California sets the trend, the rest of the country follows. 'twas always thus and always thus will be. Haters gonna hate though, it's in their blood.
The fact that they are doing this is a testament to how UNCONSTITUTIONAL Obamacare was.
Bingo! Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding! It's also a testament to how ignorant the left is. They tried to claim that Romneycare was the same thing as Obamacare, but that we were just "obstructing" Obama. Romneycare was constitutionally implemented at the state level.

This is indisputable proof that we never "obstructed" Obama on anything, but that we just wanted constitutional government. I'm celebrating like hell that California is doing this and I pray that it is signed into law.
California sets the trend, the rest of the country follows. 'twas always thus and always thus will be. Haters gonna hate though, it's in their blood.
Whose "hating"? I've never rooted harder for California. I'm cheering them on. This is a win-win-win on every level.

If it actually works (and everyone with an ounce of common sense knows it won't), then it becomes the perfect blueprint for the rest of the nation. All other 49 states can follow suite if their citizens so choose. If it fails (as we all know it will), it proves that the left-wing ideology is idiotic and unsustainable (which most of us know already).

In addition to all of that - it also exposes the left. If they allow all citizens from every other state to sneak in for "free" healthcare, the system implodes faster than it will anyway (proving the right was right all along). If they deny those other citizens, it exposes the left as liars and hypocrites.

There is literally no downside at all to this. But your snark and sarcasm shows that you have some real panic going on. I don't blame you. You're going to have one hell of a time attempting to blame this mess on conservatives (though it certainly won't stop you from trying anyway, uh snowflake?).
California sets the trend, the rest of the country follows. 'twas always thus and always thus will be. Haters gonna hate though, it's in their blood.
Whose "hating"? I've never rooted harder for California. I'm cheering them on. This is a win-win-win on every level.

If it actually works (and everyone with an ounce of common sense knows it won't), then it becomes the perfect blueprint for the rest of the nation. All other 49 states can follow suite if their citizens so choose. If it fails (as we all know it will), it proves that the left-wing ideology is idiotic and unsustainable (which most of us know already).

In addition to all of that - it also exposes the left. If they allow all citizens from every other state to sneak in for "free" healthcare, the system implodes faster than it will anyway (proving the right was right all along). If they deny those other citizens, it exposes the left as liars and hypocrites.

There is literally no downside at all to this. But your snark and sarcasm shows that you have some real panic going on. I don't blame you. You're going to have one hell of a time attempting to blame this mess on conservatives (though it certainly won't stop you from trying anyway, uh snowflake?).

Nobody cares. There are people that lead and there are people that follow, and there are people too afraid to do either. That's you. Hunker down in your bunker so the scarwy world can't git you. LOL Don't forget the snacks, the Oregon Bird Sanctuary squatters had no twinkies sitting under their blue tarps.

California is the economic blast furnace of the US economy. Always has been and always will be. And that is what really burns cons, that the most liberal state is the most economically successful. By a million miles. But you red states keep on trying, we've been rooting for Taxus to do something but all they have is oil and cows. The whole state stinks like someone dumped their oil change on a manure farm.

I agree, Go California! It's called The Golden State for a reason.
There are people that lead and there are people that follow, and there are people too afraid to do either.
And then there are people who call to violate the U.S. Constitution and implement failed left-wing socialism because they are selfish, greedy, and lazy. That's you.
California is the economic blast furnace of the US economy. Always has been and always will be.
California is a blast furnace of cesspool. Rampant promiscuity. Unsustainable debt (between $800 billion and $1.2 trillion right now - which proves you are lying about their economic "success"). The worst gangs in the entire United States (MS-13, Bloods, Crips, Mongols, Hells Angeles, La eMe, etc.). Hell, they literally can't even keep the electricity on in that backwards state. They have blackouts more often than Venezuela. :lmao:
And that is what really burns cons, that the most liberal state is the most economically successful.
It's're in a full-on panic right now trying to self-soothe by convincing yourself that California is going to be just fine (just like you tried to do with Detroit before that left-wing cesspool filed for bankruptcy :laugh:). But for all of your blabbering, you are incapable of explaining why the state has more debt than the other 49 states combined if they are soooo economically "successful" and you can't explain what industry is driving this success.

California has two things and two things only going for it: Hollywood (which certainly generates revenue) and the fact that it is an absolutely enormous state giving it tremendous natural resource advantages over every other state except for Texas and Alaska. And since Alaska has sub-freezing temperatures half the year, it lacks the agricultural advantage that California has.

Despite that tremendous advantage - the state is a $1 trillion shit-hole of debt. They can't even cover their own bills, much less help the rest of the nation. Hell, they can't even keep the electricity on in their state - something most states achieved before Benjamin Franklin died. :laugh:
WARNING: California will attempt to stick taxpayers in the other 49 states with the bill for their bankrupt single payer healthcare system, that's the problem.

They have already tried this shit, they lobbied Obama and Dem's to bail out their massively $330 billion dollar under funded pubic employee pension system. California is playing the too big to fail game.

Let them requisition Hollywood assets. After all, it's their way.
Have you at least begun to formulate a plan for how you will attempt to spin this IsaacNewton? Will you attempt to blame Ronald Reagan or George Bush? :laugh:

You post some of the more bat-shit crazy stuff on this board, so I am just itching to see how you will attempt to blame California's bankruptcy and the implosion of their state healthcare on Republicans! Should be priceless.
There are people that lead and there are people that follow, and there are people too afraid to do either.
And then there are people who call to violate the U.S. Constitution and implement failed left-wing socialism because they are selfish, greedy, and lazy. That's you.
Our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; are just plain, command economics.

Only the right wing, never gets it.
Have you ...

You're stalking me now derpy. You've been bitch-slapped already, crying about it won't change it. Don't like California? Stay out, you only make it here if you can bring your A game, otherwise try Taxus they take anyone at $7.50 an hour.

Bye now. Go play.
Have you ...

You're stalking me now derpy. You've been bitch-slapped already, crying about it won't change it. Don't like California? Stay out, you only make it here if you can bring your A game, otherwise try Taxus they take anyone at $7.50 an hour.

Bye now. Go play.

'A'?? Um not exactly

Bilingual education puts english speaking students at a disadvantage. California school system is terrible. Ranks a C-


In national rankings, California schools not exactly ahead of the class

Education leaders in recent years have lauded achievement gains and progress of California’s K-12 students, but an annual national report card has rated the Golden State below mediocre — a solid C-minus, 10th from the bottom among the 50 states and Washington, D.C.

Nearly across the board in multiple categories graded by the magazine Education Week, California scored below the national average. California earned 69.9 out of 100 points. As a whole, the nation received a C. Massachusetts ranked at the top, followed by New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maryland and Connecticut; all earned a B.

The state ranked 41st in conditions that help children succeed, 39th in school finance, and 30th in achievement.

“California has refused to take meaningful action to address the education issues facing our state, so it was unsurprising to see California’s poor grade remain the same year over year,” Silicon Valley entrepreneur Dave Welch, who financed a failed challenge to California’s teacher-protection laws, wrote in an email. The lawsuit, known as Vergara v. California, maintained that tenure and layoff laws harm poor children and those most needing access to high-quality teachers.

Education: California ranks 10th to last


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