God Calling

February 7 – Light Ahead
Trust and be not afraid. Life is full of wonder. Open child-trusting eyes to all I am doing for you. Fear not.

Only a few steps more and then My Power shall be seen and known. You are, yourselves, now walking in the tunnel-darkness. Soon, you yourselves shall be lights to guide feet that are afraid.

The cries of your sufferings have pierced even to the ears of God himself — My Father in Heaven, your Father in Heaven. To hear, with God, is to answer. For only a cry from the heart, a cry to Divine Power to help human weakness, a trusting cry, ever reaches the Ear Divine.

Remember, trembling heart, that with God, to hear is to answer. Your prayers, and they have been many, are answered.

Before they call, I will answer; and while they
are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24
Prayers don't work, sports are proof of that. :lol:
That's only because you don't understand how it works. The joke is on you.
February 7 – Light Ahead
Trust and be not afraid. Life is full of wonder. Open child-trusting eyes to all I am doing for you. Fear not.

Only a few steps more and then My Power shall be seen and known. You are, yourselves, now walking in the tunnel-darkness. Soon, you yourselves shall be lights to guide feet that are afraid.

The cries of your sufferings have pierced even to the ears of God himself — My Father in Heaven, your Father in Heaven. To hear, with God, is to answer. For only a cry from the heart, a cry to Divine Power to help human weakness, a trusting cry, ever reaches the Ear Divine.

Remember, trembling heart, that with God, to hear is to answer. Your prayers, and they have been many, are answered.

Before they call, I will answer; and while they
are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24
Prayers don't work, sports are proof of that. :lol:
That's only because you don't understand how it works. The joke is on you.
If prayers worked, nobody would ever get cancer. The joke is on you. Again, no proof.
February 7 – Light Ahead
Trust and be not afraid. Life is full of wonder. Open child-trusting eyes to all I am doing for you. Fear not.

Only a few steps more and then My Power shall be seen and known. You are, yourselves, now walking in the tunnel-darkness. Soon, you yourselves shall be lights to guide feet that are afraid.

The cries of your sufferings have pierced even to the ears of God himself — My Father in Heaven, your Father in Heaven. To hear, with God, is to answer. For only a cry from the heart, a cry to Divine Power to help human weakness, a trusting cry, ever reaches the Ear Divine.

Remember, trembling heart, that with God, to hear is to answer. Your prayers, and they have been many, are answered.

Before they call, I will answer; and while they
are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24
Prayers don't work, sports are proof of that. :lol:
That's only because you don't understand how it works. The joke is on you.
If prayers worked, nobody would ever get cancer. The joke is on you. Again, no proof.
Again... you don't understand prayers.
February 7 – Light Ahead
Trust and be not afraid. Life is full of wonder. Open child-trusting eyes to all I am doing for you. Fear not.

Only a few steps more and then My Power shall be seen and known. You are, yourselves, now walking in the tunnel-darkness. Soon, you yourselves shall be lights to guide feet that are afraid.

The cries of your sufferings have pierced even to the ears of God himself — My Father in Heaven, your Father in Heaven. To hear, with God, is to answer. For only a cry from the heart, a cry to Divine Power to help human weakness, a trusting cry, ever reaches the Ear Divine.

Remember, trembling heart, that with God, to hear is to answer. Your prayers, and they have been many, are answered.

Before they call, I will answer; and while they
are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24
Prayers don't work, sports are proof of that. :lol:
That's only because you don't understand how it works. The joke is on you.
If prayers worked, nobody would ever get cancer. The joke is on you. Again, no proof.
Again... you don't understand prayers.
You pray to the invisible dude and expect stuff afterwards. What's not to get?
February 7 – Light Ahead
Trust and be not afraid. Life is full of wonder. Open child-trusting eyes to all I am doing for you. Fear not.

Only a few steps more and then My Power shall be seen and known. You are, yourselves, now walking in the tunnel-darkness. Soon, you yourselves shall be lights to guide feet that are afraid.

The cries of your sufferings have pierced even to the ears of God himself — My Father in Heaven, your Father in Heaven. To hear, with God, is to answer. For only a cry from the heart, a cry to Divine Power to help human weakness, a trusting cry, ever reaches the Ear Divine.

Remember, trembling heart, that with God, to hear is to answer. Your prayers, and they have been many, are answered.

Before they call, I will answer; and while they
are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24
Prayers don't work, sports are proof of that. :lol:
That's only because you don't understand how it works. The joke is on you.
If prayers worked, nobody would ever get cancer. The joke is on you. Again, no proof.
Again... you don't understand prayers.
You pray to the invisible dude and expect stuff afterwards. What's not to get?
Nope. That's not how it works, but thanks for playing.
February 8 – On Me Alone
I am your Lord, your Supply. You must rely on Me. Trust to the last uttermost limit. Trust and be not afraid. You must depend on Divine Power only. I have not forgotten you. Your help is coming. You shall know and realize My Power.

