Go ahead, pass concealed carry, see what happens...

You need to look at studies. Conceal carry doesn't mean more deaths, unless you are worried about the occasional criminal being on the wrong end.

Criminals already practice conceal carry. You don't think they'd be more shy if they thought more citizens were armed?

Pick on the criminals all you want, but don't be so stupid as to think that a permit will turn a decent citizen into a criminal. Doesn't work that way. It's criminals you need to worry about and laws don't affect them one way or the other.

I'm sure some liberals are hoping for murders just so they can blame it on gun laws instead of deranged killers. Chicago has a high murder rate and stricter gun laws than most of the country. Would you like the entire country to be more like Chicago?
He's from England. The ultimate nanny state. I am just choosing to ignore his rant about this...
You mean the nanny states in the US where porn or marijuana are illegal?
You need to look at studies. Conceal carry doesn't mean more deaths, unless you are worried about the occasional criminal being on the wrong end.

Criminals already practice conceal carry. You don't think they'd be more shy if they thought more citizens were armed?

Pick on the criminals all you want, but don't be so stupid as to think that a permit will turn a decent citizen into a criminal. Doesn't work that way. It's criminals you need to worry about and laws don't affect them one way or the other.

I'm sure some liberals are hoping for murders just so they can blame it on gun laws instead of deranged killers. Chicago has a high murder rate and stricter gun laws than most of the country. Would you like the entire country to be more like Chicago?
He's from England. The ultimate nanny state. I am just choosing to ignore his rant about this...
You mean the nanny states in the US where porn or marijuana are illegal?

Porn & marijuana?? WTF? How is that relevant to the topic?
The USA has concealed carry permits. Has a murder rate of 4.8 per 100,000

UK, Japan, China, France, etc. all don't have concealed carry, and have far less murders
Do you even understand the principle of causation?

So, once again. Provide the data to back up that claim.
USA has guns and is dangerous

UK has no guns and is not dangerous.

Guns are the only real difference we have with eachother.

Guns are the only difference?? LMAO!!!!
same language, same demographics, same culture in the civilised areas (NY, Chicago)

Both Chicago and New York (state) have stricter gun laws than most of the nation. Yet they also have some of the highest murder rates. You call that civilized?
Bottom feeding Socialists make up their own statistics as they go along. Besides, after ISIS and the Muslims take over the UK and Europe he'll wish he had a gun.
You need to look at studies. Conceal carry doesn't mean more deaths, unless you are worried about the occasional criminal being on the wrong end.

Criminals already practice conceal carry. You don't think they'd be more shy if they thought more citizens were armed?

Pick on the criminals all you want, but don't be so stupid as to think that a permit will turn a decent citizen into a criminal. Doesn't work that way. It's criminals you need to worry about and laws don't affect them one way or the other.

I'm sure some liberals are hoping for murders just so they can blame it on gun laws instead of deranged killers. Chicago has a high murder rate and stricter gun laws than most of the country. Would you like the entire country to be more like Chicago?
He's from England. The ultimate nanny state. I am just choosing to ignore his rant about this...
You mean the nanny states in the US where porn or marijuana are illegal?
Okay, I guess I'm done with this thread. You are now just lashing out at anyone with anything that comes to mind.

Let Me know when you have an actual argument to make. An argument that meets the criteria of valid and sound. Otherwise, don't bother.
You need to look at studies. Conceal carry doesn't mean more deaths, unless you are worried about the occasional criminal being on the wrong end.

Criminals already practice conceal carry. You don't think they'd be more shy if they thought more citizens were armed?

Pick on the criminals all you want, but don't be so stupid as to think that a permit will turn a decent citizen into a criminal. Doesn't work that way. It's criminals you need to worry about and laws don't affect them one way or the other.

I'm sure some liberals are hoping for murders just so they can blame it on gun laws instead of deranged killers. Chicago has a high murder rate and stricter gun laws than most of the country. Would you like the entire country to be more like Chicago?
He's from England. The ultimate nanny state. I am just choosing to ignore his rant about this...
You mean the nanny states in the US where porn or marijuana are illegal?
Porn and Marijuana are not needed to defend ourselves from criminals idiot. England the land that has disarmed its people,allows muslims to over run their country and locks up English people who DARE speak out about it. The only damn thing taking guns away did in England was make sure the English people had little chance to fight back when the flood gates opened up. You will never take guns away here...Its the one thing even liberals agree with conservatives on....2nd amendment is here to stay and EVERY poll done AFTER people are allowed concealed or open carry shows crime goes down not up.The criminal finds its not worth the effort of stealing,raping or robbing you if they might get shot for their trouble.
You need to look at studies. Conceal carry doesn't mean more deaths, unless you are worried about the occasional criminal being on the wrong end.

