God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

there is no god-- plain and simple

Who are you going to try to make believe that? Yourself or other posters?
I don't have to make anyone believe it
..no one can prove there is a god--so there is not one
..and I don't have to prove there isn't one--that's super ridiculous

It's pretty important to you to badger those who do believe. Otherwise, you'd skip the thread. So, really, who do you expect to convince there is no God? Yourself or the posters?
..this is a discussion forum--is it not!!!!!!!?????? I can say the same thing about every thread on USMB--so your point is bullshit ..I can say the same thing about you posting in every thread and your replies to me must be badgering me ----hahahhahaha
...pointing out the facts is badgering???!!!?? hahhahahahahhahaah =sounds like you are afraid of the truth
AND---that's no proof of god--is it??--my point and facts still stand--you have no proof
If there is a freak between us, you see him in the mirror each morning.
Says the freak that would fail a 6th grade science quiz, because he thinks a magical sky daddy tells him the scientists are all wrong...

The best you can do are childish insults and NO factual refutation of the evidence offered.
The best you can do are childish insults and NO factual refutation of the evidence offered
--you have offered no evidence either--which makes you a hypocrite
AND there is nothing to refute--you have proved nothing
there is no god-- plain and simple

Who are you going to try to make believe that? Yourself or other posters?
I don't have to make anyone believe it
..no one can prove there is a god--so there is not one
..and I don't have to prove there isn't one--that's super ridiculous

It's pretty important to you to badger those who do believe. Otherwise, you'd skip the thread. So, really, who do you expect to convince there is no God? Yourself or the posters?
..this is a discussion forum--is it not!!!!!!!?????? I can say the same thing about every thread on USMB--so your point is bullshit ..I can say the same thing about you posting in every thread and your replies to me must be badgering me ----hahahhahaha
...pointing out the facts is badgering???!!!?? hahhahahahahhahaah =sounds like you are afraid of the truth
AND---that's no proof of god--is it??--my point and facts still stand--you have no proof

I'm not afraid of the truth; you are. I would fight to the death for your Right to express your opinions. The over-riding question is, you only want to badger and belittle those that are believers. It was a bit of an irony how satire got us in this pissing match.

I grew up as a non-believer. I used to write letters to the editor of our newspaper challenging many misconceptions (just as you have) until I met people who were real archaeologists, geologists, and students of the Bible. And, even though they were much more intelligent than me, I didn't always believe what they did - nor did they agree.

WHEN you say what you do, I realize that you've never really approached creationism from a scientific perspective. So, I leave links that do just that. I have differences of opinion from even some scientists, and maybe because all the questions haven't been answered, but in all reality I can state, as a fact of evidence, there is as much evidence in support of creation (from a scientific viewpoint) than the mindless notion that something comes from nothing.

If there is a freak between us, you see him in the mirror each morning.
Says the freak that would fail a 6th grade science quiz, because he thinks a magical sky daddy tells him the scientists are all wrong...

The best you can do are childish insults and NO factual refutation of the evidence offered.
The best you can do are childish insults and NO factual refutation of the evidence offered
--you have offered no evidence either--which makes you a hypocrite
AND there is nothing to refute--you have proved nothing

You are lying and YOU are the hypocrite. Here is the evidence. It HAS been provided many times here and on other threads. Now refute it:

How can someone hate and destroy something that doesn't exist?

No atheist has been able to answer that here. If something doesn't exist, why bother hopping onto threads where it is an issue? If you think people are delusional, why argue with them unless the outcome of what they believe will impact your life?

When posters want to argue gun control, I will get deep into the conversation as my Rights are involved. It affects me personally. But, as Thomas Jefferson once pointed out: "But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

Unless I'm missing something, there are only two reasons for people to bait and badger believers:

1) Those non-believers actually DO have a religion antithetical to the Bible and have a NEED to convert their fellow man OR

2) Non-believers want to be convinced, but are simply too lazy to take the requisite amount of them researching a variety of interpretations of the science behind creationism.
Because their followers aren't trying to impose theocracy on us like the followers of Jesus/Yahweh.