Endurance is faith tried almost to breaking point. You must wait, and trust, and hope, and joy in Me. You must not depend on man but on Me, on Me, your Strength, your Help, your Supply.

This is the great test. Am I your supply or not? Every great work for Me has had to have this great test-time.

Possess your souls in patience and rejoice. You must wait until I show the way. Heaven itself cannot contain more joy than that soul knows, when, after the waiting-test, I crown it Victor, but no disciple of Mine can be victor, who does not wait until I give the order to start. You cannot be anxious if you know that I am your supply.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be
perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4
Prayers don't work, sports are proof of that. :lol:
That's only because you don't understand how it works. The joke is on you.
If prayers worked, nobody would ever get cancer. The joke is on you. Again, no proof.
Again... you don't understand prayers.
You pray to the invisible dude and expect stuff afterwards. What's not to get?
Nope. That's not how it works, but thanks for playing.
Yep, that's it. I nailed it.

That's only because you don't understand how it works. The joke is on you.
If prayers worked, nobody would ever get cancer. The joke is on you. Again, no proof.
Again... you don't understand prayers.
You pray to the invisible dude and expect stuff afterwards. What's not to get?
Nope. That's not how it works, but thanks for playing.
Yep, that's it. I nailed it.

I am more than happy for you to believe that. The only people it hurts are you and the ones you love.
February 8 – On Me Alone
I am your Lord, your Supply. You must rely on Me. Trust to the last uttermost limit. Trust and be not afraid. You must depend on Divine Power only. I have not forgotten you. Your help is coming. You shall know and realize My Power.

Endurance is faith tried almost to breaking point. You must wait, and trust, and hope, and joy in Me. You must not depend on man but on Me, on Me, your Strength, your Help, your Supply.

This is the great test. Am I your supply or not? Every great work for Me has had to have this great test-time.

Possess your souls in patience and rejoice. You must wait until I show the way. Heaven itself cannot contain more joy than that soul knows, when, after the waiting-test, I crown it Victor, but no disciple of Mine can be victor, who does not wait until I give the order to start. You cannot be anxious if you know that I am your supply.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be
perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4

If that is Jesus talking he sounds like a megalomaniac.
February 8 – On Me Alone
I am your Lord, your Supply. You must rely on Me. Trust to the last uttermost limit. Trust and be not afraid. You must depend on Divine Power only. I have not forgotten you. Your help is coming. You shall know and realize My Power.

Endurance is faith tried almost to breaking point. You must wait, and trust, and hope, and joy in Me. You must not depend on man but on Me, on Me, your Strength, your Help, your Supply.

This is the great test. Am I your supply or not? Every great work for Me has had to have this great test-time.

Possess your souls in patience and rejoice. You must wait until I show the way. Heaven itself cannot contain more joy than that soul knows, when, after the waiting-test, I crown it Victor, but no disciple of Mine can be victor, who does not wait until I give the order to start. You cannot be anxious if you know that I am your supply.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be
perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4

If that is Jesus talking he sounds like a megalomaniac.
And I am happy for you to have that opinion. I don't see it that way.
February 8 – On Me Alone
I am your Lord, your Supply. You must rely on Me. Trust to the last uttermost limit. Trust and be not afraid. You must depend on Divine Power only. I have not forgotten you. Your help is coming. You shall know and realize My Power.

Endurance is faith tried almost to breaking point. You must wait, and trust, and hope, and joy in Me. You must not depend on man but on Me, on Me, your Strength, your Help, your Supply.

This is the great test. Am I your supply or not? Every great work for Me has had to have this great test-time.

Possess your souls in patience and rejoice. You must wait until I show the way. Heaven itself cannot contain more joy than that soul knows, when, after the waiting-test, I crown it Victor, but no disciple of Mine can be victor, who does not wait until I give the order to start. You cannot be anxious if you know that I am your supply.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be
perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4
You must rely on Me.

worse than Santa Clause at least with Santa there's no hard feelings for being yourself ...
February 8 – On Me Alone
I am your Lord, your Supply. You must rely on Me. Trust to the last uttermost limit. Trust and be not afraid. You must depend on Divine Power only. I have not forgotten you. Your help is coming. You shall know and realize My Power.

Endurance is faith tried almost to breaking point. You must wait, and trust, and hope, and joy in Me. You must not depend on man but on Me, on Me, your Strength, your Help, your Supply.

This is the great test. Am I your supply or not? Every great work for Me has had to have this great test-time.

