God Calling

January 30 – The Soul At War
No evil can befall you, if I am with you. “Ill that He blesses is our good.” Every time of being laid aside is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me. Never fear but in that place you shall find restoration and power and joy and healing.

Plan both of your retreat days now and then – days when you live apart with Me, and arise rested and refreshed – physically, mentally, and spiritually, to carry on the work I have given to you. I will never give you a load greater than you can bear.

Love, Joy, Peace, welcome these. Let no personal feelings, no thoughts of self banish these. Singly, they are miracle-producing in a life, but together, they can command all that is needed on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

It is in these wonder-realm attributes all success lies. You have to see your inner lives are all they should be, and then the work is accomplished. Not in rushing and striving on the material plane, but on the battlefield of the Soul are these things won.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to
be tempted above that ye are able.”
1 Corinthians 10:13
More copy&paste, which is illegal here without a comment for your quote.
You've run out of snarky remarks about the content, eh? If it's illegal, then go tattle.
There is very little to say about the content, because it says nothing factual. Its just a load of waffle.
So move along.
January 30 – The Soul At War
No evil can befall you, if I am with you. “Ill that He blesses is our good.” Every time of being laid aside is a time of retreat into the quiet place with Me. Never fear but in that place you shall find restoration and power and joy and healing.

Plan both of your retreat days now and then – days when you live apart with Me, and arise rested and refreshed – physically, mentally, and spiritually, to carry on the work I have given to you. I will never give you a load greater than you can bear.

Love, Joy, Peace, welcome these. Let no personal feelings, no thoughts of self banish these. Singly, they are miracle-producing in a life, but together, they can command all that is needed on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

It is in these wonder-realm attributes all success lies. You have to see your inner lives are all they should be, and then the work is accomplished. Not in rushing and striving on the material plane, but on the battlefield of the Soul are these things won.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to
be tempted above that ye are able.”
1 Corinthians 10:13
More copy&paste, which is illegal here without a comment for your quote.
You've run out of snarky remarks about the content, eh? If it's illegal, then go tattle.
There is very little to say about the content, because it says nothing factual. Its just a load of waffle.
So move along.

I am still waiting for something I can get my teeth into, like some statement that can be analysed logically.
By the way I am not an atheist, I simply know bunk when I read it.
More copy&paste, which is illegal here without a comment for your quote.
You've run out of snarky remarks about the content, eh? If it's illegal, then go tattle.
He just doesn't know, I'm simply trying to help him.

Don't like it? Then fuck you.
Thank you for the pleasant response. You add so much to this forum.
Go kiss a bible, dickweed.
Thank you, Troll.
You're welcome, loser.
February 1 – Another Start
Take courage. Do not fear. Start a new life tomorrow. Put the old mistakes away, and start anew. I give you a fresh start. Be not burdened. Be not anxious. If My forgiveness were for the righteous only, and those who had not sinned, where would be its need?

Remember as I said, “To whom much is forgiven, the same loveth much.”

Why do you fret and worry so? I wait to give you all that is lovely, but your lives are soiled with worry and fret. You would crush My treasures. I can only bless glad, thankful hearts.

You must be glad and joyful.

This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before. Philippians 3:13
February 1 – Another Start
Take courage. Do not fear. Start a new life tomorrow. Put the old mistakes away, and start anew. I give you a fresh start. Be not burdened. Be not anxious. If My forgiveness were for the righteous only, and those who had not sinned, where would be its need?

Remember as I said, “To whom much is forgiven, the same loveth much.”

Why do you fret and worry so? I wait to give you all that is lovely, but your lives are soiled with worry and fret. You would crush My treasures. I can only bless glad, thankful hearts.

You must be glad and joyful.

This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before. Philippians 3:13
You don't sound very glad and joyful. And you could use a new life, one that's not so confused.
February 1 – Another Start
Take courage. Do not fear. Start a new life tomorrow. Put the old mistakes away, and start anew. I give you a fresh start. Be not burdened. Be not anxious. If My forgiveness were for the righteous only, and those who had not sinned, where would be its need?

Remember as I said, “To whom much is forgiven, the same loveth much.”

Why do you fret and worry so? I wait to give you all that is lovely, but your lives are soiled with worry and fret. You would crush My treasures. I can only bless glad, thankful hearts.

You must be glad and joyful.

