GOD BLESS GERMANY: "Take back your migrants or we cut off the aid"

If European Governments had any brains they would kick every Muslim out of their countries.

These people are costing the taxpayers in those countries millions and they have terrorists among them. Not to mention rape.

Japan has the right idea. don't let any Muslims into your country.
It's ok. German left wingers are proposing a tax hike on petrol so that German citizens can fund the refugees needs. Seriously....cant even make this shit up....they want to tax German citizens to help fund the invasion of their country!

Hey idiots also saying ALL EU must pay extra on petrol for Merkel Treason....this isn't going to happen, either this crazy idea dumped OR this is the next big argument within EU nations.

We're praying for you all over here. Liberalism has done more damage to the West than Stalin or Bin Laden could've ever dreamed of.
If European Governments had any brains they would kick every Muslim out of their countries.

These people are costing the taxpayers in those countries millions and they have terrorists among them. Not to mention rape.

Japan has the right idea. don't let any Muslims into your country.
It's ok. German left wingers are proposing a tax hike on petrol so that German citizens can fund the refugees needs. Seriously....cant even make this shit up....they want to tax German citizens to help fund the invasion of their country!

Hey idiots also saying ALL EU must pay extra on petrol for Merkel Treason....this isn't going to happen, either this crazy idea dumped OR this is the next big argument within EU nations.

I feel the same here in the US. These refugees are going to cost taxpayers all over the world millions to keep them housed, fed and in medical care.

We are all governed by fools.
If European Governments had any brains they would kick every Muslim out of their countries.

These people are costing the taxpayers in those countries millions and they have terrorists among them. Not to mention rape.

Japan has the right idea. don't let any Muslims into your country.
It's ok. German left wingers are proposing a tax hike on petrol so that German citizens can fund the refugees needs. Seriously....cant even make this shit up....they want to tax German citizens to help fund the invasion of their country!

Hey idiots also saying ALL EU must pay extra on petrol for Merkel Treason....this isn't going to happen, either this crazy idea dumped OR this is the next big argument within EU nations.

We're praying for you all over here. Liberalism has done more damage to the West than Stalin or Bin Laden could've ever dreamed of.

Thanks, it's appreciated. Remember, God is with us....he is not with the Athiest Leftists....we will win.
If European Governments had any brains they would kick every Muslim out of their countries.

These people are costing the taxpayers in those countries millions and they have terrorists among them. Not to mention rape.

Japan has the right idea. don't let any Muslims into your country.
It's ok. German left wingers are proposing a tax hike on petrol so that German citizens can fund the refugees needs. Seriously....cant even make this shit up....they want to tax German citizens to help fund the invasion of their country!

Hey idiots also saying ALL EU must pay extra on petrol for Merkel Treason....this isn't going to happen, either this crazy idea dumped OR this is the next big argument within EU nations.

I feel the same here in the US. These refugees are going to cost taxpayers all over the world millions to keep them housed, fed and in medical care.

We are all governed by fools.

We're hearing that Obama is putting the "refugees" in poor neighbourhoods, this was on the news. They said it's so those areas can get "economically revived" by the "refugees" opening shops etc.

WTF? This is a recipe for violence and disaster if you ask me.

We are all governed by Traitors who are controlled by The Puppet Masters and the Commie UN.
It is far too late for Germany...

Decades too late...

Having bled themselves white, in two world wars, they imported a helluva lot of Muslim Turks into the country in the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s, to help rebuild...

Their mistake was in letting the Turks stay...

Now, they're in deep shit, with no way out...

Hell, this latest "too little, too late" exercise merely targets North African immigrants...

What they need to do, and cannot bring themselves to do, is to target Syrian immigrants first, and everybody else from the domains of Islam, second...

But Merkel and Company do not have the vision no courage nor fortitude to do so...

And, of course, they're crippled by their Living Memory past, in which they did far worse, to those "not like them"...

Basically, they're phukked...

And this is wwaaaaaaayyy too little, wwaaaaaayyy too late...

Eurabia continues to grow, apace...

Eventually, Londonistan will become its capital...

With what's left of Christian Western Europe fleeing to New Europe - North America - in a decades-long burst of White Flight...

"And, of course, they're crippled by their Living Memory past, in which they did far worse, to those "not like them"..."

The peoples of Europa forgot decades ago, Germany respected by peoples of Europa and allowed to move on. However certain types based in New York and Hollywood continued propaganda, coupled with the WJC Biggest Extortion Racket In History (latest Mafia type-thug in charge of WJC Ronald Lauder strings controlled as usual by f-cking Rothschild crap, this one David) = designed as the Guilt Trip FOREVER, to point where only destruction of Germany and it's peoples is going to suffice.


