Go right ahead get rid of the filibuster it's an awesome idea

I agree with your first point, that's why the filibuster is such a great tool in the US Senate.

"Writing to Thomas Jefferson, who had been out of the country during the Constitutional Convention, James Madison explained that the Constitution's framers considered the Senate to be the great "anchor" of the government. To the framers themselves, Madison explained that the Senate would be a "necessary fence" against the "fickleness and passion" that tended to influence the attitudes of the general public and members of the House of Representatives. George Washington is said to have told Jefferson that the framers had created the Senate to "cool" House legislation just as a saucer was used to cool hot tea"

Filibuster was a great tool when it was rarely used
Today, every piece of legislation faces a 60 vote threshold.
A threshold never envisioned by our founders
A 60 vote threshold “could work” if there was bipartisan cooperation. Today, there is none.

The only things todays Senate gets done is through the avoidance of filibuster through reconciliation or court appointments.
Only one thing needs to happen.............Never increase the debt limit and it all ends.............Return all power to the States.....

Then they can all carry their sorry asses out of Gov't. Problem fixed..........the Founders Warned us about these self serving assholes..........

As long as you keep voting for the duopoly this will never happen
Hey…I got an idea!

Lets have the voters decide
This past election proved that some people should not vote. The Founding Fathers were correct. Tyranny is a Prog trait. Every lockdown is Blue. Prog rants on the end of Democracy if Repubs win is ludicrous. And frankly most of us are on pins and needles on our own party screwing us over so we will criticize quite quickly. We already are frustrated that McCarthy may be another RINO getting ready to do the sidestep like we have seen many times before.
Filibuster was a great tool when it was rarely used
Today, every piece of legislation faces a 60 vote threshold.
A threshold never envisioned by our founders
A 60 vote threshold “could work” if there was bipartisan cooperation. Today, there is none.

The only things todays Senate gets done is through the avoidance of filibuster through reconciliation or court appointments.
The Founding Fathers did not envision a two-party system. It just developed. Each party had three wings. Left, center and right. In the modern era, the Democratic Party rules by its own left and left of left. There is no center and right. The Republican Party rules by its left and center. There is little rule from its right. This has moved the whole field to the left over the decades. So now the left which is the Progressive Party are the extremists as per what the Founding Fathers promoted. Remove the massive tax system and it may be a bit different. However, we have seen the reduction of policing and what has happened. We are addicted to sucking on the tit. No matter how little or how much it is. Movements by the left are not incremental anymore. They are seismic and felt deserved and change the system at their will if they can.
This past election proved that some people should not vote. The Founding Fathers were correct. Tyranny is a Prog trait. Every lockdown is Blue. Prog rants on the end of Democracy if Repubs win is ludicrous. And frankly most of us are on pins and needles on our own party screwing us over so we will criticize quite quickly. We already are frustrated that McCarthy may be another RINO getting ready to do the sidestep like we have seen many times before.
I agree

MAGA Nation proved themselves incapable of making an educated decision without embracing conspiracy theories and wild lies and fantasies
Democrats have won 7 of the last 8 presidential popular elections and the margins are get bigger. This country is moving left and only by gerrymandering and by legacy electoral colleges has the right hung on to some power. It. Is. Only. Time.

I suppose that's true if you're a leftist and you think "the country" means a handful of big urban areas. We all know what a thorn in your side it is that our system of government is set up to acknowledge the concerns of the peasants in the middle of the map who have the audacity to not live their lives the way you like.

You probably shouldn't hold your breath for your "Majority RULE!!!" schtick to be accepted as ultimate morality just because you keep pretending it is, though.
I suppose that's true if you're a leftist and you think "the country" means a handful of big urban areas. We all know what a thorn in your side it is that our system of government is set up to acknowledge the concerns of the peasants in the middle of the map who have the audacity to not live their lives the way you like.

You probably shouldn't hold your breath for your "Majority RULE!!!" schtick to be accepted as ultimate morality just because you keep pretending it is, though.
The country consists of individual voters.
None more important than others.

Most of those voters happen to reside in cities
The best way to run a country is through bipartisan cooperation

In the absence of that, you have to strike while you have the votes
And there has been little if any bi-partisan cooperation since 2008 in spite of attempts by Dems
I suppose that's true if you're a leftist and you think "the country" means a handful of big urban areas. We all know what a thorn in your side it is that our system of government is set up to acknowledge the concerns of the peasants in the middle of the map who have the audacity to not live their lives the way you like.

