God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

With the way some people calling themselves Christians present Christianity and what they think are Christian beliefs, even though the majority off it doesn't appear to have anything to actually do with Jesus, it's no wonder that it is difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is satire.

This current obsession with who believes what, or doesn't, is ridiculous, as is the obsession with slapping the name "Christian" all over everything. These kooks won't be happy until the next Super Bowl is played at Jesus Field.
If everyone acted like a Christian, we all would not be living like this. Christianity is to degree. The real question is, would the world be a true authoritarian shit house without it?
And again:

This entire thread is based upon an attack on atheists- this entire thread starts with a post that is not respectful to any atheist.

Can you point to me where you lectured the OP for his 'lack of respect'?

Or are you of the belief that every non-believer must be respectful of every believer- but that believers are under no obligation to be respectful to those who don't agree with them?

Because that sure seems to be what you are saying.

I realize that you aimed that at a specific poster, but I recently had a thread hijacked and derailed by a poster, not allowing Christians to have their own beliefs. Despite the fact that literally NOBODY (that's almost a pun) backed him up, he continued to be disrespectful.

On another board I posted on, atheists dominated the make-up. They challenged Christians on a host of topics. EVERY time I respectfully disagreed and explained where they had gotten the story wrong, they attacked me at a personal level. My experience is that the atheist will be the first to attack and attempt to impugn a person's character so I don't think that going after the atheists is disrespectful. It should be expected. A wise person about to get into a fight should never let the other guy throw the first punch unless he's nearly invincible and an excellent counter puncher.

So when did I attack you for expressing your faith? Oh wait- are you going to throw a punch at me because I am an atheist and you are scared that I might at some point attack you for your faith?

Look- there are assholes who are atheists and there are assholes who call themselves Christians. The OP happens to be the later. Again- this thread is specifically another in a long string of attacks by the OP on atheists.

If I lived my life like you are saying you live yours- I would be starting thread after thread attacking all Christians- because of the actions of a few. I don't do that.

By the way- you throw the first punch every time you think you are threatened- you are going to end up in jail. Just saying.
By the way- you throw the first punch every time you think you are threatened- you are going to end up in jail. Just saying.

they fixed that, stand your ground -


their hero ... zimmerman. a man of the cloth. morals from a barrel.

Wrong again. Haha. George Zimmerman was a liberal and Democrat.

'Media coverage of the George Zimmerman shooting of Trayvon Martin has been skewed for months by wild charges of racism against George. NBC News infamously edited tape of Zimmerman to make it appear that he thought Martin was suspicious thanks to his race; CNN reported that Zimmerman had used a racial slur during his 911 call. That thematic stretched all the way to the White House, with President Obama suggesting that Zimmerman was acting out of racism, since as Obama put it, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

The truth is far different. Not only was Zimmerman not a racist – he had a black business partner, has Afro-Peruvian roots, and helped out underprivileged black kids in his neighborhood – he also was a supporter of the very president who would later slander him by innuendo. As Robert, George’s brother, told me, George is “a registered Democrat. He registered as a Hispanic. He kind of did some internal family campaigning for Obama.”

George supported Obama, Robert explained, because “He was like many young people who thought that the president’s club had been a club of white men since our founding, and that there really wasn’t a good reason for that, except that the right man for the job who happened to be black had not come along, and that electing a man who happened to be biracial or multiracial like we were, would reflect not just a situation that we found ourselves in ethnically in our family, but the reality of where America had come, which is that we are a melting pot of cultures and we are a diverse society.

“Ironically,” Robert added, “the man who he campaigned for within his family was the same man seemingly indicting him in a way from the Rose Garden years later.”'

Zimmerman Brother: George Supported Obama, Wanted to End 'Club of White Men'
The truth is far different.

do you live in florida bond - prior aggravated assault was determined not by who started the altercation but who inflicted the most harm, was deemed the guilty party - yours and rockwells flourishment is the opposite - reward the aggressor - that is your hero be who it may.

If that had made any sense, I might be offended. Given your inability to create an effective alter ego without exposing who you really are, I'll just chalk that unwarranted attack up to your stupidity.
With the way some people calling themselves Christians present Christianity and what they think are Christian beliefs, even though the majority off it doesn't appear to have anything to actually do with Jesus, it's no wonder that it is difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is satire.