We are onto them, and they know we are onto them.

Some weak-willed Germans fallen for this horsecrap, but strong-willed Germans now waking people up - as usual us Austrians have to help wake up the weaker-willed Germans, more people each day saying enough is enough, we're sick of the propaganda and extortion racket.

How long has anything else is history gone on for more than 70 years?

What about the 20 million Stalin killed, the 40 million Mao killed? Oh that's okay because they were Communist regimes, and Commie is GOOD say WJC, they never have had problem with Communism.

I could elaborate further, but I'm not going to. You want to talk about hate? We'd better not. We have right to hate.

Edited to add further comment.

Last edited:
It is far too late for Germany...

Decades too late...

Having bled themselves white, in two world wars, they imported a helluva lot of Muslim Turks into the country in the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s, to help rebuild...

Their mistake was in letting the Turks stay...

Now, they're in deep shit, with no way out...

Hell, this latest "too little, too late" exercise merely targets North African immigrants...

What they need to do, and cannot bring themselves to do, is to target Syrian immigrants first, and everybody else from the domains of Islam, second...

But Merkel and Company do not have the vision no courage nor fortitude to do so...

And, of course, they're crippled by their Living Memory past, in which they did far worse, to those "not like them"...

Basically, they're phukked...

And this is wwaaaaaaayyy too little, wwaaaaaayyy too late...

Eurabia continues to grow, apace...

Eventually, Londonistan will become its capital...

With what's left of Christian Western Europe fleeing to New Europe - North America - in a decades-long burst of White Flight...

You are foolish person, commenting nonsense, please don't make the comments about things you have no grasp of.
Incorrect. I am an informed person, correctly interpreting events of the past 40-50 years, and those of the past 20, and the past 2.

That my interpretation and conclusions trigger spates of name-calling and automatic gainsay on your part are of zero interest to me.
It is far too late for Germany...

Decades too late...

Having bled themselves white, in two world wars, they imported a helluva lot of Muslim Turks into the country in the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s, to help rebuild...

Their mistake was in letting the Turks stay...

Now, they're in deep shit, with no way out...

Hell, this latest "too little, too late" exercise merely targets North African immigrants...

What they need to do, and cannot bring themselves to do, is to target Syrian immigrants first, and everybody else from the domains of Islam, second...

But Merkel and Company do not have the vision no courage nor fortitude to do so...

And, of course, they're crippled by their Living Memory past, in which they did far worse, to those "not like them"...

Basically, they're phukked...

And this is wwaaaaaaayyy too little, wwaaaaaayyy too late...

Eurabia continues to grow, apace...

Eventually, Londonistan will become its capital...

With what's left of Christian Western Europe fleeing to New Europe - North America - in a decades-long burst of White Flight...

"And, of course, they're crippled by their Living Memory past, in which they did far worse, to those "not like them"..."

The peoples of Europa forgot decades ago, Germany respected by peoples of Europa and allowed to move on. However certain types based in New York and Hollywood continued propaganda, coupled with the WJC Biggest Extortion Racket In History (latest Mafia type-thug in charge of WJC Ronald Lauder strings controlled as usual by f-cking Rothschild crap, this one David) = designed as the Guilt Trip FOREVER, to point where only destruction of Germany and it's peoples is going to suffice.


We are onto them, and they know we are onto them.

Some weak-willed Germans fallen for this horsecrap, but strong-willed Germans now waking people up - as usual us Austrians have to help wake up the weaker-willed Germans, more people each day saying enough is enough, we're sick of the propaganda and extortion racket.

How long has anything else is history gone on for more than 70 years?

What about the 20 million Stalin killed, the 40 million Mao killed? Oh that's okay because they were Communist regimes, and Commie is GOOD say WJC, they never have had problem with Communism.

I could elaborate further, but I'm not going to. You want to talk about hate? We'd better not. We have right to hate.

Edited to add further comment.
You've lost Europe.

If European Governments had any brains they would kick every Muslim out of their countries.

These people are costing the taxpayers in those countries millions and they have terrorists among them. Not to mention rape.

Japan has the right idea. don't let any Muslims into your country.
It's ok. German left wingers are proposing a tax hike on petrol so that German citizens can fund the refugees needs. Seriously....cant even make this shit up....they want to tax German citizens to help fund the invasion of their country!

Hey idiots also saying ALL EU must pay extra on petrol for Merkel Treason....this isn't going to happen, either this crazy idea dumped OR this is the next big argument within EU nations.

I feel the same here in the US. These refugees are going to cost taxpayers all over the world millions to keep them housed, fed and in medical care.

We are all governed by fools.

