Don't like California? Stay out, you only make it here if you can bring your A game, otherwise try Taxus they take anyone at $7.50 an hour.

Bye now. Go play.

'A'?? Um not exactly

Bilingual education puts english speaking students at a disadvantage. California school system is terrible. Ranks a C-


In national rankings, California schools not exactly ahead of the class

Education leaders in recent years have lauded achievement gains and progress of California’s K-12 students, but an annual national report card has rated the Golden State below mediocre — a solid C-minus, 10th from the bottom among the 50 states and Washington, D.C.

Nearly across the board in multiple categories graded by the magazine Education Week, California scored below the national average. California earned 69.9 out of 100 points. As a whole, the nation received a C. Massachusetts ranked at the top, followed by New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maryland and Connecticut; all earned a B.

The state ranked 41st in conditions that help children succeed, 39th in school finance, and 30th in achievement.

“California has refused to take meaningful action to address the education issues facing our state, so it was unsurprising to see California’s poor grade remain the same year over year,” Silicon Valley entrepreneur Dave Welch, who financed a failed challenge to California’s teacher-protection laws, wrote in an email. The lawsuit, known as Vergara v. California, maintained that tenure and layoff laws harm poor children and those most needing access to high-quality teachers.

Education: California ranks 10th to last
Bwahahaha!!! Holy shit IsaacNewton - your progressive shit-state has destroyed education so bad you're now 40th in the nation?!? :lmao:
California is a liberal playground turned into a cesspool. Just such a beautiful state to go down the shitter with liberal policies. Just sickening

CA is by far a better economy of any other state and most countries. You'd not be celebrating if they seceded.

Oh bullshit, they have billions in unfunded debt. Unless it's addressed they go belly up.

Why do you continue to lie?

"You cannot spell L-I-B-E-R-A-L without L-I-E" is one of the most appropriate saying about those douche bags!
Don't like California? Stay out
Oh believe me - I do. I have literally never stepped foot in that shit-hole state, nor would I. Any state that can't even figure out how to make electricity work in 2017 is not a state worth visiting. :laugh:

The political thundering herd in the room for health is that everyone wants all the coverage they can get and have some else pay for it.
The economic analysis estimates $40 billion per year of savings for California.

Non-retards can see why. Just look at hospital bills. Signing into an ER will literally cost you $3000, before they even do anything. After that, a a bag of saline will run $200, an aspirin $20. Private companies inflate health care costs by about a factor of 10. Even if government tried, government couldn't possibly screw it up more than the free market has.

And no, there's no proposed 15% income tax. The recommendation is for an additional 2.3% sales tax, with a 2% income tax credit for low income brackets, and a 2.3% gross receipts tax, with the first $2 million exempted.

We liberals support it, of course, as it wil lbe a success, and because it will make the treasonous snowflake bitches here cry even harder. It will be amusing watching P@triot try to spin away yet another failed prediction. Good thing he has so much practice at spinning away conservative failures.
If you believe government run programs such as Medicare and Medicaid reimburse at the rates you quoted, you are an idiot. If you believe a 2.3% tax will cover all the expenditures, you are an idiot.
If you believe government run programs such as Medicare and Medicaid reimburse at the rates you quoted, you are an idiot.

If you believe I said that, you are an idiot.

I'm giving your the actual prices that someone without insurance will pay. Pure private sector goodness.
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; are just plain, command economics.
Nope! They are in the interest of the "General Welfare", snowflake!

No, they are not. There is no provision for the general warfare nor the common offense.
There is no domestic "warfare". It's just law enforcement executing their duties in the best interest of the "General Welfare". You decided you wanted to shred the U.S. Constitution because you were lazy, greedy, and selfish. Now you have to deal with the monster you created, snowflake.
Don't like California? Stay out, you only make it here if you can bring your A game, otherwise try Taxus they take anyone at $7.50 an hour.

Bye now. Go play.

'A'?? Um not exactly

Bilingual education puts english speaking students at a disadvantage. California school system is terrible. Ranks a C-


In national rankings, California schools not exactly ahead of the class

Education leaders in recent years have lauded achievement gains and progress of California’s K-12 students, but an annual national report card has rated the Golden State below mediocre — a solid C-minus, 10th from the bottom among the 50 states and Washington, D.C.

Nearly across the board in multiple categories graded by the magazine Education Week, California scored below the national average. California earned 69.9 out of 100 points. As a whole, the nation received a C. Massachusetts ranked at the top, followed by New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maryland and Connecticut; all earned a B.

The state ranked 41st in conditions that help children succeed, 39th in school finance, and 30th in achievement.

“California has refused to take meaningful action to address the education issues facing our state, so it was unsurprising to see California’s poor grade remain the same year over year,” Silicon Valley entrepreneur Dave Welch, who financed a failed challenge to California’s teacher-protection laws, wrote in an email. The lawsuit, known as Vergara v. California, maintained that tenure and layoff laws harm poor children and those most needing access to high-quality teachers.

Education: California ranks 10th to last
Bwahahaha!!! Holy shit IsaacNewton - your progressive shit-state has destroyed education so bad you're now 40th in the nation?!? :lmao:
Interesting, this says CA ranks number 4.
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; are just plain, command economics.
Nope! They are in the interest of the "General Welfare", snowflake!

No, they are not. There is no provision for the general warfare nor the common offense.
There is no domestic "warfare". It's just law enforcement executing their duties in the best interest of the "General Welfare". You decided you wanted to shred the U.S. Constitution because you were lazy, greedy, and selfish. Now you have to deal with the monster you created, snowflake.
all you have, is socialism on a national basis; and don't even know it. some on the left don't mind doing drugs while trying to be poets, and know it. we'll get another wave of those airhead clowns here in Arizona expecting the same thing.
all you have, is socialism on a national basis
Nope! We just have law enforcement on a national basis. In the best interest of the "General Welfare".
We have a Second Amendment, right wingers.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't absolve the the government of their law enforcement responsibilities. If it did - we would be forced as citizens to shoot to kill all criminals since we would have no law enforcement to make arrests and start the prosecution process. As it stands, legal requirements are the polar opposite: minimum force necessary to neutralize the threat.

You sound like a lunatic right now. :cuckoo:
There is no provision for the general warfare nor the common offense.
Don't forget too - President Trump firmly believes that the deportation and/or execution of left-wing ideologues is in the best interest of the United States. As such, the "General Welfare" clauses gives him the power to do just that.

all you have, is socialism on a national basis
Nope! We just have law enforcement on a national basis. In the best interest of the "General Welfare".
We have a Second Amendment, right wingers.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't absolve the the government of their law enforcement responsibilities. If it did - we would be forced as citizens to shoot to kill all criminals since we would have no law enforcement to make arrests and start the prosecution process. As it stands, legal requirements are the polar opposite: minimum force necessary to neutralize the threat.

You sound like a lunatic right now. :cuckoo:

We have a Second Amendment, we don't need alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror. End them to end our Income Tax, right wingers.


admit it; y'all are just a bunch of national socialists on the Peoples' dime.

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