God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

God opens our eyes on an individual basis.... so no amount of debating or arguments or anything like that will bring a person to God, it is God who gives us faith and revelation.
I know you really mean - 'In my finite little mind, based on my tiny sliver of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, I personally believe it is God who gave me faith and revelation.'

You proved me correct when I said what the response would be. And you also ignored the main point, my words or arguments are not going to bring you to belief, YOU have to go through it yourself. Of course you're going to say it was not God who opened my eyes and gave me faith, that's to be expected. But that's besides the point. People come to faith on an individual basis, by the grace of God. But if you're completely closed off to it, then it's probably not going to happen. Or if you remain prideful and stubborn, you are only shooting yourself in the foot, as those qualities are blinding.
but when you really think about the topic of objective truth, it makes sense that it's one of the definitions of God, the source of everything.
There is no evidence YWHW is the source of everything. I'm of the opinion objective truth requires more than assertion.
Of course you're going to say it was not God who opened my eyes and gave me faith, that's to be expected. But that's besides the point.
I know you really meant to say - 'In my finite little mind, based on my tiny sliver of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, I personally believe it is God who gave me faith and revelation.' Which is, of course, a subjective truth.
God came to earth born in a manger as God's son
While part of the Trinity.

Thus the start of the Trinity
Ah. The Trinity has not always existed? Now that's interesting. So, prior to the Trinity the entity was a Duality? Further, the Trinity did not exist until the resurrection?
Of course you're going to say it was not God who opened my eyes and gave me faith, that's to be expected. But that's besides the point.
I know you really meant to say - 'In my finite little mind, based on my tiny sliver of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, I personally believe it is God who gave me faith and revelation.' Which is, of course, a subjective truth.

lol. That "barrier" that I spoke of earlier is far thicker than I thought it was. You continually miss the point, while confirming what I keep saying. OF COURSE you're not going to believe God gave me faith and revelation, I don't expect you to believe that. And I'm not trying to prove that to you. That is not even the point.

I'm beginning to see this is a waste of time. In fact, I didn't even plan to get into a back and forth discussion here, because as some of us have been saying, hard-hearted atheists don't listen and are far too closed off to bother going back and forth with. With that level of spiritual hard-heartedness, it is pointless and a waste of time.
Thus the start of the Trinity
Ah. The Trinity has not always existed? Now that's interesting. So, prior to the Trinity the entity was a Duality? Further, the Trinity did not exist until the resurrection?
How could the Trinity always be when Christ was born later to be the one final sacrifice for all
OF COURSE you're not going to believe God gave me faith and revelation, I don't expect you to believe that.
The point I'm trying to emphasise is that YOU and only YOU believe it. Why you expect anyone else to believe it is beyond me. It must be an article of faith.
How could the Trinity always be when Christ was born later to be the one final sacrifice for all
I hadn't realised. So the nature of YHWH changed from duality to a trinity at the incarnation of Jesus?

But what gets me is why the changed entity YHWH sacrificed himself to himself. That's a doozy.
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This is interesting. Do the gospels record Jesus expanding on the changed nature of YHWH?
Why you expect anyone else to believe it is beyond me.

Can you not read??? Or are you trolling? I just finished saying I don't expect you to believe it. And I'm not trying to convince you of that. I've said that at least 3 times.

My gosh, you are basically proving my point without even realizing it. lololol

I'm seriously not sure if you are trolling, or dense, at the moment. But you keep missing the point entirely, and focusing on one thing I said, that I clearly stated I don't expect you to believe.
How could the Trinity always be when Christ was born later to be the one final sacrifice for all
I hadn't realised. So the nature of YHWH changed from duality to a trinity at the incarnation of Jesus?

But what gets me is why the changed entity YHWH sacrificed himself to himself. That's a doozy.
Where do you get Duality when he was known as The Great I Am
This is interesting. Do the gospels record Jesus expanding on the changed nature of YHWH?
There was no change. this was in the works before Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden
I just finished saying I don't expect you to believe it. And I'm not trying to convince you of that. I've said that at least 3 times.
Yet you expect it to be taken as objective truth, while emphasising it is a subjective truth.
Where do you get Duality when he was known as The Great I Am
Well, if the Trinity occurred sometime around the creation of Jesus, as he is only a third of the parties there must have been two other parties already.
Yet you expect it to be taken as objective truth, while emphasising it is a subjective truth.

Believe what? Be clear. I clearly stated, over and over, that I don't expect you to believe that God gave me faith and revelation.

Again, that was not even the point. Either you are not reading my posts, or you have some strange inability to grasp the point I've been making.
Holy Spirit in the New Testament
Prior Jewish theology held that the Spirit is merely the divine presence of God himself,[27] whereas orthodox Christian theology holds that the Holy Spirit is a distinct person of God himself. This development begins early in the New Testament, as the Spirit of God receives much more emphasis and description comparably than it had in earlier Jewish writing. Whereas there are 75 references to the Spirit within the Old Testament and 35 identified in the non-biblical Dead Sea Scrolls, the New Testament, despite its significantly shorter length, mentions the Spirit 275 times. In addition to its larger emphasis and importance placed on the Spirit in the New Testament, the Spirit is also described in much more personalized and individualized terms than earlier.
Trinity - Wikipedia
Believe what?
That your belief is objective.
but when you really think about the topic of objective truth, it makes sense that it's one of the definitions of God, the source of everything.
Whereas, really -
In my finite little mind, based on my tiny sliver of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, I personally believe it is God who gave me faith and revelation.'

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