We're hearing that Obama is putting the "refugees" in poor neighbourhoods, this was on the news. They said it's so those areas can get "economically revived" by the "refugees" opening shops etc.

WTF? This is a recipe for violence and disaster if you ask me.

We are all governed by Traitors who are controlled by The Puppet Masters and the Commie UN.
It sounds good to me. Let the rapefugees start their shit with the baby mammas of Bloods, Crips and MS-13.
If European Governments had any brains they would kick every Muslim out of their countries.

These people are costing the taxpayers in those countries millions and they have terrorists among them. Not to mention rape.

Japan has the right idea. don't let any Muslims into your country.
It's ok. German left wingers are proposing a tax hike on petrol so that German citizens can fund the refugees needs. Seriously....cant even make this shit up....they want to tax German citizens to help fund the invasion of their country!

Hey idiots also saying ALL EU must pay extra on petrol for Merkel Treason....this isn't going to happen, either this crazy idea dumped OR this is the next big argument within EU nations.

I feel the same here in the US. These refugees are going to cost taxpayers all over the world millions to keep them housed, fed and in medical care.

We are all governed by fools.

We're hearing that Obama is putting the "refugees" in poor neighbourhoods, this was on the news. They said it's so those areas can get "economically revived" by the "refugees" opening shops etc.

WTF? This is a recipe for violence and disaster if you ask me.

We are all governed by Traitors who are controlled by The Puppet Masters and the Commie UN.
It sounds good to me. Let the rapefugees start their shit with the baby mammas of Bloods, Crips and MS-13.

Are those street gangs? If so, uh-oh, rapefugees soon to be crying like babies.
It is far too late for Germany...

Decades too late...

Having bled themselves white, in two world wars, they imported a helluva lot of Muslim Turks into the country in the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s, to help rebuild...

Their mistake was in letting the Turks stay...

Now, they're in deep shit, with no way out...

Hell, this latest "too little, too late" exercise merely targets North African immigrants...

What they need to do, and cannot bring themselves to do, is to target Syrian immigrants first, and everybody else from the domains of Islam, second...

But Merkel and Company do not have the vision no courage nor fortitude to do so...

And, of course, they're crippled by their Living Memory past, in which they did far worse, to those "not like them"...

Basically, they're phukked...

And this is wwaaaaaaayyy too little, wwaaaaaayyy too late...

Eurabia continues to grow, apace...

Eventually, Londonistan will become its capital...

With what's left of Christian Western Europe fleeing to New Europe - North America - in a decades-long burst of White Flight...

You are foolish person, commenting nonsense, please don't make the comments about things you have no grasp of.
Incorrect. I am an informed person, correctly interpreting events of the past 40-50 years, and those of the past 20, and the past 2.

That my interpretation and conclusions trigger spates of name-calling and automatic gainsay on your part are of zero interest to me.

I didn't do the name-calling.

What are you an Armchair Analyst? Or an Armchair Psychic doing predictions?

You're not even in Europa....I am, and my families history goes back thousands of years in Europa. We are on the ground and behind the scenes having meetings, and things are beginning to go our way, despite what the Leftists might like to think.
It is far too late for Germany...

Decades too late...

Having bled themselves white, in two world wars, they imported a helluva lot of Muslim Turks into the country in the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s, to help rebuild...

Their mistake was in letting the Turks stay...

Now, they're in deep shit, with no way out...

Hell, this latest "too little, too late" exercise merely targets North African immigrants...

What they need to do, and cannot bring themselves to do, is to target Syrian immigrants first, and everybody else from the domains of Islam, second...

But Merkel and Company do not have the vision no courage nor fortitude to do so...

And, of course, they're crippled by their Living Memory past, in which they did far worse, to those "not like them"...

Basically, they're phukked...

And this is wwaaaaaaayyy too little, wwaaaaaayyy too late...

Eurabia continues to grow, apace...

Eventually, Londonistan will become its capital...

With what's left of Christian Western Europe fleeing to New Europe - North America - in a decades-long burst of White Flight...

"And, of course, they're crippled by their Living Memory past, in which they did far worse, to those "not like them"..."

The peoples of Europa forgot decades ago, Germany respected by peoples of Europa and allowed to move on. However certain types based in New York and Hollywood continued propaganda, coupled with the WJC Biggest Extortion Racket In History (latest Mafia type-thug in charge of WJC Ronald Lauder strings controlled as usual by f-cking Rothschild crap, this one David) = designed as the Guilt Trip FOREVER, to point where only destruction of Germany and it's peoples is going to suffice.


We are onto them, and they know we are onto them.

Some weak-willed Germans fallen for this horsecrap, but strong-willed Germans now waking people up - as usual us Austrians have to help wake up the weaker-willed Germans, more people each day saying enough is enough, we're sick of the propaganda and extortion racket.