This current obsession with who believes what, or doesn't, is ridiculous, as is the obsession with slapping the name "Christian" all over everything. These kooks won't be happy until the next Super Bowl is played at Jesus Field.
If everyone acted like a Christian, we all would not be living like this. Christianity is to degree. The real question is, would the world be a true authoritarian shit house without it?

Putting aside the concerns of non-Christians for a moment, the problem is that there is no definition of what acting "like a Christian" means. People are all over the map about it. People all over the world manage to create true, authoritarian shit houses regardless of faith, and many are based on religious fanaticism.

The history of medieval and early-modern Europe is full of this phenomenon, with Christians screaming "heretic!" at each other and killing everyone who disagreed with their position, and destroying churches. They had a fine time in places like England, Germany, and France, even barbecuing Joan of Arc. The European Christians who came to the "New World" brought this fanaticism with them. They had no problems whipping, banishing, and even hanging other Christians for disagreeing.
It's not theocracy but moral values and science. Christians do not care if you do not believe in Jesus or believe in no God of Abraham, god, or gods. We do care if you abort babies even though legal, promote same-sex marriage as normal lifestyle which includes bisexuality and transgender, and teach Theory of Evolution, evolutionary thinking and history as the only "science" that can be taught in public schools; there is creation science.

Okay, all of those are religious dogma.

There's no such thing as "Creation Science". Evolution is proven science. A woman listening to a talking snake is mythology. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

Sexuality is sexuality. The only argument you guys have against Same Sex Marriage is "I think it's icky because my imaginary friend in the sky says so!"

Abortion- same thing. You want to impose your religious view that kidney-beaned sized fetuses are people on the rest of us.

Evolution is theory. There is as much evidence FOR creationism as there is for any other theory.

Insofar as a snake, you are like the rest of the know it all atheists that really don't understand the Bible. The real story was about a serpent and that serpent is identified in the Bible in Revelation 12: 9 as an example. Turns out it was NOT a snake.

When you're drawing your Socialist Security check - IF it exists when you reach that age, try convincing yourself that God was stupid to admonish us to be fruitful and multiply. That is heterosexual relationships. Without a self perpetuating society, they cycle of life could not exist.

Abortion - Your existence makes a good case in favor of it. I'm still opposed, but sometimes living abortions do challenge my beliefs.
Putting aside the concerns of non-Christians for a moment, the problem is that there is no definition of what acting "like a Christian" means
A greater issue is Christianity is a Way. We do not expect babies, toddlers, and teens to act like adult humans. Each person has to through each phase of growth. The same is true of Christians. We do not magically pop up as pure Christian. Not only do we grapple with becoming Christian, we grapple with applying Christianity to what life is currently presenting us with. It takes time and experience to correctly apply Christianity to each issue that crops up. For example, does this issue call for shining light for all to see, or is it calling for not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing. Is it calling for obedience or courage to stand alone.
I realize that you aimed that at a specific poster, but I recently had a thread hijacked and derailed by a poster, not allowing Christians to have their own beliefs. Despite the fact that literally NOBODY (that's almost a pun) backed him up, he continued to be disrespectful.

On another board I posted on, atheists dominated the make-up. They challenged Christians on a host of topics. EVERY time I respectfully disagreed and explained where they had gotten the story wrong, they attacked me at a personal level. My experience is that the atheist will be the first to attack and attempt to impugn a person's character so I don't think that going after the atheists is disrespectful. It should be expected. A wise person about to get into a fight should never let the other guy throw the first punch unless he's nearly invincible and an excellent counter puncher.

So when did I attack you for expressing your faith? Oh wait- are you going to throw a punch at me because I am an atheist and you are scared that I might at some point attack you for your faith?

Look- there are assholes who are atheists and there are assholes who call themselves Christians. The OP happens to be the later. Again- this thread is specifically another in a long string of attacks by the OP on atheists.

If I lived my life like you are saying you live yours- I would be starting thread after thread attacking all Christians- because of the actions of a few. I don't do that.

By the way- you throw the first punch every time you think you are threatened- you are going to end up in jail. Just saying.
By the way- you throw the first punch every time you think you are threatened- you are going to end up in jail. Just saying.

they fixed that, stand your ground -


their hero ... zimmerman. a man of the cloth. morals from a barrel.

Wrong again. Haha. George Zimmerman was a liberal and Democrat.

