God Calling

Has anyone ever noticed that nobody has ever seen God and Santa Clause together. It is like Superman and Clark Kent. Coincidence? I don't THINK so!
Has anyone ever noticed that nobody has ever seen God and Santa Clause together. It is like Superman and Clark Kent. Coincidence? I don't THINK so!

and isn't it a little odd, the bible's god has never been seen by more than one person at a time ... and then by coincidence those few people became stardom for the christian religion. how lucky were they.
Has anyone ever noticed that nobody has ever seen God and Santa Clause together. It is like Superman and Clark Kent. Coincidence? I don't THINK so!

and isn't it a little odd, the bible's god has never been seen by more than one person at a time ... and then by coincidence those few people became stardom for the christian religion. how lucky were they.

Well, the truth is that God is actually very shy. In fact, he suffers from social anxiety.
January 26 – Keep Calm
Keep your Spirit-Life calm and unruffled. Nothing else matters. Leave all to Me. This is your great task, to get calm in My Presence, not to let one ruffled feeling stay for one moment. Years of blessing may be checked in one moment by that.

No matter who frets you or what, yours is the task to stop all else until absolute calm comes. Any block means My Power diverted into other channels.

Pour forth – pour forth – pour forth – I cannot bless a life that does not act as a channel. My Spirit brooks no stagnation, not even in rest. Its Power must flow on. Pass on everything, every blessing. Abide in Me.

See how many you can bless each day. Dwell much in My Presence.

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of
it are the issues of life. – Proverbs 4:23
If god is such a powerful being, why can't some people see him? Does he not want to be seen? Why would he have to call me? Can't he just show up at my door?
My death upon the Cross was not only necessary to save a world, it was necessary if only to train My disciples.

That settles it, this message is from a couple of liars pretending to get a message from Jesus. There is no way I believe Jesus death saved the world. That's just Christian theology.
January 27 – Height of the Storm
Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. – John 6:68

I am with you both. Go forward unafraid. Health and strength, peace and happiness and joy – they are all My gifts. Yours for the asking. In the spiritual (as in the material) world there is no empty space, and as self and fears and worries depart out of your lives, it follows that the things of the Spirit, that you crave so, rush in to take their places. All things are yours, and ye are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s. What a wonderful cycle, because ye are God’s.

Be not afraid. Fear not. It is to the drowning man the Rescuer comes. To the brave swimmer who can fare well alone He comes not. And no rush of Joy can be like that of a man towards his Rescuer.

It is a part of My method to wait till the storm is at its full violence. So did I with My disciples on the Lake. I could have bidden the first angry wave be calm, the first gust of wind be still, but what a lesson unlearned? What a sense of tender nearness of refuge and safety would have been lost.

Remember this – My disciples thought that in sleep I had forgotten them. Remember how mistaken they were. Gain strength and confidence and joyful dependence and anticipation from that.

Never fear. Joy is yours, and the radiant joy of the rescued shall be yours.

Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. – Psalm 25:4
January 28 – Low Ambitions
Fear not. Do not fear to be busy. You are the servant of all. “He that would be the greatest among you, let him be the servant of all.”

Service is the word of My disciples. I served indeed, the humblest, the lowliest. I was at their command. My highest powers were at their service.

Be used. Be used by all, by the lowest, the smallest. How best you can serve? Let that be your daily seeking, not how best can you be served.

Look around you. Do the aims and ambitions that man strives for bring peace, or the world’s awards bring heart-rest and happiness? No! indeed, man is at war with man. Those whom the world has most rewarded, with name, fame, honour, wealth, are weary and disappointed.

And yet, to the listening ear, above the jangle of the world’s discordant cries, there echoes down the 1900 years My message, “Come unto Me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.”

And the weary and disappointed who listen and turn to Me find indeed that rest. Joy of the Weary I am, Music to the Heart I am, Health to the Sick, Wealth to the Poor, Food to the Hungry, Home to the Wanderer, Rapture to the Jaded, Love to the Lonely.

There is not one want of the soul that I do not supply for the asking, and to you too, I long to be all.

Therefore will the Lord wait, that he may
be gracious unto you. – Isaiah 30:18
January 29 – I Clear the Path
Wait on the Lord. – Psalm 27:14

I am thy shield. Have no fear. You must know that “All is well.” I will never let anyone do to you both, other than My Will for you.

I can see the future. I can read men’s hearts. I know better than you what you need. Trust me absolutely. You are not at the mercy of Fate, or buffeted about by others. You are being led in a very definite way, and others, who do not serve your purpose, are being moved out of your Path by Me.

