God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him
I am not sure who you are whining about. Most atheists I know just do not give a shit about the idea of God.

Bull freaking crap. Every time I start a post about religion, the atheists try their best to hijack and derail it. They have a fit if believers talk about it.

I've just hi-jacked this thread!

If you want it back leave a zillion dollars in a bag near the bridge by the river!

or you will never see this thread again!
I see the COWARD hasn't returned to DEFEND his moronic rant...
Hating what you don't even think exists is insanity.
If that is directed at me you've not been paying attention- I don't hate. Period. (except cold weather) I detest a lot of things. Detest is an intellectual reasoning. Hate is an emotion. A negative emotion I might add. I work at not doing negative emotion.
I also work at being happy. It ain't easy, but, practice makes perfect and nothing worth having is ever easy.

If I ever direct anything at you personally, I would never be shy about it. Although the article was satire, there are people that do waste an inordinate amount of time arguing against something they don't believe in. That is irrational even when others are using as satire.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him
I am not sure who you are whining about. Most atheists I know just do not give a shit about the idea of God.

Bull freaking crap. Every time I start a post about religion, the atheists try their best to hijack and derail it. They have a fit if believers talk about it.

I've just hi-jacked this thread!

If you want it back leave a zillion dollars in a bag near the bridge by the river!

or you will never see this thread again!

I left you two zillion on that overpass at>>>>>>>>>>>>> malfunction
I find it amusing that you think that my using names that various religions use for their god to be slurs.

This entire thread is based upon an attack on atheists- this entire thread starts with a post that is not respectful to any atheist.

Can you point to me where you lectured the OP for his 'lack of respect'?

Or are you of the belief that every none believer must be respectful of every believer- but that believers are under no obligation to be respectful to those who don't agree with them?
I am saying that when someone is speaking of God (a holy ground for many people, especially in a Religion Forum) act appropriately. For example, I have been in places where we have been asked to stay off of holy ground, and everyone did so, because that is the respectful way to act.

From the day I was born, my family has included atheists. They were always respectful of believers and of God, and those of us believers have been equally respectful of them and their lack of belief.

It is not too much to ask, so every so often, I ask it, especially if I think the people I am asking it of might at least consider the point.

And again:

This entire thread is based upon an attack on atheists- this entire thread starts with a post that is not respectful to any atheist.

Can you point to me where you lectured the OP for his 'lack of respect'?

Or are you of the belief that every non-believer must be respectful of every believer- but that believers are under no obligation to be respectful to those who don't agree with them?

Because that sure seems to be what you are saying.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

Because their followers aren't trying to impose theocracy on us like the followers of Jesus/Yahweh.

View attachment 307635

It's not theocracy but moral values and science. Christians do not care if you do not believe in Jesus or believe in no God of Abraham, god, or gods. We do care if you abort babies even though legal, promote same-sex marriage as normal lifestyle which includes bisexuality and transgender, and teach Theory of Evolution, evolutionary thinking and history as the only "science" that can be taught in public schools; there is creation science.

Two points:
a) This OP does care whether I believe in Jesus- it is the entire point of his post.
b) Creation science is not science.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him
A new atheist is like a new born again. We can’t help spread the good news. It’s holding us back. It’s one of the ways “they” control us. It’s a scam.

I mean look at the preacher who said god protected the USA from the corona virus because trump president. Get real
I find it amusing that you think that my using names that various religions use for their god to be slurs.

This entire thread is based upon an attack on atheists- this entire thread starts with a post that is not respectful to any atheist.

Can you point to me where you lectured the OP for his 'lack of respect'?

Or are you of the belief that every none believer must be respectful of every believer- but that believers are under no obligation to be respectful to those who don't agree with them?
I am saying that when someone is speaking of God (a holy ground for many people, especially in a Religion Forum) act appropriately. For example, I have been in places where we have been asked to stay off of holy ground, and everyone did so, because that is the respectful way to act.

From the day I was born, my family has included atheists. They were always respectful of believers and of God, and those of us believers have been equally respectful of them and their lack of belief.

It is not too much to ask, so every so often, I ask it, especially if I think the people I am asking it of might at least consider the point.

And again:

This entire thread is based upon an attack on atheists- this entire thread starts with a post that is not respectful to any atheist.

Can you point to me where you lectured the OP for his 'lack of respect'?

Or are you of the belief that every non-believer must be respectful of every believer- but that believers are under no obligation to be respectful to those who don't agree with them?

Because that sure seems to be what you are saying.

I realize that you aimed that at a specific poster, but I recently had a thread hijacked and derailed by a poster, not allowing Christians to have their own beliefs. Despite the fact that literally NOBODY (that's almost a pun) backed him up, he continued to be disrespectful.