Criminals already practice conceal carry. You don't think they'd be more shy if they thought more citizens were armed?

Pick on the criminals all you want, but don't be so stupid as to think that a permit will turn a decent citizen into a criminal. Doesn't work that way. It's criminals you need to worry about and laws don't affect them one way or the other.

I'm sure some liberals are hoping for murders just so they can blame it on gun laws instead of deranged killers. Chicago has a high murder rate and stricter gun laws than most of the country. Would you like the entire country to be more like Chicago?
He's from England. The ultimate nanny state. I am just choosing to ignore his rant about this...
You mean the nanny states in the US where porn or marijuana are illegal?
Porn and Marijuana are not needed to defend ourselves from criminals idiot. England the land that has disarmed its people,allows muslims to over run their country and locks up English people who DARE speak out about it. The only damn thing taking guns away did in England was make sure the English people had little chance to fight back when the flood gates opened up. You will never take guns away here...Its the one thing even liberals agree with conservatives on....2nd amendment is here to stay and EVERY poll done AFTER people are allowed concealed or open carry shows crime goes down not up.The criminal finds its not worth the effort of stealing,raping or robbing you if they might get shot for their trouble.
So why is gun ownership dropping like a rock?
You need to look at studies. Conceal carry doesn't mean more deaths, unless you are worried about the occasional criminal being on the wrong end.

Criminals already practice conceal carry. You don't think they'd be more shy if they thought more citizens were armed?

Pick on the criminals all you want, but don't be so stupid as to think that a permit will turn a decent citizen into a criminal. Doesn't work that way. It's criminals you need to worry about and laws don't affect them one way or the other.

I'm sure some liberals are hoping for murders just so they can blame it on gun laws instead of deranged killers. Chicago has a high murder rate and stricter gun laws than most of the country. Would you like the entire country to be more like Chicago?
He's from England. The ultimate nanny state. I am just choosing to ignore his rant about this...
You mean the nanny states in the US where porn or marijuana are illegal?
Porn and Marijuana are not needed to defend ourselves from criminals idiot. England the land that has disarmed its people,allows muslims to over run their country and locks up English people who DARE speak out about it. The only damn thing taking guns away did in England was make sure the English people had little chance to fight back when the flood gates opened up. You will never take guns away here...Its the one thing even liberals agree with conservatives on....2nd amendment is here to stay and EVERY poll done AFTER people are allowed concealed or open carry shows crime goes down not up.The criminal finds its not worth the effort of stealing,raping or robbing you if they might get shot for their trouble.
So why is gun ownership dropping like a rock?
Evidence to that? I am not a gun owner...but I do enjoy the 2nd amendment...I take comfort in knowing its there.
Go ahead NRA. Force nationwide concealed carry. I'll cheer for you. You know why?

Because the sane people will get the last laugh when people see the staggering death tolls, the rise in gun murders, and the NRA is forced to hide its head in embarrasment.

Maybe then, we can see how bad the NRA is for America, and then progress will be made.
T3h NRA is incapable of showing embarrassment. They are too well compensated to care by the gun manufacturers themselves to say nothing of the clingers that send in their paltry donations

Personally, I think with the exorbitant power and money the NRA has, the only way to defeat it is to let it embarrass itself like it did after Sandy Hook

Believe it or not, the NRA used to be a good and honorable outfit. I was a member for over 20 year until they turned radical in the late '70s.
Personally, any organisation which believes in private ownership of handguns or any long gun which can shoot more than two bullets at a time has zero honor

Rayne I remember you now. You were here in DEC under a different name stating some whacked out shit about rifles and shotguns firing more than 2 rounds.

