God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

People of faith do not believe in your fairy in the sky. We haven't one.
'Our father, who art in heaven....'

heaven noun 1 the place believed to be the abode of God, angels and the righteous after death. 2 (usually the heavens) the sky. 3 a place or the state of great happiness or bliss.....

fairy noun (fairies) 1 mythol any of various supernatural beings with magical powers, generally of diminutive and graceful human form, common in folklore....
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Evolution is theory. There is as much evidence FOR creationism as there is for any other theory.
Hahaha...oh man...

That's a nervous laugh there my man. You didn't have the courage to check out the link proving the point. Somebody else will check it out and then you will REALLY be nervous.
Sorry freak, go peddle your silly voodoo somewhere else.

If there is a freak between us, you see him in the mirror each morning.

Proof of creation science.....

That is like saying that there is proof of "Thor Science"
Okay this thread- which started with an idiotic attack on atheists has devolved into the discussion which all too often it does- which is when people of faith try to convince others that their faith is based upon something other than their faith.

I don't want to argue about your faith. i really don't even want to argue about creation science idiocy- because that is just a fringe Christian cult trying to wrap itself up in the mantle of science.

So I will leave you all to whatever beliefs you have.

And then in a few days or a couple weeks, the OP will start another thread attacking me for not believing in his fairy in the sky. And I will respond again.

Because once again- I don't start threads attacking people of faith for their faith. I do respond to attacks on me.
That's the way it should be. God has said as much.
I'm not sure whether you get the irony of claiming that what people have said is YHWH's word is proof of YWHW.

On consideration, I'm sure you don't.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

Because their followers aren't trying to impose theocracy on us like the followers of Jesus/Yahweh.

View attachment 307635

It's not theocracy but moral values and science. Christians do not care if you do not believe in Jesus or believe in no God of Abraham, god, or gods. We do care if you abort babies even though legal, promote same-sex marriage as normal lifestyle which includes bisexuality and transgender, and teach Theory of Evolution, evolutionary thinking and history as the only "science" that can be taught in public schools; there is creation science.

Your beliefs on the matters that you mentioned are highly sectarian, yet your use of the generic term "Christian" implies that these beliefs are universal among all those of the Christian faith. Moreover, you seek to impose these beliefs on our entire society, including people of all faiths, including Christians, atheists, and agnostics. You clearly seek to impose a theocracy run by the leaders of your sect.

That's the way it should be. God has said as much.

Yours is human based.

god doesn't exist

that which doesn't exist can NOT be used as evidence that it DOES exist.

I know this is true because my 6 foot rabbit, Harvey, told me.
If you’re going to quote me, don’t cut it off midsentence, that is dishonest. What I said is absolutely true. Christians throughout history have not changed. Again, you were not speaking about Christians, you were referring to mere RELIGION, or certain corrupt churches, or corrupt individuals who use religion for political purposes. Based on all your posts, its obvious you don’t understand Christianity or faith. And I don’t expect you to understand, because you’re a hard-hearted, hard-core, angry, bitter atheist. But don’t speak about things you don’t understand.

Those calling themselves Christians have absolutely changed throughout history. That is just a fact. Christians can't even agree on the definition of who is a Christian because so many of you exclude anyone who you disagree with from who you consider to be Christians.
Religion / certain churches have changed over time, yes. That is not what I was talking about. Like FFI, you are conflating two entirely different things.

No- I didn't mention religion. I mentioned people who consider themselves Christians. And they have changegod over time.

So you're saying you were alive hundreds of years ago, as well as thousands of years ago, and you personally knew people who called themselves Christian? Because that's the only way your comment would make any sense. Or are you being disingenuous, and speaking in a general way about people or events you've read negative things about, or actions by specific churches, like the Catholic church? If it's the latter (which it has to be, unless you are omniscient or a time traveller) then my point stands.

LOL- right back atcha
So you're saying you were alive hundreds of years ago, as well as thousands of years ago, and you personally knew people who called themselves Christian? Because that's the only way your comment would make any sense.

