God damn FBI knew in 2017 that Russian hoax

LOL. Oh, look, a right-winger alleging to be telling us the "gospel Truth" so they provide no link.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

The left can be better at it.
Read the fucking indictments...lolol..Court records. Is that enough of a link, Winky Dink....lololol
The dossier had nothing to do with the Russians with tramp was guilty of.

It's hard to believe how stupid one must be to be fixated on the lie that even the Left has given up on.

"The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election," Barr wrote in a letter to leaders of the House and Senate judiciary committees on Sunday afternoon.That was despite "multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign," he wrote. Mueller Report Doesn't Find Russian Collusion, But Can't 'Exonerate' On Obstruction

“ The report further explains that a primary consideration for the Special Counsel's investigation was whether any Americans – including individuals associated with the Trump campaign – joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election, which would be a federal crime. The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election. As the report states: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.” Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report (Published 2019)

You're quite a moron, huh?
The only thing fake was the right wing loonies to put up with the above crap.

Which Of These Is Your Favorite FBI Moment?

a. Shooting dead a dog, a 14-year-old boy, and a woman holding her baby at Ruby Ridge?

b. Incinerating more than eighty men, women and children to death in Waco, Texas?

c. Blowing off a Phoenix agent’s warning about a lot of Muslims taking flight lessons two months before the 9/11 attacks?

d. Announcing that Hillary had done nothing wrong, before completing the investigation?

e. Clearing terrorist Omar Mateen shortly before he slaughtered fifty people at an Orlando nightclub?

f. Refusing to follow up on repeated warning about Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz?

g. The FBI bogus investigation and indictment of Republican Senator Ted Stevens, costing him the election….charges then thrown out because the FBI agents conspired to withhold and conceal evidence that could have resulted in a verdict of "not guilty.

h. The anthrax case, where the FBI obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill, hounding him for six years, finding zero evidence. “Mueller made his position known, saying, “I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation,” and stated that the FBI had made no mistakes.” Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

i. Naming Richard Jewell as the FBI’s leading suspect in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing on July 27, 1996.

j. .....or illegally spying on American citizens, especially the elected President of the United States?

k. How about the at least 17 significant errors or omissions in the FISA applications all of which just happen to work against Trump and to the Deep State/Hillary election bid?

l. “Judge Rosemary Collyer, the presiding judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court,…. issued a rare public order on Tuesday rebuking the Federal Bureau of Investigation…” Secretive Surveillance Court Rebukes FBI Over Handling of Wiretapping of Trump Aide

m. “The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with” The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with

“…FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty to charges that he falsified information on FISA warrant applications to spy on former members of the Trump campaign,…”

n. Railroading military hero and pro-American, General Flynn?

o. Hiding Hunter Biden's laptop until after the election, so voters didn't know the Bidens were on Communist China's payroll?

p. “FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting…by a violent liberal Bernie-loving wackjob with a history of anti-Republican rant— even after the shooter ascertained whether the people he was about to slaughter were Republicans.” Daily Dose of Downey: FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting; White Off Duty Cop Beaten in Racist Attack; Corrections Officer Trades Burger for Sex

q. “American gymnast and Olympian McKayla Maroney condemned the FBI on Wednesday for failing to act on her reports of sexual abuse against former USA gymnastics national team doctor Larry Nassar in the summer of 2015.” 'Not ever over': Gymnasts castigate FBI for its failures in Nassar case

r: Blowing off repeated warnings and evidence that the Tsarnaev brothers were involved with violent radicals.

s: Botching a sting operation that resulted in the Las Vegas massacre.

t; Deliberately hiding evidence of innocence of the men they allowed to rot and die in prison, in order to shield one of their mob snitch fluffers.

u: Cooking up a kidnapping conspiracy in Michigan, that had more operatives and informants than actual plotters.
"...the FISA applications the FBI used in their investigation into the Trump campaign were based "entirely" on the Steele Dossier."

Watch: Brutal Supercut of Media Pushing the Discredited Steele Dossier
Over time, Page became increasingly critical of United States foreign policy toward Russia, and more supportive of Putin, with a United States official describing Page as "a brazen apologist for anything Moscow did".[4] Page is frequently quoted by Russian state television, where he is presented as a "famous American economist".[3]
It’s been declassified by the former justice department, Barr about the 2017 Senate investigation and testimony of the FBI
Those stasi bastards knew the Russian thing was a hoax

The source was a Clinton crony who lied to get the courts to issue the investigation into page
Nope! That is a spun story of mistruths!
The feds didn't just "know it", they had to have planned it. Democrats refer to the Jan. 6 incident of criminal trespass by a mom and pop mob as "an attempted coup" but the real coup was by the FBI.
like most libtards he's still waiting for the peepee tapes they so vehemently believe are real.
LOL. If these idiots don't like something they see or hear they just pretend it was never there or happened...lolol

Like a 5 year old covering their eyes or ears when challenged......lolol

The common sense is zilch...lol

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