Do you know what the requirements are to get a CC permit and the hundreds of rules you have to follow or the circumstances in which you can draw your gun or even shoot it. I didn't think so.
All I know is 30,000 gun deaths a year versus about 200 of those being justified in any way
It's not people with permits doing the killing. Can't you get that through your thick skull?
Tell me, that woman who got shot by her 2 year old son, she had a permit, yes?

The Police chief who shot the kid in the movies, had a permit, yes?

George Zimmerman, had a permit, yes?

And besides, the other murderers also carried hidden guns too. They simply skipped the process of getting a permit, but did the same things having a permit would have let them do legally: carry guns everywhere
Zimmerman was self defense.
The dubious definition of self defence in America is more reason why self defence shouldn't be a valid reason to own guns
The definition of self defense is not dubious in the least. It is very very clear.
You would leave people weak and defenseless in the face of threats by hoodlums. You would leave women victims inthe face of stalkers and crazy ex husbands.
You are a stinking ignorant coward and piece of shit.
It's not people with permits doing the killing. Can't you get that through your thick skull?
Tell me, that woman who got shot by her 2 year old son, she had a permit, yes?

The Police chief who shot the kid in the movies, had a permit, yes?

George Zimmerman, had a permit, yes?

And besides, the other murderers also carried hidden guns too. They simply skipped the process of getting a permit, but did the same things having a permit would have let them do legally: carry guns everywhere
Zimmerman was self defense.
The dubious definition of self defence in America is more reason why self defence shouldn't be a valid reason to own guns

What is dubious about our definition of self defense?
How a white man can chase a black teenager, tackle him to the floor, and shoot him in the head while he's got his hands up, and be acquitted for self defence
He can't.
But that isnt remotely what happened in the Zimmerman case.
Since the topic of the OP is concealed weapons permits cause more gun deaths, can you provide a link that shows that? Or is the entire thread based on your lies?
The USA has concealed carry permits. Has a murder rate of 4.8 per 100,000

UK, Japan, China, France, etc. all don't have concealed carry, and have far less murders
Mexico has very strict gun laws.
Mexico has a very high murder rate.
Ergo strict gun laws cause high murder rates.

Switzerland has high rates of gun ownership
Switzerlans has low rates of murder
Ergo high rates of gun ownership cause low rates of murder.

Knoxville TN and Memphis TN operate under exactly the same laws. Memphis has a crime rate about 150% of Knoxville's. How can gun laws account for that difference?

You are a simpleton, is the answer.
Go ahead NRA. Force nationwide concealed carry. I'll cheer for you. You know why?

Because the sane people will get the last laugh when people see the staggering death tolls, the rise in gun murders, and the NRA is forced to hide its head in embarrasment.

Maybe then, we can see how bad the NRA is for America, and then progress will be made.
always nice to see imagined fears of lefist

the horror of increased freedom has them running for tissues.
Go ahead NRA. Force nationwide concealed carry. I'll cheer for you. You know why?

Because the sane people will get the last laugh when people see the staggering death tolls, the rise in gun murders, and the NRA is forced to hide its head in embarrasment.

Maybe then, we can see how bad the NRA is for America, and then progress will be made.
always nice to see imagined fears of lefist

the horror of increased freedom has them running for tissues.
It's true. I have yet to see a proposal to relax gun laws that was not accompanied by promises of "blood in the streets" by leftists.
In TN we wanted the right to carry concealed into places that serve alcohol. No one was allowed to drink while armed, just to be able to carry. This was dubbed "guns in bars" (even though the primary target was restaurants serving alcohol) with promises that patrons would get drunk and draw down on each other. Three years into the new law and guess how many bar shootings by permit holders there are. Yeah, none.
Go ahead NRA. Force nationwide concealed carry. I'll cheer for you. You know why?

Because the sane people will get the last laugh when people see the staggering death tolls, the rise in gun murders, and the NRA is forced to hide its head in embarrasment.

Maybe then, we can see how bad the NRA is for America, and then progress will be made.
T3h NRA is incapable of showing embarrassment. They are too well compensated to care by the gun manufacturers themselves to say nothing of the clingers that send in their paltry donations

Its sad that a few hundred gun company CEO's have more say over the 30,000 gun victims a year

Did you just pull that number out of your ass?

You did, didn't you?
I am a mugger/thief. I see two guys on the street, one is carrying a gun the other is not. Which one do I attack?

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