Go, Johnny, Go! The Real McCain is back in town--It's Maverick Time!


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.
McCain will walk party lines to the extent of being too far right then shut down, and anything short of too far right isn't far enough for the pissants that label him RINO.

what these idiots don't understand is that NOBODY that's too far RIGHT OR LEFT will ever get elected to office as the POTUS. Like it or not (by either side) the country is moving closer to center every year and more independent voters are showing up to prove it.

The LW Naders and RW Birfers will never make it in presidential politics.
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

Color me unsuprised that you like a member of the Keating Five. You're so predictable it isn't funny.
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....
But he didn't get voted out. The people of Arizona reelected him, again. If you don't like the way America works STFU and get the F Out.
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....

and Trump isnt ?
you have never seen me support the guy when he was running because of his age,and i stated that about him and hillary and sanders during the primaries....anyone 70 and older is way to old for this job....same with congress....look at some of these old people and some of the foolish shit they have said.....
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....
But he didn't get voted out. The people of Arizona reelected him, again. If you don't like the way America works STFU and get the F Out.
whats the matter camp you dont care for opinions you dont like?...in America we can voice our opinions of our so called 'leaders" if you dont like that then maybe you should shut the fuck up or get the fuck out....got it chum i mean camp?....
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....
But he didn't get voted out. The people of Arizona reelected him, again. If you don't like the way America works STFU and get the F Out.
whats the matter camp you dont care for opinions you dont like?...in America we can voice our opinions of our so called 'leaders" if you dont like that then maybe you should shut the fuck up or get the fuck out....got it chum i mean camp?....
Sorry, I forgot how sensitive you trump cult snowflakes were.
Isn't McCain aware (I fear we might be using that phrase a lot in the near future) that the governor of Virginia is a democrat and the mayor of Charlottesville is a democrat and they both invited or authorized alleged "white supremacists" to march into a confrontation that was warned by Homeland Security to end in violence? Was McCain aware that it was the duty of the Va. Governor to protect citizens but he negligently or intentionally failed to do so? With all due respects to McCain it's possible that he might be unaware of the WP pieces that are written in his name by liberal staffers these days.
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....

McCain well knows that he does not have a long life ahead of him...and he was reelected last year.
He well knows that its time to speak "truth to power" and not just partisan bullshit......and McCain will NEVER forget how damn vulgar the orange clown was toward his military service to his country.
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....
But he didn't get voted out. The people of Arizona reelected him, again. If you don't like the way America works STFU and get the F Out.
whats the matter camp you dont care for opinions you dont like?...in America we can voice our opinions of our so called 'leaders" if you dont like that then maybe you should shut the fuck up or get the fuck out....got it chum i mean camp?....
Sorry, I forgot how sensitive you trump cult snowflakes were.
you prove im a trump supporter and i will take a month off from here,if you cant, you take a month off.....deal?.....or is this just camp talk?....
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....

McCain well knows that he does not have a long life ahead of him...and he was reelected last year.
He well knows that its time to speak "truth to power" and not just partisan bullshit......and McCain will NEVER forget how damn vulgar the orange clown was toward his military service to his country.
there is that nat.....but it doesnt take anything away from what i said....
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....

McCain well knows that he does not have a long life ahead of him...and he was reelected last year.
He well knows that its time to speak "truth to power" and not just partisan bullshit......and McCain will NEVER forget how damn vulgar the orange clown was toward his military service to his country.
there is that nat.....but it doesnt take anything away from what i said....

Actually, we should ALWAYS listen to someone in his/her last days on this planet.....The abject honesty brought on by death's door is REFRESHING.
So John McCain promised to get rid of Obamacare in order to get reelected. He bald faced lied. What is the usual response to such behavior? McCain ego is running the show, any way he can hurt or stymie trump is all he cares about. He no longer gives a damn about the American people. Please spare me the truth to power crap. He long ago gave up the distinguished career of virtue and honor for political expediency and petty slights. It is sad.
mccain is an old old man who should have either retired or got voted out years ago.....

McCain well knows that he does not have a long life ahead of him...and he was reelected last year.
He well knows that its time to speak "truth to power" and not just partisan bullshit......and McCain will NEVER forget how damn vulgar the orange clown was toward his military service to his country.
there is that nat.....but it doesnt take anything away from what i said....

Actually, we should ALWAYS listen to someone in his/her last days on this planet.....The abject honesty brought on by death's door is REFRESHING.
then let them sign up to be an advisor....
So John McCain promised to get rid of Obamacare in order to get reelected. He bald faced lied. What is the usual response to such behavior? McCain ego is running the show, any way he can hurt or stymie trump is all he cares about. He no longer gives a damn about the American people. Please spare me the truth to power crap. He long ago gave up the distinguished career of virtue and honor for political expediency and petty slights. It is sad.

You nitwits have gotten to the desperate pint that if ANYONE disagrees with the orange clown, that person is to be distrusted or ousted.......EXACTLY like a cult-mentality.
Opinion | John McCain: It’s time Congress returns to regular order

The real John McCain disappeared periodically after he lost the 2008, replaced by a bitter old copy of John McCain. Now that the Maverick American hero is back, I only wish he had got here this time last year…

Here's the WP piece the great senator from Az:

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

By the way, Russian hacker bots are already going after John McCain mass tweeting and posting negative attacks… That's Russia. The country Trump doesn't do business with….

To those who call McCain a RINO -- STOP BEING COWARDS AND GO FORM YOUR OWN PARTY. you can see there are plenty of you now. Get off your ass and go rent some space set up an HQ.

All said by the most racist one of all.........

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