'Media coverage of the George Zimmerman shooting of Trayvon Martin has been skewed for months by wild charges of racism against George. NBC News infamously edited tape of Zimmerman to make it appear that he thought Martin was suspicious thanks to his race; CNN reported that Zimmerman had used a racial slur during his 911 call. That thematic stretched all the way to the White House, with President Obama suggesting that Zimmerman was acting out of racism, since as Obama put it, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

The truth is far different. Not only was Zimmerman not a racist – he had a black business partner, has Afro-Peruvian roots, and helped out underprivileged black kids in his neighborhood – he also was a supporter of the very president who would later slander him by innuendo. As Robert, George’s brother, told me, George is “a registered Democrat. He registered as a Hispanic. He kind of did some internal family campaigning for Obama.”

George supported Obama, Robert explained, because “He was like many young people who thought that the president’s club had been a club of white men since our founding, and that there really wasn’t a good reason for that, except that the right man for the job who happened to be black had not come along, and that electing a man who happened to be biracial or multiracial like we were, would reflect not just a situation that we found ourselves in ethnically in our family, but the reality of where America had come, which is that we are a melting pot of cultures and we are a diverse society.

“Ironically,” Robert added, “the man who he campaigned for within his family was the same man seemingly indicting him in a way from the Rose Garden years later.”'

Zimmerman Brother: George Supported Obama, Wanted to End 'Club of White Men'
The truth is far different.

do you live in florida bond - prior aggravated assault was determined not by who started the altercation but who inflicted the most harm, was deemed the guilty party - yours and rockwells flourishment is the opposite - reward the aggressor - that is your hero be who it may.

If that had made any sense, I might be offended. Given your inability to create an effective alter ego without exposing who you really are, I'll just chalk that unwarranted attack up to your stupidity.
- prior aggravated assault was determined not by who started the altercation but who inflicted the most harm, was deemed the guilty party - yours and rockwells flourishment is the opposite - reward the aggressor - that is your hero be who it may.

If that had made any sense, I might be offended. Given your inability to create an effective alter ego without exposing who you really are, I'll just chalk that unwarranted attack up to your stupidity.

are you a floridian -

since you have a conflicting binary mind maybe the highlight in the paragraph will help you rockwell -


lets try this, who in the above caption is the guilty party ... even if she did call you an asshole.
A greater issue is Christianity is a Way. We do not expect babies, toddlers, and teens to act like adult humans. Each person has to through each phase of growth.
That's true period. Religion, or a god is immaterial.

we grapple with applying Christianity to what life is currently presenting us with.
Why do you grapple? Can't you see the difference between right and wrong? I can. Harming another, except in self defense, or taking what doesn't belong to you is wrong, it doesn't matter the excuse. Excuse is an attempt, often as not lame, to justify.

Is it calling for obedience or courage to stand alone.
Obedience to whom? To what? For what purpose? There is strength in numbers which is what obedience offers. Numbers bolsters courage - they also offer vaildation of opinion.

Religion requires too much faith and offers a reward not really obtainable and has conflicting rules as how one achieves/arrives at the unobtainable. And near as I can tell, God, doesn't offer any clear path except through faith which is clear as mud.

Do I "hate God" because I don't believe it exists? No. Because I don't hate period.

Why do people have to have others to validate their opinions (regardless of the subject)? Why can't people be content, or happy, with knowing they did the best they could on their own? The reward is right in front of you. Being Happy. It comes from within, outside stimuli won't get it for you. It's not easy, but it is simple- no complicated rules or faith required- just make the determination to work as hard at being happy as you do at being good at your job. Don't let unhappy be a part of your make-up. If you aren't happy nothing can fix it or change it until you decide to be.
Can't you see the difference between right and wrong? I can.
Shakespeare pointed out in one of his plays...Nothing is good or bad (right or wrong) it is thinking that makes it so. Christianity has a higher aim than right or wrong or defining good and bad...and that aim and ideal is love. What is the most loving thing to do, and, what is the ideal? For example, people can mistake enabling for love, but enabling is not the ideal. People can debate all day over whether abortion is right or wrong, but things can get pretty quiet when what is the most loving action to take, what is the ideal action?

The first Commandments deal with love of God; then they move on to love of neighbor. Jesus tried to simplify these even further--don't wait until the sinful act...cut out the sinful thought and words before they reach that act. James added that we need to work at the level of overcoming (sinful) desires.