Never fear, whatever may happen. You are both being led. Do not try to plan. I have planned. You are the builder, not the Architect.

Go very quietly, very gently. All is for the very best for you.

Trust me for all. Your very extremity will ensure My activity for you. And having your foundation on the Rock – Christ, Faith in Him, and “being rooted and grounded in Him,” and having belief in My Divinity as your Corner Stone, it is yours to build, knowing all is well.

Literally, you have to depend on Me for everything – everything. It was out of the depths that David cried unto Me, and I heard his voice. All is well.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. – Psalm 37:23
January 30 – The Soul At War
No evil can befall you, if I am with you. “Ill that He blesses is our good.” Every time of being laid aside is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me. Never fear but in that place you shall find restoration and power and joy and healing.

Plan both of your retreat days now and then – days when you live apart with Me, and arise rested and refreshed – physically, mentally, and spiritually, to carry on the work I have given to you. I will never give you a load greater than you can bear.

Love, Joy, Peace, welcome these. Let no personal feelings, no thoughts of self banish these. Singly, they are miracle-producing in a life, but together, they can command all that is needed on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

It is in these wonder-realm attributes all success lies. You have to see your inner lives are all they should be, and then the work is accomplished. Not in rushing and striving on the material plane, but on the battlefield of the Soul are these things won.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to
be tempted above that ye are able.”
1 Corinthians 10:13
January 30 – The Soul At War
No evil can befall you, if I am with you. “Ill that He blesses is our good.” Every time of being laid aside is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me. Never fear but in that place you shall find restoration and power and joy and healing.

Plan both of your retreat days now and then – days when you live apart with Me, and arise rested and refreshed – physically, mentally, and spiritually, to carry on the work I have given to you. I will never give you a load greater than you can bear.

Love, Joy, Peace, welcome these. Let no personal feelings, no thoughts of self banish these. Singly, they are miracle-producing in a life, but together, they can command all that is needed on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

It is in these wonder-realm attributes all success lies. You have to see your inner lives are all they should be, and then the work is accomplished. Not in rushing and striving on the material plane, but on the battlefield of the Soul are these things won.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to
be tempted above that ye are able.”
1 Corinthians 10:13
More copy&paste, which is illegal here without a comment for your quote.
January 30 – The Soul At War
No evil can befall you, if I am with you. “Ill that He blesses is our good.” Every time of being laid aside is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me. Never fear but in that place you shall find restoration and power and joy and healing.

Plan both of your retreat days now and then – days when you live apart with Me, and arise rested and refreshed – physically, mentally, and spiritually, to carry on the work I have given to you. I will never give you a load greater than you can bear.

Love, Joy, Peace, welcome these. Let no personal feelings, no thoughts of self banish these. Singly, they are miracle-producing in a life, but together, they can command all that is needed on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

It is in these wonder-realm attributes all success lies. You have to see your inner lives are all they should be, and then the work is accomplished. Not in rushing and striving on the material plane, but on the battlefield of the Soul are these things won.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to
be tempted above that ye are able.”
1 Corinthians 10:13
More copy&paste, which is illegal here without a comment for your quote.
You've run out of snarky remarks about the content, eh? If it's illegal, then go tattle.
January 30 – The Soul At War
No evil can befall you, if I am with you. “Ill that He blesses is our good.” Every time of being laid aside is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me. Never fear but in that place you shall find restoration and power and joy and healing.

Plan both of your retreat days now and then – days when you live apart with Me, and arise rested and refreshed – physically, mentally, and spiritually, to carry on the work I have given to you. I will never give you a load greater than you can bear.

Love, Joy, Peace, welcome these. Let no personal feelings, no thoughts of self banish these. Singly, they are miracle-producing in a life, but together, they can command all that is needed on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

It is in these wonder-realm attributes all success lies. You have to see your inner lives are all they should be, and then the work is accomplished. Not in rushing and striving on the material plane, but on the battlefield of the Soul are these things won.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to
be tempted above that ye are able.”
1 Corinthians 10:13
More copy&paste, which is illegal here without a comment for your quote.
You've run out of snarky remarks about the content, eh? If it's illegal, then go tattle.
He just doesn't know, I'm simply trying to help him.

Don't like it? Then fuck you.
January 31 – Suffering Redeems
All sacrifice and all suffering is redemptive: to teach the individual or to be used to raise and help others.

Nothing is by chance.

Divine Mind, and its wonder working, is beyond your finite mind to understand.

No detail is forgotten in My Plans, already perfect.

O let me hear Thee speaking In accents clear and still, Above the storms of passion, The murmurs of self-will.

