Go Fund Me campaign to defeat lying Ryan

Conspiracy theorist - Person of low IQ and high gullibility, weak-minded, usually male, unmarried, rejected socially and lacking self-esteem.

So there is no Cosa Nostra, no foreing intelligence services trying to do us harm, no corporations conspiring to benefit themselves at the public's expense, no inside trading....of course I could go on, but I think I have sufficiently established what a completely stupid and vacuous statement you just made is in fact.

The history of human strive is shadowed with veiled conspiracy from the stone age to this day, bubba.

Obama was born in Hawaii.

If you think otherwise, you're a moron.
I've created a Go-Fund-Me campaign to defeat Paul Ryan. Here is the link if you want to contribute.


Please spread the word to your friends. Just knowing that this campaign exists will shut that weasel up.

I've created a Go-Fund-Me campaign to defeat Paul Ryan. Here is the link if you want to contribute.


Please spread the word to your friends. Just knowing that this campaign exists will shut that weasel up.

This is what happens when those who haven't been Potty Trained are allowed out of their AREA.

Hey bripat9643 there's a TON of crap in your thread now, it stinks.
so we should be seeing your donation up there very soon huh? :eusa_whistle:

At least bripat has the courage of his convictions, his campaign might fail, but he's sufficiently motivated to do something, unlike most people who just sit on their ass and whine.

Typical Leftist fools and Trolls decide to do what Leftist fools and Trolls always do, crap all over the place like the 4 year-old's you are and attempt to hijack and derail another thread.

This is Zone 2 Politics.

I guess it is possible that Bri can be both Profile in Courage AND the Dumbest Mofo Shuffling....

But you're gonna have to post louder, I don't think he will be able to hear you through that duct tape snood.....
Can't work with Democrats or Trump either, I see a trend.

And with all those "genuine conservatives" available to take the Speaker spot......no...wait.......they had to BEG Ryan to do it after another nominee was gutshot by an Anonymous Stupid....
Ooooh, guess I hit a nerve. I can't say a whole lot of nice things about Democrats these days the Republicans have taken their party off the map. Can you say one thing that the Republicans are for? I know they're against just about everything I find respectable. Intellectuals, science, the social contract... Being against anything their brain-dead constituency has been convinced is bad - that's their rallying cry.
The Democrats are the party of the KKK, Eugenics, racist sympathizers like la Raza and fascist government, not the GOP.

If the scale of fascism in government were a disease, the GOP is a head cold while the Democrats are Pancreatic Cancer.
Are you going to go back to Lincoln to find a respectable Republican?

Lincoln was the worst president we ever had.

And here he is - Pale, rested and ready........IT'S BRIPAT!
I wouldn't know- I don't know any libtards.

Lol, so you dont own a mirror?

I am happy to call myself a liberal.

I don't know any libtards.

Wait- oh I forgot- a 'libtard' is anyone you disagree with.

"Douche bag" is a more accurate term for you.

Why do you bring up your favorite sex toy again?

View attachment 79064

I thought it was his lunch pail........
Ooooh, guess I hit a nerve. I can't say a whole lot of nice things about Democrats these days the Republicans have taken their party off the map. Can you say one thing that the Republicans are for? I know they're against just about everything I find respectable. Intellectuals, science, the social contract... Being against anything their brain-dead constituency has been convinced is bad - that's their rallying cry.

Ouch, calm down. This is a message board, no reason to get upset. Sorry man, you may run across opinions you disagree with. If you can't handle that, maybe this isn't the place for you. At least you need to go calm down and come back when you can post without sobbing and wailing like that. Oy vey.

Anyway, I appreciate your concern for my feelings, gay boy. But I'm good and obviously you suck at reading people's feelings anyway. But if I want to hold hands and discuss my relationship with my mother, I'll keep your offer in mind. Don't hold your breath.

In the meantime, can we focus on the discussion?
Sure. Maybe I misread your level of upset. You certainly misread mine. So what is it again that you like about the Republicans?