Paul noted that anything that is done without love is like the clashing of symbols. (We see this even in right and wrong with holier than thou attitudes with any current political correctness going on.)
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Religion requires too much faith and offers a reward not really obtainable and has conflicting rules as how one achieves/arrives at the unobtainable. And near as I can tell, God, doesn't offer any clear path except through faith which is clear as mud.
The only faith religion requires is that one have faith that love works. Love leads to the Spirit of love.
Do I "hate God" because I don't believe it exists? No. Because I don't hate period.
Keep in mind that contempt and dismissal are forms of hate by other names. Indifference may be the greatest form of hate there is.
Why do people have to have others to validate their opinions (regardless of the subject)? Why can't people be content, or happy, with knowing they did the best they could on their own? The reward is right in front of you. Being Happy. It comes from within, outside stimuli won't get it for you. It's not easy, but it is simple- no complicated rules or faith required- just make the determination to work as hard at being happy as you do at being good at your job. Don't let unhappy be a part of your make-up. If you aren't happy nothing can fix it or change it until you decide to be.
What if one could do even better with God? Some people want that for themselves. It brings joy, something even greater than mere happiness.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

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Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him
Who cares? He’s no one
it is simple- no complicated rules or faith required- just make the determination to work as hard at being happy as you do at being good at your job.
Keep in mind by me explaining to you the thought process of people of faith (or at least a great many of us), it is not an attempt to change your mind about God; it is only to offer a better understanding than you may have of people of faith.
Christians have not changed.
Yeah, I'm, you're delusional. How can you say such moronic things with a straight face? Of course Christians have changed over history. Just as everyone else has.

You are embarrassing yourself, now.
If you’re going to quote me, don’t cut it off midsentence, that is dishonest. What I said is absolutely true. Christians throughout history have not changed. Again, you were not speaking about Christians, you were referring to mere RELIGION, or certain corrupt churches, or corrupt individuals who use religion for political purposes. Based on all your posts, its obvious you don’t understand Christianity or faith. And I don’t expect you to understand, because you’re a hard-hearted, hard-core, angry, bitter atheist. But don’t speak about things you don’t understand.

That's what all the victims of the Nazis expected before Hitler came to power.. When you're in a concentration camp, the ONLY laws you hold close are the ones "not written by man"... This secular humanism you're stuck on is FRAIL and arrogant...

In contrast, people of faith LIVE humility and acknowledge the weaknesses of human judgement.. THey have the discipline to get the whole family up and dressed every Sunday to turn off the devices and be inspired... That DISCIPLINE and HUMILITY is the attraction to faith...

What kind of exercises does a secular humanist do to install a bit of humility and discipline????

I imagine it's EXACTLY LIKE the fictional guy in this satirical OP piece that DREAMS day and night about vanquishing god... And that's sad to be obsessed with religious convictions to the point of derangement and hallucinations...

So when you speak of 'people of faith' that is just code for Christians- or perhaps a particular brand of Christian- but not Jews or Muslims.

I don't quite know why you think that only a church going Christian can have discipline- hell until my kid went off to college, I had the discipline to get the whole family up, dressed, fed and too school 5 days a week- not just one day a week. Now I only have to have the discipline to get up, get dressed and go to work 5 or 6 days a week to support my family.

I am not sure exactly what kind of 'humility' it is to brag about how disciplined and humble you are. The only time I mention my 'humbleness' is ironically.

With the way some people calling themselves Christians present Christianity and what they think are Christian beliefs, even though the majority off it doesn't appear to have anything to actually do with Jesus, it's no wonder that it is difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is satire.

This current obsession with who believes what, or doesn't, is ridiculous, as is the obsession with slapping the name "Christian" all over everything. These kooks won't be happy until the next Super Bowl is played at Jesus Field.
If everyone acted like a Christian, we all would not be living like this. Christianity is to degree. The real question is, would the world be a true authoritarian shit house without it?
Both Rome and Greece had Democracies before they had Christianity. There is no denying the influence of Christianity on Western society- but at the same time there is no way to know how Western society would have developed without it.

That said- some of what Jesus said was truly revolutionary and mind blowing.

I am always astonished at the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus telling his followers that loving your neighbors is not enough- that you must take the harder road and love your enemies.

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