Possess your souls in patience and rejoice. You must wait until I show the way. Heaven itself cannot contain more joy than that soul knows, when, after the waiting-test, I crown it Victor, but no disciple of Mine can be victor, who does not wait until I give the order to start. You cannot be anxious if you know that I am your supply.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be
perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4
You must rely on Me.

worse than Santa Clause at least with Santa there's no hard feelings for being yourself ...
Then just be yourself. I'm sure you are a nice guy.
February 8 – On Me Alone
I am your Lord, your Supply. You must rely on Me. Trust to the last uttermost limit. Trust and be not afraid. You must depend on Divine Power only. I have not forgotten you. Your help is coming. You shall know and realize My Power.

Endurance is faith tried almost to breaking point. You must wait, and trust, and hope, and joy in Me. You must not depend on man but on Me, on Me, your Strength, your Help, your Supply.

This is the great test. Am I your supply or not? Every great work for Me has had to have this great test-time.

Possess your souls in patience and rejoice. You must wait until I show the way. Heaven itself cannot contain more joy than that soul knows, when, after the waiting-test, I crown it Victor, but no disciple of Mine can be victor, who does not wait until I give the order to start. You cannot be anxious if you know that I am your supply.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be
perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4
You must rely on Me.

worse than Santa Clause at least with Santa there's no hard feelings for being yourself ...
Then just be yourself.
Then just be yourself.

that's my choice not for fanatics like you though, you prey on the week and disabled and call it religion.
February 8 – On Me Alone
I am your Lord, your Supply. You must rely on Me. Trust to the last uttermost limit. Trust and be not afraid. You must depend on Divine Power only. I have not forgotten you. Your help is coming. You shall know and realize My Power.

Endurance is faith tried almost to breaking point. You must wait, and trust, and hope, and joy in Me. You must not depend on man but on Me, on Me, your Strength, your Help, your Supply.

This is the great test. Am I your supply or not? Every great work for Me has had to have this great test-time.

Possess your souls in patience and rejoice. You must wait until I show the way. Heaven itself cannot contain more joy than that soul knows, when, after the waiting-test, I crown it Victor, but no disciple of Mine can be victor, who does not wait until I give the order to start. You cannot be anxious if you know that I am your supply.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be
perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4
You must rely on Me.

worse than Santa Clause at least with Santa there's no hard feelings for being yourself ...
Then just be yourself.
Then just be yourself.

that's my choice not for fanatics like you though, you prey on the week and disabled and call it religion.
Is that so? You should probably do something about that.

Christian Charities USA
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February 7 – Light Ahead
Trust and be not afraid. Life is full of wonder. Open child-trusting eyes to all I am doing for you. Fear not.

Only a few steps more and then My Power shall be seen and known. You are, yourselves, now walking in the tunnel-darkness. Soon, you yourselves shall be lights to guide feet that are afraid.

The cries of your sufferings have pierced even to the ears of God himself — My Father in Heaven, your Father in Heaven. To hear, with God, is to answer. For only a cry from the heart, a cry to Divine Power to help human weakness, a trusting cry, ever reaches the Ear Divine.

Remember, trembling heart, that with God, to hear is to answer. Your prayers, and they have been many, are answered.

Before they call, I will answer; and while they
are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24
Prayers don't work, sports are proof of that. :lol:

Lame Tim Tebow comeback. :lmao:
February 9 – The Voice Divine
The Divine Voice is not always expressed in words.

It is made known as a heart-consciousness.

Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
February 10 – The Life-Line
I am your Savior, your Savior from sins’ thralls, your Savior from all the cares and troubles of life, your Savior from disease.

I speak in all to you both. Look to Me for salvation. Trust in Me for help. Did not My servant of old say, “All Thy waves and Thy billows are gone over me?” But not all the waters of affliction could drown him. For of him was it true, “He came from above, He took me, He drew me out of many waters.”

The life-line, the line of rescue, is the line from the soul to God, faith, and power. It is a strong line, and no soul can be overwhelmed who is linked to Me by it. Trust, trust, trust. Never be afraid.

Think of My trees stripped of their beauty, pruned, cut, disfigured, bare, but through the dark seemingly dead branches flows silently, secretly, the spirit-life-sap, till, lo! with the sun of Spring comes new life, leaves, bud, blossom, fruit, but oh! fruit a thousand times better for the pruning.

Remember that you are in the hands of the Master-Gardener. He makes no mistakes about His pruning. Rejoice. Joy is the Spirit’s reaching out to say its thanks to Me. It is the new life-sap of the tree, reaching out to Me to find such beautiful expression later. So never cease to joy. Rejoice.

From the end of the earth will I cry onto thee, when my heart is
overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2

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