Go Fund Me campaign to defeat lying Ryan

Somebody needs to have a spine and fight to cut Federal Spending. Newt did once. Attack him personally all you want, he cut spending and taxes, and the results included a budget surplus and a booming economy with 5% real unemployment and nobody whining about minimum wage. After 16 years of WO, we are "comfortable" with half a trillion dollar deficits and an 18 trillion dollar national debt.

Newt got the job done. That's why those who hate the United States hate Newt.

I urge you not to bleat on about numbers of which you clearly know nothing...

Clinton and Newt came an agreement on the budget in late summer of 1997......by which time the deficit which was the legacy of Supply Side Idiocy, Part One had been whittled down by more than 90%....

The unemployment rate number you reference is no less real today than it was then....In each case it is the headline, or U3, number.

Since the end of FY2009 (the last under Supply Side Idiocy, Part Deux) Federal spending has grown at its lowest rate since the 1950s.......

Newt is hated because he is a consummate douche.....
Of course--coming from the same people that have given us Donald Trump--LOL. Now they're going after Paul Ryan--the only one that actually earns a paycheck in Washington D.C.
youtube video paul ryan's path to prosperity - Yahoo Search Results
youtube video paul ryan takes obamacare apart - Yahoo Search Results


Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

The contract on America?

Bill Clinton now takes credit for all those wonderful Gingrich budgets that produced a budget surplus and a booming economy.

That the LEFT still hates Gingrich is only matched by the Left's hatred of the truth of the success of cutting spending and taxes...

Permit me to demonstrate that EVERYTHING you think you know is wrong...

Between 1993 and 2001 spending grew at an annual rate of 3.55%

Federal Tax Receipts rose at an annual rate of 7.27%.

Which played a greater role in closing the gap?

Take all the time you need...
When Newt became Speaker in 1994, the Democrats had just failed to pass HillaryCare, so the budget wasn't as bad as it would have been if HillaryCare had passed.

But, indeed, 1995 saw Bill Clinton shut the government down to attempt to force Gingrich to spend more. Gingrich didn't blink, and now Clinton takes credit for a budget he shut the government down to attempt to stop because it did not spend "enough" for left wing government scum to steal.

Fiscal conservatism works. Fiscal liberalism doesn't.

Gingrich should be the fifth head on Mt Rushmore.
When Newt became Speaker in 1994, the Democrats had just failed to pass HillaryCare, so the budget wasn't as bad as it would have been if HillaryCare had passed.

But, indeed, 1995 saw Bill Clinton shut the government down to attempt to force Gingrich to spend more. Gingrich didn't blink, and now Clinton takes credit for a budget he shut the government down to attempt to stop because it did not spend "enough" for left wing government scum to steal.

Fiscal conservatism works. Fiscal liberalism doesn't.

Gingrich should be the fifth head on Mt Rushmore.

The problem we've had since Clinton is Republicans have refused to work with Democrats and Democrats have refused to work with Republicans. And it really all started when Bush won Florida against Al Gore. The hate started. The great divide started.

Then the worst of all the Tea Party who started out just fine, just talking about fiscal issues, government spending, that was then invaded by the far Christian right that decided to take the party into social issues of abortion and gay rights, dividing this country even more.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich actually did work together to cut budget deficits. Ronald Reagan was able to work with a hostile congress and Senate for 8 long years and he had accomplishments. So it can be done, if people will finally realize that this country is center--you will never be able to drag it to the far left or the far right.

The Tea Party has shattered the Republican party into pieces, and after this election cycle with Trump at the top of the ticket there is not going to be much left of it to put back together.


And the Tea Party is lead by right wing radio talk show hosts and many on FOX news who fill their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths and misconceptions. All designed to enrage for ratings and those obscene profit breaks. They have continually violated Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment,"thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." Henceforth the attack on one of the best, hardest working members of congress, & now the leader, Paul Ryan.

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i'd take down the pic guno. Not 100 percent sure, but I don't think you can put up peoples' private info on pages (whether or not their info is available in another public domain on the internet).

In saying that, Bripat - another old, fat disillusioned white guy...talk about stereotype
I'd like to see the entire republican party including Ryan defeated! A democratic majority....

Ryan sucks, Liberterianism sucks and austerity sucks. But, heck, I guess you believe Ryan doesn't suck enough for his austerity? You suck as a person op.
When Newt became Speaker in 1994, the Democrats had just failed to pass HillaryCare, so the budget wasn't as bad as it would have been if HillaryCare had passed.

But, indeed, 1995 saw Bill Clinton shut the government down to attempt to force Gingrich to spend more. Gingrich didn't blink, and now Clinton takes credit for a budget he shut the government down to attempt to stop because it did not spend "enough" for left wing government scum to steal.

Fiscal conservatism works. Fiscal liberalism doesn't.

Gingrich should be the fifth head on Mt Rushmore.

The Narrative is impervious to the facts, I see.....
When Newt became Speaker in 1994, the Democrats had just failed to pass HillaryCare, so the budget wasn't as bad as it would have been if HillaryCare had passed.

But, indeed, 1995 saw Bill Clinton shut the government down to attempt to force Gingrich to spend more. Gingrich didn't blink, and now Clinton takes credit for a budget he shut the government down to attempt to stop because it did not spend "enough" for left wing government scum to steal.

Fiscal conservatism works. Fiscal liberalism doesn't.

Gingrich should be the fifth head on Mt Rushmore.
Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment

In constant 2009$s, Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment rose at an annual rate of 3.6% between 1981-89, 2.2% between 2001-09, and -1.28% between 2009-2015.

From 1993-96 the rate of growth was 0.53, from 1996-2001 it was 2.61.....

While you fashion a story to qualify those numbers, I will cue up your soundtrack..

i'd take down the pic guno. Not 100 percent sure, but I don't think you can put up peoples' private info on pages (whether or not their info is available in another public domain on the internet).

In saying that, Bripat - another old, fat disillusioned white guy...talk about stereotype

he does like like ned beatty , just click his link to the gofundme page he posted , he must like squealing like a pig
Billboards like this one are appearing all over Ryan's district:


Someone is clearly trolling for Stupid.....
True. It's you, dumbass.
sez the Ned Beatty double

This is really insulting to Ned Beatty.

Let's call him Bobby.

That was his character's name.

He better be looking over his shoulder
wonder why his fellow RWNJ's don't donate

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