View attachment 307635

It's not theocracy but moral values and science. Christians do not care if you do not believe in Jesus or believe in no God of Abraham, god, or gods. We do care if you abort babies even though legal, promote same-sex marriage as normal lifestyle which includes bisexuality and transgender, and teach Theory of Evolution, evolutionary thinking and history as the only "science" that can be taught in public schools; there is creation science.

Your beliefs on the matters that you mentioned are highly sectarian, yet your use of the generic term "Christian" implies that these beliefs are universal among all those of the Christian faith. Moreover, you seek to impose these beliefs on our entire society, including people of all faiths, including Christians, atheists, and agnostics. You clearly seek to impose a theocracy run by the leaders of your sect.

That's the way it should be. God has said as much.

Yours is human based.

No supreme being ever said any such thing. Your views are clearly sectarian, and your comments suggest that you want some person of questionable character and credentials such as graham, who postures as a representative of "God," to actually run the country. Then where would we all be? There will be no cheap theocracy here.

First thing God gave Adam was everything and a perfect body and perfect woman as mate. All he had to do was avoid temptation from Satan and not eat the forbidden fruit. However, Adam wanted to be like God and thus sinned. You are no different. God offers you the same thing that Adam and Eve had in the beginning in the next life. This became possible because Jesus paid our ransom and substituted himself to become our blood sacrifice. Jesus became the perfect human being that Adam could not be. God loved us so much that he sacrificed his only son, so we could live forever again in heaven. However, you want to be like God and not believe in Jesus. There are believers who do not believe in Jesus.

What God said first was the Ten Commandments and he gave them to Moses. The first four commandments deal with our relationship with God and the last six commandments deal with our relationships with one another.

Anyway, you just want to rebel and kill babies, let homosexuality run rampant, and turn as many people into non-believers and atheists as possible. Furthermore, you believe in fake science and are wrong about almost everything. I would think you atheists are the sectarian ones. Look in your own mirror.
However, Adam wanted to be like God and thus sinned.

what do you have to offer other than your forged, deceitful christian bible because anyone that believes emulating the Almighty is a sin only proves their complicity in using the events of the 1st century to perpetuate the injustice of its conclusion for their own selfish interests.

rather than righting the wrongs of the 4th century christians live the lives of evil they created by their crucifixion of an innocent messenger they refuse to this day to realize in its true form the prescribed religion they have abandoned.
You even talk of God as a sky being,
'Our father who art in heaven...'

Wrong. Atheists are usually wrong. Where was heaven where Adam and Eve lived? Earth. The Bible states we will live on a new Earth.

Thus, the sky fairy you talk of refers to Satan and you and many atheists do not know because Satan wants to hide. His first trick was to make people forget about him and yet due to his rebellious nature make them talk about him constantly without them even knowing about it.

ETA: Maybe the upward direction and downward direction refers to the rapture where the believers are taken up into the sky to meet with Jesus as he returns while the non-believers stay on Earth to experience a terrifying hell (metaphor).

However, you want to be like God and not believe in Jesus. There are believers who do not believe in Jesus.
Muslims and Jews, right.

Not just them, but Christian Scientists, Jehovah's Witness, Darwinists, atheists, agnostics, and probably more. God said Satan put a false teacher in the church.
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He who believes in NOTHING will believe in ANYTHING.

just to note a remarkable twist of logic in so few words ... christians really are a refined product, over centuries of mindless acts of irrationality.
what do you have to offer other than your forged, deceitful christian bible because anyone that believes emulating the Almighty is a sin only proves their complicity in using the events of the 1st century to perpetuate the injustice of its conclusion for their own selfish interests.

rather than righting the wrongs of the 4th century christians live the lives of evil they created by their crucifixion of an innocent messenger they refuse to this day to realize in its true form the prescribed religion they have abandoned.