This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before. Philippians 3:13
You don't sound very glad and joyful. And you could use a new life, one that's not so confused.
From most things you post you seem to be the one who is confused and lacking. Just because is it not something you can perceive or have not seen does not mean that another has not been awakened to hear or see what is in the world beyond this flesh we live in. It is up to you to seek and find. A hint; If you are seeking the spirit of God via accusing others who have been given their portions you won't find it.
February 1 – Another Start
Take courage. Do not fear. Start a new life tomorrow. Put the old mistakes away, and start anew. I give you a fresh start. Be not burdened. Be not anxious. If My forgiveness were for the righteous only, and those who had not sinned, where would be its need?

Remember as I said, “To whom much is forgiven, the same loveth much.”

Why do you fret and worry so? I wait to give you all that is lovely, but your lives are soiled with worry and fret. You would crush My treasures. I can only bless glad, thankful hearts.

You must be glad and joyful.

This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before. Philippians 3:13
This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. Philippians 3:13

This one thing I do - forgetting those things which are behind ...

bing in a nutshell, why concern oneself with a past of oppression and brutality, just continue down the same path ... its fun.
February 2 – Practice Love
Watch over and protect us.

Want of Love will block the way. You must love all. Those that fret you and those who do not.

Practice Love. It is a great lesson, and you have a great Teacher. You must love, how otherwise can you dwell in Me, when nothing unloving can come? Practice this and I will bless you exceedingly, above all you cannot only ask, but imagine.

No limit to My Power. Do all you can and leave to Me the rest. Peace will come, and Trust. Fear not, I am your Advocate, your Mediator.

And this is his commandment… love one another,
as he gave us commandment. 1 John 3:23
February 3 – If Man Oppose
Only believe. The walls of Jericho fell down. Was it axes or human implements that brought them down? Rather the Songs of Praise of the people and My Thought carried out in action.

All walls shall fall before you, too. There is no earth-power. It falls like a house of paper, at My miracle-working touch. Your faith and My power — the only two essentials. Nothing else is needed.

So, if Man’s petty opposition still holds good it is only because I choose to let it stand between you and what would be a mistake for you. If not — a word — a thought — from Me, and it is gone. The hearts of Kings are in My rule and governance. All men can be moved at My wish.

Rest in this certainty. Rely on Me.

Be not afraid, only believe. Mark 5:36
February 4 – Drop Your Crutch
Just go step by step. My will shall be revealed as you go. You will never cease to be thankful for this time when you felt at peace and trustful, and yet had no human security.

That is the time of the True learning of trust in Me. “When thy Father and Mother forsake thee, then the Lord will take thee up.” This is a literal dependence on Me.

When human support or material help of any kind is removed, then My power can become operative. I cannot teach a man to walk who is trusting to a crutch. Away with your crutch, and My power shall so invigorate you that you shall indeed walk on to victory. Never limit My power. It is limitless.

God has spoken once; twice have I heard this;
that power belongeth unto God. Psalm 62:11
February 5 – You Shall Know
Walk with Me. I will teach you. Listen to Me and I will speak. Continue to meet Me, in spite of all opposition and every obstacle, in spite of the days when you may hear no voice, and there may come no intimate heart-to-heart telling.

As you persist in this, and make a life-habit of it, in many marvelous ways I will reveal My will to you. You shall have more sure knowing of both the present and the future. But that will be only the reward of the regular coming to meet Me.

Life is a school. There are many teachers. Not to everyone do I come personally. Believe literally that the problems and difficulties of your lives can be explained by Me more clearly and effectually than by any other.

If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine,
whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. John 7:17
“Not one woman, but two have written this book; and they seek no praise. They have elected to remain anonymous and to be called “Two Listeners.” But the claim which they make is an astonishing one, that their message has been given to them, today, here in England, by the Living Christ Himself.” A.J. Russell

January 21 – A Crowded Day
Believe that I am with you and controlling all. When My Word has gone forth, all are powerless against it.

Be calm. Never fear. You have much to learn. Go on until you can take the most crowded day with a song. “Sing unto the Lord.” The finest accompaniment to a Song of Praise to Me is a very crowded day. Let Love be the motif running through all.

Be glad all the time. Rejoice exceedingly. Joy in Me. Rest in Me. Never be afraid. Pray more. Do not get worried. I am thy Helper. “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.” You cannot get below that. Rest in them, as a tired child rests.

