God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

Nope, if it was unbelievable to me I would still be a nonbeliever.
Nah, you just suspended your incredulity. You know as well as anyone it is not believable to a rational person being rational. It's the same reason astrology is not believable to you. Again, a little perspective would really benefit you.
Believe what?
That your belief is objective.

I never claimed that my belief is objective. Contrary to what you just said, I don't expect you to take my experience as an objective truth, I said just the opposite.

I have been saying over and over and over that I don't expect you to believe my experience, or ANY of this. You have to experience it on your own.
Whereas, really -
In my finite little mind, based on my tiny sliver of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, I personally believe it is God who gave me faith and revelation.'

We went over this already. When I spoke of my experience, I was not making an objective claim, and I'm not trying to prove that to you. Again (for the umpteenth time) that was not even the point. You can take it or leave it. What I've been saying is that you will not believe until YOU go through what believers have gone through.
I never claimed that my belief is objective.
Yes you did. You claimed that what you believe is absolute truth. Do you really think this cheap charlatan's trick is going to work on anyone?

You're conflating 2 different things. My EXPERIENCE, and the object of my belief.

I never claimed my EXPERIENCE was objective.

If you think I have, post the quote.
That's a nervous laugh there my man. You didn't have the courage to check out the link proving the point. Somebody else will check it out and then you will REALLY be nervous.
Sorry freak, go peddle your silly voodoo somewhere else.

If there is a freak between us, you see him in the mirror each morning.

Proof of creation science.....

That is like saying that there is proof of "Thor Science"

Did you bother to hear the man out?

Hardened heart closes off the ability to listen

You aren't talking to me. I just don't get along with trolls that want to do personal stuff in open forum with no regard for the topic matter.

The mind is like a parachute. Only works when it's opened.
there is no god-- plain and simple

Who are you going to try to make believe that? Yourself or other posters?
I don't have to make anyone believe it
..no one can prove there is a god--so there is not one
..and I don't have to prove there isn't one--that's super ridiculous

It's pretty important to you to badger those who do believe. Otherwise, you'd skip the thread. So, really, who do you expect to convince there is no God? Yourself or the posters?
If there is a freak between us, you see him in the mirror each morning.
Says the freak that would fail a 6th grade science quiz, because he thinks a magical sky daddy tells him the scientists are all wrong...

The best you can do are childish insults and NO factual refutation of the evidence offered.
Telling you to take your own advice is a childish insult? Nah, now you're just whining.

Nobody has to spend an ounce of energy refuting your idiotic evolution denial. Nobody. Same for flat earthers and alchemists.
The mind is like a parachute. Only works when it's opened.
Time to take your own advice.

I did dumbass. I used to write what would have you claiming were "scholarly articles" until I studied law then came back to theology. Once I applied the laws of evidence, - well if you weren't a bigot, you'd have already accessed the links and found out.

Pot and Kettle, huh?
You're conflating 2 different things. My EXPERIENCE, and the object of my belief.
Nope. You are trying to split a hair that does not exist, in order to wriggle out from under an error that you made out of haste.

As usual, you are blatantly wrong. Let's recap.

We have been talking about a number of different things on this thread. With cnm, my point was that God opens our eyes on an individual basis, I was talking about personal experience and revelation.

I stated clearly, over and over and over that I don't expect him to believe that (or any of this) because it's something HE has to go through himself. He then (amazingly) replied with something like "how you expect people to believe this is beyond me" - right after I said the exact opposite!

Then he claimed that I said my belief was objective. I said I never made that claim.

Then you came along to muddy the waters and claimed I did, by conflating my belief/personal experience with the object of my belief.

So I'm going to hold you to your words. Post a quote where I said my experience is objective.
I stated clearly, over and over and over that I don't expect him to believe that (or any of this) because it's something HE has to go through himself.
Which, of course, is utter nonsense. Most people believe it because they were brainwashed as children. And most people don't adopt theese beliefs as adults, because they are not believable.

So, enter the older-than-dirt charlatan's trick:

"You can't believe it until you experience it"

A staple of the repertoire of every conman, snake oil salesman, and charlatan who has ever lived.

Of course he won't believe it, because it is not believable. And you know it. Thus, the old dusty dusty conman lines.
I stated clearly, over and over and over that I don't expect him to believe that (or any of this) because it's something HE has to go through himself.
Which, of course, is utter nonsense. Most people believe it because they were brainwashed as children. And most people don't adopt theese beliefs as adults, because they are not believable.

So, enter the older-than-dirt charlatan's trick:

"You can't believe it until you experience it"

A staple of the repertoire of every conman, snake oil salesman, and charlatan who has ever lived.

Of course he won't believe it, because it is not believable. And you know it. Thus, the old dusty dusty conman lines.

I truly feel sorry for you. Your hatred is off the charts. I think it's so sad that your hatred and complete hard-heartedness causes you to accuse people who you don't even know of being "charlatans" and "con-men" - basically accusing people of lying. Rather than just believing that they are wrong, yet sincere in their belief.

I don't think you even realize how you come across in your posts. Nearly all your posts to believers are filled with personal attacks, extremely arrogant and presumptuous statements (purporting to know what is in a person's mind/heart) and not even the slightest bit of goodwill or willingness to have an actual discussion.

It's seriously a waste of time, because it's impossible to have an actual discussion that will get anywhere with someone who starts off with the assumption the other person isn't sincere, that everyone who doesn't agree with you is a charlatan. And it being a waste of time is precisely what the bible says about having discussions with hard-hearted atheists like you. (I need to listen to the bible on that, lol, because you just confirm that those verses on dealing with people like you are so true)

I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk to you anymore. If you don't have enough respect to assume people are sincere (even if you think they're wrong) and if you are incapable of posting in a civil, mature way, then I don't want to interact with you. There are plenty of others here you can post to. I will be praying for you though.
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Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him
How can you destroy something that you said doesn’t exist?
I never claimed that my belief is objective.
but when you really think about the topic of objective truth, it makes sense that it's one of the definitions of God, the source of everything.

Nowhere in that post did I say my personal experience / belief was objective.

Do I believe truth itself is objective? Of course. It's illogical to claim otherwise.

But there's a difference between what God is said to be.... and my personal experience/belief. I never claimed the latter was objective.

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