O speak to reassure me, To hasten, or control; O speak, and make me listen, Thou guardian of my soul!

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not
of evil, to give you an expected end.
Jeremiah 29:11
January 30 – The Soul At War
No evil can befall you, if I am with you. “Ill that He blesses is our good.” Every time of being laid aside is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me. Never fear but in that place you shall find restoration and power and joy and healing.

Plan both of your retreat days now and then – days when you live apart with Me, and arise rested and refreshed – physically, mentally, and spiritually, to carry on the work I have given to you. I will never give you a load greater than you can bear.

Love, Joy, Peace, welcome these. Let no personal feelings, no thoughts of self banish these. Singly, they are miracle-producing in a life, but together, they can command all that is needed on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

It is in these wonder-realm attributes all success lies. You have to see your inner lives are all they should be, and then the work is accomplished. Not in rushing and striving on the material plane, but on the battlefield of the Soul are these things won.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to
be tempted above that ye are able.”
1 Corinthians 10:13
More copy&paste, which is illegal here without a comment for your quote.
You've run out of snarky remarks about the content, eh? If it's illegal, then go tattle.
He just doesn't know, I'm simply trying to help him.

Don't like it? Then fuck you.
Thank you for the pleasant response. You add so much to this forum.
January 30 – The Soul At War
No evil can befall you, if I am with you. “Ill that He blesses is our good.” Every time of being laid aside is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me. Never fear but in that place you shall find restoration and power and joy and healing.

Plan both of your retreat days now and then – days when you live apart with Me, and arise rested and refreshed – physically, mentally, and spiritually, to carry on the work I have given to you. I will never give you a load greater than you can bear.

Love, Joy, Peace, welcome these. Let no personal feelings, no thoughts of self banish these. Singly, they are miracle-producing in a life, but together, they can command all that is needed on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

It is in these wonder-realm attributes all success lies. You have to see your inner lives are all they should be, and then the work is accomplished. Not in rushing and striving on the material plane, but on the battlefield of the Soul are these things won.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to
be tempted above that ye are able.”
1 Corinthians 10:13
More copy&paste, which is illegal here without a comment for your quote.
You've run out of snarky remarks about the content, eh? If it's illegal, then go tattle.
He just doesn't know, I'm simply trying to help him.

Don't like it? Then fuck you.
Thank you for the pleasant response. You add so much to this forum.
Go kiss a bible, dickweed.
January 30 – The Soul At War
No evil can befall you, if I am with you. “Ill that He blesses is our good.” Every time of being laid aside is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me. Never fear but in that place you shall find restoration and power and joy and healing.

Plan both of your retreat days now and then – days when you live apart with Me, and arise rested and refreshed – physically, mentally, and spiritually, to carry on the work I have given to you. I will never give you a load greater than you can bear.

Love, Joy, Peace, welcome these. Let no personal feelings, no thoughts of self banish these. Singly, they are miracle-producing in a life, but together, they can command all that is needed on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

It is in these wonder-realm attributes all success lies. You have to see your inner lives are all they should be, and then the work is accomplished. Not in rushing and striving on the material plane, but on the battlefield of the Soul are these things won.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to
be tempted above that ye are able.”
1 Corinthians 10:13
More copy&paste, which is illegal here without a comment for your quote.
You've run out of snarky remarks about the content, eh? If it's illegal, then go tattle.
There is very little to say about the content, because it says nothing factual. Its just a load of waffle.
Last edited:
January 30 – The Soul At War
No evil can befall you, if I am with you. “Ill that He blesses is our good.” Every time of being laid aside is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me. Never fear but in that place you shall find restoration and power and joy and healing.

Plan both of your retreat days now and then – days when you live apart with Me, and arise rested and refreshed – physically, mentally, and spiritually, to carry on the work I have given to you. I will never give you a load greater than you can bear.

Love, Joy, Peace, welcome these. Let no personal feelings, no thoughts of self banish these. Singly, they are miracle-producing in a life, but together, they can command all that is needed on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

It is in these wonder-realm attributes all success lies. You have to see your inner lives are all they should be, and then the work is accomplished. Not in rushing and striving on the material plane, but on the battlefield of the Soul are these things won.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to
be tempted above that ye are able.”
1 Corinthians 10:13
More copy&paste, which is illegal here without a comment for your quote.
You've run out of snarky remarks about the content, eh? If it's illegal, then go tattle.
He just doesn't know, I'm simply trying to help him.

Don't like it? Then fuck you.
Thank you for the pleasant response. You add so much to this forum.
Go kiss a bible, dickweed.
Thank you, Troll.

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