Be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said,
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. – Hebrews 13:5

January 22 – Gray Days

Be not afraid. I am your God, your Deliverer. From all evil, I will deliver you. Trust Me. Fear not.

Never forget your “Thank you.” Do you not see it is a lesson? You MUST say “Thank You” on the grayest days. You MUST do it. All cannot be light unless you do. There is gray-day practice. It is absolutely necessary.

My death upon the Cross was not only necessary to save a world, it was necessary if only to train My disciples. It was all a part of their training: My entering Jerusalem in triumph; My washing the disciples’ feet; My sorrow-time in Gethsemane; My being despised, judged, crucified, buried. Every step was necessary to their development – and so with you.

If a gray day is not one of thankfulness, the lesson has to be repeated until it is. Not to everyone is it so. But only to those who ask to serve Me well, and to do much for Me. A great work requires a great and careful training.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy
God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold
thee with the right hand of my righteousness. – Isaiah 41:10

I thought God only talked via burning bushes
“Not one woman, but two have written this book; and they seek no praise. They have elected to remain anonymous and to be called “Two Listeners.” But the claim which they make is an astonishing one, that their message has been given to them, today, here in England, by the Living Christ Himself.” A.J. Russell

January 21 – A Crowded Day
Believe that I am with you and controlling all. When My Word has gone forth, all are powerless against it.

Be calm. Never fear. You have much to learn. Go on until you can take the most crowded day with a song. “Sing unto the Lord.” The finest accompaniment to a Song of Praise to Me is a very crowded day. Let Love be the motif running through all.

Be glad all the time. Rejoice exceedingly. Joy in Me. Rest in Me. Never be afraid. Pray more. Do not get worried. I am thy Helper. “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.” You cannot get below that. Rest in them, as a tired child rests.

Be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said,
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. – Hebrews 13:5

January 22 – Gray Days

Be not afraid. I am your God, your Deliverer. From all evil, I will deliver you. Trust Me. Fear not.

Never forget your “Thank you.” Do you not see it is a lesson? You MUST say “Thank You” on the grayest days. You MUST do it. All cannot be light unless you do. There is gray-day practice. It is absolutely necessary.

My death upon the Cross was not only necessary to save a world, it was necessary if only to train My disciples. It was all a part of their training: My entering Jerusalem in triumph; My washing the disciples’ feet; My sorrow-time in Gethsemane; My being despised, judged, crucified, buried. Every step was necessary to their development – and so with you.

If a gray day is not one of thankfulness, the lesson has to be repeated until it is. Not to everyone is it so. But only to those who ask to serve Me well, and to do much for Me. A great work requires a great and careful training.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy
God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold
thee with the right hand of my righteousness. – Isaiah 41:10

I thought God only talked via burning bushes
Maybe you should try listening more and speaking less.
“Not one woman, but two have written this book; and they seek no praise. They have elected to remain anonymous and to be called “Two Listeners.” But the claim which they make is an astonishing one, that their message has been given to them, today, here in England, by the Living Christ Himself.” A.J. Russell

January 21 – A Crowded Day
Believe that I am with you and controlling all. When My Word has gone forth, all are powerless against it.

Be calm. Never fear. You have much to learn. Go on until you can take the most crowded day with a song. “Sing unto the Lord.” The finest accompaniment to a Song of Praise to Me is a very crowded day. Let Love be the motif running through all.

Be glad all the time. Rejoice exceedingly. Joy in Me. Rest in Me. Never be afraid. Pray more. Do not get worried. I am thy Helper. “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.” You cannot get below that. Rest in them, as a tired child rests.

Be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said,
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. – Hebrews 13:5

January 22 – Gray Days

Be not afraid. I am your God, your Deliverer. From all evil, I will deliver you. Trust Me. Fear not.

Never forget your “Thank you.” Do you not see it is a lesson? You MUST say “Thank You” on the grayest days. You MUST do it. All cannot be light unless you do. There is gray-day practice. It is absolutely necessary.

My death upon the Cross was not only necessary to save a world, it was necessary if only to train My disciples. It was all a part of their training: My entering Jerusalem in triumph; My washing the disciples’ feet; My sorrow-time in Gethsemane; My being despised, judged, crucified, buried. Every step was necessary to their development – and so with you.

