Go Trump...GO! Trump signals White House may not comply with House Judiciary requests

What crimes....specifically not just bullshit obstruction!

All the above are bullshit DeathRAT talking points that mean nothing but talking points
Now imagine if Obama did all these things. Had a Moscow deal. Conspired with Russia to win. Cover ups. Hush money. Breaking the emolument clause.

You act like you guys wouldn't have responded the way we are. Liar.

We want to see his taxes and ACT scores.
and neither of which have jack nor shit to do with RUSSIA.

you think he's going to be listing deductions like:
$10,000,000 to Russia for Illegal Building Planning

and even if he did, do you honestly think the IRS missed this?

just stop with the stupid.
This whole thing is so stupid it's difficult to believe anyone is shameless enough to proceed with it. Nadler pretty much it's a witch hunt designed to dig up anything they can find to use against Trump
You mean like benghazi or fast and furious? Yea, Trump has a million benghazi's in his closet.
This is who the Hildebeast murdered....and how many has Trump killed?


I just showed you in the post above. See, we could have cried Benghazi too but we didn't. We aren't partisan bitches like you guys. We actually have real dirt on Trump we don't need to make this kind of thing up. This was the GOP reaching because they had nothing on Obama.

Here, Trump had his own Benghazi

Four United States soldiers were killed, two were wounded, and five Nigerien soldiers were killed during an ambush by Islamic militants on American and Nigerien troops near the Niger-Mali border on 4 October 2017. most Americans — including high-ranking government officials — still knew little about, two weeks after it occurred. Why? Because Democrats didn't make a big stink about it like Republicans did Benghazi.

The details about the attack prompted critics such as Sen. John McCain of Arizona to complain that Trump administration officials were not being forthcoming with the facts.

Some, citing incomplete and conflicting accounts of how the attack unfolded and the twelve-day delay between the deaths of the U.S. soldiers and any acknowledgment by President Trump that the incident had even occurred (and who also had questions about the nature of the U.S. military’s mission in Niger), even suggested that the administration might be trying to cover up a debacle they said could be worse than the deadly 2012 attack by militants on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya.

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