God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

Hardened heart closes off the ability to listen

SO very true, and that's basically what I said to one of the others. Not only is that plainly evident to me, but it's also what the bible says, in numerous places. For example:

"They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart." Ephesians 4:18
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

Because their followers aren't trying to impose theocracy on us like the followers of Jesus/Yahweh.

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It's not theocracy but moral values and science. Christians do not care if you do not believe in Jesus or believe in no God of Abraham, god, or gods. We do care if you abort babies even though legal, promote same-sex marriage as normal lifestyle which includes bisexuality and transgender, and teach Theory of Evolution, evolutionary thinking and history as the only "science" that can be taught in public schools; there is creation science.

Your beliefs on the matters that you mentioned are highly sectarian, yet your use of the generic term "Christian" implies that these beliefs are universal among all those of the Christian faith. Moreover, you seek to impose these beliefs on our entire society, including people of all faiths, including Christians, atheists, and agnostics. You clearly seek to impose a theocracy run by the leaders of your sect.

That's the way it should be. God has said as much.

Yours is human based.

No supreme being ever said any such thing. Your views are clearly sectarian, and your comments suggest that you want some person of questionable character and credentials such as graham, who postures as a representative of "God," to actually run the country. Then where would we all be? There will be no cheap theocracy here.
What you should say (if you care about truth and logic) is: "In my finite little mind, based on my tiny sliver of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, I personally do not believe God exists."
So too should you say - 'In my finite little mind, based on my tiny sliver of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, I personally believe God exists.'

That depends on how we are defining God. One of the ways God is described is as truth itself. Objective truth exists. The only way to deny that is go against basic logic.

But all that said, I don't usually go around trying to prove God's existence to nonbelievers. I believe that is something people have to learn on an individual basis. God opens our eyes on an individual basis.... so no amount of debating or arguments or anything like that will bring a person to God, it is God who gives us faith and revelation. If you're an atheist, I don't expect you to understand that, and you'll probably scoff at that, but again, that's to be expected.
Okay this thread- which started with an idiotic attack on atheists has devolved into the discussion which all too often it does- which is when people of faith try to convince others that their faith is based upon something other than their faith.
Seriously, do you believe any normal atheist would spend his/her life hating and proving the non-existence of something they have no belief exists? I did not even bother reading the opening post because whatever and whoever that post was about, it was not about a true atheist. This was more than faith in atheists on my part, it included experience, as I have been around atheists since the day I was born. Good people.

In the same way, I have more than faith in God, I have experience of God. It turns out perseverance in seeking God does culminate in finding. Perhaps even more than that, better than that, is the experiences people gain simply because they have enough faith to follow The Way(s) and teachings of God. People find themselves saying, "My God, this works!"

There are enough of what I term "Internet Atheists" who find their way into Religion Forums with their axes to grind, to give those without much experience with atheists a false impression of most non-believers. And that is too bad for all of us.
Love has everything to do with it God loves you so much you gave his son to die for you would you do that for him
But his son is part of the eternal and indivisible trinity, so is his own son and his own father. Not much of a sacrifice. Where's the love? Doesn't seem to have much to do with it, as you allude.

Love has everything to do with it God loves you so much you gave his son to die for you would you do that for him
But his son is part of the eternal and indivisible trinity, so is his own son and his own father. Not much of a sacrifice. Where's the love? Doesn't seem to have much to do with it, as you allude.

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God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (who is sometimes called the Holy Ghost). Trinity states that these three all form the same God
God opens our eyes on an individual basis.... so no amount of debating or arguments or anything like that will bring a person to God, it is God who gives us faith and revelation.
I know you really mean - 'In my finite little mind, based on my tiny sliver of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, I personally believe it is God who gave me faith and revelation.'
God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (who is sometimes called the Holy Ghost). Trinity states that these three all form the same God
Absolutely. Jesus is God the Son, right? An indivisible part of the Trinity which has always existed. For instance, he was part of the Burning Bush, he handed Moses the tablets, he drowned the army of Pharaoh. It was not possible for his father to forsake him.
Hardened heart closes off the ability to listen
And yet, you religious fetishists are the most closed minded people of all.

Explain yourself
Minds made up without evidence, and no evidence could possibly change their minds. They look at their preferred fetish myths as "absolute truth". They say so.

It doesn't get any more closed minded than that. That is the extreme version of closed minded.
One of the ways God is described is as truth itself.
That YHWH may be described as that means nothing. YWHW may be described as anything, and often is.

It's much more than that, though. I don't want to take this thread off topic (and I really don't feel like getting into a lengthy debate any time soon) but when you really think about the topic of objective truth, it makes sense that it's one of the definitions of God, the source of everything. There are many reasons for that, but again, it would take too long to write this all out, and it would probably be pointless anyway, as a few of us have been saying (see post #182)
but when you really think about the topic of objective truth, it makes sense that it's one of the definitions of God, the source of everything.
So what? Something "making sense" does not mean it is true. And who cares what the various definitions of gods are? You kneecap your own intellects and arguments when you adopt magic in your paradigms and arguments. With magic, anything can define anything. Anything can be made to make sense. Philosophy of sky daddies is a huge waste of time.
God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (who is sometimes called the Holy Ghost). Trinity states that these three all form the same God
Absolutely. Jesus is God the Son, right? An indivisible part of the Trinity which has always existed. For instance, he was part of the Burning Bush, he handed Moses the tablets, he drowned the army of Pharaoh. It was not possible for his father to forsake him.
God came to earth born in a manger as God's son to take on human form that his blood may be shed to save the Sinner so he could overcome death and we would be forgiven and he sent us the holy ghost the life in us and help us and have eternal life. Thus the start of the Trinity

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