If a gray day is not one of thankfulness, the lesson has to be repeated until it is. Not to everyone is it so. But only to those who ask to serve Me well, and to do much for Me. A great work requires a great and careful training.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy
God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold
thee with the right hand of my righteousness. – Isaiah 41:10

I thought God only talked via burning bushes
Maybe you should try listening more and speaking less.

No the voices in my head tell me there is no god
“Not one woman, but two have written this book; and they seek no praise. They have elected to remain anonymous and to be called “Two Listeners.” But the claim which they make is an astonishing one, that their message has been given to them, today, here in England, by the Living Christ Himself.” A.J. Russell

January 21 – A Crowded Day
Believe that I am with you and controlling all. When My Word has gone forth, all are powerless against it.

Be calm. Never fear. You have much to learn. Go on until you can take the most crowded day with a song. “Sing unto the Lord.” The finest accompaniment to a Song of Praise to Me is a very crowded day. Let Love be the motif running through all.

Be glad all the time. Rejoice exceedingly. Joy in Me. Rest in Me. Never be afraid. Pray more. Do not get worried. I am thy Helper. “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.” You cannot get below that. Rest in them, as a tired child rests.

Be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said,
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. – Hebrews 13:5

January 22 – Gray Days

Be not afraid. I am your God, your Deliverer. From all evil, I will deliver you. Trust Me. Fear not.

Never forget your “Thank you.” Do you not see it is a lesson? You MUST say “Thank You” on the grayest days. You MUST do it. All cannot be light unless you do. There is gray-day practice. It is absolutely necessary.

My death upon the Cross was not only necessary to save a world, it was necessary if only to train My disciples. It was all a part of their training: My entering Jerusalem in triumph; My washing the disciples’ feet; My sorrow-time in Gethsemane; My being despised, judged, crucified, buried. Every step was necessary to their development – and so with you.

If a gray day is not one of thankfulness, the lesson has to be repeated until it is. Not to everyone is it so. But only to those who ask to serve Me well, and to do much for Me. A great work requires a great and careful training.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy
God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold
thee with the right hand of my righteousness. – Isaiah 41:10

I thought God only talked via burning bushes
Maybe you should try listening more and speaking less.

No the voices in my head tell me there is no god
I wouldn't know anything about that. I don't hear voices in my head. Maybe you should go see a doctor about that.
“Not one woman, but two have written this book; and they seek no praise. They have elected to remain anonymous and to be called “Two Listeners.” But the claim which they make is an astonishing one, that their message has been given to them, today, here in England, by the Living Christ Himself.” A.J. Russell

January 21 – A Crowded Day
Believe that I am with you and controlling all. When My Word has gone forth, all are powerless against it.

Be calm. Never fear. You have much to learn. Go on until you can take the most crowded day with a song. “Sing unto the Lord.” The finest accompaniment to a Song of Praise to Me is a very crowded day. Let Love be the motif running through all.

Be glad all the time. Rejoice exceedingly. Joy in Me. Rest in Me. Never be afraid. Pray more. Do not get worried. I am thy Helper. “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.” You cannot get below that. Rest in them, as a tired child rests.

Be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said,
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. – Hebrews 13:5

January 22 – Gray Days

Be not afraid. I am your God, your Deliverer. From all evil, I will deliver you. Trust Me. Fear not.

Never forget your “Thank you.” Do you not see it is a lesson? You MUST say “Thank You” on the grayest days. You MUST do it. All cannot be light unless you do. There is gray-day practice. It is absolutely necessary.

My death upon the Cross was not only necessary to save a world, it was necessary if only to train My disciples. It was all a part of their training: My entering Jerusalem in triumph; My washing the disciples’ feet; My sorrow-time in Gethsemane; My being despised, judged, crucified, buried. Every step was necessary to their development – and so with you.

If a gray day is not one of thankfulness, the lesson has to be repeated until it is. Not to everyone is it so. But only to those who ask to serve Me well, and to do much for Me. A great work requires a great and careful training.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy
God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold
thee with the right hand of my righteousness. – Isaiah 41:10

I thought God only talked via burning bushes
Maybe you should try listening more and speaking less.