How long has anything else is history gone on for more than 70 years?

What about the 20 million Stalin killed, the 40 million Mao killed? Oh that's okay because they were Communist regimes, and Commie is GOOD say WJC, they never have had problem with Communism.

I could elaborate further, but I'm not going to. You want to talk about hate? We'd better not. We have right to hate.

Edited to add further comment.
You've lost Europe.


Whatever :rolleyes-41:
It is far too late for Germany...

Decades too late...

Having bled themselves white, in two world wars, they imported a helluva lot of Muslim Turks into the country in the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s, to help rebuild...

Their mistake was in letting the Turks stay...

Now, they're in deep shit, with no way out...

Hell, this latest "too little, too late" exercise merely targets North African immigrants...

What they need to do, and cannot bring themselves to do, is to target Syrian immigrants first, and everybody else from the domains of Islam, second...

But Merkel and Company do not have the vision no courage nor fortitude to do so...

And, of course, they're crippled by their Living Memory past, in which they did far worse, to those "not like them"...

Basically, they're phukked...

And this is wwaaaaaaayyy too little, wwaaaaaayyy too late...

Eurabia continues to grow, apace...

Eventually, Londonistan will become its capital...

With what's left of Christian Western Europe fleeing to New Europe - North America - in a decades-long burst of White Flight...

You are foolish person, commenting nonsense, please don't make the comments about things you have no grasp of.
Incorrect. I am an informed person, correctly interpreting events of the past 40-50 years, and those of the past 20, and the past 2.

That my interpretation and conclusions trigger spates of name-calling and automatic gainsay on your part are of zero interest to me.

I didn't do the name-calling.

What are you an Armchair Analyst? Or an Armchair Psychic doing predictions?

You're not even in Europa....I am, and my families history goes back thousands of years in Europa. We are on the ground and behind the scenes having meetings, and things are beginning to go our way, despite what the Leftists might like to think.
Oh, I have no reason to doubt that you live in Europe.

I did, and my family history goes back thousands of years in Europe, also.

As to the rest, you have already lost Europe.

You just don't realize it yet.

You will, soon enough, poor bastards.
It is far too late for Germany...

Decades too late...

Having bled themselves white, in two world wars, they imported a helluva lot of Muslim Turks into the country in the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s, to help rebuild...

Their mistake was in letting the Turks stay...

Now, they're in deep shit, with no way out...

Hell, this latest "too little, too late" exercise merely targets North African immigrants...

What they need to do, and cannot bring themselves to do, is to target Syrian immigrants first, and everybody else from the domains of Islam, second...

But Merkel and Company do not have the vision no courage nor fortitude to do so...

And, of course, they're crippled by their Living Memory past, in which they did far worse, to those "not like them"...

Basically, they're phukked...

And this is wwaaaaaaayyy too little, wwaaaaaayyy too late...

Eurabia continues to grow, apace...

Eventually, Londonistan will become its capital...

With what's left of Christian Western Europe fleeing to New Europe - North America - in a decades-long burst of White Flight...

"And, of course, they're crippled by their Living Memory past, in which they did far worse, to those "not like them"..."

The peoples of Europa forgot decades ago, Germany respected by peoples of Europa and allowed to move on. However certain types based in New York and Hollywood continued propaganda, coupled with the WJC Biggest Extortion Racket In History (latest Mafia type-thug in charge of WJC Ronald Lauder strings controlled as usual by f-cking Rothschild crap, this one David) = designed as the Guilt Trip FOREVER, to point where only destruction of Germany and it's peoples is going to suffice.


We are onto them, and they know we are onto them.

Some weak-willed Germans fallen for this horsecrap, but strong-willed Germans now waking people up - as usual us Austrians have to help wake up the weaker-willed Germans, more people each day saying enough is enough, we're sick of the propaganda and extortion racket.

How long has anything else is history gone on for more than 70 years?

What about the 20 million Stalin killed, the 40 million Mao killed? Oh that's okay because they were Communist regimes, and Commie is GOOD say WJC, they never have had problem with Communism.

I could elaborate further, but I'm not going to. You want to talk about hate? We'd better not. We have right to hate.

Edited to add further comment.
You've lost Europe.


Whatever :rolleyes-41:
If European Governments had any brains they would kick every Muslim out of their countries.

These people are costing the taxpayers in those countries millions and they have terrorists among them. Not to mention rape.

Japan has the right idea. don't let any Muslims into your country.
more of your delusional bs

Islam has gradually put down roots in Japan. There are now more than 10,000 Muslims, around 60 mosques, many of them established in former private homes.


We can only hope you will be their next victim.

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