On another board I posted on, atheists dominated the make-up. They challenged Christians on a host of topics. EVERY time I respectfully disagreed and explained where they had gotten the story wrong, they attacked me at a personal level. My experience is that the atheist will be the first to attack and attempt to impugn a person's character so I don't think that going after the atheists is disrespectful. It should be expected. A wise person about to get into a fight should never let the other guy throw the first punch unless he's nearly invincible and an excellent counter puncher.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

Because their followers aren't trying to impose theocracy on us like the followers of Jesus/Yahweh.

View attachment 307635

It's not theocracy but moral values and science. Christians do not care if you do not believe in Jesus or believe in no God of Abraham, god, or gods. We do care if you abort babies even though legal, promote same-sex marriage as normal lifestyle which includes bisexuality and transgender, and teach Theory of Evolution, evolutionary thinking and history as the only "science" that can be taught in public schools; there is creation science.

Two points:
a) This OP does care whether I believe in Jesus- it is the entire point of his post.
b) Creation science is not science.

The theory of evolution is a refuted theory.
The source is the Babylon Bee, which describes itself as satire. This isn't a real thing.
What is The Babylon Bee?
The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.

The Babylon Bee was created ex nihilo on the eighth day of the creation week, exactly 6,000 years ago. We have been the premier news source through every major world event, from the Tower of Babel and the Exodus to the Reformation and the War of 1812. We focus on just the facts, leaving spin and bias to other news sites like CNN and Fox News.

If you would like to complain about something on our site, take it up with God.

Unlike other satire sites, everything we post is 100% verified by Snopes.com.

The Babylon Bee | Your Trusted Source For Christian News Satire.


Hope you're not overweight.
I post something real from the actual website and you post a meme? What does that have to do with anything? I didn't deny God, just the "source" of the OP. I'd say "hope you're not stupid", but that seems to be a lost cause.

The meme is satire of atheists to contradict your website. Or does it support your website? That said, isn't what the OP posted ridiculing the atheists, but there's some truth to it, as well? If I was an atheist, then I wouldn't care what the Christians said, but they're in power now aren't they? It's like I didn't care what atheists said until Obama was in office 2x. The atheists have their own satire sites, much more than the Christians or is it x-tians comrade? It includes your website -- Atheist Websites Directory.
I find it amusing that you think that my using names that various religions use for their god to be slurs.

This entire thread is based upon an attack on atheists- this entire thread starts with a post that is not respectful to any atheist.

Can you point to me where you lectured the OP for his 'lack of respect'?

Or are you of the belief that every none believer must be respectful of every believer- but that believers are under no obligation to be respectful to those who don't agree with them?
I am saying that when someone is speaking of God (a holy ground for many people, especially in a Religion Forum) act appropriately. For example, I have been in places where we have been asked to stay off of holy ground, and everyone did so, because that is the respectful way to act.

From the day I was born, my family has included atheists. They were always respectful of believers and of God, and those of us believers have been equally respectful of them and their lack of belief.

It is not too much to ask, so every so often, I ask it, especially if I think the people I am asking it of might at least consider the point.

And again:

This entire thread is based upon an attack on atheists- this entire thread starts with a post that is not respectful to any atheist.

Can you point to me where you lectured the OP for his 'lack of respect'?

Or are you of the belief that every non-believer must be respectful of every believer- but that believers are under no obligation to be respectful to those who don't agree with them?

Because that sure seems to be what you are saying.

I realize that you aimed that at a specific poster, but I recently had a thread hijacked and derailed by a poster, not allowing Christians to have their own beliefs. Despite the fact that literally NOBODY (that's almost a pun) backed him up, he continued to be disrespectful.

On another board I posted on, atheists dominated the make-up. They challenged Christians on a host of topics. EVERY time I respectfully disagreed and explained where they had gotten the story wrong, they attacked me at a personal level. My experience is that the atheist will be the first to attack and attempt to impugn a person's character so I don't think that going after the atheists is disrespectful. It should be expected. A wise person about to get into a fight should never let the other guy throw the first punch unless he's nearly invincible and an excellent counter puncher.

So when did I attack you for expressing your faith? Oh wait- are you going to throw a punch at me because I am an atheist and you are scared that I might at some point attack you for your faith?

Look- there are assholes who are atheists and there are assholes who call themselves Christians. The OP happens to be the later. Again- this thread is specifically another in a long string of attacks by the OP on atheists.

If I lived my life like you are saying you live yours- I would be starting thread after thread attacking all Christians- because of the actions of a few. I don't do that.

By the way- you throw the first punch every time you think you are threatened- you are going to end up in jail. Just saying.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

Because their followers aren't trying to impose theocracy on us like the followers of Jesus/Yahweh.

View attachment 307635

It's not theocracy but moral values and science. Christians do not care if you do not believe in Jesus or believe in no God of Abraham, god, or gods. We do care if you abort babies even though legal, promote same-sex marriage as normal lifestyle which includes bisexuality and transgender, and teach Theory of Evolution, evolutionary thinking and history as the only "science" that can be taught in public schools; there is creation science.

Two points:
a) This OP does care whether I believe in Jesus- it is the entire point of his post.
b) Creation science is not science.