Nothing. I don't live in the tiny world you do that there are only Republicans and Democrats so to criticize Democrats is to complement Republicans. I voted Republican once in the last six elections.
Yet because I loathe Republicans, you automatically assume I like Democrats. What a putz.

Who did you vote for in 2012?
Jill Stein
Yet because I loathe Republicans, you automatically assume I like Democrats. What a putz.

:lmao: Actually, you just made that assumption, LOL, that's what I told you. Thanks for parroting what I said back to me. And you are clearly a Democrat unless you're not American and you're your own country's version of one
If you can't keep track of what you said, maybe you should drop the arrogant prick routine. Here it is:

LOL, another vacuous Democrat. Republicans fight about everything, spending, abortion, foreign wars, immigration, trade. And even after Trump shredded the party establishment and with radically different than traditional Republican views, you mindlessly intone that canard.

It's your party that's lock step. Name anything any two major Democrats are actively engaged in on opposite sides. LOL, the kool-aid party calling anyone "lock step" is hilarious ...

Yes, I said you are a Democrat. I did not say that because you criticize Republicans, you constantly support Democrats and Democrat bigotries. I constantly criticize Democrats and Republicans. Not the same thing
I don't know where you'd get the idea that I'm a Democrat. They've long abandoned anything that I would support like addressing corporatization, Wall Street excess, income inequality, etc. You probably formed that idea with the same level of astute observation that most consultants do.

You mean they are too conservative for you?
Is that what conservatism has become? Too corporate is what I think.
Ooooh, guess I hit a nerve. I can't say a whole lot of nice things about Democrats these days the Republicans have taken their party off the map. Can you say one thing that the Republicans are for? I know they're against just about everything I find respectable. Intellectuals, science, the social contract... Being against anything their brain-dead constituency has been convinced is bad - that's their rallying cry.
The Democrats are the party of the KKK, Eugenics, racist sympathizers like la Raza and fascist government, not the GOP.

If the scale of fascism in government were a disease, the GOP is a head cold while the Democrats are Pancreatic Cancer.
Are you going to go back to Lincoln to find a respectable Republican?

Lincoln was the worst president we ever had.

Why am I not surprised that you hate both President Obama and also President Lincoln?

Could it be because they both wiped their ass on the Constitution?

I was thinking it could be because you are a pissed off racist.
Can't work with Democrats or Trump either, I see a trend.

And with all those "genuine conservatives" available to take the Speaker spot......no...wait.......they had to BEG Ryan to do it after another nominee was gutshot by an Anonymous Stupid....

LOL- yes- thanks for reminding us all that the previous GOP House Speaker quite because he got pissed off at the Conservative sniping, and that Ryan was the only one they could convince to take the job.

Maybe Trump could be both President and Speaker of the House too!
Somebody needs to have a spine and fight to cut Federal Spending. Newt did once. Attack him personally all you want, he cut spending and taxes, and the results included a budget surplus and a booming economy with 5% real unemployment and nobody whining about minimum wage. After 16 years of WO, we are "comfortable" with half a trillion dollar deficits and an 18 trillion dollar national debt.

Newt got the job done. That's why those who hate the United States hate Newt.
Somebody needs to have a spine and fight to cut Federal Spending. Newt did once. Attack him personally all you want, he cut spending and taxes, and the results included a budget surplus and a booming economy with 5% real unemployment and nobody whining about minimum wage. After 16 years of WO, we are "comfortable" with half a trillion dollar deficits and an 18 trillion dollar national debt.

Newt got the job done. That's why those who hate the United States hate Newt.
The contract on America?
The contract on America?

Bill Clinton now takes credit for all those wonderful Gingrich budgets that produced a budget surplus and a booming economy.

That the LEFT still hates Gingrich is only matched by the Left's hatred of the truth of the success of cutting spending and taxes...
lets check the total board

drum roll please


$10.0M goal

Campaign created 8 days ago

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