By the standard you say you expect of me- there is no way you can say that Christians throughout history have not changed. I guess its just a matter of faith for you that Christians have all believed in Jesus and God exactly like you do today throughout history.
Hebrews 13:8
8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever
Evolution is theory. There is as much evidence FOR creationism as there is for any other theory.
Hahaha...oh man...

That's a nervous laugh there my man. You didn't have the courage to check out the link proving the point. Somebody else will check it out and then you will REALLY be nervous.
Sorry freak, go peddle your silly voodoo somewhere else.

If there is a freak between us, you see him in the mirror each morning.

Proof of creation science.....

That is like saying that there is proof of "Thor Science"

Did you bother to hear the man out?
Hahaha...oh man...

That's a nervous laugh there my man. You didn't have the courage to check out the link proving the point. Somebody else will check it out and then you will REALLY be nervous.
Sorry freak, go peddle your silly voodoo somewhere else.

If there is a freak between us, you see him in the mirror each morning.

Proof of creation science.....

That is like saying that there is proof of "Thor Science"

Did you bother to hear the man out?

Hardened heart closes off the ability to listen
When your own that death bed you take that last breath it's too late. You'll be he'll bound forever. And no one else done it to you. You can only blame yourself because you chose that all on your own
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That's the way it should be. God has said as much.
I'm not sure whether you get the irony of claiming that what people have said is YHWH's word is proof of YWHW.

On consideration, I'm sure you don't.

I already have the evidence while your atheist scientists have nothing but natural selection. Otherwise, let the creation scientists in on peer reviews again and science can move forward.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

Because their followers aren't trying to impose theocracy on us like the followers of Jesus/Yahweh.

View attachment 307635

It's not theocracy but moral values and science. Christians do not care if you do not believe in Jesus or believe in no God of Abraham, god, or gods. We do care if you abort babies even though legal, promote same-sex marriage as normal lifestyle which includes bisexuality and transgender, and teach Theory of Evolution, evolutionary thinking and history as the only "science" that can be taught in public schools; there is creation science.

Your beliefs on the matters that you mentioned are highly sectarian, yet your use of the generic term "Christian" implies that these beliefs are universal among all those of the Christian faith. Moreover, you seek to impose these beliefs on our entire society, including people of all faiths, including Christians, atheists, and agnostics. You clearly seek to impose a theocracy run by the leaders of your sect.

That's the way it should be. God has said as much.

Yours is human based.

god doesn't exist

that which doesn't exist can NOT be used as evidence that it DOES exist.

I know this is true because my 6 foot rabbit, Harvey, told me.

:auiqs.jpg:. Not only do you have no evidence, you have no valid argument. All you got are assertions :asshole:.
god doesn't exist

Self-defeating statement. To definitively claim "god does not exist" requires omniscience and omnipresence (there is more than one dimension, and more to life than just this world) so you would have to be God to truthfully state that, which would then make the statement untrue.

What you should say (if you care about truth and logic) is: "In my finite little mind, based on my tiny sliver of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, I personally do not believe God exists."

But of course you wouldn't say that, because you appear to be the type of atheist who thinks he knows everything, similar to how a teenager thinks he knows all about the world, only to discover later how laughably wrong he was.
That's the way it should be. God has said as much.
I'm not sure whether you get the irony of claiming that what people have said is YHWH's word is proof of YWHW.

On consideration, I'm sure you don't.
I already have the evidence while your atheist scientists have nothing but natural selection. Otherwise, let the creation scientists in on peer reviews again and science can move forward.
See? You don't get the irony of taking the purported words of a sky fairy as evidence of the sky fairy's existence.
What you should say (if you care about truth and logic) is: "In my finite little mind, based on my tiny sliver of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, I personally do not believe God exists."
So too should you say - 'In my finite little mind, based on my tiny sliver of knowledge in comparison to all there is to know, I personally believe God exists.'

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