No the voices in my head tell me there is no god
I wouldn't know anything about that. I don't hear voices in my head. Maybe you should go see a doctor about that.
no I agree with the voices in my head why would I want them to stop?
“Not one woman, but two have written this book; and they seek no praise. They have elected to remain anonymous and to be called “Two Listeners.” But the claim which they make is an astonishing one, that their message has been given to them, today, here in England, by the Living Christ Himself.” A.J. Russell

January 21 – A Crowded Day
Believe that I am with you and controlling all. When My Word has gone forth, all are powerless against it.

Be calm. Never fear. You have much to learn. Go on until you can take the most crowded day with a song. “Sing unto the Lord.” The finest accompaniment to a Song of Praise to Me is a very crowded day. Let Love be the motif running through all.

Be glad all the time. Rejoice exceedingly. Joy in Me. Rest in Me. Never be afraid. Pray more. Do not get worried. I am thy Helper. “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.” You cannot get below that. Rest in them, as a tired child rests.

Be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said,
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. – Hebrews 13:5

January 22 – Gray Days

Be not afraid. I am your God, your Deliverer. From all evil, I will deliver you. Trust Me. Fear not.

Never forget your “Thank you.” Do you not see it is a lesson? You MUST say “Thank You” on the grayest days. You MUST do it. All cannot be light unless you do. There is gray-day practice. It is absolutely necessary.

My death upon the Cross was not only necessary to save a world, it was necessary if only to train My disciples. It was all a part of their training: My entering Jerusalem in triumph; My washing the disciples’ feet; My sorrow-time in Gethsemane; My being despised, judged, crucified, buried. Every step was necessary to their development – and so with you.

If a gray day is not one of thankfulness, the lesson has to be repeated until it is. Not to everyone is it so. But only to those who ask to serve Me well, and to do much for Me. A great work requires a great and careful training.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy
God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold
thee with the right hand of my righteousness. – Isaiah 41:10

I thought God only talked via burning bushes
Maybe you should try listening more and speaking less.

No the voices in my head tell me there is no god
I wouldn't know anything about that. I don't hear voices in my head. Maybe you should go see a doctor about that.
no I agree with the voices in my head why would I want them to stop?
Problem solved.
February 6 – God’s Longing
To the listening ear I speak, to the waiting heart I come. Sometimes, I may not speak. I may ask you merely to wait in My Presence, to know that I am with you.

Think of the multitudes who thronged Me when I was on earth all eager for something. Eager to be healed, or taught, or fed.

Think as I supplied their many wants, and granted their manifold requests, what it meant to Me, to find amid the crowd, some one or two, who followed Me just to be near Me, just to dwell in My Presence. How some longing of the Eternal Heart was satisfied thereby.

Comfort Me, a while, by letting Me know that you would seek Me just to dwell in My Presence, to be near Me, not even for teaching, not for material gain, not even for a message — but for Me. The longing of the human heart to be loved for itself is something caught from the Great Divine Heart.

I bless you. Bow your heads.

I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and
in his word do I hope. Psalm 130:5
February 7 – Light Ahead
Trust and be not afraid. Life is full of wonder. Open child-trusting eyes to all I am doing for you. Fear not.

Only a few steps more and then My Power shall be seen and known. You are, yourselves, now walking in the tunnel-darkness. Soon, you yourselves shall be lights to guide feet that are afraid.

The cries of your sufferings have pierced even to the ears of God himself — My Father in Heaven, your Father in Heaven. To hear, with God, is to answer. For only a cry from the heart, a cry to Divine Power to help human weakness, a trusting cry, ever reaches the Ear Divine.

Remember, trembling heart, that with God, to hear is to answer. Your prayers, and they have been many, are answered.

Before they call, I will answer; and while they
are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24
February 7 – Light Ahead
Trust and be not afraid. Life is full of wonder. Open child-trusting eyes to all I am doing for you. Fear not.

Only a few steps more and then My Power shall be seen and known. You are, yourselves, now walking in the tunnel-darkness. Soon, you yourselves shall be lights to guide feet that are afraid.

The cries of your sufferings have pierced even to the ears of God himself — My Father in Heaven, your Father in Heaven. To hear, with God, is to answer. For only a cry from the heart, a cry to Divine Power to help human weakness, a trusting cry, ever reaches the Ear Divine.

Remember, trembling heart, that with God, to hear is to answer. Your prayers, and they have been many, are answered.

Before they call, I will answer; and while they
are yet speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24
Prayers don't work, sports are proof of that. :lol:

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