The theory of evolution is a refuted theory.

Oh a great topic for another thread. I probably won't join in because frankly I don't think that the evolution opponents are really open to scientific debate.
I find it amusing that you think that my using names that various religions use for their god to be slurs.

This entire thread is based upon an attack on atheists- this entire thread starts with a post that is not respectful to any atheist.

Can you point to me where you lectured the OP for his 'lack of respect'?

Or are you of the belief that every none believer must be respectful of every believer- but that believers are under no obligation to be respectful to those who don't agree with them?
I am saying that when someone is speaking of God (a holy ground for many people, especially in a Religion Forum) act appropriately. For example, I have been in places where we have been asked to stay off of holy ground, and everyone did so, because that is the respectful way to act.

From the day I was born, my family has included atheists. They were always respectful of believers and of God, and those of us believers have been equally respectful of them and their lack of belief.

It is not too much to ask, so every so often, I ask it, especially if I think the people I am asking it of might at least consider the point.

And again:

This entire thread is based upon an attack on atheists- this entire thread starts with a post that is not respectful to any atheist.

Can you point to me where you lectured the OP for his 'lack of respect'?

Or are you of the belief that every non-believer must be respectful of every believer- but that believers are under no obligation to be respectful to those who don't agree with them?

Because that sure seems to be what you are saying.

I realize that you aimed that at a specific poster, but I recently had a thread hijacked and derailed by a poster, not allowing Christians to have their own beliefs. Despite the fact that literally NOBODY (that's almost a pun) backed him up, he continued to be disrespectful.

On another board I posted on, atheists dominated the make-up. They challenged Christians on a host of topics. EVERY time I respectfully disagreed and explained where they had gotten the story wrong, they attacked me at a personal level. My experience is that the atheist will be the first to attack and attempt to impugn a person's character so I don't think that going after the atheists is disrespectful. It should be expected. A wise person about to get into a fight should never let the other guy throw the first punch unless he's nearly invincible and an excellent counter puncher.

So when did I attack you for expressing your faith? Oh wait- are you going to throw a punch at me because I am an atheist and you are scared that I might at some point attack you for your faith?

Look- there are assholes who are atheists and there are assholes who call themselves Christians. The OP happens to be the later. Again- this thread is specifically another in a long string of attacks by the OP on atheists.

If I lived my life like you are saying you live yours- I would be starting thread after thread attacking all Christians- because of the actions of a few. I don't do that.

By the way- you throw the first punch every time you think you are threatened- you are going to end up in jail. Just saying.
By the way- you throw the first punch every time you think you are threatened- you are going to end up in jail. Just saying.

they fixed that, stand your ground -


their hero ... zimmerman. a man of the cloth. morals from a barrel.
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him
Well you've already lost but God still loves you
Satire and not satire.

Nobody spends time attacking the existence of Zeus, Buddha, Allah, or any of the thousand Hindu gods.

View attachment 307423

Anyone with a brain knows that ‘god’ doesn’t exist. Science proves it. Pure reason and logic prove it. Neil Degrasse Tyson even said so on the Cosmos reboot.

And that’s why I have devoted my life to one purpose and one purpose only: absolutely destroying him.

Though he isn’t real, he consumes my every waking moment. My every breath is given to this one great cause. I eat, work, play, and live for the noble aim, to end this imaginary god’s made-up existence.

Even when I go to sleep, I dream of standing over this imaginary god and raising a fist of triumph, secure in the knowledge that I have vanquished a god who does not exist.

Some atheists and agnostics are content to simply go about their lives, respecting others’ beliefs, even if they disagree with them. But not I. No, sir. I cannot stay silent while others believe in a god of man’s own invention.

God, if you’re out there somewhere (and I know you’re not), sleep with one eye open—I’m coming for you.

Opinion: God Does Not Exist, And I Hate Him So Much That I Will Devote My Entire Life To Destroying Him

He who would place himself in front of a fast moving railway car will be crushed and would be just as foolish as you who are opposing the gospel. If the gospel is true, remember that truth is mighty and must prevail. Who are you to attempt to stand against it? You will be crushed. But let me tell you, when the railway car runs over you the wheel will not be raised even an inch by your size. For what are you? A tiny gnat, a creeping worm, which that wheel will crush to less than nothing and not leave you even a name as having ever been an opponent of the gospel. Let all the infidels in the world know assuredly that the Gospel will win its way, whatever they may do. Poor creatures…their efforts to oppose the gospel are not even worthy of our notice. And we need not fear that they can stop the truth. They are like a gnat who thinks he can quench the sun. Go tiny insect and do it if you can. You will only burn your wings and die. Likewise there may be a fly who thinks it could drink the ocean dry. Drink the ocean if you can, o fly. More likely you will sink in it and it will drink you.”​

Charles Spurgeon 1856.

People have been predicting the end of Christianity for a thousand years. They said Christianity would disappear in 1856, and they say it's going to end today.

We're still here... we're not going away.... too bad.

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