We are flesh and blood. This means that we will die. No flesh and blood will enter heaven.
there is no god-- plain and simple

Who are you going to try to make believe that? Yourself or other posters?
I don't have to make anyone believe it
..no one can prove there is a god--so there is not one
..and I don't have to prove there isn't one--that's super ridiculous

It's pretty important to you to badger those who do believe. Otherwise, you'd skip the thread. So, really, who do you expect to convince there is no God? Yourself or the posters?
..this is a discussion forum--is it not!!!!!!!?????? I can say the same thing about every thread on USMB--so your point is bullshit ..I can say the same thing about you posting in every thread and your replies to me must be badgering me ----hahahhahaha
...pointing out the facts is badgering???!!!?? hahhahahahahhahaah =sounds like you are afraid of the truth
AND---that's no proof of god--is it??--my point and facts still stand--you have no proof

I'm not afraid of the truth; you are. I would fight to the death for your Right to express your opinions. The over-riding question is, you only want to badger and belittle those that are believers. It was a bit of an irony how satire got us in this pissing match.

I grew up as a non-believer. I used to write letters to the editor of our newspaper challenging many misconceptions (just as you have) until I met people who were real archaeologists, geologists, and students of the Bible. And, even though they were much more intelligent than me, I didn't always believe what they did - nor did they agree.

WHEN you say what you do, I realize that you've never really approached creationism from a scientific perspective. So, I leave links that do just that. I have differences of opinion from even some scientists, and maybe because all the questions haven't been answered, but in all reality I can state, as a fact of evidence, there is as much evidence in support of creation (from a scientific viewpoint) than the mindless notion that something comes from nothing.

Evidence for Evolution - Something was created from nothing
Evidence for Creation - God

I'm not afraid of the truth; you are. I would fight to the death for your Right to express your opinions. The over-riding question is, you only want to badger and belittle those that are believers.

the metaphysical ...

evidence for creation is not the christian bible, nothing so corrupt should be made a consideration than by those that work against the miracles of life for purely pedestrian motivations. science is their achilles heel.
what do you have to offer other than your forged, deceitful christian bible because anyone that believes emulating the Almighty is a sin only proves their complicity in using the events of the 1st century to perpetuate the injustice of its conclusion for their own selfish interests.

rather than righting the wrongs of the 4th century christians live the lives of evil they created by their crucifixion of an innocent messenger they refuse to this day to realize in its true form the prescribed religion they have abandoned.

We are flesh and blood. This means that we will die. No flesh and blood will enter heaven.
We are flesh and blood. This means that we will die. No flesh and blood will enter heaven.

physiology is not native to planet earth, and disappears when its spiritual content is removed - be careful what you say, bond that is if you want a new one because morethanlikely that is made from a workshop in the Everlasting and they may not like your ridiculing their work. - they may make you into a toad ... if you're lucky.
what do you have to offer other than your forged, deceitful christian bible because anyone that believes emulating the Almighty is a sin only proves their complicity in using the events of the 1st century to perpetuate the injustice of its conclusion for their own selfish interests.

rather than righting the wrongs of the 4th century christians live the lives of evil they created by their crucifixion of an innocent messenger they refuse to this day to realize in its true form the prescribed religion they have abandoned.

We are flesh and blood. This means that we will die. No flesh and blood will enter heaven.
We are flesh and blood. This means that we will die. No flesh and blood will enter heaven.

physiology is not native to planet earth, and disappears when its spiritual content is removed - be careful what you say, bond that is if you want a new one because morethanlikely that is made from a workshop in the Everlasting and they may not like your ridiculing their work. - they may make you into a toad ... if you're lucky.

That's what I just said, but twisted my words just for you to rebel against the Bible once more and strut around acting like God. You are just an evil no goodnik with a black heart full of lies and deceit. .
what do you have to offer other than your forged, deceitful christian bible because anyone that believes emulating the Almighty is a sin only proves their complicity in using the events of the 1st century to perpetuate the injustice of its conclusion for their own selfish interests.

rather than righting the wrongs of the 4th century christians live the lives of evil they created by their crucifixion of an innocent messenger they refuse to this day to realize in its true form the prescribed religion they have abandoned.