You probably shouldn't hold your breath for your "Majority RULE!!!" schtick to be accepted as ultimate morality just because you keep pretending it is, though.
That all sounds good until one realizes that what you advocate is MINORITY rule
And there has been little if any bi-partisan cooperation since 2008 in spite of attempts by Dems
Democrats worked with George Bush and supported him in a crisis.
Republicans refused to give Obama the same cooperation
Filibuster was a great tool when it was rarely used
Today, every piece of legislation faces a 60 vote threshold.
A threshold never envisioned by our founders
A 60 vote threshold “could work” if there was bipartisan cooperation. Today, there is none.

The only things todays Senate gets done is through the avoidance of filibuster through reconciliation or court appointments.
Yeah, they didn't have a cloture vote back then, that wasn't adopted until the early 1900s....so you could filibuster all the time.

The cloture vote really is the problem, not the filibuster. Moreover, it's not every piece of legislation, most has support. Take away the "progressive era" racist woodrow wilson cloture vote...allow filibusters, but make people do it if they want to do it.
I agree

MAGA Nation proved themselves incapable of making an educated decision without embracing conspiracy theories and wild lies and fantasies
When I worked in the ghetto areas, I saw children at three respectful to all and by six or seven calling others not their color racial names. No fantasies there. No conspiracy theories there. They are taught by their own. As we all are.
I think there should be changes to the filibuster, a politician can yap as long as he/she wants.
But his/her entire party must sit and listen to it in its entirety, no matter how long the speech is.
If one person leaves the room, the filibuster is over.

Wonder how often the filibuster would be used with that provision?
Filibuster was a great tool when it was rarely used
Today, every piece of legislation faces a 60 vote threshold.
A threshold never envisioned by our founders
A 60 vote threshold “could work” if there was bipartisan cooperation. Today, there is none.

The only things todays Senate gets done is through the avoidance of filibuster through reconciliation or court appointments.
The filibuster in its original form made sense. But old white guys in both parties decided it was too hard on their feeble old bodies, and made just the threat, enough to force a 60 vote majority.
It’s typical old white guy bull shit.
The filibuster in its original form made sense. But old white guys in both parties decided it was too hard on their feeble old bodies, and made just the threat, enough to force a 60 vote majority.
It’s typical old white guy bull shit.
In it's original form it was rarely used because at best it was a delaying tactic.

Once a filibuster could simply be announced and they could move on to other business...things changed.

And then came Moscow Mitch McConnell who used it on EVERYTHING
In it's original form it was rarely used because at best it was a delaying tactic.

Once a filibuster could simply be announced and they could move on to other business...things changed.

And then came Moscow Mitch McConnell who used it on EVERYTHING
But, changing the filibuster to its original intent or doing away with it altogether still requires majority vote. That’s why I didn’t understand your post.
But, changing the filibuster to its original intent or doing away with it altogether still requires majority vote. That’s why I didn’t understand your post.
Bring it to a floor vote and force Manchin and Sinema to vote with the Republicans.

Point out who is who
In it's original form it was rarely used because at best it was a delaying tactic.

Once a filibuster could simply be announced and they could move on to other business...things changed.

And then came Moscow Mitch McConnell who used it on EVERYTHING

Mitch McConnell has been the overriding reason why the court has swung so far to the right. But not without the help of democrats who were also complicit. Breyer is presently the oldest and most likely to need replacement. The worse thing he can do like RBG before him, is to NOT retire early during a Dem term when the senate is controlled by the Dems. RBG did a disservice to the Democrats by hanging on well beyond the Democrat loss of the senate.

Democrats are their own worse enemy when it comes to thinking they can cooperate with today’s repos. Breyer needs to retire NOW, well before the mid terms. If the repos gain control of the senate, McConnell will never allow a vote until a repo president can nominate a successor. Democrats are fools f they don’t try to replace Breyer NOW. They were foolish not to try to move RBG out much earlier. . .

For that reason, Dems need to threaten to primary both the two Manchin and Sinema, the uncooperative democratic senators, NOW.
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