization?

Are you any different?
Are you assuming "all Christians" are "homophobic and misogynous"?

It's seems obvious from reading your statement, but perhaps oblivious to you, that you on one hand criticize "Christians for generalizing all homosexuals the same way" while on the other hand just generalized "all Christians as guilty."

What about the Christians who do NOT fear or judge homosexual people but understand and work with them so that the ones who DO seek to heal from abuse and change are able to do so voluntarily and naturally with loving support?

What do you call Judith MacNutt?
She is Christian and heads the Christian Healing Ministries. Are you accusing her of being "homophobic and misogynist" just because she identifies as Christian?

If you cannot see your own false generalization, you just made here, then why would you expect other "Christians" to respond when you point out a blanket generalization?

Are you any different?
I'm sure there a few Christians that aren't homophobic or misogynistic, just like there are probably a few who don't oppose abortion. However, the vast majority do share beliefs that are far from what Jesus taught. Christianity is used as an excuse for a wide range of hateful beliefs. If you removed the "Christian" trait of wanting to impose their idea of morals on others, there wouldn't be a problem for people to just legally live their lives as they see fit. Even the bible condemns the gossipy, busy body behavior of the MAGA/right.
That is exactly what Gnostic Christians do.

We have been trying to correct Christian immoral thinking forever.

They are too lost in the supernatural to stop being homophobic and misogynous.
You have to actually know Gnostic CHRISTIAN thinking before you can take on Christianity. You don't know the first thing about Gnostic Christians. Go ahead and post a link to your supposed Gnostic Christian beliefs. I'd love to see a link that matches the BS you spew here.
Gnostic Christianity’s hidden in plain sight secret. We must do evil.

Given evolution and evil, is the Gnostic Christian myth more intelligent than the Christian myth?

The Gnostic Christian myth explains evil quite nicely as compared to what Christianity has produced.

Doing evil must have conscious volition. In law, they call that idea, mens rea. It is the cornerstone of secular and religious law and shows guilt and the knowledge that one is doing evil to another. When present, that is the only time sin can be applied to mankind.

Gnostic Christians posit an evil God, Yahweh, because of his creation of the evolutionary system in place. This system forces us to do evil to others when we win competitions. We must compete to survive and thrive. We must do evil and that is why we see Yahweh as evil. In a more modern sense, not so much evil as a necessary evil. In the Gnostic Christian view, this allows hope that there is another God above Yahweh that might have a better system that excludes that evil. Yahweh then is just our idea of a system we do not like for it’s evils, and we actually hope to be wrong in our evaluation of reality.

Do you recognize that you must do evil to survive and that the Gnostic Christian myth is a better way to explain evil than the Christian myth does?


Please post a link to any ancient Gnostic text that mentions the name Yahweh. I don't believe one exists.
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