We are flesh and blood. This means that we will die. No flesh and blood will enter heaven.
We are flesh and blood. This means that we will die. No flesh and blood will enter heaven.

physiology is not native to planet earth, and disappears when its spiritual content is removed - be careful what you say, bond that is if you want a new one because morethanlikely that is made from a workshop in the Everlasting and they may not like your ridiculing their work. - they may make you into a toad ... if you're lucky.

That's what I just said, but twisted my words just for you to rebel against the Bible once more and strut around acting like God. You are just an evil no goodnik with a black heart full of lies and deceit. .
That's what I just said, but twisted my words just for you to rebel against the Bible once more and strut around acting like God. You are just an evil no goodnik with a black heart full of lies and deceit. .

We are flesh and blood. This means that we will die. No flesh and blood will enter heaven.

"strut around acting like God"...

you're a joke, every post you write is your claiming your christian bible is the word of the Almighty - the spoken religion of antiquity has no written content - you are the one that represents what you wrote above and twist it to accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of - just like turning the truth into falsehoods such as evolution, convincing yourself what you say is the truth ...
Who are you going to try to make believe that? Yourself or other posters?
I don't have to make anyone believe it
..no one can prove there is a god--so there is not one
..and I don't have to prove there isn't one--that's super ridiculous

It's pretty important to you to badger those who do believe. Otherwise, you'd skip the thread. So, really, who do you expect to convince there is no God? Yourself or the posters?
..this is a discussion forum--is it not!!!!!!!?????? I can say the same thing about every thread on USMB--so your point is bullshit ..I can say the same thing about you posting in every thread and your replies to me must be badgering me ----hahahhahaha
...pointing out the facts is badgering???!!!?? hahhahahahahhahaah =sounds like you are afraid of the truth
AND---that's no proof of god--is it??--my point and facts still stand--you have no proof

I'm not afraid of the truth; you are. I would fight to the death for your Right to express your opinions. The over-riding question is, you only want to badger and belittle those that are believers. It was a bit of an irony how satire got us in this pissing match.

I grew up as a non-believer. I used to write letters to the editor of our newspaper challenging many misconceptions (just as you have) until I met people who were real archaeologists, geologists, and students of the Bible. And, even though they were much more intelligent than me, I didn't always believe what they did - nor did they agree.

WHEN you say what you do, I realize that you've never really approached creationism from a scientific perspective. So, I leave links that do just that. I have differences of opinion from even some scientists, and maybe because all the questions haven't been answered, but in all reality I can state, as a fact of evidence, there is as much evidence in support of creation (from a scientific viewpoint) than the mindless notion that something comes from nothing.

Evidence for Evolution - Something was created from nothing
Evidence for Creation - God

I'm not afraid of the truth; you are. I would fight to the death for your Right to express your opinions. The over-riding question is, you only want to badger and belittle those that are believers.

the metaphysical ...

evidence for creation is not the christian bible, nothing so corrupt should be made a consideration than by those that work against the miracles of life for purely pedestrian motivations. science is their achilles heel.

I am NOTFOOLEDBYU. See what I did there? You can blow smoke for another century, but you don't have a leg to stand on. Sockpuppets that have no real support and cannot address the evidence presented.
If there is a freak between us, you see him in the mirror each morning.
Says the freak that would fail a 6th grade science quiz, because he thinks a magical sky daddy tells him the scientists are all wrong...

The best you can do are childish insults and NO factual refutation of the evidence offered.
The best you can do are childish insults and NO factual refutation of the evidence offered
--you have offered no evidence either--which makes you a hypocrite
AND there is nothing to refute--you have proved nothing

You are lying and YOU are the hypocrite. Here is the evidence. It HAS been provided many times here and on other threads. Now refute it:

that is not proof of god ..there is no proof of creation or god --none at all
there is as much evidence in support of creation (from a scientific viewpoint) than the mindless notion that something comes from nothing.
If something cannot come from nothing, from where did the creator come?
You say you believe god is objective truth. That is a subjective opinion. True?
Don't water your time. He long ago realized he tripped himself up, and people who think they are armed with absolute truth don't admit errors.

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